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E Arnold  W Tanner 《FEBS letters》1982,148(1):49-53
Two water-soluble carbodiimides, differing in molecular dimensions, have been used to characterize the cytochrome c binding site of bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase. Several polypeptide components of the enzyme contain acidic residues which are modified by these reagents. Carboxyl groups present in subunit II, VII and polypeptide c, are protected from modification when cytochrome c, equimolar to oxidase, is added and they can cross-link to the substrate once activated by the carbodiimide. Comparison of the modification patterns suggest that the most reactive residues are located on subunit II and VII, the former being also more exposed. The data obtained indicate that even though subunit II plays the major role in binding cytochrome c, at least two other lower Mr polypeptides contribute to the cytochrome c binding domain.  相似文献   
Genic variation in natural populations of Drosophila simulans was surveyed using allozymic and two-dimensional electrophoretic techniques. Consistent with some previous reports, allozymic heterozygosity appeared lower than in the sibling species D. melanogaster (0.07 vs. 0.16). No variation was detected by two-dimensional electrophoresis of 19 lines scored for 70 abundant proteins. This is consistent with reported reductions in estimates of genic heterozygosity by two-dimensional electrophoresis in D. melanogaster, Mus musculus, and man. Although the amount of intraspecific variation detected in abundant proteins was lower than that detected for allozymes in D. simulans and D. melanogaster, the genetic distances between the sibling species calculated from the two data sets are not significantly different (0.35 and 0.20). The allozyme and two-dimensional electrophoresis data confirmed the impression from other measures of genetic variation (mitochondrial DNA restriction maps and inversion polymorphisms) that D. simulans is substantially less variable than D. melanogaster.  相似文献   
Arrenurus larvae, ectoparasitic on zygopteran imagoes, attach to the host's cuticle and tear it to obtain the host's tissue fluids. Within the host's epidermis, each larval mite produces a feeding device, the stylostome, a narrow gelatinous resilient blind sac. Heavy mite infestation brings about several wounds in close proximity, accompanied by loss of more or less extensive areas of the epidermis. Despite wound repair by congregating hemocytes, local lack of epidermis seems to enfeeble the host, presumably owing to desiccation. Heavily mite-loaded zygopterans have lost the typical agility and are easily caught. A mite-induced mortality seems to exist in zygopteran populations; the infestation contributes to reduced longevity. The study of formation and decline of the arrenurid stylostome in zygopterans renders it possible to trace cellular defence reactions under natural conditions. Most stylostomes seem to thwart the ability of the host to recognize them as foreign bodies. The host's defence appears as a two-step reaction: (1) initial hemolymph clotting and deposition of melanin associated with aggregating hemocytes at the penetration site, (2) occasional subsequent melanization and cellular encapsulation of the stylostome.  相似文献   
Antisera from some hamsters bearing adenovirus-induced tumors contain antibodies to an 11,000 Mr adenovirus-induced protein. In adenovirus-infected HeLa cells, this early viral protein was specifically associated with the nuclear matrix fraction. After two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, two forms of the 11,000 Mr protein at pI 5.6 and pI 5.4 were found. Only the pI 5.4 form of this protein was associated with the nuclear matrix fraction. Adenoviruses from groups A, B, C, D and E all produced an early viral protein (10,000 to 12,000 Mr) that reacted with group C antibody to the 11,000 Mr protein. To date, this is the only known early viral protein that is immunologically conserved in all of the human adenovirus groups.The positions of two methionine and seven leucine residues were determined by sequencing the first 35 amino acids from the N terminus of the adenovirus serotype 2 group C 11,000 Mr protein. The positions of these amino acid residues were compared to the adenovirus serotype 2 nucleotide sequence, which uniquely localized the structural gene of the 11,000 Mr protein to region E4, subregion 3 in type 2 adenovirus. A frameshift mutant, which contained a deletion of one base-pair in the structural gene of the 11,000 Mr protein, was isolated and mapped by marker rescue and nucleotide sequence analysis. This mutant failed to produce immunologically detectable 11,000 Mr protein. The mutant had a viable phenotype, producing normal levels of infectious virus in both HeLa cells and WI38 cells in culture. These experiments identify the first adenovirus early region 4 protein detected in virus-infected cells.  相似文献   
A recombinant DNA plasmid, pMHC8, that contains gene sequences for embryonic chick cardiac myosin heavy chain was constructed, identified and characterized. The identity of the clone was established by hybridization with labeled probes that afford screening of MHC22 with high specificity, by inhibition of MHC synthesis in the in vitro hybrid-arrested translation assay, and by tissue-specific hybridization of labeled pMHC8 DNA to MHC messenger RNA.The pMHC8 DNA probe is highly specific for chick heart muscle tissue, since it hybridized poorly to chick skeletal muscle RNA and did not detectably hybridize to adult rat heart RNA. Upon screening the embryonic chick heart cells in culture, no detectable level of MHC mRNA was observed in dividing myoblasts, but the mRNA appeared in differentiated cardiac myocytes paralleling morphogenetic changes in the embryonic cells.  相似文献   
Unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine (6OHDA) lesions of the nigrostriatal pathway resulted in contraversive rotation to apomorphine and ipsiversive rotation to amphetamine. Electrolytic lesioning of the nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis or kainic acid lesions of the nucleus tegmenti pedunculopontis on the same side as the 6OHDA lesion did not reduce apomorphine- or amphetamine-induced circling. An electrolesion of the angular complex (periaqueductal grey and adjacent reticular formation) on the same side as the 6OHDA lesion reduced apomorphine-induced circling and increased amphetamine-induced circling. Bilateral electrolesions of the angular complex reduced both apomorphine- and amphetamine-induced rotation. The decrease in rotation was due to a loss of postural asymmetry while locomotor hyperactivity was maintained. A unilateral kainic acid lesion of the angular complex alone caused weak ipsiversive rotation which was enhanced by apomorphine and amphetamine. When a unilateral kainic acid lesion of the angular complex was made on the same side as a prior 6OHDA lesion, both apomorphine and amphetamine induced ipsiversive rotation. The area of the angular complex is critically involved in the mediation of drug-induced circling in unilaterally 6OHDA lesioned rats and in particular the postural component.  相似文献   
Unilateral injection of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) into the ascending nigrostriatal pathway caused contraversive circling to apomorphine and ipsiversive circling to amphetamine respectively. An electrolesion of the ventromedial thalamic nucleus on the same side as the 6-OHDA lesion reduced apomorphine-induced circling, but not that to amphetamine. An electrolesion of the ventromedial thalamic nucleus on the side opposite to the 6-OHDA lesion reduced amphetamine circling but not that to apomorphine. Bilateral electrolesions of the ventromedial thalamic nucleus reduced neither apomorphine- nor amphetamine-induced circling. Electrolytic lesions of the parafascicular thalamic nucleus did not reduce apomorphine- or amphetamine-induced circling in animals with a unilateral 6-OHDA lesion of the nigrostriatal pathway. Knife cuts rostral and dorsal to the substantia nigra did not attenuate circling induced by injection of muscimol into the substantia nigra. Circling due to activition of nigral output pathways can be mediated by descending nigro-reticular pathways.  相似文献   
Summary The 10.7 kilobase (kb) tetracycline resistance transposons Tn1721 and Tn1771, isolated from disparate sources, are completely homologous on the basis of heteroduplex analyses. Both transposable elements are capable of forming multiple duplications of a 5.3 kb portion encompassing the resistance genes (tet region). A model accounting for both, recA-independent translocation and recA-dependent amplification, postulates two direct and one inverted repeat as essential constituents of the transposons. DNA sequence analyses of Tn1721 and Tn1771 have substantiated this model. They demonstrated three identical 38 base pair repeats identically in both transposons dividing them into a minor transposon and a tet region. Identical sequences of at least 87 base pairs providing recombination hot spots for gene duplication have been found at the ends of the repetitious tet region. Translocation of Tn1721 and Tn1771 generates five base pair direct repeats at the respective sites of insertion. On the basis of the heteroduplex molecules and sequences analyzed the two transposons are identical.To Professor Wolfram Heumann on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   
Losses and duplications of BSY y+-chromosome markers were induced by irradiation of spermatozoa with either 0.5-MeV neutrons or 100-kV X-rays. These 2 types of radiation are known to induce significantly different ratios of double:single strand breaks in DNA. Exceptional progeny were grouped into 3 categories; no Y marker, one Y marker, and Y marker duplications + mosaics. The last combination consisted of exceptions derived from only chromatid-type rearrangements. All other classes of exceptions may be derived from either chromatid- or chromosome-type rearrangements. Doses of 15 Gy neutrons and 27 Gy X-rays induced identical frequencies of exceptional progeny, giving an RBE of 1.8. The ratios of the 3 classes of exceptions were similar for both types of radiation. This observation can be interpreted as indicating that, under the conditions used here, chromosome and chromatid rearrangements are not derived directly from double and single DNA strand breaks, respectively.  相似文献   
DNA-repair characteristics of xeroderma pigmentosum belonging to complementation group F were investigated. The cells exhibited an intermediate level of repair as measured in terms of (1) disappearance of T4 endonuclease-V-susceptible sites from DNA, (2) formation of ultraviolet-induced strand breaks in DNA, and (3) ultraviolet-induced unscheduled DNA synthesis during post-irradiation incubation. The impaired ability of XP3YO to perform unscheduled DNA synthesis was restored, to half the normal level, by the concomitant treatment with T4 endonuclease V and ultraviolet-inactivated Sendai virus. It is suggested that xeroderma pigmentosum cells of group F may be defective, at least in part, in the incision step of excision repair.  相似文献   
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