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TheAnticarsia gemmatalisnuclear polyhedrosis virus (AgNPV) was released in two soybean plots in September, 1991; the soil in the plots was then sampled periodically through July, 1992, to determine the effects of normal agricultural soil manipulations and precipitation on vertical distribution of the polyhedral occlusion bodies (POBs). The amount of AgNPV increased at all depths down to 37.5–50 cm as long as there was virus-contaminated plant matter, even dead soybean refuse, above the soil surface. Agricultural operations (disking, harrowing, mowing, planting, cultivating) had no effect on the amount or vertical distribution of AgNPV in soil. After the crop refuse was disked into the soil in November, the amount of POBs began decreasing at all depths; these decreases continued over winter and at times appeared to be associated with precipitation. The POBs were no longer detected below 37.5 cm by April, 1992, or below 25 cm by July, 1992. However, in July there were still 274 POBs/g in the top 2.5 cm of soil. Thus, agricultural operations should not hinder contamination of soybean leaves by AgNPV from its soil reservoir.  相似文献   
The oxidation of 2,3-dimercapto-l-propanol by ferric ions on the surface of iron(III) hydroxide oxide (Fe(OH)O) yielded polydisulfide oligomers. This polymerization occurred readily at low dithiol concentration under mild aqueous conditions. Polydisulfide polymers up to the 15-mer were synthesized from 1 mM dithiol in 5 ml water reacted with iron(III) hydroxide oxide (20 mg, 160 µ mole Fe) for 3 days under anaerobic conditions at 40 °C and pH 4. About 91% of the dithiol was converted to short soluble oligomers and 9% to insoluble larger oligomers that were isolated with the Fe (OH)O phase. Reactions carried out at the same ratio of dithiol to Fe(OH)O but at higher dithiol concentrations gave higher yields of the larger insoluble oligomers. The relationship of these results to prebiotic polymer synthesis is discussed.  相似文献   
We have purified and characterized poly(A) polymerases (PAPs) from Pisum sativum, Brassica juncea, and Zea mays. Through chromatography on DEAE-Sepharose and heparin-Sepharose, these PAPs copurified as a single enzyme along with RNPs that could provide RNA substrates for the enzyme. More extensive purification by chromatography on MonoQ resulted in the resolution of the PAPs into as many as three fractions. One of these (PAP-I) contained a 43-kDa polypeptide immunologically related to the yeast PAP, and two others (PAP-II and PAP-III) contained RNAs that could serve as substrates for polyadenylation. These fractions by themselves possessed little PAP activity, but mixtures containing combinations of these displayed substantial activity. Similar PAP factors (PAP-I and PAP-III) were identified after fractionation of extracts prepared from Brassica juncea and Zea mays. The factors from one plant were completely interchangeable with those from different plants. We conclude that the poly(A) polymerases present in vegetative plant tissues consist of more than one component. In this respect, they are substantially different from other reported plant, mammalian, and yeast PAPs.  相似文献   
Brown  Arthur V.  Aguila  Yolanda  Brown  Kristine B.  Fowler  William P. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,347(1-3):119-125
We examined macroinvertebrate communities in small(0.1-1.0 m2) pools of intermittent streams (alwayscontainingsome water but without perennial flow) with small watersheds(2-6 ha) subjected to five types of forest harvest to assesspotential impacts of the different harvest methods. Bufferstrips10 m wide were left on each side of the streams. Each harvesttreatment was coupled with a similar unharvested referencestand.An incomplete block design included three 0.05 m2 vacuumsamples from each treatment paired with three from theadjacentreferences. There was a high degree of similarity amongreferencesfor parameters other than taxonomic composition (e.g.macroinvertebrate density, number of species, Shannondiversity,functional groups, etc.). Statistically significantdifferenceswere found between references and treatments and among harvestmethods but the responses varied among response variables(density,Shannon-Weiner diversity, species composition), differentspeciesassemblages (all invertebrates, chironomids,Ephemeroptera-Plecoptera-Trichoptera [EPT], isopods), andfunctional group categories (shredders, collector-gatherers).Wecollected 56 taxa, 7–16 per site, with low communitysimilarity(mean Jaccards=0.18, mean Bray-Curtis percentdissimilarity=81). The most severe harvest treatmentsresultedin the highest diversities of total invertebrates in thesesmallspring pool communities.  相似文献   
Roemmich, James N., Pamela A. Clark, Arthur Weltman, andAlan D. Rogol. Alterations in growth and body composition duringpuberty. I. Comparing multicompartment body composition models.J. Appl. Physiol. 83(3): 927-935, 1997.A four-compartment (4C) model of body composition was used as acriterion to determine the accuracy of three-compartment (3C) andtwo-compartment (2C) models to estimate percent body fat (%BF) inprepubertal and pubertal boys (genital I & II,n = 17; genital III & IV,n = 7) and girls (breast I & II, n = 8; breast III & IV,n = 15). The 3C water-density (3C-H2O) and 3C mineral-densitymodels, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, the Lohman age-adjustedequations, the Slaughter et al. skinfold equations, and the Houtkooperet al. and Boileau bioelectrical impedance equations wereevaluated. Agreement with the 4C model increased with thenumber of compartments (i.e., body water, bone mineral) measured.Except for the 3C-H2O model, thelimits of agreement were large and did not perform well forindividuals. The mean %BF by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (23.6%)was greater than that of the criterion 4C method (21.7%).For the field methods, the Slaughter et al. skinfold equationsperformed better than did the Houtkooper et al. and Boileaubioimpedance equations. The hydration of the fat-free mass decreased(genital I & II = 75.7%, genital III & IV = 74.8%, breast I & II = 75.5%, breast III & IV = 74.4%) and the mineral content increased(genital I & II = 4.9%, genital III & IV = 5.0%, breast I & II = 5.1%, breast III & IV = 5.7%) with maturation. The densityof the fat-free mass also increased (genital I & II = 1.084 g/ml,genital III & IV = 1.087 g/ml, breast I & II = 1.086 g/ml, breast III & IV = 1.091 g/ml) with maturation. All of the models reduced the %BF overprediction of the Siri 2C model, but only the 4C and3C-H2O models should be used ascriterion methods for body composition validation in children andadolescents.

Saccules from 10 adult (five female, five male) toadfish (Opsanus tau), 13.5–26 cm standard length, were examined for individual/sexual variation in the hair cell orientation pattern. In addition, saccules from two juveniles (5 and 6 cm standard length) were compared with those of the adults to determine whether maturational differences exist in the hair cell orientations. The hair cell orientation pattern is unlike any reported previously for this species or its congener, O. beta. There are no major differences between the hair cell orientations of males and females, nor between the juveniles and the adults. A slight individual variation is present in the proportion of hair cells oriented in a particular direction in a specific area of the sensory epithelium. Potential ramifications of this hair cell orientation pattern are discussed with regard to development and auditory processing.  相似文献   
Glutathione and total carnitine (i.e., free carnitine plus acid-soluble carnitine esters) were measured in an affected (superior frontal gyrus; SFG) and unaffected (cerebellum: CBL) region of Alzheimer disease (AD) and control brains. Average glutathione content in AD SFG (n=13) and AD CBL (n=7) (7.9±2.1 and 11.9±4.0 nmol/mg protein, respectively (mean ±S.D.)) was similar to that in control SFG (n=13) and CBL (n=6) (7.7±2.0 and 11.6±2.6 nmol/mg protein, respectively). However, glutathione increased significantly with age in AD brain (p=0.003) but not in control brain. Average total carnitine in AD SFG (84±47 pmol/mg protein; n=10) and AD CBL (108±86 pmol/mg protein; n=7) was not significantly different from that in the corresponding regions of control brain (148±97 (n=10) and 144±107 (n=6) pmol/mg protein, respectively). However, a significant decline of total carnitine with age in both regions was noted for AD brain, but not for control brain. Carnitine acetyltransferase activity in the AD SFG (n=13) was not significantly different from that of control SFG (n=13) (1.83±1.05 and 2.04±0.82 nmol/min/mg protein, respectively). However, carnitine acetyltransferase activity of AD CBL (n=7) was significantly lower than that of control CBL (n=6) (1.33±0.88 versus 2.26±0.66 nmol/min/mg protein; p=0.05).  相似文献   
Elective ventilation describes the procedure of transferring selected patients dying from rapidly progressive intracranial haemorrhage from general medical wards to intensive care units for a brief period of ventilation before confirmation of brain stem death and harvesting of organs. This approach in Exeter has led to a rate of kidney retrieval and transplant higher than has been achieved elsewhere in the United Kingdom, with a stabilisation of numbers on patients on dialysis. Recently doubt has been cast on the legality of our practice of elective ventilation on the grounds that relatives are not permitted to consent to treatment of an incompetent person when that treatment is not in the patient''s best interests. We are thus faced with the dilemma of a protocol that is ethical, practical, and operates for the greater good but which may be illegal. This article explores various objections to the protocol and calls for public, medical, and legal debate on the issues.  相似文献   
We administered 45 Nd-YAG laser treatments in 29 patients (18 men) aged 39 to 82 years who had lung malignancy; 26 patients had primary non-oat cell lung cancer and three had metastatic airway malignancy. In all, 25 of the patients had been previously treated with combination(s) of surgical procedure, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Indications for laser treatment included endobronchial airway obstruction with uncontrolled cough, hemoptysis, dyspnea or unresolved atelectasis-pneumonia. Of 15 patients with partially occluded tracheobronchial airway tumors, immediate palliative relief was achieved in 13 patients and lasted one to six months after a single treatment. In this group there was one postoperative death related to respiratory failure and two patients subsequently died of massive pulmonary hemorrhage. However, of 14 patients with totally obstructed airways, immediate palliative relief was achieved in only five patients and this lasted three weeks to three months after a single treatment. In this group there were two postoperative deaths related to progressive respiratory failure; in one case it was associated with endobronchial combustion of the fiberoptic bronchoscope. All three patients in both groups who died of respiratory failure were in acute respiratory distress and terminally ill before the procedure. These findings suggest that Nd-YAG laser therapy may be most beneficial in patients with partially rather than totally occluded airways due to lung malignancy.  相似文献   
Summary Hearing sensitivity and psychophysical tuning curves were determined for the mormyridGnathonemus petersii. Pure tone hearing thresholds were determined from 100 Hz to 2,500 Hz, with best sensitivity being about –31 dB (re: 1 dyne/ cm2) from 300 Hz to 1,000 Hz. In order to determine frequency tuning of the auditory system, psychophysical tuning curves (PTC's) were measured with the masker presented simultaneously with, or just ahead of, the 500 Hz test signal. The sound level for different frequencies needed to just mask the test tone were determined from 100 to 800 Hz. Maximum masking occurred in both forward and simultaneous conditions when the masker and the test tone were at the same frequency. As the masker was moved in frequency from 500 Hz, higher sound levels of maskers were needed to afford masking of the test tone. The data were similar in simultaneous and forward masking, with theQ 10 dB, a measure of sharpness of tuning, being about 5 in both cases. Data were compared for other species for which behavioral thresholds and PTC's are available.Gnathonemus hears about as wide a range of frequencies as the goldfish,Carassius auratus, although the PTC's for the two species are strikingly different. The PTC's forGnathonemus resemble those determined in a forward-masking paradigm for the clown knife fish,Notopterus chitala, even thoughGnathonemus has a wider hearing bandwidth.Abbreviations AM amplitude modulated - EOD electric organ discharge - PTC psychophysical tuning curve  相似文献   
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