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The creation of a comprehensive genetic map in human has been limited by the lack of highly polymorphic markers spaced evenly throughout the human genome. We have utilized yeast artificial chromosomes (YAC) containing large human DNA inserts to help identify highly polymorphic (CA)n repeats at a chosen locus. The DNA of a YAC containing the locus was subcloned in M13 vectors, and the recombinants were screened at high stringency to detect preferentially long (CA)n repeats (n greater than 20). These repeats, which are the most likely to be highly polymorphic, were then studied to confirm both the level of polymorphism and their precise genetic location. This strategy has permitted the identification of a new, highly polymorphic CA repeat (77% heterozygosity) at the T cell receptor alpha chain (TCRA) locus on chromosome 14q. It provides a powerful marker for assessing the role of this locus in the susceptibility to autoimmune and infectious diseases. This approach should permit the development of highly polymorphic markers at any targeted locus and rapidly improve the current human genetic map.  相似文献   
The rat cDNA sequence of PC4 (rPC4), representing a new member of the Kex2/subtilisin-like proprotein convertases, demonstrated the presence of at least three rPC4 mRNAs resulting in the production of rPC4-A (654 amino acids), rPC4-B (619 amino acids), and rPC4-C (609 amino acids) with different C-terminal sequences. Analogous to rat PC4, three cDNAs were also found for the mouse PC4. The observed molecular diversity of PC4 mRNA possibly results from the differential splicing and/or exon skipping of the parent gene. PC4 mRNA, with a major form at 2.8 kilobases, was highly abundant in the rat testis but could not be detected by Northern analysis in any other tissues including the central nervous system and peripheral tissues. Testicular cell separation studies combined with Northern analysis indicate the high expression levels of PC4 in germ cells but not in Leydig, Sertoli, or peritubular cells. In situ hybridization histochemistry confirms the site of PC4 gene expression as the pachytene spermatocytes and the round spermatids but not in the elongating spermatids. We also demonstrate the colocalization of PC4 with proenkephalin in testicular germ cells by in situ hybridization. A study of the ontogeny of PC4 indicated that PC4 mRNA was first expressed postnatally between days 19 and 22, coinciding with the first stages of spermiogenesis. The stage-specific expression of PC4 in testis indicates its potential role in the developmental maturation of germ cells and that this convertase may play a specific physiological function in reproduction.  相似文献   
It is well established that the LH/CG receptor expressed in gonadal cells is an 85- to 92-kilodalton (kDa) glycoprotein. Additionally, however, a number of reports have noted the existence of other putative receptor species, but few attempts have been made to characterize these variant receptor species. A cell line [293L(wt1)] had previously been isolated which expresses large numbers of high affinity cell surface LH/CG receptors. Visualization of the LH/CG receptor species expressed in these cells and in rat luteal cells using ligand blots revealed 85- and 90-kDa LH/CG receptors, respectively, while immunoblots revealed another 68-kDa glycoprotein receptor in both cell types. The presence of both the 85- and 68-kDa receptor species was confirmed using immunoprecipitation and affinity purification of metabolically labeled 293L(wt1) cells. Enzymatic deglycosylations established that the 85-kDa receptor is a sialoprotein, while the 68-kDa species contains exposed high mannose residues. Protease digestion before LH/CG receptor immunoprecipitations localized the 85-kDa receptor on the plasma membrane, while the 68-kDa receptor was shown to be located intracellularly. Pulse-chase experiments were then used to positively establish that the 68-kDa receptor protein is actually a precursor of the 85-kDa LH/CG receptor species.  相似文献   
The efficacy of human extracellular-superoxide dismutase type C (EC-SOD C) to limit infarct size after ischemia and reperfusion was explored and compared to that of EC-SOD C combined with catalase (CAT) and to that of CAT alone. EC-SOD C binds to heparan sulphate proteoglycan on the cell surfaces. Thirty-two pigs were subjected to 45 min of myocardial ischemia followed by 4 h of reperfusion. Control pigs (group A; n = 8) received 300 mL of saline into the great cardiac vein during a 30-min period started 5 min prior to reperfusion; pigs in group B (EC-SOD C; n = 8) got 16.6 mg of EC-SOD C; pigs in group C (EC-SOD C + CAT; n = 8) got 16.6 mg of EC-SOD C together with 150 mg of CAT. Pigs in group D (CAT; n = 8) received 150 mg of CAT. In groups B, C, and D, the drug was dissolved in saline and infused into the great cardiac. Infarct size expressed as percent of area at risk was smaller in groups B (14.5 +/- 16.7%) and C (40.8 +/- 13.3%) than in groups A (78.8 +/- 8.6%) and D (67.2 +/- 18.6%; p less than .05). Creatine kinase (CK) activity in ischemic myocardium was higher in groups B (1740 +/- 548 U/g) and C (1729 +/- 358 U/g) than in groups A (1184 +/- 237 U/g) and D (1251 +/- 434 U/g; p less than .05). There was an inverse relation (r = -.83) between infarct size and CK content. The EC-SOD C infusions resulted in only minimal increases in plasma SOD activities. In conclusion, the presence of SOD on the cell surfaces is of importance in the prevention of reperfusion injury rather than circulating SOD.  相似文献   
From 12 to 19 May 1987, during Morspur apple bloom, 21 radioactively labeled (65 Zn) adult plum curculios, Conotrachelus nenuphar (Herbst), were released within a field cage containing four dwarf apple trees and located three times a day. A technique was developed for quickly obtaining (x, y, z)coordinates of location for adults foraging within apple trees. Cyclic patterns of behavior were detected using spectral analysis procedures. Over 70% of plum curculios exhibited diel periodicity with respect to activity and rate of movement, 36% exhibited such periodicity with respect to presence in the trees, and 27% with respect to movements from the center to the periphery of the canopy. Presence in fruit clusters, height in the trees, and movements along east-west and north-south axes showed little or no periodicity. Factors triggering cyclic behavior and practical implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   
As we have seen, natural antibodies first emerged as an experimental phenomenon without a plausible theoretical explanation. They were originally denied the status of antibody; then, adjustments to the side-chain theory transformed them from a curiosity into a foundation of the theory. However, in accommodating natural antibodies, Ehrlich had opened several holes in his mechanism of antibody formation.Thus, by 1905, natural antibodies were clearly established as problematic. From the practical standpoint, it seemed unwise to maintain an identity between normal and immune antibodies, given the therapeutic differences in their avidity. With the decline of Ehrlich's theory of antibody formation and the spread of Landsteiner's hapten technique for the production of antibodies against artificial antigens after World War I, the theoretical possibility of their existence as other than anomaly seemed more remote than ever. However, outside the theory and despite clinical considerations, natural antibodies remained a perplexing experimental phenomenon.49  相似文献   
Human cumuli-oophori were cultured in vitro in the presence of radioactive protein and polysaccharide precursors. The time course of the cumulus cell secretion was traced by histoautoradiography. Matrix solubilization, and sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and high-performance liquid chromatography showed that proteoglycan (Mr greater than 1,700,000) was the main cumulus cell product that was prevailingly deposited in the cumulus intercellular matrix and partly released into the culture medium. It was capable of accelerating the conversion of proacrosin to acrosin and this activity was abolished by enzymatic removal of chondroitin sulphate, the predominant glycosaminoglycan of this proteoglycan fraction. None of the other fractions, including a proteoglycan of Mr 80,000-90,000, containing heparan sulphate, accelerated the conversion of proacrosin to acrosin under the conditions used. The results suggest that chondroitin sulphate is the active component of the high-Mr proacrosin activator of the human cumulus-oophorus.  相似文献   
The morphology, infraciliature, and life cycle of Endosphaera terebrans, a suctorian endocommensal of peritrichs, have been studied with the aid of silver impregnation. The life cycle of Endosphaera terebrans begins with infection of the host cell by a small larva. The swarmer has a pointed needle-like cellular projection and two rings of cilia. The swarmer penetrates the the peritrich, loses the cilia, and then matures into an adult. The infraciliature of the adult form has four rows of barren kinetosomes that lack kinetodesmal fibers. By endogenous budding, a migratory larva is produced that leaves the host cell through the peristomial disc and that can infect other peritrichs.  相似文献   
B Hosek  J Bohácek  J Sikulová 《Life sciences》1991,49(19):1403-1407
Changes in ADA and PNP activities in the spleens and thymuses of mice were studied after a single administration of cyclophosphamide (CY, 200 mg/kg) and after whole-body gamma irradiation (5.5 Gy), applied alone or three days after CY application. In the first days after the treatment the enzyme activities were significantly depressed (p less than 0.01) with the exception of ADA in the spleen, where a high elevation (220-380%) in relation to controls was observed. During the regeneration period a pronounced rise of PNP activity in the spleen occurred mainly after a combined application of CY and irradiation (270%). In the thymus the regeneration was manifested by a mild increase of both ADA and PNP activities towards control values. The findings suggest that the expressive changes of ADA and PNP activities, participating in the purine salvage pathway, may, after a cytotoxic treatment, influence the nucleotide pool and DNA synthesis in lymphoid organs.  相似文献   
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