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A major challenge in controlling overabundant wildlife is monitoring their populations, particularly as they decline to very low density. Camera traps and wildlife detector dogs are increasingly being used for this purpose. We compared the cost-effectiveness of these two approaches for detecting feral cats (Felis catus) on two pastoral properties in Hawke's Bay, North Island, New Zealand. One property was subject to intensive pest removal, while the other had no recent history of pest control. Camera traps and wildlife detector dogs detected cats at similar rates at both sites. The operating costs of each method were also comparable. We identify a number of advantages and disadvantages of each technique, and suggest priorities for further research.  相似文献   
A 328-bp sequence from exon 1 of the gene for aquaporin-2 (AQP2) was compared in 12 mammalian species, representing as many eutherian orders. This sequence encodes the N-terminal half of this kidney- specific water channel protein. Most amino acid replacements, as well as an insertion, have occurred in extracellular loops connecting the transmembrane helices, in agreement with a lower functional importance of these loops. Phylogenetic analyses were performed with parsimony, distance, and maximum-likelihood methods. The AQP2 data set, alone as well as in combination with previously published alpha A-crystallin protein sequences, strongly supports a clade consisting of elephant, hyrax, aardvark, and elephant shrew, reaching bootstrap values of 99%. This finding fully agrees with the only other presently available sequence data sets that include these taxa, those of von Willebrand factor and interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein, and suggests that this extended paenungulate clade is one of the most conspicuous superordinal groupings in eutherian phylogeny. Some support was obtained for an artiodactyl/perissodactyl clade, while the grouping of pholidotes with edentates was contradicted.   相似文献   
Alien fishes are considered a major threat to aquatic biodiversity in South Africa, yet relatively little regional information on their biology and ecology is available for many of these species. Seasonal changes in the diet of the bluegill Lepomis macrochirus in Howieson’s Poort Dam, Grahamstown, were assessed during summer and winter in 2014–2015, using stomach content analysis. In winter, juvenile and adult fish diets were dominated by crustacean zooplankton and insects, respectively. In summer, juvenile fish fed on crustaceans and insects, whereas adults consumed mostly fish eggs, indicating a potential impact by these invasive fish on native fish through oophagy.  相似文献   
The patterns of synonymous codon usage in 91 Drosophila melanogaster genes have been examined. Codon usage varies strikingly among genes. This variation is associated with differences in G+C content at silent sites, but (unlike the situation in mammalian genes) these differences are not correlated with variation in intron base composition and so are not easily explicable in terms of mutational biases. Instead, those genes with high G+C content at silent sites, resulting from a strong "preference" for a particular subset of the codons that are mostly C- ending, appear to be the more highly expressed genes. This suggests that G+C content is reduced in sequences where selective constraints are weaker, as indeed seen in a pseudogene. These and other data discussed are consistent with the effects of translational selection among synonymous codons, as seen in unicellular organisms. The existence of selective constraints on silent substitutions, which may vary in strength among genes, has implications for the use of silent molecular clocks.   相似文献   
Melanocyte cultures were established and maintained routinely in Ham's F-10 medium containing 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate (TPA), isobutylmethylxanthine (IBMX), cholera toxin (CT) and fetal calf serum (FCS). Three serum substitutes (Ultroser-G, Nutridoma-Hu and Nutricyte-H) were tested in order to obtain a medium without FCS having a more constant composition. Melanocyte proliferation was examined in long-term culture experiments by in situ cell counts at different periods of time. Only with Ultroser-G (1-2%) was the proliferation of melanocytes maintained without both FCS and CT, whereas the addition of the other two serum substitutes resulted in stabilization of melanocyte densities in the cultures up to 28 days. In the medium containing 1% Ultroser-G and IBMX without TPA minimal or no increases in melanocyte density were found. Addition of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF, 1 ng/ml) to the medium without TPA resulted in a partial restimulation of growth in different experiments. In this system with 1% Ultroser-G and 1 ng/ml bFGF, IBMX could also be replaced by other factors (dbcAMP LTC4 and a purified form of α-melanocyte stimulating hormone). The culture medium with 1% Ultroser-G containing TPA and IBMX is now used for routine melanocyte culture. In this medium TPN/IBMX can easily be replaced by bFGF/dbcAMP with optimal growth stimulation. The combination bFGF/α-MSH and other more physiological stimulators offers an alternative to study responses of melanocytes in culture with respect to proliferation, metabolism, and phenotype.  相似文献   
An efficient liquid culture system for plant regeneration from leaflessstem–root axes of Cryptanthus sinuosus L. B. Smith(Bromeliaceae) was established. High regeneration rates (93%) were achieved inMurashige and Skoog's medium without growth regulators. Whole plants wereobtained in a single-step procedure, resulting in the production of 25.3± 3.6 plants/explant after 6 months of culture. Incubationof plant material at 35 ± 3 °C resulted in an increaseof 60% in the regeneration efficiency compared with tissues incubated at 28± 2 °C. Moreover, after 5–6 sub-cultures in thesame medium, the axes originated bud clusters that could be continuouslymultiplied and gave rise to 19.4 ± 3.2 whole plants per gram of freshmatter. It was estimated that the liquid culture system described is potentiallyable to produce about 4500 plants/explant/year. Rates of 98% acclimatizationwere achieved. The use of plants produced following this method for populationreinforcement and for in vitro preservation programs ofendangered populations is suggested.  相似文献   

The wild barley Hordeum chilense fulfills some requirements for being a useful tool to investigate the endosperm yellow pigment content (YPC) in the Triticeae including its diploid constitution, the availability of genetic resources (addition and deletion stocks and a high density genetic map) and, especially, its high seed YPC not silenced in tritordeums (amphiploids derived from H. chilense and wheat). Thus, the aim of this work was to test the utility of the H. chilense genome for investigating the YPC in the Triticeae.


Twelve genes related to endosperm carotenoid content and/or YPC in grasses (Dxr, Hdr [synonym ispH], Ggpps1, Psy2, Psy3, Pds, Zds, e-Lcy, b-Lcy, Hyd3, Ccd1 and Ppo1) were identified, and mapped in H. chilense using rice genes to identify orthologs from barley, wheat, sorghum and maize. Macrocolinearity studies revealed that gene positions were in agreement in H. vulgare and H. chilense. Additionally, three main regions associated with YPC were identified in chromosomes 2Hch, 3Hch and 7Hch in H. chilense, the former being the most significant one.


The results obtained are consistent with previous findings in wheat and suggest that Ggpps1, Zds and Hyd3 on chromosome 2Hch may be considered candidate genes in wheat for further studies in YPC improvement. Considering the syntenic location of carotenoid genes in H. chilense, we have concluded that the Hch genome may constitute a valuable tool for YPC studies in the Triticeae.



Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) is characterised by limitations in physical function. The Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index (BASFI) is considered to be the gold-standard to assess physical function in AS patients. However, the BASFI questionnaire is a self-reported outcome measure and susceptible to subjective interpretation (under- or over-estimation). More objective outcome measures, like performance-based tests, could provide an objective outcome measurement for the evaluation of limitations in physical function. Therefore, the primary aim of this study was to determine the association between performance-based measures and the BASFI questionnaire.


In this cross-sectional study 126 AS patients completed the BASFI questionnaire and eight performance-based tests based on BASFI-items. Each test received three scores: one for performance (time or points) and a score for exertion and pain experienced during performance (using modified Borg-scale and VAS 0-100 mm, respectively). Linear regression analyses were used to assess the associations between the BASFI questionnaire and performance-based tests.


The univariable association between performance and BASFI-score was moderate with a R-square of 0.31 and Beta of 0.56 (p's < 0.05). In a multivariable analysis, the association between performance, exertion and pain on the one hand and BASFI-score on the other was assessed; R-square increased to 0.54: the Beta's for exertion and pain during performance were 0.38 and 0.26, respectively; the Beta for performance decreased to 0.19 (p's < 0.05).


This study demonstrates that alongside actual performance, patients seem to incorporate exertion and pain in their assessment of perceived physical function on the BASFI questionnaire. Performance-based tests could provide an objective outcome measurement for the evaluation of physical function and give relevant new information in addition to the BASFI questionnaire.  相似文献   
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