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Inactivation is an inherent property of most voltage-gated K+ channels. While fast N-type inactivation has been analyzed in biophysical and structural details, the mechanisms underlying slow inactivation are yet poorly understood. Here, we characterized a slow inactivation mechanism in various KCNQ1 pore mutants, including L273F, which hinders entry of external Ba2+ to its deep site in the pore and traps it by slowing its egress. Kinetic studies, molecular modeling, and dynamics simulations suggest that this slow inactivation involves conformational changes that converge to the outer carbonyl ring of the selectivity filter, where the backbone becomes less flexible. This mechanism involves acceleration of inactivation kinetics and enhancement of Ba2+ trapping at elevated external K+ concentrations. Hence, KCNQ1 slow inactivation considerably differs from C-type inactivation where vacation of K+ from the filter was invoked. We suggest that trapping of K+ at s1 due to filter rigidity and hindrance of the dehydration-resolvation transition underlie the slow inactivation of KCNQ1 pore mutants.  相似文献   
During the past several decades, corals worldwide have been affected by severe bleaching events leading to wide‐spread coral mortality triggered by global warming. The symbiotic Red Sea coral Stylophora pistillata from the Gulf of Eilat is considered an opportunistic ‘r’ strategist. It can thrive in relatively unstable environments and is considered a stress‐tolerant species. Here, we used a S. pistillata custom microarray to examine gene expression patterns and cellular pathways during short‐term (13‐day) heat stress. The results allowed us to identify a two‐step reaction to heat stress, which intensified significantly as the temperature was raised to a 32 °C threshold, beyond which, coping strategies failed at 34 °C. We identified potential ‘early warning genes’ and ‘severe heat‐related genes’. Our findings suggest that during short‐term heat stress, S. pistillata may divert cellular energy into mechanisms such as the ER‐unfolded protein response (UPR) and ER‐associated degradation (ERAD) at the expense of growth and biomineralization processes in an effort to survive and subsequently recover from the stress. We suggest a mechanistic theory for the heat stress responses that may explain the success of some species which can thrive under a wider range of temperatures relative to others.  相似文献   


Identifying gaps in care for people with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is important to clinicians, public health officials, and federal agencies. The objective of this study was to systematically review the literature to provide estimates of the proportion of chronic HCV-infected persons in the United States (U.S.) completing each step along a proposed HCV treatment cascade: (1) infected with chronic HCV; (2) diagnosed and aware of their infection; (3) with access to outpatient care; (4) HCV RNA confirmed; (5) liver fibrosis staged by biopsy; (6) prescribed HCV treatment; and (7) achieved sustained virologic response (SVR).


We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews for articles published between January 2003 and July 2013. Two reviewers independently identified articles addressing each step in the cascade. Studies were excluded if they focused on specific populations, did not present original data, involved only a single site, were conducted outside of the U.S., or only included data collected prior to 2000.


9,581 articles were identified, 117 were retrieved for full text review, and 10 were included. Overall, 3.5 million people were estimated to have chronic HCV in the U.S. Fifty percent (95% CI 43–57%) were diagnosed and aware of their infection, 43% (CI 40–47%) had access to outpatient care, 27% (CI 27–28%) had HCV RNA confirmed, 17% (CI 16–17%) underwent liver fibrosis staging, 16% (CI 15–16%) were prescribed treatment, and 9% (CI 9–10%) achieved SVR.


Continued efforts are needed to improve HCV care in the U.S. The proposed HCV treatment cascade provides a framework for evaluating the delivery of HCV care over time and within subgroups, and will be useful in monitoring the impact of new screening efforts and advances in antiviral therapy.  相似文献   
Why some social systems form groups composed of kin, while others do not, has gone largely untreated in the literature. Using an individual-based simulation model, we explore the demographic consequences of making kinship a criterion in group formation. We find that systems where social groups consist of one-generation breeding associations may face a serious trade-off between degree of altruism and group size that is largely mediated by their kin composition. On the one hand, restricting groups to close kin allows the evolution of highly altruistic behaviors but may limit group size to suboptimal levels, the more severely so the smaller the intrinsic fecundity of the species and the stricter the kin admission rule. Group size requirements, on the other hand, can be met by admitting nonkin into groups, but not without limiting the degree of altruism that can evolve. As a solution to this conundrum, we show that if helping roles within groups are assigned through a lottery rather than being genetically determined, maximum degrees of altruism can evolve in groups of nonrelatives of any size. Such a "lottery" mechanism may explain reproductive and helping patterns in organisms as varied as the cellular slime molds, pleometrotic ants, and Galapagos hawks.  相似文献   
The pore properties and the reciprocal interactions between permeant ions and the gating of KCNQ channels are poorly understood. Here we used external barium to investigate the permeation characteristics of homomeric KCNQ1 channels. We assessed the Ba(2+) binding kinetics and the concentration and voltage dependence of Ba(2+) steady-state block. Our results indicate that extracellular Ba(2+) exerts a series of complex effects, including a voltage-dependent pore blockade as well as unique gating alterations. External barium interacts with the permeation pathway of KCNQ1 at two discrete and nonsequential sites. (a) A slow deep Ba(2+) site that occludes the channel pore and could be simulated by a model of voltage-dependent block. (b) A fast superficial Ba(2+) site that barely contributes to channel block and mostly affects channel gating by shifting rightward the voltage dependence of activation, slowing activation, speeding up deactivation kinetics, and inhibiting channel inactivation. A model of voltage-dependent block cannot predict the complex impact of Ba(2+) on channel gating in low external K(+) solutions. Ba(2+) binding to this superficial site likely modifies the gating transitions states of KCNQ1. Both sites appear to reside in the permeation pathway as high external K(+) attenuates Ba(2+) inhibition of channel conductance and abolishes its impact on channel gating. Our data suggest that despite the high degree of homology of the pore region among the various K(+) channels, KCNQ1 channels display significant structural and functional uniqueness.  相似文献   
Voltage‐gated K+ channels co‐assemble with auxiliary β subunits to form macromolecular complexes. In heart, assembly of Kv7.1 pore‐forming subunits with KCNE1 β subunits generates the repolarizing K+ current IKS. However, the detailed nature of their interface remains unknown. Mutations in either Kv7.1 or KCNE1 produce the life‐threatening long or short QT syndromes. Here, we studied the interactions and voltage‐dependent motions of IKS channel intracellular domains, using fluorescence resonance energy transfer combined with voltage‐clamp recording and in vitro binding of purified proteins. The results indicate that the KCNE1 distal C‐terminus interacts with the coiled‐coil helix C of the Kv7.1 tetramerization domain. This association is important for IKS channel assembly rules as underscored by Kv7.1 current inhibition produced by a dominant‐negative C‐terminal domain. On channel opening, the C‐termini of Kv7.1 and KCNE1 come close together. Co‐expression of Kv7.1 with the KCNE1 long QT mutant D76N abolished the K+ currents and gated motions. Thus, during channel gating KCNE1 is not static. Instead, the C‐termini of both subunits experience molecular motions, which are disrupted by the D76N causing disease mutation.  相似文献   
An investigation of the terminal anaerobic processes occurring in polluted intertidal sediments indicated that terminal carbon flow was mainly mediated by sulfate-reducing organisms in sediments with high sulfate concentrations (>10 mM in the interstitial water) exposed to low loadings of nutrient (equivalent to <102 kg of N · day−1) and biochemical oxygen demand (<0.7 × 103 kg · day−1) in effluents from different pollution sources. However, in sediments exposed to high loadings of nutrient (>102 kg of N · day−1) and biochemical oxygen demand (>0.7 × 103 kg · day−1), methanogenesis was the major process in the mediation of terminal carbon flow, and sulfate concentrations were low (≤2 mM). The respiratory index [14CO2/(14CO2 + 14CH4)] for [2-14C]acetate catabolism, a measure of terminal carbon flow, was ≥0.96 for sediment with high sulfate, but in sediments with sulfate as little as 10 μM in the interstitial water, respiratory index values of ≤0.22 were obtained. In the latter sediment, methane production rates as high as 3 μmol · g−1 (dry weight) · h−1 were obtained, and there was a potential for active sulfate reduction.  相似文献   
An investigation of carbon and electron flow in mud and sandflat intertidal sediments showed that the terminal electron acceptor was principally sulfate and that the carbon flow was mainly to CO2. Studies with thin layers of sediment exposed to H2 showed that methane production accounted for virtually none of the H2 utilized, whereas sulfate reduction accounted for a major proportion of the gas uptake. At all sampling sites except one (site B7), rates of methanogenesis were low but sulfate concentrations in the interstitial water were high (>18 mM). At site B7, the sulfate concentrations declined with depth from 32 mM at 2 cm to <1 mM at 10 cm or below, and active methanogenesis occurred in the low-sulfate zone. Sulfate-reducing activity at this site initially decreased and then increased with depth so that elevated rates occurred in both the active and nonactive methanogenic zones. The respiratory index (RI) [RI = 14CO2/(14CO2 + 14CH4)] for [2-14C]acetate catabolism at site B7 ranged from 0.98 to 0.2 in the depth range of 2 to 14 cm. Addition of sulfate to sediment from the low-sulfate zone resulted in an increase in RI and a decrease in methanogenesis. At all other sites examined, RI ranged from 0.97 to 0.99 and was constant with depth. The results suggested that although methanogenesis was inhibited by sulfate (presumably through the activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria), it was not always limited by sulfate reduction.  相似文献   
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