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In some zones of Antarctica's cold and dry desert, the extinction of cryptoendolithic microorganisms leaves behind inorganic traces of microbial life. In this paper, we examine the transition from live microorganisms, through their decay, to microbial fossils using in situ microscopy (transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy in back-scattered electron mode) and microanalytical (energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy) techniques. Our results demonstrate that, after their death, endolithic microorganisms inhabiting Commonwealth Glacier sandstone from the Antarctica McMurdo Dry Valleys become mineralized. In some cases, epicellular deposition of minerals and/or simply filling up of empty moulds by minerals leads to the formation of cell-shaped structures that may be considered biomarkers. The continuous deposition of allochthonous clay minerals and sulfate-rich salts fills the sandstone pores. This process can give rise to microbial fossils with distinguishable cell wall structures. Often, fossilized cell interiors were of a different chemical composition to the mineralized cell walls. We propose that the microbial fossil formation observed was induced by mineral precipitation resulting from inorganic processes occurring after the death of cryptoendolithic microorganisms. Nevertheless, it must have been the organic template that provoked the diffusion of mineral elements and gave rise to their characteristic distribution pattern inside the fossilized cells.  相似文献   
The hyperarid core of the Atacama Desert represents one of the driest places on Earth with an exceptional occurrence of microbial life coping with extreme environmental stress factors. The gypsum crusts have already been found to harbor diverse communities in this area. Here, we present a Raman spectroscopic study, complemented by correlative microscopic imaging using SEM-BSE and fluorescence microscopy, of the endolithic microbial communities inside the Ca-sulphate crusts dominated by phototrophic microorganisms. Differences of pigment composition within different zones follow the cyanobacterial and algal colonization and also reveal the degradation of phycobiliproteins within the decayed biomass of cyanobacteria. Carotenoids of at least three different types were recognized, differing in dependence on the particular phylum of phototrophic microorganisms. Moreover, calcium oxalate monohydrate – whewellite – was found to be associated with the algae and hyphal associations living in the lower regions of the crust. The 785 nm excitation wavelength employed here was found to be the correct source for studying pigment composition as well as for the detection of the oxalate. A comparison of these results with those using 514.5 nm laser excitation which is widely adopted for the detection of carotenoids due to the resonance Raman effect is made and discussed.  相似文献   


Most patients with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) will face treatment with systemic therapy. Current clinical studies are demonstrating improvements in chemotherapy and overall survival. However, it remains unclear whether these results are translated into clinical practice.


We reviewed all stage IV NSCLC patients without second malignancies that were diagnosed from 2004 to 2006 at our institution. 493 consecutive patients were included into this retrospective analysis and were followed-up until end of 2011.


352 patients (71.4%) received systemic therapy for up to 7 lines. For most patients, adjustments of dosages or applications had to be made at some point of the treatment, but the total applied dose remained generally close to the intended dose. The best disease control (BDC) rate decreased with increasing therapy lines from 59.7% to about 35%. Patients with palliative local therapy but no systemic treatment demonstrated inferior survival (median 2.9 versus 8.7 months, p < 0.001). The median interval between last treatment and death was 50 days and 15 days for chemotherapy and anti-EGFR therapy, respectively. BDC to the previous therapy lines was predictive for improved BDC to third- but not second-line therapy. Performing multivariate analysis, BDC to previous therapy, never-/ former-smoking status, and age > 70 years were associated with improved survival performing third-line therapy.


Stage IV NSCLC patients may receive substantial systemic therapy resulting in response and median survival rates that are comparable to data from clinical studies. However, preselection factors are increasingly important to improve therapy outcome and life quality.  相似文献   
This study examines the microbial colonization of three fronts of an abandoned dolostone quarry (Redueña, Madrid, Spain) exposed to atmospheric conditions for different time periods since Roman times to the present. Through scanning electron microscopy in backscattered electron mode (SEM-BSE), endolithic colonization was predominantly detected in the most recently exposed front, while in the longer exposed quarry fronts, epilithic forms of growth were most often observed. These observations were confirmed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis. Based on the distribution pattern of microbial colonization in the different quarry fronts, we then established a sequence of colonization events that took place over this long time frame. Bioalteration processes related to this sequential colonization were also identified. Characterizing these sequential processes can be useful for interpreting biodeterioration processes in historic dolostone monuments, especially those affecting constructions in the area of the Redueña stone quarry. In a second experimental stage, different biocide treatments were tested on this quarry rock to find the best way to avoid the microbial colonization effects identified. Through combined SEM-BSE/DGGE analysis, the efficacy of several biocides against the microorganisms inhabiting the dolostones was assessed after 4 and 16 months treatment. In general, all treatments were effective at reducing around 80% of the lichen cover, although effects on endolithic lithobiontic communities were dependant on how well the rock surface had been mechanically cleaned prior to treatment and gradually disappeared over time.  相似文献   
Halite deposits from the hyperarid zone of the Atacama Desert reveal the presence of endolithic microbial colonization dominated by cyanobacteria associated with heterotrophic bacteria and archaea. Using the λ-scan confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) option, this study examines the autofluorescence emission spectra produced by single cyanobacterial cells found inside halite rocks and by their photosynthetic pigments. Photosynthetic pigments could be identified according to the shapes of the emission spectra and wavelengths of fluorescence peaks. According to their fluorescence fingerprints, three groups of cyanobacterial cells were identified within this natural extreme microhabitat: (i) cells producing a single fluorescence peak corresponding to the emission range of phycobiliproteins and chlorophyll a, (ii) cells producing two fluorescence peaks within the red and green signal ranges, and (iii) cells emitting only low-intensity fluorescence within the nonspecific green fluorescence signal range. Photosynthetic pigment fingerprints emerged as indicators of the preservation state or viability of the cells. These observations were supported by a cell plasma membrane integrity test based on Sytox Green DNA staining and by transmission electron microscopy ultrastructural observations of cyanobacterial cells.  相似文献   
The trefoil factor (TFF) family, which comprises TFF1, TFF2 and TFF3, plays an essential role in epithelial regeneration within the gastrointestinal tract. All three TFFs are present in human saliva; TFF3 is the predominant trefoil peptide. Little is known about the expression and tissue distribution of TFFs in rats, which are commonly used as a model system for human studies. We investigated the localization of the TFF genes that encode secretory peptides in rat submandibular glands (SMG). All three TFFs were expressed in rat SMG, although their location varied. Substantial amounts of TFF1 were detected only in the cytoplasm of epithelial cells in the SMG granular convoluted tubules (GCT), while TFF2 and TFF3 were widely distributed in the cytoplasm of epithelial cells of intercalated ducts (ID), striated ducts (SD) and interlobular ducts (ILD). The three TFFs also were detected especially in the lumens of the SD and ILD. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR and in situ hybridization experiments confirmed TFF1, TFF2 and TFF3 mRNA expressions in the SMG. Greater expression of TFF peptides and mRNA was observed in male rats than in females. The broad expression of TFFs in rat SMG cells and lumens suggests that TFFs function in this organ by their secretion into the duct lumens. We also found differences in TFF expression profiles between rat and human SMG; therefore, caution should be exercised when using rats as a model for human TFF studies.  相似文献   


To determine which changes in the host cell genome are crucial for cervical carcinogenesis, a longitudinal in vitro model system of HPV-transformed keratinocytes was profiled in a genome-wide manner. Four cell lines affected with either HPV16 or HPV18 were assayed at 8 sequential time points for gene expression (mRNA) and gene copy number (DNA) using high-resolution microarrays. Available methods for temporal differential expression analysis are not designed for integrative genomic studies.


Here, we present a method that allows for the identification of differential gene expression associated with DNA copy number changes over time. The temporal variation in gene expression is described by a generalized linear mixed model employing low-rank thin-plate splines. Model parameters are estimated with an empirical Bayes procedure, which exploits integrated nested Laplace approximation for fast computation. Iteratively, posteriors of hyperparameters and model parameters are estimated. The empirical Bayes procedure shrinks multiple dispersion-related parameters. Shrinkage leads to more stable estimates of the model parameters, better control of false positives and improvement of reproducibility. In addition, to make estimates of the DNA copy number more stable, model parameters are also estimated in a multivariate way using triplets of features, imposing a spatial prior for the copy number effect.


With the proposed method for analysis of time-course multilevel molecular data, more profound insight may be gained through the identification of temporal differential expression induced by DNA copy number abnormalities. In particular, in the analysis of an integrative oncogenomics study with a time-course set-up our method finds genes previously reported to be involved in cervical carcinogenesis. Furthermore, the proposed method yields improvements in sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility compared to existing methods. Finally, the proposed method is able to handle count (RNAseq) data from time course experiments as is shown on a real data set.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2105-15-327) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
The different leucocyte types are an important part of the immune system. Thus, they have been used in ecological studies to assess immune function and physiological stress in wild birds. It is generally assumed that increased stress and decreased condition are associated with an increase in the ratio of heterophils to lymphocytes, the H/L ratio. We studied leucocyte profiles in relation to body condition in nestling Burrowing Parrots (Cyanoliseus patagonus) in North-eastern Patagonia, Argentina. As in other wild parrots, heterophils were the most numerous leucocyte type, suggesting strong investment into innate immunity. Leucocyte profiles did not change with the age, while nestlings in better body condition increased the number of heterophils. Because the number of lymphocytes was independent of body condition, as a result we observed a positive correlation between body condition and the H/L ratio. The total number of leucocytes relative to erythrocytes increased in nestlings in better body condition, indicating a larger overall investment into immune function in well-nourished nestlings. The observed heterophilic profiles of nestling Burrowing Parrots together with the positive relationship between H/L ratio and body condition may indicate a favoured investment in a robust innate immunity that reduces the risk of infection taking hold in these long-lived birds.  相似文献   


Our purpose was to study the association between the intracranial atherosclerosis as measured by cavernous carotid artery calcification (ICAC) observed on head CT and atrophic changes of supra-tentorial brain demonstrated by MRI.


Institutional review board approval was obtained for this retrospective study incorporating 65 consecutive patients presenting acutely who had both head CT and MRI. Arterial calcifications of the intracranial cavernous carotids (ICAC) were assigned a number (1 to 4) in the bone window images from CT scans. These 4 groups were then combined into high (grades 3 and 4) and low calcium (grades 1 and 2) subgroups. Brain MRI was independently evaluated to identify cortical and central atrophy. Demographics and cardiovascular risk factors were evaluated in subjects with high and low ICAC. Relationship between CT demonstrated ICAC and brain atrophy patterns were evaluated both without and with adjustment for cerebral ischemic scores and cardiovascular risk factors.


Forty-six of the 65 (71%) patients had high ICAC on head CT. Subjects with high ICAC were older, and had higher prevalence of hypertension, diabetes, coronary artery disease (CAD), atrial fibrillation and history of previous stroke (CVA) compared to those with low ICAC. Age demonstrated strong correlation with both supratentorial atrophy patterns. There was no correlation between ICAC and cortical atrophy. There was correlation however between central atrophy and ICAC. This persisted even after adjustment for age.


Age is the most important determinant of atrophic cerebral changes. However, high ICAC demonstrated age independent association with central atrophy.
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