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In male rats, methionine-enkephalin immunoreactivity (enkephalin-ir) has been observed in the dorsal lateral nucleus (DLN), a longitudinal pool of motoneurons in the lumbar spinal cord. Within the DLN a mediodorsal crescent of intense enkephalin-ir staining surrounds the motoneurons innervating the ischiocavernosus muscle of the penis, which suggests a function of the enkephalinergic afferents in male copulatory activities. The present study attempted to determine the roles of gender and adult exposure to androgen in shaping the striking subnuclear distribution of enkephalin-ir. Transverse sections through L5-6 were obtained from mature male and female rats that were gonadally intact, gonadectomized, or gonadectomized and treated with testosterone, as well as from male rats genetically deficient in androgen receptors (Tfm). The sections were incubated with primary antiserum raised against methionine enkephalin and bound antibodies were visualized using the avidin-biotin-peroxidase technique. A microphotometer was used to compare the staining density in laminae I-II of the dorsal horn, ventral grey matter, and the DLN. In all groups the DLN stained more darkly than the ventral grey, demonstrating the presence of enkephalin-ir in the DLN regardless of gender or exposure to androgen. However, the mediodorsal crescent of dense staining in the DLN was obvious only in gonadally intact males, while the entire DLN stained darkly in both sexes of gonadectomized rats treated with androgen. Therefore, the preferential distribution of enkephalin-ir in the mediodorsal crescent of the DLN is sexually dimorphic though the overall content of enkephalin-ir within the DLN responds to androgen.  相似文献   
In the present study we systematically investigated the synthesis of prostaglandins in the mucosa and the muscle layer along the length of the rabbit gut. Homogenates of mucosa and muscle layer were incubated with (14C)-labelled arachidonic acid, and prostaglandin formation was determined using thin-layer chromatography.With respect to total prostaglandin synthesis the highest values in the mucosa were measured in fundus, antrum and colon, whereas the prostaglandin synthesis in the muscle layer was maximal in the small bowel, particularly the ileum.In the mucosa, the prostaglandins E2 and F2a predominated, and there were minor differences along the gastrointestinal tract. In the muscle layer of the stomach, high amounts of 6-keto prostaglandin Fla, the stable degradation product of prostacyclin were produced, while small and large bowel homogenates synthesized mostly F2a. Consistently the prostaglandins A2/B2 were a major product in most locations. In addition, PG E2 catabolism to 15-keto PG E2 and 13,14-dihydro-15-keto PG E2 in the absence of NAD was slow.No significant changes in total prostaglandin synthesis and prostaglandin profile were detected between 24 hrs fasted and normally fed rabbits at any part of the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   
Summary Body temperature (T b) of socially hibernating alpine marmots, a pair and two family groups, was monitored continuously from October to March with implanted temperature-sensitive radiotransmitters. At the same time, the animals' behaviour was observed. The recurrent entrances into and arousals from hibernation were highly synchronised within groups. Group members always lay huddled together when euthermic and also when torpid with a few exceptions at higher ambient temperatures (T a). Body contact with euthermic nestmates warmed torpid marmots passively. TheT b of animals reentering hibernation did not fall to values close toT a as long as euthermic group members were present. Although animals presumably save energy through social thermoregulation, especially when euthermic, these benefits are not necessarily mutual among group members. Differences in thermoregulatory behaviour of individuals described in this study could be responsible for differential weight losses during winter as found in the natural habitat (Arnold 1986).  相似文献   
Summary 3H or14C labeled tracers were used to investigate the metabolism of trimethylamine (TMA), trimethylamine oxide (TMAO), choline, and betaine in free swimming kelp bass (Paralabrax clathratus). An indwelling cannula in the ventral aorta was used to administer tracer and withdraw blood samples. The concentrations of TMA and TMAO were determined in liver, muscle, and plasma. The TMA liver content is higher than that of muscle (0.85 vs 0.01 moles/g wet tissue) while the amount of TMAO in muscle greatly exceeds its liver concentration (60 vs 0.04 moles/g wet tissue). Prolonged fasting (21 and 75 days) or feeding the fish a squid diet containing high levels of TMAO did not alter the tissue concentrations of TMA or TMAO, suggesting that these compounds are endogenous in origin and that their tissue concentrations are subject to regulation. Comparison of the radiospecific activities of TMA and TMAO, and the administered TMA tracer suggest that TMA is channled directly to TMAO in the liver without equilibration in the hepatic TMA pool. The conversion kinetics of TMA to TMAO and the distribution of these amines in liver and muscle with time suggest that labeled TMA is rapidly taken up into a sequestered pool from which it is slowly released, oxidized to TMAO in the liver, and then transported via the circulation to the muscle mass. The location of this proposed sequestered TMA pool was not determined. Experiments with labeled choline and betaine suggest that these compounds are interconverted in the liver and that enzymes are present for conversion of choline betaine TMA TMAO. Labeled dimethylamine (DMA) was not metabolized and is, therefore, probably not a precursor of TMA and TMAO. [14C]Trimethylamine (TMA) was also used to investigate the possible role of trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) as an osmoregulatory compound in migrating prespawning cannulated Pacific pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) taken from marine or fresh water environments. Marine and fresh water salmon oxidized administered [14C]TMA to TMAO; labeled metabolites other than TMA and TMAO were not detected. Four hours after [14C]TMA injection about 10% of the administered dose was present in muscle as labeled TMAO and about 33% as TMA. Unlike our finding in kelp bass, [14C]TMAO was not recovered in liver, although low amounts of labeled TMA were found (0.4% of administered dose). Labeled TMA and TMAO, however, were detected in liver after [14C]betaine adminstration to a marine salmon, indicating that TMA-mono-oxygenase is present in salmon liver. The presence of labeled choline indicates that choline and betaine are interconverted as in kelp bass. The amount of [14C]TMA oxidized to [14C]TMAO and then accumulated in the muscle mass is the same in marine and fresh water salmon, as is the amount of chemical TMAO present (4.6 moles/g muscle).  相似文献   
Single vessel responses to hyperthermia were studied in tumor and normal tissues using a transparent access window chamber. Rates of heating less than or equal to .68 degrees C/minute preserved relatively better vascular function in normal than tumor tissue. A rate of heating of 1.0 degrees C/minute lowered normal tissue statis temperatures so they were no different from tumor. Cooling to 30 degrees C prior to heating slowed normal arteriolar flows to less than 5% of 38 degrees C controls. Heating resulted in increased flow in those vessels, but maximum flows never exceeded 5% of flows achieved in similar vessels which were not cooled first. The implications of this work are that rate of heating and cooling prior to heating can alter normal tissue vascular response to heat in a way that could prove deleterious to maintaining efficient vascular function in that tissue relative to tumor.  相似文献   
Recently born garter snakes (Thamnophis radix) were subjected to a variety of threatening stimuli. The would crawl away from the investigator until high levels of lactate were attained, and then adopt one of a variety antipredator displays. These antipredator behaviours were surprisingly variable between individuals of a single population, but behaviours of individuals were consistent in replicate trials and in response to different stimuli. Snakes became more defensive when simulated predator attacks were more severe, but they became more offensive when tested at a lower temperature. Analysis of behavioural variation within and between 15 litters of full-sibling (172) snakes gave heritability estimates of 0.37 for single trials and 0.45 for the average of two replicate trials. This is the first study to examine the heritability of antipredator behaviour in any terrestrial vertebrate species.  相似文献   
Summary The -casein specific cell wall proteolytic system of Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris P8-2-47 contains a metal-independent X-prolyl-dipeptidyl-aminopeptidase. Suitable substrates for its assay are Gly-Pro-nitroanilide and Ala-Pronitroanilide. It is suggested that the function of the enzyme is to cleave the proline-rich sequences of -casein, as shown by the degradation of -casomorphin. It is a serine proteinase with a monomer molecular mass of about 90 000 daltons, a temperature optimum of 45°–50°C, and a pH optimum of about 7.  相似文献   
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