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Of various yeasts tested in the conversion of fumaric to L-malic acid, Saccharomyces bayanus had the highest activity of fumarase. Cells permeabilized with 0.2% (w/v) CTAB for 5 min gave maximum enzyme activity. Under non-growth conditions, fumarase activity in the permeabilized cells was four times higher (271 U/g) than that of the intact cells (67 U/g). The proposed mathematical model for the batch production of L-malic acid was validated at different initial fumaric acid concentrations. The average conversion of fumaric acid was up to 82% and gave 21, 40, 83 and 175 mM L-malic acid from respectively, 25, 50, 100 and 210 mM: fumaric acid.  相似文献   
We investigated five penicillin derivatives that are popularly used for transformation experiments with Agrobacterium rhizogenes—penicillin G, carbenicillin, ampicillin, amoxicillin and cephalexin—for their effects on the growth and morphology of Beta vulgaris, Capsicum annuum and Glehnia littoralis roots. Attention was given to the relationship between their chemical structures and functions. Ampicillin was found to stimulate root elongation but inhibit root branching, whereas carbenicillin inhibited root elongation but promoted root branching. Root cultures were also exposed to hydrolyzed products of these antibiotics—i.e. phenylmalonic acid (PM), phenylglycine and 6-aminopenicillanic acid (6-APA): PM inhibited root elongation the most, while root elongation was supported best by 6-APA. These results indicate that both the side chains and the major component of penicillin derivatives affect root development and that the nature of the side chains is responsible for the responses. Ampicillin but not carbenicillin was used in subsequent experiments described herein to eliminate bacteria and to support root growth of transformants of the recalcitrant plants.Abbreviations Amox: Amoxicillin - Amp: Ampicillin - 6-APA: 6-Aminopenicillanic acid - Carb: Carbenicillin - Ceph: Cephalexin - HG: d(–)-2-p-Hydroxyphenylglycine - PA: Phenylacetic acid - PenG: Penicillin G - PG: d(–)--Phenylglycine - PM: Phenylmalonic acid Communicated by L.C. Fowke  相似文献   
A stability‐indicating spectrofluorimetric method has been developed for the simultaneous assay of riboflavin (RF) and photoproducts, formylmethylflavin (FMF), lumichrome (LC) and lumiflavin (LF) in aqueous solution. The method is based on the extraction of LC formed in acid solution and LC and LF formed in alkaline solution with chloroform at pH 2.0 and their assay by fluorescence measurements at 478 and 530 nm, respectively. The aqueous phase, on readjustment of the pH to 6.5, is used to extract FMF with chloroform and its assay is carried out at 530 nm. The aqueous phase is then used for the assay of RF at 530 nm. The proposed method gives more accurate results for the assay of RF compared to those of the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) spectrofluorimetric method which does not take into account the presence of RF photoproducts having similar fluorescence characteristics. The proposed method along with the USP method has been applied to the study of the kinetics of photolysis of RF, assay of stored commercial vitamin preparations and their radiated samples. The results show that the USP method does not distinguish between the fluorescence of RF and its photoproducts, and, therefore, gives erroneous results with about 11% excess in the quantity of the vitamin compared to that of the proposed method. This is due to the interference of the fluorescence of photoproducts in the assay of RF. The method has been validated for various analytical parameters according to the guideline of the International Council for Harmonization (ICH).  相似文献   
Badenian (Middle Miocene) transgressive deepening-upward successions located in the NE part of Mt. Medvednica (North Croatian Basin, Pannonian Basin System) unconformably overlie Mesozoic basement. Triassic and Upper Cretaceous limestone pebbles, cobbles, and boulders of the Badenian basal conglomerates display abundant in situ bivalve borings of Gastrochaenolites and sponge borings of Entobia. This Gastrochaenolites-Entobia ichnoassemblage is related to the Entobia subichnofacies of the Trypanites ichnofacies, characterizing littoral rocky-shore environments (wave-cut platforms and marine transgressive surfaces with a low or null rate of sedimentation). Gastrochaenolites torpedo, Gastrochaenolites lapidicus, and Entobia recorded in Badenian basal conglomerates (compared with modern Northern Adriatic rocky-shore environments), enabled more precise palaeoenvironmental interpretations. The occurrence of G. torpedo (produced by lithophaginid bivalves) on all sides of individual limestone lithoclasts in the Gornje Ore?je basal conglomerate, coupled with truncation of the formation (possibly indicating multiphase colonization), reflect gravel transport, roll-over, overturning and erosion by wave action in high-energy rocky-shore settings. Gornje Psarjevo-2 basal conglomerate boulders were probably not subjected to significant movement and abrasion, as suggested by good preservation of both G. lapidicus (potentially produced by gastrochaenid bivalves), associated G. torpedo, as well as abundant shallow Entobia borings. The Badenian Gastrochaenolites-Entobia ichnoassemblage also could be the result of a composite development. However, direct cross-cutting relationships between G. torpedo and G. lapidicus and/or Entobia were rarely observed. In addition, Badenian boring tracemakers might have coexisted at the same water depth. Northeast Mt. Medvednica Badenian successions probably formed during different Central Paratethys transgressive pulses (NN5 and NN6 Zones). However, exact timing of Badenian transgressions, stratigraphic correlations and tectono-eustatic implications are unresolved, due to sparsely integrated biostratigraphic and high-precision geochronological studies of Early–Middle Miocene North Croatian Basin deposits and due to the absence of a uniform biostratigraphic zonation and regional chronostratigraphic division of Central Paratethys.  相似文献   
Miscanthus × giganteus is a popular energy crop, which due to its hybrid origin is only vegetatively reproduced. Asexual embryogenesis in anther and microspore culture leading to double haploids production could allow to regain the ability for sexual reproduction and to increase the biodiversity of the species. Therefore, the goal of this paper was to investigate the requirements of androgenesis in Miscanthus. The standard protocols used for monocotyledonous plants were applied with many modifications regarding the developmental stage of the explants at the time of culture initiation, stress treatment applied to panicles and isolated anthers as well as various chemical and physical parameters of in vitro culture conditions. Our results indicated that the induction of androgenesis in M. × giganteus is possible. However, the very low efficiency of the process and the lack of regeneration ability of the androgenic structures presently prevent the use of this technique.  相似文献   
Biologically active recombinant human Flt3 ligand was expressed and isolated from transgenic barley seeds. Its expression is controlled by a tissue specific promoter that confines accumulation of the recombinant protein to the endosperm tissue of the seed. The recombinant Flt3 ligand variant expressed in the seeds contains an HQ-tag for affinity purification on immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC) resin. The tagged protein was purified from seed extracts to near homogeneity using sequential chromatography on IMAC affinity resin and cation exchange resin. We also show that the recombinant Flt3 ligand protein undergoes posttranslational modifications: it is a glycoprotein containing α-1,3-fucose and α-1,2-xylose. The HQ-tagged Flt3 ligand variant exhibits comparable biological activity to commercial Flt3 ligand. This is the first report showing expression and accumulation of recombinant human growth factor in barley seeds with a yield of active protein similar to a bacterial expression system. The present results demonstrate that plant molecular farming is a viable approach for the bioproduction of human-derived growth factors.  相似文献   
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an immune-mediated, neuro-inflammatory, demyelinating and neurodegenerative disease of the central nervous system (CNS) with a heterogeneous clinical presentation and course. There is a remarkable phenotypic heterogeneity in MS, and the molecular mechanisms underlying it remain unknown. We aimed to investigate further the etiopathogenesis related molecular pathways in subclinical types of MS using proteomic and bioinformatics approaches in cerebrospinal fluids of patients with clinically isolated syndrome, relapsing remitting MS and progressive MS (n=179). Comparison of disease groups with controls revealed a total of 151 proteins that are differentially expressed in clinically different MS subtypes. KEGG analysis using PANOGA tool revealed the disease related pathways including aldosterone-regulated sodium reabsorption (p=8.02x10-5) which is important in the immune cell migration, renin-angiotensin (p=6.88x10-5) system that induces Th17 dependent immunity, notch signaling (p=1.83x10-10) pathway indicating the activated remyelination and vitamin digestion and absorption pathways (p=1.73x10-5). An emerging theme from our studies is that whilst all MS clinical forms share common biological pathways, there are also clinical subtypes specific and pathophysiology related pathways which may have further therapeutic implications.  相似文献   
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