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Synaptic relationships between ghrelin-like immunoreactive axon terminals and other neurons in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus (ARC) were studied using immunostaining methods at the light and electron microscope levels. Many ghrelin-like immunoreactive axon terminals were found to be in apposition to ghrelin-like immunoreactive neurons at the light microscopic level. At the electron microscopic level, ghrelin-like immunoreactive axon terminals were found to make synapses on ghrelin-like immunoreactive cell bodies and dendrites in the ARC. While the axo-dendritic synapses between ghrelin- and ghrelin-like immunoreactive neurons were mostly the asymmetric type, the axo-somatic synapses were both asymmetric and symmetric type of synapses. Ghrelin at 10(-10) M increased cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) in the neurons isolated from the ARC, some of which were immunocytochemically identified as ghrelin-positive. Ghrelin at 10(-10) M also increased [Ca(2+)](i) in 12% of ghrelin-like immunoreactive neurons in the ARC. These findings suggest that ghrelin serves as a transmitter and/or modulator that stimulates [Ca(2+)](i) signaling in ghrelin neurons of the ARC, which may participate in the orexigenic action of ghrelin. Our data suggests a possibility of existing a novel circuit implicating regulation of feeding and/or energy metabolism.  相似文献   
Neuropeptide W (NPW) was recently discovered as the endogenous ligand for GPR7 and GPR8, which are orphan G protein-coupled receptors isolated from the porcine brain. These receptors are assumed to be involved in feeding regulation and/or energy homeostasis. Recent anatomical studies have revealed that high levels of GPR7 mRNA are distributed in the brain, including the hypothalamus and amygdala. However immunohistochemical studies on the distribution and localization of NPW have revealed differing results concerning whether or not NPW-containing cell bodies and their processes are present in the hypothalamus. Only a few immunohistochemical reports have been published concerning the presence of NPW-containing neurons in the brains of rodents, while there have been no anatomical studies of the co-localization of this neuropeptide with other transmitters. On this basis, we used a specific antiserum against NPW to determine immunohistochemically the presence of NPW-containing neurons in the rat hypothalamus. Many NPW-like immunoreactive cell bodies and their processes could be detected in the caudal region of the lateral hypothalamus but not in its anterior or middle regions. Given this positive identification of NPW-containing neurons in the lateral hypothalamus, we further studied the nature of interaction between NPW-containing neurons and neurons containing feeding regulating peptides such as orexin- and melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH). Very close interactions between NPW-containing nerve processes and orexin- and MCH-containing neuronal cell bodies and processes could be observed. These morphological findings strongly suggest that NPW is involved in the regulation of feeding and/or sleep/arousal behavior through orexin- and/or MCH-mediated neuronal pathways.  相似文献   
Generally, bioactive small peptides are derived from precursors with signal sequences at their N-terminal ends, which undergo modification and proteolysis through a secretory pathway. By contrast, small peptides encoded in short open reading frames (sORF) lack signaling sequences and therefore are released into the cytoplasm, which may result in their having functions distinct from those of secreted peptides. Several small peptides encoded by sORF are involved in the morphogenesis of multicellular organisms. POLARIS, ROTUNDIFOLIA4, and Enod40 are plant peptides that are involved, respectively, in root formation, leaf shape control, and cortical cell division during nodule formation. Brick1 / HSPC300 is an evolutionarily conserved component of the actin reorganization complex. polished rice / tarsal-less and mille-pattes encode related small peptides that are required for epithelial morphogenesis in Drosophila and segmentation in Tribolium . There are only a few known examples of small peptides encoded by sORF, and their molecular functions are still largely obscure. Nevertheless, an increasing number of sORF genes is being identified, and further research should reveal their roles in novel molecular mechanisms underlying developmental events.  相似文献   
Maternally transmitted endosymbionts of the genus Spiroplasma infecting several species of Drosophila are known to cause selective death of male offspring (male killing). The male-killing trait is considered to be advantageous for maternally transmitted endosymbionts. However, a non-male-killing spiroplasma is present in Japanese populations of Drosophila hydei at high frequencies (23-66%). This spiroplasma is phylogenetically closely related to the male-killing spiroplasma infecting other Drosophila species. It is unknown why this spiroplasma is maintained in its host populations despite its inability to cause male killing. We examined the susceptibilities of the spiroplasma in D. hydei to four different temperatures (28, 25, 18, and 15 degrees C). Diagnostic PCR revealed that vertical transmission of the spiroplasma was nearly perfect at 28 and 25 degrees C, partially suppressed at 18 degrees C, and completely blocked at 15 degrees C. Furthermore, quantitative PCR demonstrated that offspring treated at 18 degrees C exhibited dramatically lower densities of spiroplasma (i.e., approximately one-tenth) compared to offspring treated at 28 and 25 degrees C. Considering the low temperatures during winter in Japan, some unknown advantageous effects of the spiroplasma that compensate for the failure of vertical transmission are suggested to act in natural populations of D. hydei.  相似文献   

We previously reported a patient with Machado-Joseph Disease (MJD) who had severe insomnia and a low serum melatonin (MLT) level, and whose insomnia was alleviated by oral MLT replacement therapy. The aims of this study were to examine whether patients with MJD are likely to have insomnia, and whether there is a relationship between the degree of insomnia and the serum MLT level among patients with MJD. This study included 8 patients with MJD. A 58-year-old-patient with cervical spondylosis was also included in this study to check the condition of the test room for sleeping. All patients filled out the Japanese version of Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI-J) questionnaire. We obtained blood samples at 12:00 and 24:00 hours to measure the MLT level. We checked the sleep condition of the patient once an hour and recorded the grade in sleep-logs: the grades of sleep condition were asleep, sleepy, or awake. Statistical analyses were performed to search for correlations between the PSQI score and the serum MLT level or actual sleep time using Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. Seven of the 8 MJD patients had a total PSQI score of above 5.5 (cut-off level). The daytime MLT level (at 12:00 hours) was below 2.8 pg/mL in all 8 patients, whereas the mean night-time MLT level (at 24:00 hours) of the MJD patients (23.6 ± 17.5 pg/mL) was lower than that of the control patient (43.0 pg/mL) and also lower than the reported cut-off level among healthy people aged 30–50 years (55.5 pg/mL). There was a negative correlation between the total PSQI score and the serum MLT level among the MJD patients (P < 0.05). Our results show that a low serum MLT level may contribute to insomnia in patients with MJD.

Brain and liver extracts of rats at different stages after birth were examined for cytochrome c/dATP-dependent caspase (DEVDase)-activation (mitochondria pathway) in vitro. The caspase-activating activity in the brain extracts rapidly decreased after birth, reaching approximately 50 and 5%, at 1 and 2 weeks, respectively, of that in a 3-days- newborn sample, and essentially no caspase-activation was detected in the adult rat brain extracts. Such a dramatic change was not detected in the liver samples, suggesting that the observed abrogation of the cytochrome c-dependent mitochondria pathway after birth is a brain-specific event. In order to determine the factor(s) lacking in adult brain, we separately measured Apaf-1, procaspase 9, and pro-DEVDase activities using a supplementation assay. In adult brain, Apaf-1 activity was scarcely detected, while the tissue retained low but significant amounts of procaspase 9 (16% of that in the fetal tissue) and a pro-DEVDase (3.4%). In contrast, adult liver extracts retained relatively high levels of all of these factors. Immunoblot analyses clearly indicated that the expression of Apaf-1 and procaspase 3 is markedly suppressed within 4 weeks after birth in brain tissue while they are even expressed in adult liver. Considering these results together, we propose that, in the brain, the cytochrome c-dependent mitochondria pathway, which is essential for the programmed cell death during normal morphogenesis, is abrogated within 2-4 weeks after birth, whereas the pathway is still active in other adult tissues such as liver.  相似文献   
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