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Across a range of vertebrate species, it is known that there is a negative association between maximum lifespan and mitochondrial hydrogen peroxide production. In this report, we investigate the underlying biochemical basis of the low hydrogen peroxide production rate of heart mitochondria from a long-lived species (pigeon) compared with a short-lived species with similar body mass (rat). The difference in hydrogen peroxide efflux rate was not explained by differences in either superoxide dismutase activity or hydrogen peroxide removal capacity. During succinate oxidation, the difference in hydrogen peroxide production rate between the species was localized to the ΔpH-sensitive superoxide producing site within complex I. Mitochondrial ΔpH was significantly lower in pigeon mitochondria compared with rat, but this difference in ΔpH was not great enough to explain the lower hydrogen peroxide production rate. As judged by mitochondrial flavin mononucleotide content and blue native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, pigeon mitochondria contained less complex I than rat mitochondria. Recalculation revealed that the rates of hydrogen peroxide production per molecule of complex I were the same in rat and pigeon. We conclude that mitochondria from the long-lived pigeon display low rates of hydrogen peroxide production because they have low levels of complex I.  相似文献   
Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is transmitted through a viral synapse and enters target cells via interaction with the glucose transporter GLUT1. Here, we show that Neuropilin-1 (NRP1), the receptor for semaphorin-3A and VEGF-A165 and a member of the immune synapse, is also a physical and functional partner of HTLV-1 envelope (Env) proteins. HTLV-1 Env and NRP1 complexes are formed in cotransfected cells, and endogenous NRP1 contributes to the binding of HTLV-1 Env to target cells. NRP1 overexpression increases HTLV-1 Env-dependent syncytium formation. Moreover, overexpression of NRP1 increases both HTLV-1 and HTLV-2 Env-dependent infection, whereas down-regulation of endogenous NRP1 has the opposite effect. Finally, overexpressed GLUT1, NRP1, and Env form ternary complexes in transfected cells, and endogenous NRP1 and GLUT1 colocalize in membrane junctions formed between uninfected and HTLV-1-infected T cells. These data show that NRP1 is involved in HTLV-1 and HTLV-2 entry, suggesting that the HTLV receptor has a multicomponent nature.  相似文献   
Growth of plants or plant organs towards more light is commonly interpreted as an adaptation to low light conditions. Here, we show for the first time, in a study of charophyte branches, a growth-based orientation towards light functioning as a mechanism to protect the plant from excessive light. Two Chara species were exposed to five different intensities of photosynthetically active radiation and species traits and pigmentation were measured. Branches of plants exposed to higher light intensities were convergent and pointed steeply upwards, whereas those exposed to lower light intensities grew nearly straight and were less inclined. Only branches that increased in length during the experiments reacted to differences in light intensity. This indicates that branch orientation is determined by a light-dependent growth reaction. Orientation of charophyte branches towards light is accompanied by a decrease in chlorophyll a (Chla) content and a lower Chla : carotenoid ratio, which clearly indicates that the plant is taking protective measures against potentially damaging excess light conditions. We suggest that the growth-based orientation of Chara branches towards light may protect sexual organs, which grow on adaxial branch sides, from light damage. In addition, the upward orientation of branches might lead to increased light transmission within dense charophyte beds, thus enabling an enhanced gross production.  相似文献   
Increased amounts of reactive oxygen species (ROS), generally termed oxidative stress, are frequently hypothesized to be causally associated with many diseases. Analyses of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-oxo-dG) in DNA and urine are widely used biomarkers for oxidative stress. Over the years it became clear that analysis of 8-oxo-dG in DNA is challenging due to artifactual formation during sample work up. The present study demonstrates that 8-oxo-dG can be measured reliably and accurately when appropriate precautions are taken. First, the presence of an antioxidant, metal chelator, or free radical trapping agent during sample preparation improves reproducibility. Second, sample enrichment by HPLC fraction collection was used to optimize sensitivity. Third, heat assisted electrospray ionization (HESI) eliminated potential interferences and improved assay performance and sensitivity. Subsequently, the UPLC–HESI–MS/MS method was applied to show the biphasic dose response of 8-oxo-dG in H2O2-treated HeLa cells. Application of this method to human lymphocyte DNA (n = 156) gave a mean ± SD endogenous amount of 1.57 ± 0.88 adducts per 106 dG, a value that is in agreement with the suggested amount previously estimated by European Standard Committee on Oxidative DNA Damage (ESCODD) and others. These results suggest that the present method is well suited for application to molecular toxicology and epidemiology studies investigating the role of oxidative stress.  相似文献   
Rieske proteins and Rieske ferredoxins are present in the three domains of life and are involved in a variety of cellular processes. Despite their functional diversity, these small Fe–S proteins contain a highly conserved all-β fold, which harbors a [2Fe–2S] Rieske center. We have identified a novel subtype of Rieske ferredoxins present in hyperthermophilic archaea, in which a two-cysteine conserved SKTPCX(2–3)C motif is found at the C-terminus. We establish that in the Acidianus ambivalens representative, Rieske ferredoxin 2 (RFd2), these cysteines form a novel disulfide bond within the Rieske fold, which can be selectively broken under mild reducing conditions insufficient to reduce the [2Fe–2S] cluster or affect the secondary structure of the protein, as shown by visible circular dichroism, absorption, and attenuated total reflection Fourier transform IR spectroscopies. RFd2 presents all the EPR, visible absorption, and visible circular dichroism spectroscopic features of the [2Fe–2S] Rieske center. The cluster has a redox potential of +48 mV (25 °C and pH 7) and a pK a of 10.1 ± 0.2. These shift to +77 mV and 8.9 ± 0.3, respectively, upon reduction of the disulfide. RFd2 has a melting temperature near the boiling point of water (T m = 99 °C, pH 7.0), but it becomes destabilized upon disulfide reduction (ΔT m = −9 °C, ΔC m = −0.7 M guanidinium hydrochloride). This example illustrates how the incorporation of an additional structural element such as a disulfide bond in a highly conserved fold such as that of the Rieske domain may fine-tune the protein for a particular function or for increased stability.  相似文献   
A high prevalence of Brucella pinnipedialis serology and bacteriology positive animals has been found in the Northeast Atlantic stock of hooded seal ( Cystophora cristata ); however no associated gross pathological changes have been identified. Marine mammal brucellae have previously displayed different infection patterns in human and murine macrophages. To investigate if marine mammal Brucella spp. are able to invade and multiply in cells originating from a presumed host species, we infected alveolar macrophages from hooded seal with a B . pinnipedialis hooded seal isolate. Hooded seal alveolar macrophages were also challenged with B . pinnipedialis reference strain (NCTC 12890) from harbor seal ( Phoca vitulina ), B . ceti reference strain (NCTC 12891) from harbor porpoise ( Phocoena phocoena ) and a B . ceti Atlantic white-sided dolphin ( Lagenorhynchus acutus ) isolate (M83/07/1), to evaluate possible species-specific differences. Brucella suis 1330 was included as a positive control. Alveolar macrophages were obtained by post mortem bronchoalveolar lavage of euthanized hooded seals. Phenotyping of cells in the lavage fluid was executed by flow cytometry using the surface markers CD14 and CD18. Cultured lavage cells were identified as alveolar macrophages based on morphology, expression of surface markers and phagocytic ability. Alveolar macrophages were challenged with Brucella spp. in a gentamicin protection assay. Following infection, cell lysates from different time points were plated and evaluated quantitatively for colony forming units. Intracellular presence of B . pinnipedialis hooded seal isolate was verified by immunocytochemistry. Our results show that the marine mammal brucellae were able to enter hooded seal alveolar macrophages; however, they did not multiply intracellularly and were eliminated within 48 hours, to the contrary of B. suis that showed the classical pattern of a pathogenic strain. In conclusion, none of the four marine mammal strains tested were able to establish a persistent infection in primary alveolar macrophages from hooded seal.  相似文献   
Rapid eye movements (REMs) and visual dreams are salient features of REM sleep. However, it is unclear whether the eyes scan dream images. Several lines of evidence oppose the scanning hypothesis: REMs persist in animals and humans without sight (pontine cats, foetus, neonates, born-blinds), some binocular REMs are not conjugated (no focus point), REMs occur in parallel (not in series) with the stimulation of the visual cortex by ponto-geniculo-occipital spikes, and visual dreams can be obtained in non REM sleep. Studies that retrospectively compared the direction of REMs to dream recall recorded after having awakened the sleeper yielded inconsistent results, with a concordance varying from 9 to 80%. However, this method was subject to methodological flaws, including the bias of retrospection and neck atonia that does not allow the determination of the exact direction of gaze. Using the model of RBD (in which patients are able to enact their dreams due to the absence of muscle atonia) in 56 patients, we directly determined if the eyes moved in the same directions as the head and limbs. When REMs accompanied goal-oriented motor behaviour during RBD (e.g., framing something, greeting with the hand, climbing a ladder), 90% were directed towards the action of the patient (same plane and direction). REMs were however absent in 38% of goal-oriented behaviours. This directional coherence between limbs, head and eye movements during RBD suggests that, when present, REMs imitate the scanning of the dream scene. Because REMs index and complexity were similar in patients with RBD and controls, this concordance can be extended to normal REM sleep. These results are consistent with the model of a brainstem generator activating simultaneously images, sounds, limbs movements and REMs in a coordinated parallel manner, as in a virtual reality.  相似文献   
The Plasmodium mitochondrial electron transport chain has received considerable attention as a potential target for new antimalarial drugs. Atovaquone, a potent inhibitor of Plasmodium cytochrome bc(1), in combination with proguanil is recommended for chemoprophylaxis and treatment of malaria. The type II NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (NDH2) is considered an attractive drug target, as its inhibition is thought to lead to the arrest of the mitochondrial electron transport chain and, as a consequence, pyrimidine biosynthesis, an essential pathway for the parasite. Using the rodent malaria parasite Plasmodium berghei as an in vivo infection model, we studied the role of NDH2 during Plasmodium life cycle progression. NDH2 can be deleted by targeted gene disruption and, thus, is dispensable for the pathogenic asexual blood stages, disproving the candidacy for an anti-malarial drug target. After transmission to the insect vector, NDH2-deficient ookinetes display an intact mitochondrial membrane potential. However, ndh2(-) parasites fail to develop into mature oocysts in the mosquito midgut. We propose that Plasmodium blood stage parasites rely on glycolysis as the main ATP generating process, whereas in the invertebrate vector, a glucose-deprived environment, the malaria parasite is dependent on an intact mitochondrial respiratory chain.  相似文献   
We report here the synthesis, purification, and characterization of several large polypeptides related to the human activin beta(A) subunit and their cyclic counterparts. In particular, we describe for the first time the total chemical synthesis of a 105-mer polypeptide, des[1-11] activin beta(A), and related large-loop polypeptide, by an optimized solid phase synthetic protocol based on 9-flouroenylmethyoxycarbonyl (Fmoc) chemistry. These studies show that automated chemical synthesis utilizing Fmoc-based solid phase synthetic strategies provides a practical alternative to recombinant DNA technology for the production of activin-related subunits, with the opportunity to rapidly provide different analogues and structural variants for subsequent structure-function and associated biophysical investigations.  相似文献   
Anemia because of insufficient production of and/or response to erythropoietin (Epo) is a major complication of chronic kidney disease and cancer. The mechanisms modulating the sensitivity of erythroblasts to Epo remain poorly understood. We show that, when cultured with Epo at suboptimal concentrations, the growth and clonogenic potential of erythroblasts was rescued by transferrin receptor 1 (TfR1)-bound polymeric IgA1 (pIgA1). Under homeostatic conditions, erythroblast numbers were increased in mice expressing human IgA1 compared to control mice. Hypoxic stress of these mice led to increased amounts of pIgA1 and erythroblast expansion. Expression of human IgA1 or treatment of wild-type mice with the TfR1 ligands pIgA1 or iron-loaded transferrin (Fe-Tf) accelerated recovery from acute anemia. TfR1 engagement by either pIgA1 or Fe-Tf increased cell sensitivity to Epo by inducing activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) signaling pathways. These cellular responses were mediated through the TfR1-internalization motif, YXXΦ. Our results show that pIgA1 and TfR1 are positive regulators of erythropoiesis in both physiological and pathological situations. Targeting this pathway may provide alternate approaches to the treatment of ineffective erythropoiesis and anemia.  相似文献   
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