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The success of colchicine therapy in the management of familial Mediterranean fever has provided new direction to investigations into the pathogenesis of this disease. Examination of HLA antigen frequencies in 53 patients with familial Mediterranean fever and appropriate controls, as well as various immunologic studies have yielded no significant differences. However, B lymphocyte typing and assays for immune complexes, lymphokines and prostaglandins may be of potential interest. Preliminary studies indicate that leukocytes of patients with familial Mediterranean fever release increased amounts of lysozyme (P<0.01), when subjected to high temperatures, and of both lysozyme and myeloperoxidase at low osmotic concentrations. The known and potential effects of colchicine on leukocyte and cellular metabolism, and the current status of colchicine prophylaxis are reviewed. In patients receiving an optimum colchicine dose of 1.5 to 1.8 mg per day, side effects have been minimal and the frequency of attacks has been decreased significantly.  相似文献   
Plants are resistant to almost all of the microorganisms with which they come in contact. In response to invasion by a fungus, bacterium, or a virus, many plants produce low molecular weight compounds, phytoalexins, which inhibit the growth of microorganisms. Phytoalexins are produced whether or not the invading microorganism is a pathogen. The production of phytoalexins appears to be a widespread mechanism by which plants attempt to defend themselves against pests. Molecules of microbial origin which trigger phytoalexin accumulation in plants are called elicitors. Structural polysaccharides from the mycelial walls of several fungi elicit phytoalexin accumlation in plants. Approximately 10 ng of the polysaccharide elicits the accumulation in plants of more than sufficient amounts of phytoalexin to stop the growth of microorganisms in vitro. The best characterized elicitors have been demonstrated to be β-1,3-glucans with branches to the 6 position of some of the glucosyl residues. Oligosaccharides, produced by partial acid hydrolysis of the mycelial wall glucans, are exceptionally active elicitors. The smallest oligosaccharide which is still an effective elicitor is composed of about 8 sugar residues. Bacteria also elicit phytoalexin accumulation in plants, but the Rhizobium symbionts of legumes presumably have a mechanism which allows them to avoid either eliciting phytoalexin accumulation or the effects of the phytoalexins if they are accumulated. The lectins of legumes bind to the lipopolysaccharides of their symbiont, but not of their non-symbiont, Rhizobium. It is not known whether the lectin-lipopolysaccharide interaction is involved with the establishment of symbiosis. However, evidence will be presented that suggests that lectins are, in fact, enzymes capable of modifying the structurs of the lipopolysaccharides of their symbiont, but not of their non-symbiont, Rhizobium. It will also be shown that the lipopolysaccharides isolated from different Rhizobium species and from different strains of individual Rhizobium species have different sugar compositions. Thus, the different strains of a single Rhizobium species are as different from one another as the different species of Salmonella and other gram-negative bacteria. This conclusion is substantiated by experiments demonstrating that antibodies to the lipopolysaccharide from a single Rhizobium strain can differentiate that strain from other strains of the same species as well as from other Rhizobium species. The role in symbiosis of the strain-specific O-antigens is unknown.  相似文献   
Summary Determination of serosa-to-mucosa fluxes of Na, K, and Cl yields information about the properties of the shunt pathway in toad urinary bladder. We show that measurement of these fluxes at 30-sec intervals following an abrupt increase in mucosal osmolality yields evidence on the rate of opening of the path and of its permselectivity. The relationship between the fluxes of any pair of these ions indicates that the shunt is paracellular both before and after the increase in conductance effected by hyperosmolality and that the transepithelial PD affects the permselectivity properties (at 0 mV,P K/P Na/P Cl= 10.710.57; at +25 mV,P K/P Na/P Cl=10.710.99). The relationship between any of the fluxes and the total transepithelial conductance is linear and yields an estimate of cellular conductance (the intercept of this regression on the conductance axis) which is in accord with that measured electrically. These studies provide information on tight junction permeability to nonelectrolytes, as well. Finally, they provide new information about the role of the shunt path as a controlling influence on transepithelial sodium transport and raise the possibility that, in both leaky and tight epithelia, differences in transepithelial conductance from tissue to tissue, organ to organ, and species to species may be due, in the absence of edge damage, to changes in conductance of the paracellular pathway.  相似文献   
Plasma levels of prolactin and FSH in free-living Pied flycatchers were studied in relation to breeding stage, clutch size and diurnal variations. In the female, the concentration of prolactin started to increase during the egg-laying and reached maximal values at the end of the incubation period. After hatching prolactin levels decreased. Male Pied flycatchers showed an increase in plasma levels of prolactin at the time when they returned to their home-territories, i.e. at the end of the incubation period. Males still occupying secondary territories at this time had low levels of prolactin. In the males, as in the females, plasma levels of prolactin decreased after hatching.
Male Pied flycatchers showed at all times higher plasma levels of FSH than did females. In both sexes FSH levels were high during the early part of the breeding season and started to decrease after the egg-laying period. After hatching time plasma levels of FSH were below the sensitivity of the assay. No differences in FSH were found between males occupying secondary territories and males in home-territories.
In incubating females FSH, but not prolactin, showed a distinct unimodal daily cycle.
No differences were found in plasma levels of prolactin and FSH between females incubating different sized clutches.  相似文献   
The activity of the type II iodothyronine 5'-deiodinase enzyme in brown adipose tissue has been examined in rats-fed a selenium-deficient diet. Iodothyronine 5'-deiodinase activity was threefold lower in brown adipose tissue of deficient rats than in control animals. The activity of glutathione peroxidase, a biochemical index of selenium deficiency, was also greatly decreased in deficient animals. Cytochrome oxidase activity in brown fat was, however, unaltered by selenium deficiency. Acute exposure to cold (4 degrees C for 18 h) resulted in a substantial increase in iodothyronine 5'-deiodinase activity in brown adipose tissue of control rats, but the stimulatory effect of cold was attenuated in selenium-deficient animals. These results support the concept that the iodothyronine 5'-deiodinases are selenium-dependent enzymes, and indicate that the thermogenic response to cold may be impaired in selenium deficiency.  相似文献   
Essential oils were eamined in nine clones of Mentha arvensis, four clones of M. spicata, and 20 clones of M. gracilis. An F1 hybrid of M. arvensis M. spicata, selected on the basis of morphology and chromosome number, was matched with one clone of M. Gracilis. Genes for the inheritance of limonene, 1,8-cineole, linalool, isomenthone, carvone, and piperitenone oide were identified in one clone of M. arvensis and two clones of M. spicata. The range of essential oil compounds detected indicates that no one character can be used to identify M. gracilis, but the critical compounds of the oil of M. gracilis can be derived from crosses of M. arvensis M. spicata.  相似文献   
Comparisons of benthic invertebrates between riffles and pools   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Benthic species assemblages in upstream and downstream ends of riffles and in pools were investigated seasonally in the first five orders of an alluvial gravel stream with distinct pool and riffle channel form. Riffles comprised < 10% of stream area and were separated by pools with extensive bedrock substrate (ca. 15–85% of total surface area) which was scoured during periodic high flow. Virtually all taxa were more abundant in riffles than in pools, except chironomids which were more equally distributed. Inconsistent results were obtained for upstream-downstream comparisons within riffles. Intermittent headwater reaches (orders 1 & 2) which supported half as many taxa retained this pattern during periods of flow, although riffles at these sites were dry from mid-June to mid-November. Pools which contained more gravel, indicating less disturbance during high flow, had a richer assemblage of benthic species than other pools. Many invertebrates in pools may have been there as a result of drift from their preferred riffle habitats, but the presence of gravel in the pools indicates less intense flow disturbance during floods, provides protection from the mild scouring that does occur during floods, and provides refugia from predators.  相似文献   
12-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (12-HETE) production from arachidonic acid by cerebral microvessels isolated from perfused adult murine brain was reduced by the lipoxygenase inhibitors baicalein, esculetin, gossypol, nordihydroguaiaretic acid, and quercetin. Except for quercetin and gossypol, the IC50 did not exceed 10 microM. Each inhibitor, except baicalein, also decreased microvessel prostaglandin production when present in concentrations above their IC50 value for 12-HETE. In contrast, inhibitors of the cytochrome P450 monooxygenase system, clotrimazole, metyrapone, and proadifen (SKF-525A), had little effect on microvessel 12-HETE production. Chiral phase HPLC analysis revealed that only the (S) enantiomer of 12-HETE was formed. The major microvessel metabolite of eicosapentaenoic acid co-eluted with 12-hydroxyeicosapentaenoic acid (12-HEPE) on reverse-phase HPLC and the (S) enantiomer of 12-HEPE on chiral phase HPLC. Furthermore, like 12-HETE, 12-HEPE production was blocked by lipoxygenase inhibitors. These studies demonstrate that brain microvessels produce only the (S) enantiomeric 12-hydroxy derivatives of both arachidonic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid by the action of a lipoxygenase that can be selectively inhibited by baicalein. Since arachidonic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid are available to cerebral blood vessels in certain pathological settings, these 12-hydroxy acid lipoxygenase products may mediate some of the cerebrovascular dysfunction that occurs following stroke, brain trauma, or seizures.  相似文献   
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