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Swine Influenza Virus (H1N1) is a known causative agent of swine flu. Transmission of Swine Influenza Virus form pig to human is not a common event and may not always cause human influenza. The 2009 outbreak by subtype H1N1 in humans is due to transfer of Swine Influenza Virus from pig to human. Thus to analyze the origin of this novel virus we compared two surface proteins (HA and NA) with influenza viruses of swine, avian and humans isolates recovered from 1918 to 2008 outbreaks. Phylogenetic analyses of hemagglutinin gene from 2009 pandemic found to be clustered with swine influenza virus (H1N2) circulated in U.S.A during the 1999-2004 outbreaks. Whereas, neuraminidase gene was clustered with H1N1 strains isolated from Europe and Asia during 1992-2007 outbreaks. This study concludes that the new H1N1 strain appeared in 2009 outbreak with high pathogenicity to human was originated as result of re-assortment (exchange of gene). Moreover, our data also suggest that the virus will remain sensitive to the pre-existing therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   
Anwar T  Lal SK  Khan AU 《Bioinformation》2006,1(7):253-256
The importance of influenza viruses as worldwide infectious agents is well recognized. Specific mutations and evolution in influenza viruses is difficult to predict. We studied specific mutations in matrix protein 1 (M1) of H5N1 influenza A virus together with properties associated with it using prediction tools developed in Bioinformatics. Changes in hydrophobicity, polarity and secondary structure at the site of mutation were noticed and documented to gain insight towards its infection.  相似文献   
The Indian poultry industry is one of the fast-growing sectors of which duck farming plays an important role. Duck population in India is 33.51 million that is concentrated towards north-east and southern parts of the country who rears mainly for eggs and meat. Duck diseases are of great concern as they badly affect the financial status of the small, landless farmers. Databases such as Google Scholar, PubMed, J gate were used to search articles between 2000 and 2019 that showed the prevalence of viral, bacterial, and parasitic duck diseases. R open source software was used to derive forest plots by statistical analysis. Pooled prevalence estimates of duck diseases worldwide was found to be 20% (95%-CI:15–26). Also, continent-wise analysis of all duck diseases has revealed highest prevalence in North America, followed by Asia, Africa, Europe,Oceania and South America. This prevalence of data would be helpful to the policymakers to develop appropriate intervention strategies to prevent and control diseases in their respective locations.  相似文献   
The avian influenza (bird flu) is an infectious disease of birds, ranging from a mild to a severe form of illness. Influenza viruses pose significant challenges to both human and animal health. The proteins, nucleoprotein (NP), neuraminidase (NA) and hemagglutinin (HA) of influenza A virus (Bird flu virus) sub-type A/Hatay/2004/(H5N1) from chicken were selected for this study. Our in silico analysis predicted that HA of influenza A virus is highly sensitive to mutations and hence it is significant for its pathogenic nature. None of the mutations was detected as an important change except in NA where K332R was at a PKC phosphorylation site. Analysis of the sequence comparison showed that the maximum number of mutations were observed in HA. These mutations are significant as they are involved in change in polarity or hydrophobicity as well as in propensity of each amino acid residue to stabilize the secondary structure. The program MAPMUTATION can be used to monitor the mutations, and predict the trend of mutations.  相似文献   
We investigated the influence of vitamin D receptor (VDR) polymorphisms and vitamin D level on the blood pressure and the risk of preeclampsia. In a case-control study, 200 pregnant women, including 100 individuals with preeclampsia along with 100 healthy pregnant women, were studied for VDR FokI, TaqI, and BmsI polymorphisms and serum 25 (OH)-D level using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism method and commercial kit, respectively. The mean level of 25 (OH)-D in preeclamptic patients was significantly lower (16.6 ± 4.2 ng/mL, P < 0.001) compared with controls (19.6 ± 3.8 ng/mL). Among all women, a significantly higher systolic blood pressure and before-pregnancy body mass index and also lower gestational age were observed in the presence of 25 (OH)-D level < 20 ng/mL compared with the 20 to 30 ng/mL. A significantly higher frequency of VDR FokI C allele in preeclamptic patients (83%) than controls (74%) was associated with a 1.72-fold increased risk of preeclampsia. In all the studied individuals, the systolic and diastolic blood pressures were significantly higher in the presence of the FokI CC genotype compared with the TC and TT+TC genotypes. Neither VDR Taq1 nor VDR BmsI was associated with the risk of preeclampsia. The haplotype FokI C, TaqI C and BmsI A (CCA) compared with haplotype CTG increased the risk of preeclampsia by 1.4-fold (P = 0.33). Our study suggests an association between VDR FokI polymorphism and an insufficient serum level of 25 (OH)-D with the risk of preeclampsia and also the influence of insufficient 25 (OH)-D level and VDR FokI polymorphism on maternal factors, including blood pressure.  相似文献   
The ATP-dependent ClpQY protease system in Plasmodium falciparum is a prokaryotic machinery in the parasite. In the present study, we have identified the complete ClpQY system in P. falciparum and elucidated its functional importance in survival and growth of asexual stage parasites. We characterized the interaction of P. falciparum ClpQ protease (PfClpQ) and PfClpY ATPase components, and showed that a short stretch of residues at the C terminus of PfClpY has an important role in this interaction; a synthetic peptide corresponding to this region antagonizes this interaction and interferes with the functioning of this machinery in the parasite. Disruption of ClpQY function by this peptide caused hindrance in the parasite growth and maturation of asexual stages of parasites. Detailed analyses of cellular effects in these parasites showed features of apoptosis-like cell death. The peptide-treated parasites showed mitochondrial dysfunction and loss of mitochondrial membrane potential. Dysfunctioning of mitochondria initiated a cascade of reactions in parasites, including activation of VAD–FMK-binding proteases and nucleases, which resulted in apoptosis-like cell death. These results show functional importance of mitochondrial proteases in the parasite and involvement of mitochondria in programmed cell death in the malaria parasites.  相似文献   
The worldwide dissemination of CTX-M type β-lactamases is a threat to human health. Previously, we have reported the spread of bla CTX-M-15 gene in different clinical strains of Enterobacteriaceae from the hospital settings of Aligarh in north India. In view of the varying resistance pattern against cephalosporins and other β-lactam antibiotics, we intended to understand the correlation between MICs and catalytic activity of CTX-M-15. In this study, steady-state kinetic parameters and MICs were determined on E. coli DH5α transformed with bla CTX-M-15 gene that was cloned from Enterobacter cloacae (EC-15) strain of clinical background. The effect of conventional β-lactamase inhibitors (clavulanic acid, sulbactam and tazobactam) on CTX-M-15 was also studied. We have found that tazobactam is the best among these inhibitors against CTX-M-15. The inhibition characteristic of tazobactam is defined by its very low IC50 value (6 nM), high affinity (K i = 0.017 µM) and better acylation efficiency (k +2/K′ = 0.44 µM−1s−1). It forms an acyl-enzyme covalent complex, which is quite stable (k +3 = 0.0057 s−1). Since increasing resistance has been reported against conventional β-lactam antibiotic-inhibitor combinations, we aspire to design a non-β-lactam core containing β-lactamase inhibitor. For this, we screened ZINC database and performed molecular docking to identify a potential non-β-lactam based inhibitor (ZINC03787097). The MICs of cephalosporin antibiotics in combination with this inhibitor gave promising results. Steady-state kinetics and molecular docking studies showed that ZINC03787097 is a reversible inhibitor which binds non-covalently to the active site of the enzyme through hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions. Though, it’s IC50 (180 nM) is much higher than tazobactam, it has good affinity for CTX-M-15 (K i = 0.388 µM). This study concludes that ZINC03787097 compound can be used as seed molecule to design more efficient non-β-lactam containing β-lactamase inhibitor that could evade pre-existing bacterial resistance mechanisms.  相似文献   
Histone methylation has emerged as a significant regulator of chromatin structure and function. Two different classes of histone methyltransferase (HMT) have been described, which target either lysine or arginine residues in the histone N-terminal tails. A flurry of recent papers now describe a third class of HMT that affects chromatin silencing indirectly, not by methylation of histone tails, but instead by targeting a conserved lysine residue in the core domain of the nucleosome.  相似文献   
The beet armyworm (BAW), Spodoptera exigua (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is a highly destructive pest of vegetables and field crops. Management of beet armyworm primarily relies on synthetic pesticides, which is threatening the beneficial community and environment. Most importantly, the BAW developed resistance to synthetic pesticides with making it difficult to manage. Therefore, alternative and environment-friendly pest management tactics are urgently required. The use of pesticidal plant extracts provides an effective way for a sustainable pest management program. To evaluate the use of pesticidal plant extracts against BAW, we selected six plant species (Lantana camara, Aloe vera, Azadirachta indica, Cymbopogon citratus, Nicotianatabacum, and Ocimum basilicum) for initial screening experiment. Four out of six plant species such as A. indica, N. tabacum, C. citratus and O. basilicum showed promising mortality of more than 50%. Therefore, we selected these four plant extracts for the subsequent experiments. Through contact bioassay, A. indica showed high mortality 66.63%, followed by the N. tabacum 53.33%, at 10% w/v concentration. Similarly, N. tabacum showed the highest mortality rate, 66% at 10% w/v concentration, followed by the A. indica 46% through feeding bioassay. Furthermore, the feeding deterrence assay showed that C. citratus had a high antifeedant index (−50) followed by A. indica (−39), and N. tabacum (−28). In living plant assay, the N. tabacum extract showed a low mean damage score 3.6 on living cotton plant followed by C. citratus 4.5 and A. indica 5.5. Hence, extracts of three plant species provided promising results against the BAW, which can minimize the use of synthetic chemicals, particularly for small landholding farmers. Further studies are also required to evaluate the effects of these plant extract against BAW on cotton plants under field conditions to optimize the further use.  相似文献   
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