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CD8(+) CTL play important roles against malignancy in both active and passive immunotherapy. Nonetheless, the success of antitumor CTL responses may be improved by additional therapeutic modalities. Radiotherapy, which has a long-standing use in treating neoplastic disease, has been found to induce unique biologic alterations in cancer cells affecting Fas gene expression, which, consequently, may influence the overall lytic efficiency of CTL. Here, in a mouse adenocarcinoma cell model, we examined whether exposure of these tumor cells to sublethal doses of irradiation 1) enhances Fas expression, leading to more efficient CTL killing via Fas-dependent mechanisms in vitro; and 2) improves antitumor activity in vivo by adoptive transfer of these Ag-specific CTL. Treatment of carcinoembryonic Ag-expressing MC38 adenocarcinoma cells with irradiation (20 Gy) in vitro enhanced Fas expression at molecular, phenotypic, and functional levels. Furthermore, irradiation sensitized these targets to Ag-specific CTL killing via the Fas/Fas ligand pathway. We examined the effect of localized irradiation of s.c. growing tumors on the efficiency of CTL adoptive immunotherapy. Irradiation caused up-regulation of Fas by these tumor cells in situ, based on immunohistochemistry. Moreover, localized irradiation of the tumor significantly potentiated tumor rejection by these carcinoembryonic Ag-specific CTL. Overall, these results showed for the first time that 1) regulation of the Fas pathway in tumor cells by irradiation plays an important role in their sensitization to Ag-specific CTL; and 2) a combination regimen of tumor-targeted irradiation and CTL promotes more effective antitumor responses in vivo, which may have implications for the combination of immunotherapy and radiation therapy.  相似文献   
The Photosystem I (PS I) reaction center contains two branches of nearly symmetric cofactors bound to the PsaA and PsaB heterodimer. From the x-ray crystal structure it is known that Trp697PsaA and Trp677PsaB are pi-stacked with the head group of the phylloquinones and are H-bonded to Ser692PsaA and Ser672PsaB, whereas Arg694PsaA and Arg674PsaB are involved in a H-bonded network of side groups that connects the binding environments of the phylloquinones and FX. The mutants W697FPsaA, W677FPsaB, S692CPsaA, S672CPsaB, R694APsaA, and R674APsaB were constructed and characterized. All mutants grew photoautotrophically, yet all showed diminished growth rates compared with the wild-type, especially at higher light intensities. EPR and electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) studies at both room temperature and in frozen solution showed that the PsaB mutants were virtually identical to the wild-type, whereas significant effects were observed in the PsaA mutants. Spin polarized transient EPR spectra of the P700+A1- radical pair show that none of the mutations causes a significant change in the orientation of the measured phylloquinone. Pulsed ENDOR spectra reveal that the W697FPsaA mutation leads to about a 5% increase in the hyperfine coupling of the methyl group on the phylloquinone ring, whereas the S692CPsaA mutation causes a similar decrease in this coupling. The changes in the methyl hyperfine coupling are also reflected in the transient EPR spectra of P700+A1- and the CW EPR spectra of photoaccumulated A1-. We conclude that: (i) the transient EPR spectra at room temperature are predominantly from radical pairs in the PsaA branch of cofactors; (ii) at low temperature the electron cycle involving P700 and A1 similarly occurs along the PsaA branch of cofactors; and (iii) mutation of amino acids in close contact with the PsaA side quinone leads to changes in the spin density distribution of the reduced quinone observed by EPR.  相似文献   
Intestinal cells are regularly exposed to sphingolipid metabolites, i.e., ceramide and sphingoid bases, after hydrolysis of complex sphingolipids from the diet. These metabolites are known regulators of cell growth, differentiation, and death. Non-pharmacological amounts in the diet have been shown to inhibit early stages of chemically induced colon cancer in mice. To distinguish between chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic effects of sphingomyelin supplements, mice were fed sphingomyelin before and after tumor initiation. Both applications drastically reduced tumor formation, without a significant difference among the groups, indicating that sphingolipids are as effective in the chemoprevention of tumors as in early intervention. The normalization of cell proliferation and rate of apoptosis, but not the induction of differentiation, seem to be key players in the suppression of tumor formation by dietary sphingomyelin. This may have implications for the development of a cancer prevention or treatment strategy with sphingolipids as an alternative to conventional drugs.  相似文献   
Repression of farnesoid X receptor during the acute phase response   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The acute phase response is associated with changes in the hepatic expression of genes involved in lipid metabolism. Nuclear hormone receptors that heterodimerize with retinoid X receptor (RXR), such as thyroid receptors, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors, and liver X receptors, modulate lipid metabolism. We recently demonstrated that these nuclear hormone receptors are repressed during the acute phase response induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS), consistent with the known decreases in genes that they regulate. In the present study, we show that LPS significantly decreases farnesoid X receptor (FXR) mRNA in mouse liver as early as 8 h after LPS administration, and this decrease was dose-dependent with the half-maximal effect observed at 0.5 microg/100 g of body weight. Gel-shift experiments demonstrated that DNA binding activity to an FXR response element (IR1) is significantly reduced by LPS treatment. Supershift experiments demonstrated that the shifted protein-DNA complex contains FXR and RXR. Furthermore, the expression of FXR target genes, SHP and apoCII, were significantly reduced by LPS (70 and 60%, respectively). Also, LPS decreases hepatic LRH expression in mouse, which may explain the reduced expression of CYP7A1 in the face of SHP repression. In Hep3B human hepatoma cells, both tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukin-1 (IL-1) significantly decreased FXR mRNA, whereas IL-6 did not have any effect. TNF and IL-1 also decreased the DNA binding activity to an IR1 response element and the expression of SHP and apoCII. Importantly, TNF and IL-1 almost completely blocked the expression of luciferase activity linked to a FXR response element promoter construct transfected into Hep3B cells. Together with our earlier studies on the repression of RXRs, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors, LXRs, thyroid receptors, constitutive androstane receptor, and pregnane X receptor, these results suggest that decreases in nuclear hormone receptors are major contributors to the decreased gene expression that occurs in the negative acute phase response.  相似文献   
A species of Ashworthius is reported for the first time in the Western Hemisphere, and A. patriciapilittae n. sp. is described on the basis of specimens in white-tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus from Costa Rica. Among 8 known species, A. patriciapilittae is morphologically similar to A. tuyenquangi in red muntjac Muntjacas muntjak from northern Vietnam. The synlophe in A. patriciapilittae is composed of 26 ridges in the cervical zone and is continuous to the caudal extremity in males and females. Males are characterized by a complex dorsal ray and narrow trifurcate spicules (351-356 microm long) lacking an "eyelet." with dissimilar ventral and dorsal processes; the gubernaculum is 45-48% of the spicule length. Females have a prominent linguiform flap at the vulva and large eggs (108-142 microm long). The presence of A. patriciapilittae in Costa Rica is examined in the context of competing hypotheses for cospeciation or contemporary host-switching in cervids: either A. patriciapilittae is a component of an endemic Central and South American fauna that has diversified through coevolution of Ashworthius and cervid hosts or it has been introduced. Among haemonchines in the Western Hemisphere, specimens of A. patriciapilittae may be confused with 3 species of Haemonchus, including H. contortus, H. placei, and H. similis, that occur in both domestic and wild ruminants. Discovery of A. patriciapilittae emphasizes the continued need for survey and inventory to define the structure and distribution of parasite faunas in wild and domestic ruminants from the Nearctic and Neotropical regions.  相似文献   
Gap junctions are intercellular channels formed by the serial, head to head arrangement of two hemichannels. Each hemichannel is an oligomer of six protein subunits, which in vertebrates are encoded by the connexin gene family. All intercellular channels formed by connexins are sensitive to the relative difference in the membrane potential between coupled cells, the transjunctional voltage (Vj), and gate by the separate action of their component hemichannels (Harris, A.L., D.C. Spray, and M.V. Bennett. 1981. J. Gen. Physiol. 77:95-117). We reported previously that the polarity of Vj dependence is opposite for hemichannels formed by two closely related connexins, Cx32 and Cx26, when they are paired to form intercellular channels (Verselis, V.K., C.S. Ginter, and T.A. Bargiello. 1994. Nature. 368:348-351). The opposite gating polarity is due to a difference in the charge of the second amino acid. Negative charge substitutions of the neutral asparagine residue present in wild-type Cx32 (Cx32N2E or Cx32N2D) reverse the gating polarity of Cx32 hemichannels from closure at negative Vj to closure at positive Vj. In this paper, we further examine the mechanism of polarity reversal by determining the gating polarity of a chimeric connexin, in which the first extracellular loop (E1) of Cx32 is replaced with that of Cx43 (Cx43E1). The resulting chimera, Cx32*Cx43E1, forms conductive hemichannels when expressed in single Xenopus oocytes and intercellular channels in pairs of oocytes (Pfahnl, A., X.W. Zhou, R. Werner, and G. Dahl. 1997. Pflügers Arch. 433:733-779). We demonstrate that the polarity of Vj dependence of Cx32*Cx43E1 hemichannels in intercellular pairings is the same as that of wild-type Cx32 hemichannels and is reversed by the N2E substitution. In records of single intercellular channels, Vj dependence is characterized by gating transitions between fully open and subconductance levels. Comparable transitions are observed in Cx32*Cx43E1 conductive hemichannels at negative membrane potentials and the polarity of these transitions is reversed by the N2E substitution. We conclude that the mechanism of Vj dependence of intercellular channels is conserved in conductive hemichannels and term the process Vj gating. Heteromeric conductive hemichannels comprised of Cx32*Cx43E1 and Cx32N2E*Cx43E1 subunits display bipolar Vj gating, closing to substates at both positive and negative membrane potentials. The number of bipolar hemichannels observed in cells expressing mixtures of the two connexin subunits coincides with the number of hemichannels that are expected to contain a single oppositely charged subunit. We conclude that the movement of the voltage sensor in a single connexin subunit is sufficient to initiate Vj gating. We further suggest that Vj gating results from conformational changes in individual connexin subunits rather than by a concerted change in the conformation of all six subunits.  相似文献   
The tumor suppressor, p53, is among the most commonly mutated genes in human cancers. Recent reports describe shared and divergent properties of a Drosophila p53 homolog Dmp53. Like its mammalian counterpart, Dmp53 also functions in damage-induced cell death. In this model system, the apoptosis activator reaper has emerged as an important target gene. Together with the wealth of genomic data available in Drosophila, continued studies on Dmp53 promise new insights into the regulation and function of this important gene family.  相似文献   
Alignment of tropoelastin molecules during the process of elastogenesis is thought to require fibrillin-containing microfibrils. In this study, we have demonstrated that amino-terminal domains of two microfibrillar proteins, fibrillin-1 and fibrillin-2, interact with tropoelastin in solid phase binding assays. The tropoelastin-binding site was localized to a region beginning at the glycine-rich and proline-rich regions of fibrillin-2 and fibrillin-1, respectively, and continuing through the second 8-cysteine domain. Characterization of the binding requirements using the fibrillin-2 construct found that a folded, secondary structure was necessary for binding. Furthermore, binding between tropoelastin and fibrillin was mediated by ionic interactions involving the lysine side chains of tropoelastin. The importance of the lysine side chains was corroborated by the finding that the fibrillin-2 construct did not bind to mature elastin, whose lysine side chains have been modified to form cross-links. Interestingly, there was no interaction between the fibrillin constructs and tropoelastin in solution phase, suggesting that binding of tropoelastin to a solid substrate exposes a cryptic binding site. These results suggest that fibrillin plays an important role in elastic fiber assembly by binding tropoelastin and perhaps facilitating side chain alignment for efficient cross-linking.  相似文献   
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