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Ascorbate (AsA) peroxidase was found in six species of cyanobacteriaamong ten species tested. Upon the addition of H218O2 to thecells of AsA peroxidase-containing cyanobacteria, 16O2 derivedfrom water and 18O2 derived from H2I8O2 were evolved in thelight. The evolution of 16O2 was inhibited by DCMU and did notoccur in the dark, but I8O2 was evolved even in the dark orin the presence of DCMU. Similar light-dependent evolution of16O2 was observed in the cells of AsA peroxidase-containingEuglena and Chlamydomonas. However, the cells of AsA perox-idase-lackingcyanobacteria evolved only 18O2 in either the light or dark.Furthermore, the quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence inducedby hydrogen peroxide was observed only in the cells of the AsAperoxidase-containing Synechocystis 6803, and not in the cellsof Anacystis nidulans which lacks AsA peroxidase. Thus, cyanobacteriacan be divided into two groups, those that has and those thatlacks AsA peroxidase. The first group scavenges hydrogen peroxidewith the peroxidase using a photoreductant as the electron donor,and the second group only scavenges hydrogen peroxide with catalase. (Received July 23, 1990; Accepted October 18, 1990)  相似文献   


The presence of animal reservoirs in Schistosoma japonicum infection has been a major obstacle in the control of schistosomiasis. Previous studies have proven that the inclusion of control measures on animal reservoir hosts for schistosomiasis contributed to the decrease of human cases. Animal surveillance should therefore be included to strengthen and improve the capabilities of current serological tests.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Thioredoxin peroxidase-1 (SjTPx-1) and four tandem repeat proteins (Sj1TR, Sj2TR, Sj4TR, Sj7TR) were initially evaluated against human sera. The previous test showed high sensitivity and specificity for antibody detection against SjTPx-1 and Sj7TR. In this study, the immunodiagnostic potential of these recombinant proteins was evaluated using enzyme-linked immunoassay on 50 water buffalo serum samples collected in Cagayan, the Philippines as compared with the soluble egg antigen (SEA). For specificity, 3 goat serum samples positive with Fasciola hepatica were used and among the antigens used, only SEA showed cross-reaction. Stool PCR targeting the S. japonicum 82 bp mitochondrial NAD 1 gene was done to confirm the true positives and served as the standard test. Twenty three samples were positive for stool PCR. SjTPx-1 and Sj1TR gave the highest sensitivity among the recombinant proteins tested for water buffalo samples with 82.61% and 78.26% respectively which were higher than that of SEA (69.57%).


These results prove that SjTPx-1 works both for humans and water buffaloes making it a good candidate antigen for zoonotic diagnosis. Sj1TR showed good results for water buffaloes and therefore can also be used as a possible candidate for detecting animal schistosome infection.  相似文献   
We investigated the levels of the angiotensin II-forming enzymes, chymase and angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), in dog grafted veins, and studied the effect of an angiotensin II type 1 receptor antagonist, L-158,809, on vascular proliferation in the grafted veins. The right external jugular vein was grafted to the ipsilaterial carotid artery. In the group treated with L-158,809, the drug (10 mg/kg per day, p.o.) were administered orally from 7 days before the operation to 28 days after it, while the others were administrated placebo. In the placebo-treated group, the chymase activity in the grafted veins was increased about 10-fold and the ACE activity was doubled. The areas of intima and media were significantly increased in the grafted veins in the placebo-treated group. L-158,809 significantly reduced the intimal area of the grafted veins. An angiotensin II receptor antagonist, L-158,809, prevented the vascular proliferation in the grafted veins, and the development of the proliferation may depend on activation of local angiotensin II formation.  相似文献   
Anthranilate synthase (AS) is a key enzyme in tryptophan (Trp) biosynthesis. Metabolic changes in transgenic Arabidopsis plants expressing the feedback-resistant anthranilate synthase alpha subunit gene OASA1D were investigated with respect to Trp synthesis and effects on secondary metabolism. The Trp content varied depending on the transgenic line, with some lines showing an approximately 200-fold increase. The levels of AS activity in crude extracts from the transgenic lines were comparable to those in the wild type. On the other hand, the enzyme prepared from the lines accumulating high levels of Trp showed a relaxed feedback sensitivity. The AS activity, determined in the presence of 50 microM L-Trp, correlated well with the amount of free Trp in the transgenic lines, indicating the important role of feedback inhibition in control of Trp pool size. In Arabidopsis, Trp is a precursor of multiple secondary metabolites, including indole glucosinolates and camalexin. The amount of indol-3-ylmethyl glucosinolate (I3 M) in rosette leaves of the high-Trp accumulating lines was 1.5- to 2.1-fold greater than that in wild type. The treatment of the leaves with jasmonic acid resulted in a more pronounced accumulation of I3 M in the high-Trp accumulating lines than in wild type. The induction of camalexin formation after the inoculation of Alternaria brassicicola was not affected by the accumulation of a large amount of Trp. The accumulation of constitutive phenylpropanoids and flavonoids was suppressed in high-Trp accumulating lines, while the amounts of Phe and Tyr increased, thereby indicating an interaction between the Trp branch and the Phe and Tyr branch in the shikimate pathway.  相似文献   
We isolated and characterized the genomic and complementary DNAs encoding a chitin synthase from an edible basidiomycetous mushroom, Lentinula edodes. The gene (which we designated Lechs1) contains a large open reading frame encoding a polypeptide of 1937 amino acid residues. The open reading frame is interrupted by 14 small introns (49–116 bp). The gene product (LeChs1) consists of a myosin motor-like domain in its N-terminal half and a chitin synthase domain in its C-terminal half, analogous to the class V and VI chitin synthases of other filamentous fungi. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that LeChs1 is classified into class VI chitin synthases. Southern blot analysis indicated that Lechs1 is a single-copy gene per haploid genome and that L. edodes has no other highly homologous chitin synthase genes. Northern blot analysis revealed that Lechs1 is expressed throughout the whole stages of fruit-body formation of L. edodes, but its expression level gradually declines in a fruit body-maturation-dependent manner with highest expression in vegetative mycelia and fruit body at the early stage of maturation (immature fruit body). This is the first report on the isolation and characterization of the gene encoding a chitin synthase with a myosin motor-like domain from basidiomycetes.  相似文献   
Ghrelin was isolated from the rat stomach as an endogenous ligand for the growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHS-R) and has been found in the gastrointestinal tract of many vertebrates. Although the sequence and structure of chicken ghrelin has recently been determined, morphological characteristics of ghrelin cells in the chicken gastrointestinal tract are still obscure. In this study, we investigated ghrelin expression and distribution of ghrelin-producing cells in the hatching and adult chicken gastrointestinal tract by RT-PCR, immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. Ghrelin mRNA expression was observed mainly in the proventriculus in the hatching chicken and in the proventriculus, pylorus and duodenum of the adult chicken by RT-PCR. Ghrelin-immunopositive (ghrelin-ip) cells in the proventriculus were located at the mucosal layer but not in the myenteric plexus or smooth muscle layer. The number of ghrelin-ip cells in the adult chicken was greater than that in the hatching chicken. Interestingly, in the adult chicken, the number of ghrelin-ip cells were almost the same as that of ghrelin mRNA-expressing (ghrelin-ex) cells; however, in the hatching chicken, the number of ghrelin-ex cells was greater than that of ghrelin-ip cells. These results clearly demonstrate that ghrelin-producing cells exist in the chicken gastrointestinal tract, especially in the proventriculus, from hatching to adult stages of development, as well as in mammals.  相似文献   
A cytochemical study with 3,3'-diaminobenzidine revealed thepresence of peroxidase in the microbodies which were recentlyfound in the xylem parenchyma cells of wintering poplar (Sagisakaand Asada 1981). The peroxidative reaction was not inhibitedby 3-amino-l,2,4-triazole, but was completely inhibited by KCN.There was no detectable staining in the absence of added H2O2. (Received March 6, 1986; Accepted August 27, 1986)  相似文献   
The expression profile of microRNAs in mouse embryos   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
To investigate the reactions involved in the biosynthesis of vindoline from tabersonine, the bioconversion products formed when the latter compound was fed to cell suspension cultures of Catharanthus roseus were isolated and characterized. Two biotransformation products of tabersonine were isolated and shown to be lochnericine, which is formed by epoxidation of tabersonine at positions 14, 15, and lochnerinine, the 11-methoxylation product of lochnericine. The bioconversion ratio of the main biotransformation product, lochnericine, reached a value of 80.6% within three days.  相似文献   
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