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This study measured the effects of replacing corn silage and vetch hay by soy hulls in total mixed rations (TMRs) fed to 25 pairs of cows through 90 d in milk, on dry matter (DM) intake, in vivo digestibility, milk yield and composition, onset of normal estrous activity, body condition score (BCS), health and the energy balance of lactating cows. The partitioning of metabolizable energy (ME) intake between heat production (HP) and retained energy (RE) in milk and body change of each cow was measured. The two TMRs differed in the content of forage and forage aNDFom [235 g/kg versus 350 g/kg; and 128 g/kg versus 187 g/kg DM, in the experimental (EXP) and control (CON) diets, respectively]. This was reflected by an increase in voluntary DM intake by 7.2% (P=0.02) in the EXP group as compared with the CON. In vivo DM and aNDFom digestibility were 4.9% (P=0.03) and 22.7% higher (P=0.01), respectively, in the EXP group than in the CON. The higher DM intake and digestibility of the EXP TMR were reflected by a concomitant increase of 7.4% in milk yield and 10.8% in RE (P=0.01) of the EXP cows as compared with the CON. The two dietary groups expressed similar somatic cell counts, and metabolic disorders (i.e., ketosis and/or lameness), as well as pedometer activity (steps/h) suggesting similar udder health, behavior and animal welfare. A trend to an earlier return to normal ovarian activity occurred in the EXP cows as reflected by fewer days to 1st ovulation and advanced outset of estrous cycle. Despite the higher RE of the EXP cows, the HP of both groups was maintained at an upper level of 141–136 MJ/cow/d during the 90 d of the experiment.  相似文献   
Inactivation is an inherent property of most voltage-gated K+ channels. While fast N-type inactivation has been analyzed in biophysical and structural details, the mechanisms underlying slow inactivation are yet poorly understood. Here, we characterized a slow inactivation mechanism in various KCNQ1 pore mutants, including L273F, which hinders entry of external Ba2+ to its deep site in the pore and traps it by slowing its egress. Kinetic studies, molecular modeling, and dynamics simulations suggest that this slow inactivation involves conformational changes that converge to the outer carbonyl ring of the selectivity filter, where the backbone becomes less flexible. This mechanism involves acceleration of inactivation kinetics and enhancement of Ba2+ trapping at elevated external K+ concentrations. Hence, KCNQ1 slow inactivation considerably differs from C-type inactivation where vacation of K+ from the filter was invoked. We suggest that trapping of K+ at s1 due to filter rigidity and hindrance of the dehydration-resolvation transition underlie the slow inactivation of KCNQ1 pore mutants.  相似文献   
The following experiments investigated the use of sheep serum (SS) as a capacitating agent for red deer (Cervus elaphus) sperm during in vitro fertilisation. Red deer oocytes were collected at slaughter and matured in vitro for 24h in TCM-199 supplemented with 10% foetal calf serum, 10 microg ml(-1) FSH and LH, and 1microg ml(-1) of oestradiol. Fertilisation medium was IVF-SOF modified to contain 5mM Ca(2+) and no glucose. Experiment 1 investigated the addition of heparin, BSA (8 mg ml(-1)) or 20% SS. All oocytes were penetrated when IVF-SOF was supplemented with SS compared to 10 and 0% penetration when either heparin or BSA was present (P<0.01). However, 43.8% of these oocytes were polyspermic when the medium contained SS. In Experiment 2, the effect of sperm concentration on penetration rates during in vitro fertilisation was investigated. Total sperm penetration and monospermic penetration rates increased with increased sperm concentrations in a log linear manner (P<0.001) and both approached an asymptote at 0.4 x 10(6) sperm ml(-1) with 93.6 and 77% for total and monospermic penetration, respectively. Polyspermic fertilisation also increased with increasing sperm concentrations (P<0.05) but was variable (range 3.5+/-4.2 to 42.3+/-10.6%), especially at the lower sperm concentrations. Experiment 3 investigated the viability of these oocytes after transfer into red deer recipients. Fifteen 2- and 4-cell embryos were transferred into the oviducts of synchronized recipients 28 h post in vitro insemination. An additional fourteen embryos (8-10 cell) were transferred into synchronised recipients after 48 h of in vitro culture in either SOFaaBSA (n=10) or on red deer epithelial oviduct monolayers (n=4). Five (33% 5/15) of the recipients that received 2- and 4-cell embryos were pregnant at Day 45 (verified by ultrasonography) and four recipients subsequently calved. One recipient receiving an embryo cultured in SOFaaBSA was pregnant at Day 45 and subsequently calved. The birth of five normal calves indicate that full developmental competence of red deer oocytes matured and fertilised in vitro can be achieved by the techniques described.  相似文献   

Blood plasma from three populations of feral goats (Capra hircus L.) and from five domestic breeds was analysed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The albumin locus was monomorphic in all samples. The macroglobulin locus was variable but lacked resolution on the gel. The transferrin (Tf) locus was polymorphic. The only two Tf alleles observed (Tf A and Tf B) did not vary from those described by other authors. Gene frequencies of the two Tf alleles showed that one feral population could be distinguished from the other two. Gene frequencies of domestic breeds were variable and showed no definitive pattern. Domestic breed type could not be recognised in the feral populations on the basis of transferrin analysis alone.  相似文献   
Two potential mechanisms in detection of a 60-Hz electric field by albino rats were examined: field-induced movement of the vibrissae and field-induced vibration of the skin. Specifically, the experiment tested field detection in a moving stream of air designed to mask field-induced movement of the skin, fur, and vibrissae. Rats were trained to detect electric fields and were then tested at field intensities from 0–25 kV/m rms. As previously reported, rats demonstrate unmistakable behavioral evidence of field detection at all intensities above 7.5 kV/m. After establishing detection in still air, field detection was re-examined in moving air (average air velocity approximately 2.8–6.8 m/s). The primary result is that the wind produced no change in detection at field intensities above threshold (> 7.5 kV/m). Indeed, at these intensities detection was virtually identical in still and moving air. A secondary finding is that moving air produced statistically significant (P < .05) but apparently contradictory effects on detection when the field intensity was below threshold. On no-field trials the wind lowered scores (i.e., fewer presses on the field-off lever); however, on subthreshold field trials, the wind actually increased detection scores (i.e., more presses on the field-on lever). While this no-field and subthreshold field result is interesting and deserves further study, we place primary emphasis on the finding that, if the field was detectable in still air, it was also detectable in moving air. This result leads us to believe that movement of the vibrissae, fur, or skin is not likely to be the main mechanism of electric-field detection in our subjects. © 1993 Wiley-Liss. Inc.  相似文献   
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