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Background: Calodium hepaticum (syn. Capillaria hepatica) is a worldwide helminth parasite of which several aspects of transmission still remain unclear. In the Amazon region, the mechanism of transmission based on the ingestion of eggs present in the liver of wild mammals has been suggested as the cause of the spurious infections described. We performed an epidemiological investigation to determine the incidence, risk of spurious infection and the dynamics of transmission of C. hepaticum in a community of the Brazilian Amazon. Methodology/Principal Findings: Stool samples of 135 individuals, two dog feces and liver tissue from a peccary (captured and eaten by the residents) were analyzed by conventional microscopy. Dog feces were collected from the gardens of households presenting human cases of spurious C. hepaticum infections. Community practices and feeding habits related to the transmission of the parasite were investigated. The individual incidence of spurious infection was 6.7% (95% CI: 2.08–11.24). Cases of spurious infection were observed in 7.5% of the families and the household incidence was from 50% to 83.3%. The risk of spurious infection was 10-fold greater in persons consuming the liver of wild mammals (p = 0.02). The liver tissue of a peccary and one feces sample of a dog presented eggs of C. hepaticum. The consumption of the infected liver was the cause of the spurious infections reported in one household. Conclusions/Significance: This is the first identification of a source of spurious infection by C. hepaticum in humans and we describe a high rate of incidence in household clusters related to game liver alimentary habits. The finding of a dog feces contaminating peridomiciliary ground suggests the risk of new infections. We conclude that the mechanism of transmission based on the ingestion of liver is important for the dynamics of transmission of C. hepaticum in the studied area.  相似文献   
Processes involved in photosynthetic CO2 acquisition were characterised for the isolated lichen photobiont Trebouxia erici (Chlorophyta, Trebouxiophyceae) and compared with Coccomyxa (Chlorophyta), a lichen photobiont without a photosynthetic CO2-concentrating mechanism. Comparisons of ultrastructure and immuno-gold labelling of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase (Rubisco; EC showed that the chloroplast was larger in T. erici and that the majority of Rubisco was located in its centrally located pyrenoid. Coccomyxa had no pyrenoid and Rubisco was evenly distributed in its chloroplast. Both species preferred CO2 rather than HCO3? as an external substrate for photosynthesis, but T. erici was able to use CO2 concentrations below 10–12 μM more efficiently than Coccomyxa. In T. erici, the lipid-insoluble carbonic anhydrase (CA; EC inhibitor acetazolamide (AZA) inhibited photosynthesis at CO2 concentrations below 1 μM, while the lipid-soluble CA inhibitor ethoxyzolamide (EZA) inhibited CO2-dependent O2 evolution over the whole CO2 range. EZA inhibited photosynthesis also in Coccomyxa, but to a much lesser extent below 10–12 μM CO2. The internal CA activity of Trebouxia, per unit chlorophyll (Chl), was ca 10% of that of Coccomyxa. Internal CA activity was also detected in homogenates from T. erici and two Trebouxia-lichens (Lasallia hispanica and Cladina rangiferina). In all three, the predominating CA had α-type characteristics and was significantly inhibited by low concentrations of AZA, having an I50 below 10–20 nM. In Coccomyxa a β-type CA predominates, which is much less sensitive to AZA. Thus, the two photobionts differed in three major characteristics with respect to CO2 acquisition, the subcellular location of Rubisco, the relative requirement of CA and the biochemical characteristics of their predominating internal CA. These differences may be linked to the ability of Trebouxia to accumulate dissolved inorganic carbon internally, enhancing their CO2 use efficiency at and below air-equilibrium concentrations (10–12 μM CO2) in comparison with Coccomyxa.  相似文献   
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