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Human rhinovirus 14 has a pseudo T = 3 icosahedral structure in which 60 copies of the three larger capsid proteins VP1, VP2 and VP3 are arranged in an icosahedral surface lattice, reminiscent of T = 3 viruses such as tomato bushy stunt virus and southern bean mosaic virus. The overall secondary and tertiary structures of VP1, VP2 and VP3 are very similar. The structure of human rhinovirus 14, which was refined at a resolution of 3.0 A [R = 0.16 for reflections with F greater than 3 sigma(F)], is here analyzed in detail. Quantitative analysis of the surface areas of contact (proportional to hydrophobic free energy of association) supports the previously assigned arrangement within the promoter, in which interactions between VP1 and VP3 predominate. Major contacts among VP1, VP2 and VP3 are between the beta-barrel moieties. VP4 is associated with the capsid interior by a distributed network of contacts with VP1, VP2 and VP3 within a promoter. As the virion assembly proceeds, the solvent-accessible surface area becomes increasingly hydrophilic in character. A mixed parallel and antiparallel seven-stranded sheet is composed of the beta C, beta H, beta E and beta F strands of VP3 in one pentamer and beta A1 and beta A2 of VP2 and the VP1 amino terminus in another pentamer. This association plays an essential role in holding pentamers together in the mature virion as this contact region includes more than half of the total short non-bonded contacts between pentamers. Contacts between protomers within pentamers are more extensive than the contacts between pentamers, accounting in part for the stability of pentamers. The previously identified immunogenic regions are correlated with high solvent accessibility, accessibility to large probes and also high thermal parameters. Surface residues in the canyon, the putative cellular receptor recognition site, have lower thermal parameters than other portions of the human rhinovirus 14 surface. Many of the water molecules in the ordered solvent model are located at subunit interfaces. A number of unusual crevices exist in the protein shell of human rhinovirus 14, including the hydrophobic pocket in VP1 which is the locus of binding for the WIN antiviral agents. These may be required for conformational flexibility during assembly and disassembly. The structures of the beta-barrels of human rhinovirus 14 VP1, VP2 and VP3 are compared with each other and with the southern bean mosaic virus coat protein.  相似文献   
The subcellular distribution of the 1,4-dihydropyridine receptor was determined in rabbit skeletal muscle in situ by immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy. Longitudinal and transverse cryosections (5-8 microns) of rabbit gracilis muscle were labeled with monoclonal antibodies specific against either the alpha 1-subunit (170,000-D polypeptide) or the beta-subunit (52,000-D polypeptide) of the 1,4-dihydropyridine receptor by immunofluorescence labeling. In longitudinal sections, specific labeling was present only near the interface between the A- and I-band regions of the sarcomeres. In transverse sections, specific labeling showed a hexagonal staining pattern within each myofiber however, the relative staining intensity of the type II (fast) fibers was judged to be three- to fourfold higher than that of the type I (slow) fibers. Specific immunofluorescence labeling of the sarcolemma was not observed in either longitudinal or transverse sections. These results are consistent with the idea that the alpha 1-subunit and the beta-subunit of the purified 1,4-dihydropyridine receptor are densely distributed in the transverse tubular membrane. Immunoelectron microscopical localization with a monoclonal antibody to the alpha 1-subunit of the 1,4-dihydropyridine receptor showed that the 1,4-dihydropyridine receptor is densely distributed in the transverse tubular membrane. Approximately half of these were distributed in close proximity to the junctional region between the transverse tubules and the terminal cisternae. Specific labeling was also present in discrete foci in the subsarcolemmal region of the myofibers. The size and the nonrandom distribution of these foci in the subsarcolemmal region support the possibility that they correspond to invaginations from the sarcolemma called caveolae. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that the 1,4-dihydropyridine receptor in skeletal muscle is localized to the transverse tubular membrane and discrete foci in the subsarcolemmal region, possibly caveolae but absent from the lateral portion of the sarcolemma.  相似文献   
Tomato root growth and distribution were related to inorganic nitrogen (N) availability and turnover to determine 1) if roots were located in soil zones where N supply was highest, and 2) whether roots effectively depleted soil N so that losses of inorganic N were minimized. Tomatoes were direct-seeded in an unfertilized field in Central California. A trench profile/monolith sampling method was used. Concentrations of nitrate (NO3 -) exceeded those of ammonium (NH4 +) several fold, and differences were greater at the soil surface (0–15 cm) than at lower depths (45–60 cm or 90–120 cm). Ammonium and NO3 - levels peaked in April before planting, as did mineralizable N and nitrification potential. Soon afterwards, NO3 - concentrations decreased, especially in the lower part of the profile, most likely as a result of leaching after application of irrigation water. Nitrogen pool sizes and rates of microbial processes declined gradually through the summer.Tomato plants utilized only a small percentage of the inorganic N available in the large volume of soil explored by their deep root systems; maximum daily uptake was approximately 3% of the soil pool. Root distribution, except for the zone around the taproot, was uniformly sparse (ca. 0.15 mg dry wt g-1 soil or 0.5 cm g-1 soil) throughout the soil profile regardless of depth, distance from the plant stem, or distance from the irrigation furrow. It bore no relation to N availability. Poor root development, especially in the N-rich top layer of soil, could explain low fertilizer N use by tomatoes.  相似文献   
A soluble ubiquitin-depleted fraction from chicken skeletal muscle (fraction II), when incubated at neutral pH for several hours with 125I-ubiquitin and ATP, formed small amounts of a ubiquitin derivative (Mr 115,000) of the ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1 as well as certain similarly modified E2 species (Mr 37,000, 34,000 and 24,000). Treatment of such mixtures with NaOH during the incubations, even at early times, greatly enhanced the appearance of these entities; up to two-thirds of the thiolesters of ubiquitin bound to these proteins before alkali treatment were thus converted. The bonds involved had properties compatible with their being peptidic in nature, suggesting that auto-ubiquitination had occurred in each case. The protease inhibitor and alkylating agent tosyl-lysylchloromethane ('TLCK'), when preincubated at 50 microM with fraction II for 2 h at 37 degrees C before the addition of 125I-ubiquitin and ATP, promoted the subsequent auto-ubiquitination of E1 and inhibited its adenylate-forming and thiolester-transferring activities. The findings have a bearing on the physiological substrate- and site-specificity of ubiquitin-conjugating reactions.  相似文献   

At dextran (Mw ≈ 500,000) concentrations from 2 to ≈10%, suspensions of normal human erythrocytes flocculate in small convex agglutinates. At dextran concentrations > 10%, the erythrocytes resegregate in a stable monodisperse suspension. At all these dextran concentrations, the erythrocytes are coated with considerable amounts of dextran. It can be argued that at dextran concentrations from 2 to 10%, as well as at dextran concentrations > 10%, there is a thin layer, which is depleted of dextran, between the dextran layer adsorbed onto the erythrocytes and the bulk dextran solution. It can also be shown that there is a repulsive interaction between the two layers of dextran: one adsorbed and one free. When the adsorbed dextran layer is the most concentrated, stability must ensue, and when the dextran in free solution is the most concentrated, flocculation should occur. Below 7% dextran, the concentration of free dextran is higher than the adsorbed concentration; above 10% dextran that situation is reversed. These data correlate well with the depletion flocculation predicted for the lower concentration and the depletion stabilization predicted for the higher dextran concentration.

We have characterized a murine monoclonal antibody (MAb 35), which was raised against human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) integration protein (IN), and the corresponding Fab 35. Although MAb 35 does not inhibit HIV-1 IN, Fab 35 does. MAb 35 (and Fab 35) binds to an epitope in the C-terminal region of HIV-1 IN. Fab 35 inhibits 3'-end processing, strand transfer, and disintegration; however, DNA binding is not affected. The available data suggest that Fab 35 inhibits enzymatic activities of IN by interfering with the ability of IN to form multimers that are enzymatically active. This implies that the C-terminal region of HIV-1 IN participates in interactions that are essential for the multimerization of IN. Titration of the various IN-mediated enzymatic activities suggests that different degrees of multimerization are required for different activities of HIV-1 IN.  相似文献   
We have designed and synthesized a series of novel antisense methylphosphonate oligonucleotide (MPO) cleaving agents that promote site-specific cleavage on a complementary RNA target. These MPOs contain a non- nucleotide-based linking moiety near the middle of the sequence in place of one of the nucleotide bases. The region surrounding the unpaired base on the RNA strand (i.e. the one directly opposite the non-nucleotide-linker) is sensitive to hydrolytic cleavage catalyzed by ethylenediamine hydrochloride. Furthermore, the regions of the RNA comprising hydrogen bonded domains are resistant to cleavage compared with single-stranded RNA alone. Several catalytic moieties capable of supporting acid/base hydrolysis were coupled to the non-nucleotide-based linker via simple aqueous coupling chemistries. When tethered to the MPO in this manner these moieties are shown to catalyze site-specific cleavage on the RNA target without any additional catalyst.  相似文献   
DNA fragments crystallize in an unpredictable manner, and relationships between their crystal and solution conformations still are not known. We have studied, using circular dichroism spectroscopy, solution conformations of (G + C)-rich DNA fragments, the crystal structures of which were solved in the laboratory of one of the present authors. In aqueous trifluorethanol (TFE) solutions, all of the examined oligonucleotides adopted the same type of double helix as in the crystal. Specifically, the dodecamer d(CCCCCGCGGGGG) crystalized as A-DNA and isomerized into A-DNA at high TFE concentrations. On the other hand, the hexamer d(CCGCGG) crystallized in Z-form containing tilted base pairs, and high TFE concentrations cooperatively transformed it into the same Z-form as adopted by the RNA hexamer r(CGCGCG), although d(CCGCGG) could isomerize into Z-DNA in the NaCl + NiCl2) aqueous solution. The fragments crystallizing as B-DNA remained B-DNA, regardless of the solution conditions, unless they denatured or aggregated. Effects on the oligonucleotide conformation of 2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol and other crystallization agents were also studied. 2-Methyl-2,4-pentanediol induced the same conformational transitions as TFE but, in addition, caused an oligonucleotide condensation that was also promoted by the other crystallization agents. The present results indicate that the crystal double helices of DNA are stable in aqueous TFE rather than aqueous solution.  相似文献   
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