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Marmosets (genus Callithrix) are a diverse group of platyrrhine primates with 13-15 purported taxa, many of them considered endangered. Morphological analyses constitute most of the basis for recognition of these forms as distinct taxa. The purpose of this study was to provide a molecular view, based on mitochondrial control region sequences, of the evolutionary history of the marmosets, concomitant with a molecular phylogenetic perspective on species diversity within the group. An additional purpose was to provide the first comparative examination of a complete New World monkey control region sequence with those of other mammals. The phylogenetic analyses provide convincing support for a split between the Atlantic forest and Amazonian marmosets, with the inclusion of the pygmy marmoset (Cebuella pygmaea) at the base of the Amazonian clade. The earliest branch of the Atlantic forest group was C. aurita. In the Amazonian group, the analyses do not support the recognition of C. humeralifer and the recently described C mauesi as distinct taxa. They do, however, support a clear distinction between C. argentata and a strongly supported mixed clade of C. humeralifer and C. mauesi. In the Atlantic forest group, the phylogenetic tree suggests mixing between C. penicillata, C. kuhli, and possibly C. jacchus. Most of the sequence features characteristic of other mammal control regions were also evident in marmosets, with the exception that conserved sequence blocks (CSBs) 2 and 3 were not clearly identifiable. Tandem repeat units often associated with heteroplasmy in a variety of other mammals were not evident in the marmoset sequences.   相似文献   
The relationship between plant species diversity and ecosystem CO2 and water vapour fluxes was investigated for planted calcareous grassland communities composed of 5, 12, or 32 species assembled from the native plant species pool. These diversity manipulations were done in factorial combination with a CO2 enrichment experiment in order to investigate the degree to which ecosystem responses to elevated CO2 are altered by a loss of plant diversity. Ecosystem CO2 and H2O fluxes were measured over several 24-h periods during the 1994 and 1995 growing seasons. Ecosystem CO2 assimilation on a ground area basis decreased with decreasing plant diversity in the first year and this was related to a decline in above-ground plant biomass. In the second year, however, CO2 assimilation was not affected by diversity, and this corresponded to the disappearance of a diversity effect on above-ground biomass. Irrespective of diversity treatment, CO2 assimilation on a ground area basis was linearly related to peak above-ground biomass in both years. Elevated CO2 significantly increased ecosystem CO2 assimilation in both years with no interaction between diversity and CO2 treatment, and no corresponding increase in above-ground biomass. There were no significant effects of diversity on water vapour flux, which was measured only in the second year. There were indications of a small CO2 effect on water vapour flux (3–9% lower at elevated CO2 depending on the light level). Our findings suggest that decreasing plant species diversity may substantially decrease ecosystem CO2 assimilation during the establishment of such planted calcareous grassland communities, but also suggest that this effect may not persist. In addition, we find no evidence that plant species diversity alters the response of ecosystem CO2 assimilation to elevated CO2.  相似文献   
Free-ranging groups are frequently assorted by phenotypic characters. However, very little is known about the underlying processes that determine this structuring. In this study, we investigate the mechanisms underlying the phenotypic composition of shoals of guppies ( Poecilia reticulata ) in a high-predation stream in Trinidad's Northern Mountain Range. We collected 57 entire wild shoals, which were strongly assorted by body length. Shoal encounters staged within an experimental arena showed shoal fission (but not fusion) events to be an important mechanism in generating phenotypic assortment. In the wild, fission and fusion between guppy shoals occurred extremely frequently and thus are unlikely to constrain the opportunities for shoal assortment. However, fission and fusion processes occur under the restrictions imposed by the distribution of individuals within the environment. We observed size specific segregation within the habitat in three dimensions, providing a passive mechanism that contributes to the maintenance of the observed homogeneity of group composition. Furthermore sex differences were found in social behaviour. Individual male guppies switched between shoals more frequently than females and left a shoal more often than females. We argue that shoal composition is determined by habitat segregation on a medium spatial scale and by fission/fusion processes on a small spatial scale (with sex-specific shoal dynamics adding a additional layer of complexity).  相似文献   
PR domain-containing protein 7 (PRDM7) is a primate-specific histone methyltransferase that is the result of a recent gene duplication of PRDM9. The two proteins are highly homologous, especially in the catalytic PR/SET domain, where they differ by only three amino acid residues. Here we report that PRDM7 is an efficient methyltransferase that selectively catalyzes the trimethylation of H3 lysine 4 (H3K4) both in vitro and in cells. Through selective mutagenesis we have dissected the functional roles of each of the three divergent residues between the PR domains of PRDM7 and PRDM9. These studies indicate that after a single serine to tyrosine mutation at residue 357 (S357Y), PRDM7 regains the substrate specificities and catalytic activities similar to its evolutionary predecessor, including the ability to efficiently methylate H3K36.  相似文献   
In order to evaluate the influence of the number of catches in pheromone-baited traps on the percentage of larval infestation, six delta traps equipped with sex attractant were placed in each of three regions in Central Greece (Farkadona, Farsala, Almyros) in cotton fields from 20 June until 30 September 1995. The collection of fruiting bodies took place weekly and the counting of adults in the traps was carried out each day. The population fluctuation in all three regions was similar with their peak during the first weeks of August. In Farkadona the infestation level was low (1% at the first sampling of August) with a maximum of 9% in the last sampling of September. In Farsala and Almyros, the infestation level was already high (10% and above) in early August. There was a significant positive linear correlation between the number of moth catches and the infestation percentage from first- and second-stage larvae on the first (R = 0694) and second (R = 0.7399) boll-feeding generations.  相似文献   
Cell Wall Solubilization in Pedicel Abscission of Begonia Flower Buds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Effects of metabolic inhibitors and growth regulators on the course of abscission and on the activities of cell wall solubilizing enzymes were studied in pedicel explants of Begonia flower buds. Actinomycin D, chloramphenicol and 2,4-dinitrophenol slightly retarded abscission, whereas cycloheximide exerted a strong inhibition if applied until 10.5 h after explant excision. Indoleacetic acid retarded and ethylene promoted abscission and cell wall solubilization. However, the activities of cell wall solubilizing enzymes did not correspond with the course of abscission. No polygalacturonase and pectic acid and pectin transeliminases could be detected in the abscission zone during abscission, whereas a low pectin methylesterase activity did not change. Endo- and exocellulase activities did not increase until about 10 h after the onset of abscission, indicating that they are the result rather than the cause of abscission.  相似文献   
Post-translational modifications of histones serve as docking sites and signals for effector proteins and chromatin-remodeling enzymes, thereby influencing many fundamental cellular processes. Nevertheless, there are huge gaps in the knowledge of which proteins read and write the 'histone code'. Several techniques have been used to decipher complex histone-modification patterns. However, none is entirely satisfactory owing to the inherent limitations of in vitro studies of histones, such as deficits in the knowledge of the proteins involved, and the associated difficulties in the consistent and quantitative generation of histone marks. An alternative technique that could prove to be a useful tool in the study of the histone code is the use of synthetic peptide arrays (SPOT blot analysis) as a screening approach to characterize macromolecules that interact with specific covalent modifications of histone tails.  相似文献   
Abstract: Many articulated brachiopods experience marked life habit variations during ontogeny because they experience their fluid environment at successively higher Reynolds numbers, and they can change the configuration of their inhalant and exhalant flows as body size increases. We show that the extant brachiopod Terebratalia transversa undergoes a substantial ontogenetic change in reorientation governed by rotation around the pedicle. T. transversa′s reorientation angle (maximum ability to rotate on the pedicle) decreases during ontogeny, from 180 degrees in juveniles to 10–20 degrees in individuals exceeding 5 mm, to complete cessation of rotation in individuals larger than 10 mm. Rotation ability is substantially reduced after T. transversa achieves the adult lophophore configuration and preferred orientation with respect to ambient water currents at a length of 2.5–5 mm. We hypothesize that the rotation angle of T. transversa is determined mainly by the position of ventral and dorsal points of attachment of dorsal pedicle muscles relative to the pedicle. T. transversa shows a close correlation between the ontogenetic change in reorientation angle and ontogeny of morphological traits that are related to points of attachment of dorsal pedicle muscles, although other morphological features can also limit rotation in the adult stage. The major morphological change in cardinalia shape and the observed reduction of rotation affect individuals 2.5–10 mm in length. The position of ventral insertions of dorsal pedicle muscles remains constant, but contraction of dorsal pedicle muscles is functionally handicapped because dorsal insertions shift away from the valve midline, rise above the dorsal valve floor, and become limited by a wide cardinal process early in ontogeny (<5 mm). The rate of increase of cardinal process width and of distance between dorsal pedicle muscle scars substantially decreases in the subadult stage (5–10 mm), and most of the cardinalia shell traits grow nearly isometrically in the adult stage (>10 mm). T. transversa attains smaller shell length in crevices than on exposed substrates. The proportion of small‐sized individuals and population density is lower on exposed substrates than in crevices, indicating higher juvenile mortality on substrates prone to grazing and physical disturbance. The loss of reorientation ability can be a consequence of morphological changes that strengthen substrate attachment and maximize protection against biotic or physical disturbance (1) by minimizing torques around the pedicle axis and/or (2) by shifting energy investments into attachment strength at the expense of the cost involved in reorientation.  相似文献   
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