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First combined cladistic analysis of marsupial mammal interrelationships   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We combine osteological, dental, and soft tissue data with sequences from three nuclear and five mitochondrial genes, sampling all major living clades of marsupials plus several extinct taxa, to perform a simultaneous analysis of marsupial interrelationships. These data were analyzed using direct optimization and sensitivity analysis on a parallel supercomputing cluster, and compared with trees produced with conventional parsimony and likelihood algorithms using a static alignment. A major issue in marsupial phylogeny is the relationships among australidelphians. Optimal analyses using direct optimization and those based on the static alignment support the basal positions of peramelians (bandicoots) and Dromiciops ('monito del monte') within Australidelphia, and in all but one case these analyses support a monophyletic Eometatheria, a group consisting of all australidelphians excluding peramelians. Dromiciops is basal within Eometatheria in analyses that maximize congruence across partitions, including the equally weighted parameter set. The topologies resulting from direct optimization under all parameter sets show some differences, but all show a high degree of resolution. Direct optimization supports high-level clades supported by analyses of partitioned molecular (e.g., Notoryctes as sister group of Dasyuromorphia) and morphological (e.g., Diprotodontia) data.  相似文献   
The hyphal walls of three mycobionts, isolated from the lichens Xanthoria parietina, Tornabenia intricata and Sarcogyne sp. were investigated by two techniques: microautoradiography of fungal colonies exposed to radioactive carbohydrate precursors; and binding, in vivo, of fluorescein conjugated lectins to hyphal walls of such colonies.N-[3H] acetylglucosamine was readily incorporated into tips, young hyphal walls and septa of the three mycobionts and the free-living fungus Trichoderma viride, but not into Phytophthora citrophthora, indicating that chitin is a major component of the mycobionts' hyphal walls. All three mycobionts, but neither of the free-living fungi, incorporated [3H] mannose and [3H] mannitol into their hyphal walls.Fluorescein-conjugated wheat germ agglutinin was bound to the hyphal walls of the three mycobionts and T. viride, but not to the walls of P. citrophthora; the binding pattern was similar to the grain pattern obtained in autoradiographs after short N-[3H] acetylglucosamine labelling. As wheat germ agglutinin binds specifically to chitin oligomers, the lectin binding tests further confirmed that chitin is a mycobiont hyphal wall component.Binding characteristics of several fluorescein-conjugated lectins to the three mycobionts indicated that this technique can yield useful information concerning the chemical composition of hyphal wall surfaces.List of abbreviations FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - WGA wheat germ agglutinin - TCA trichloroacetic acid - PNA peanut agglutinin - LA lotus agglutinin - Glc NAc N-acetylglucosamine - ConA concanavalin A - SBA soybean agglutinin - WBA waxbean agglutinin Part of an M.Sc. thesis submitted by A. Braun to the Department of Botany, Tel Aviv University.  相似文献   
The claim of methane (CH4) formation in plants has caused much controversy and debate within the scientific community over the past 4 years. Here, using both stable isotope and concentration measurements, we demonstrate that CH4 formation occurs in plant cell cultures that were grown in the dark under sterile conditions. Under non‐stress conditions the plant cell cultures produced trace amounts [0.3–0.6 ng g?1 dry weight (DW) h?1] of CH4 but these could be increased by one to two orders of magnitude (up to 12 ng g?1 DW h?1) when sodium azide, a compound known to disrupt electron transport flow at the cytochrome c oxidase (complex IV) in plant mitochondria, was added to the cell cultures. The addition of other electron transport chain (ETC) inhibitors did not result in significant CH4 formation indicating that a site‐specific disturbance of the ETC at complex IV causes CH4 formation in plant cells. Our study is an important first step in providing more information on non‐microbial CH4 formation from living plants particularly under abiotic stress conditions that might affect the electron transport flow at the cytochrome c oxidase in plant mitochondria.  相似文献   
Postcopulatory sexual selection affects the evolution of numerous features ranging from mating behavior to seminal fluid toxicity to the size of gametes. In an earlier study of the effect of sperm competition risk on sperm size evolution, experimental populations of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans were maintained either by outcrossing (sperm competition present) or by selfing (no sperm competition), and after 60 generations, significantly larger sperm had evolved in the outcrossing populations. To determine the effects of this selection on population genetic variation, we assessed genetic diversity in a large number of loci using random amplification of polymorphic DNA-PCR. Nearly 80% of the alleles present in parental strain populations persisted in the 6 experimental populations after the 60 generations and, despite a 2.2-fold difference in expected heterozygosity, the resulting levels of genetic variation were equivalent between the outcrossing and selfing experimental populations. By inference, we conclude that genetic hitchhiking due to sexual selection in the experimental populations dramatically reduced genetic diversity. We use the levels of variation in the selfing populations as a control for the effects of drift, and estimate the strength of sexual selection to be strong in obligatorily outcrossing populations. Although sequential hermaphrodites like C. elegans probably experience little sexual selection in nature, these data suggest that sexual selection can profoundly affect diversity in outcrossing taxa.  相似文献   
Rapid antemortem tests to detect individuals with transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) would contribute to public health. We investigated a technique known as protein misfolding cyclic amplification (PMCA) to amplify abnormal prion protein (PrPTSE) from highly diluted variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD)-infected human and macaque brain homogenates, seeking to improve the rapid detection of PrPTSE in tissues and blood. Macaque vCJD PrPTSE did not amplify using normal macaque brain homogenate as substrate (intraspecies PMCA). Next, we tested interspecies PMCA with normal brain homogenate of the southern red-backed vole (RBV), a close relative of the bank vole, seeded with macaque vCJD PrPTSE. The RBV has a natural polymorphism at residue 170 of the PrP-encoding gene (N/N, S/S, and S/N). We investigated the effect of this polymorphism on amplification of human and macaque vCJD PrPTSE. Meadow vole brain (170N/N PrP genotype) was also included in the panel of substrates tested. Both humans and macaques have the same 170S/S PrP genotype. Macaque PrPTSE was best amplified with RBV 170S/S brain, although 170N/N and 170S/N were also competent substrates, while meadow vole brain was a poor substrate. In contrast, human PrPTSE demonstrated a striking narrow selectivity for PMCA substrate and was successfully amplified only with RBV 170S/S brain. These observations suggest that macaque PrPTSE was more permissive than human PrPTSE in selecting the competent RBV substrate. RBV 170S/S brain was used to assess the sensitivity of PMCA with PrPTSE from brains of humans and macaques with vCJD. PrPTSE signals were reproducibly detected by Western blot in dilutions through 10-12 of vCJD-infected 10% brain homogenates. This is the first report showing PrPTSE from vCJD-infected human and macaque brains efficiently amplified with RBV brain as the substrate. Based on our estimates, PMCA showed a sensitivity that might be sufficient to detect PrPTSE in vCJD-infected human and macaque blood.  相似文献   
Mass spectrometry is the predominant analytical tool used in the field of plant lipidomics. However, there are many challenges associated with the mass spectrometric detection and identification of lipids because of the highly complex nature of plant lipids. Studies into lipid biosynthetic pathways, gene functions in lipid metabolism, lipid changes during plant growth and development, and the holistic examination of the role of plant lipids in environmental stress responses are often hindered. Here, we leveraged a robust pipeline that we previously established to extract and analyze lipid profiles of different tissues and developmental stages from the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. We analyzed seven tissues at several different developmental stages and identified more than 200 lipids from each tissue analyzed. The data were used to create a web-accessible in silico lipid map that has been integrated into an electronic Fluorescent Pictograph (eFP) browser. This in silico library of Arabidopsis lipids allows the visualization and exploration of the distribution and changes of lipid levels across selected developmental stages. Furthermore, it provides information on the characteristic fragments of lipids and adducts observed in the mass spectrometer and their retention times, which can be used for lipid identification. The Arabidopsis tissue lipid map can be accessed at http://bar.utoronto.ca/efp_arabidopsis_lipid/cgi-bin/efpWeb.cgi .  相似文献   
Twenty-two tropical food legumes were grown in dilute nutrient solution with or without rhizobium inoculation and supplied with either low or adequate amounts of inorganic N. Growth of legumes supplied with adequate inorganic N was generally satisfactory. However, solution phosphorus (P) concentration (15μM) was excessive for black gram, while the initial solution manganese concentration (1.8μM) was excessive for green gram. Growth responses to inoculation with rhizobium at low inorganic N supply were obtained in only 9 of the 22 legumes studied, and shoot dry matter yields were ≤ 51% of those obtained with adequate N supply. Poor growth by inoculated plants with a low N supply was attributed to failure of the inoculated strain of Bradyrhizobium to infect roots (lima bean and Mexican yam bean), to low nodule numbers (green gram, black gram and navy bean), or to excessive uptake of P (black gram, adzuki bean, pigeonpea, winged bean and cowpea cv. Vita 4) and/or manganese (green gram and black gram). High solution temperatures may have limited N fixation by some of the legumes, particularly chickpea.  相似文献   
α-Amylase production was examined in the ruminal anaerobic fungus Neocallimastix frontalis. The enzyme was released mainly into the culture fluid and had temperature and pH optima of 55°C and 5.5, respectively, and the apparent Km for starch was 0.8 mg ml−1. The products of α-amylase action were mainly maltotriose, maltotetraose, and longer-chain oligosaccharides. No activity of the enzyme was observed towards these compounds or pullulan, but activity on amylose was similar to starch. Evidence for the endo action of α-amylase was also obtained from experiments which showed that the reduction in iodine-staining capacity and release in reducing power by action on amylose was similar to that for commercial α-amylase. Activities of α-amylase up to 4.4 U ml−1 (1 U represents 1 μmol of glucose equivalents released per min) were obtained for cultures grown on 2.5 mg of starch ml−1 in shaken cultures. No growth occurred in unshaken cultures. With elevated concentrations of starch (>2.5 mg ml−1), α-amylase production declined and glucose accumulated in the cultures. Addition of glucose to cultures grown on low levels of starch, in which little glucose accumulated, suppressed α-amylase production, and in bisubstrate growth studies, active production of the enzyme only occurred during growth on starch after glucose had been preferentially utilized. When cellulose, cellobiose, glucose, xylan, and xylose were tested as growth substrates for the production of α-amylase (initial concentration, 2.5 mg ml−1), they were found to be less effective than starch, but maltose was almost as effective. The fungal α-amylase was found to be stable at 60°C in the presence of low concentrations of starch (≤5%), suggesting that it may be suitable for industrial application.  相似文献   
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