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Zusammenfassung Bei der Plasmolyse der Epidermiszellen des SeegrasesZostera marina L. löst sich der Protoplast nicht von der Zellwand. Der Volumenverlust der Zentralvakuole ist dabei grö\er als der Volumenverlust der Zelle, woraus eine Volumenzunahme, d. h. ein Quellen des Protoplasten, resultiert.Es quillt hauptsÄchlich eine Äu\ere Schicht des Cytoplasmas, die beim Beginn der Plasmolyse sichtbar wird und sich im weiteren Verlauf der Dinge wie ein vom inneren Protoplasten scharf abgegrenztes Zellorganell verhÄlt. In einem weiteren Stadium der Plasmolyse vakuolisiert dieses plastidenfreie Au\enplasma, und es bilden sich in ihm PlasmastrÄnge, die last immer vom plastidenhaltigen Innenplasma radial gegen die Zellwand gerichtet sind. Diese fÄdigen Strukturen im verquollenen und vakuolisierten Au\enplasma sind von den Hechtschen FÄden nicht zu unterscheiden.Bei der Deplasmolyse setzt zunÄchst ein erneutes Vakuolisieren in dem Teil des Au\enplasmas ein, der den Belag der Zellwand bildet; im weiteren Verlauf der Deplasmolyse geht die Vakuolisierung und die Quellung des Au\enplasnms zurück und das Zellorganell ist nicht mehr als selbstÄndige Struktur wahrzunehmen.Ob das Quellen und Vakuolisieren des Au\enplasmas einer Konkavoder einer Konvexplasmolyse Ähnlich wird, ist von der Art des verwendeten Plasmolytikums abhÄngig.Es kann noch nichts darüber ausgesagt werden, ob das plastidenfreie Au\enplasma ein verquollenes vielschichtiges Plasmalemma ist oder ob auch Elemente des Mesoplasmas beteiligt sind.  相似文献   
Biologically active, mouse estrogen receptor hormone-binding domain (residues 313–599) overexpressed in Escherichia coli was purified to apparent homogeneity as a single component with a molecular mass of 32.831 kDa determined by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, and was identical to the mass predicted from the amino acid sequence. The intact domain was isolated using a novel, rapid purification scheme without recourse to any chromatographic process. Pure ERhbd maintained both high affinity estradiol binding (at optimum pH 8.0) and specificity for estrogens and anti-estrogens. The steroid-binding domain sedimented as a 4S component in the presence or absence of bound [3H]estradiol and at 2S in the presence of urea. The molecular mass of the 4S steroid unoccupied ERhbd (from dynamic light scattering) was 72 kDa, suggesting that the pure, unlabelled ERhbd formed homodimers. Steroid-labelled ERhbd electrofocussed as a single, acidic component at a pI of 5.6. Binding of ERhbd to [3H]estradiol was unaffected by Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions up to 1 mM but was significantly inhibited by Zn2+ ions at concentrations above 10 μM, an effect reversed by EDTA.  相似文献   
Summary An undifferentiated subset of cells within the stromal cell population of bone marrow in postnatal mammals retains the capacity to differentiate along osteogenic, adipogenic, fibroblastic, and chondrogenic lines. These cells, which are referred to as mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), can be maintainedin vitro and expanded in number through a process of subculturing. MSCs are maintained in culture in medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS). It is believed that certain, as yet unidentified, serum components play critical roles in the attachment and proliferation of MSCs. Commercially available FBS is poorly characterized and may vary in composition and quality from lot to lot. This study describes a method for the selection of lots of FBS that best support maintenance of the undifferentiated state, mitotic expansion of MSCsin vitro, and retention of multilineage developmental potential in response to appropriate cues.  相似文献   
The process of natural hybridization may produce genotypes that establish new evolutionary lineages. However, many authors have concluded that natural hybridization is of little evolutionary importance because hybrids, in general, are unfit relative to their progenitors. Deciding between these alternative conclusions requires that fitness be measured for hybrid classes and parental species. Recent analyses have found that hybrids are not uniformly unfit, but rather are genotypic classes that possess lower, equivalent or higher levels of fitness relative to their parental taxa.  相似文献   
We studied the degree to which alpine marmot (Marmota marmota L.) alarm calls function as communication about specific external stimuli. Alpine marmots emit variable alarm calls when they encounter humans, dogs, and several species of aerial predators. The first part of the study involved observations and manipulations designed to document contextual variation in alarm calls. Alarm calls varied along several acoustic parameters, but only along one that we examined, the number of notes per call, was significantly correlated with the type of external stimulus. Marmots were more likely to emit single-note alarm calls as their first or only call in response to an aerial stimulus, and multiple-note alarm calls when first calling to a terrestrial stimulus. This relationship was not without exceptions; there was considerable variation in the number of notes they emitted to both aerial and terrestrial stimuli, and a single stimulus type — humans — elicited a wide range of acoustic responses. The second part of the study involved playing back three types of alarm calls to marmots and observing their responses. Marmots did not have overtly different responses to the three types of played-back alarm calls. Our results are consistent with the hypotheses that: 1. Alarm calls do not refer to specific external stimuli; 2. Alarm calls function to communicate the degree of risk a caller experiences; and 3. Alarm calls require additional contextual cues to be properly interpreted by conspecifics.  相似文献   
TGF-b?1 plays a critical role in inflammatory and repair processes due in part to its ability to provide a potent chemotactic stimulus for inflammatory cells such as neutrophils and monocytes and for fibroblasts which initiate the fibrogenic response. In the present study, we have used synthetic oligopeptides representing the amino acid sequence of the 12.1 kDa monomer of human TGF-b?1 in an effort to identify a chemotactic epitope on the molecule. A seven residue peptide containing residues 368-374, Val Tyr Tyr Val Gly Arg Lys, was demonstrated to be capable of inducing chemotactic migration of human peripheral blood neutrophils, monocytes, monocyte leukemia cell line THP-1, and infant foreskin fibroblasts. Furthermore, larger peptides from the carboxy-terminal portion of TGF-b?1 that contained residues 368–374 also induced migration of these cell types. None of the peptides representing the complete amino acid of TGF-b?1 monomer were able to compete with [125I]hrTGF-b?1 for binding to TGF-b? cell surface receptors or fibroblasts or THP-1 cells. Implications of these observations are discussed. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Summary In the present study we report a novel histochemical method which, by sequential pre-incubations in alkaline and acidic media, selectively differentiates muscle fibres expressing myosin heavy chain IIX, on the basis of a specific profile for myofibrillar actomyosin ATPase (mATPase) activity. The enzyme reactions were tested for specificity by means of anti-myosin heavy chain monoclonal antibodies, which were characterized on Western blots of muscle homogenates. Enzyme histochemical reactions with the traditional pH buffers were compared to those of the new method and, in conjunction with the immunoreactions, used to confirm the relationship between MyHC expression and the distinct profiles for mATPase. Imrnunohistochemical reactions demonstrated that the new method only differentiates those fibres expressing myosin heavy chain IIX. The method revealed a continuum in which the intermediate staining intensities corresponded to hybrid fibres expressing myosin heavy chain IIX in combination with either the IIA or IIB forms. Quantitative histochemistry and immunohistochemistry (by image analysis), used to examine the relationship between staining intensities for mATPase and amounts of myosin heavy chain IIX expression, revealed that the new method discriminates well between hybrid fibres expressing variable amounts of the IIX isoform (r2 = 0.93).  相似文献   
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