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25 aromatic carboxylic acids which are analogs of benzoic acid were tested in the rat diaphragm preparation for effects on chloride conductance (G(Cl)). Of the 25, 19 were shown to reduce membrane G(Cl) with little effect on other membrane parameters, although their apparent K(i) varied widely. This inhibition was reversible if exposure times were not prolonged. The most effective analog studied was anthracene-9-COOH (9-AC; K(i) = 1.1 x 10(-5) M). Active analogs produced concentration-dependent inhibition of a type consistent with interaction at a single site or group of sites having similar binding affinities, although a correlation could also be shown between lipophilicity and K(i). Structure-activity analysis indicated that hydrophobic ring substitution usually increased inhibitory activity while para polar substitutions reduced effectiveness.

These compounds do not appear to inhibit G(Cl) by altering membrane surface charge and the inhibition produced is not voltage dependent. Qualitative characteristics of the I-V relationship for Cl(-) current are not altered. Conductance to all anions is not uniformly altered by these acids as would be expected from steric occlusion of a common channel. Concentrations of 9-AC reducing G(Cl) by more than 90 percent resulted in slight augmentation of G(I). The complete conductance sequence obtained at high levels of 9-AC was the reverse of that obtained under control conditions. Permeability sequences underwent progressive changes with increasing 9-AC concentration and ultimately inverted at high levels of the analog. Aromatic carboxylic acids appear to inhibit G(Cl) by binding to a specific intramembrane site and altering the selectivity sequence of the membrane anion channel.

SJ Swanson  PC Bethke    RL Jones 《The Plant cell》1998,10(5):685-698
Light microscopy was used to study the structure and function of vacuoles in living protoplasts of barley (Hordeum vulgare cv Himalaya) aleurone. Light microscopy showed that aleurone protoplasts contain two distinct types of vacuole: the protein storage vacuole and a lysosome-like organelle, which we have called the secondary vacuole. Fluorescence microscopy using pH-sensitive fluorescent probes and a fluorogenic substrate for cysteine proteases showed that both protein storage vacuoles and secondary vacuoles are acidic, lytic organelles. Ratio imaging showed that the pH of secondary vacuoles was lower in aleurone protoplasts incubated in gibberellic acid than in those incubated in abscisic acid. Uptake of fluorescent probes into intact, isolated protein storage vacuoles and secondary vacuoles required ATP and occurred via at least two types of vanadate-sensitive, ATP-dependent tonoplast transporters. One transporter catalyzed the accumulation of glutathione-conjugated probes, and another transported probes not conjugated to glutathione.  相似文献   
The actinorhizal bacterium Frankia expresses nitrogenase and can therefore convert molecular nitrogen into ammonia and the by-product hydrogen. However, nitrogenase is inhibited by oxygen. Consequently, Frankia and its actinorhizal hosts have developed various mechanisms for excluding oxygen from their nitrogen-containing compartments. These include the expression of oxygen-scavenging uptake hydrogenases, the formation of hopanoid-rich vesicles, enclosed by multi-layered hopanoid structures, the lignification of hyphal cell walls, and the production of haemoglobins in the symbiotic nodule. In this work, we analysed the expression and structure of the so-called uptake hydrogenase (Hup), which catalyses the in vivo dissociation of hydrogen to recycle the energy locked up in this ‘waste’ product. Two uptake hydrogenase syntons have been identified in Frankia: synton 1 is expressed under free-living conditions while synton 2 is expressed during symbiosis. We used qPCR to determine synton 1 hup gene expression in two Frankia strains under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. We also predicted the 3D structures of the Hup protein subunits based on multiple sequence alignments and remote homology modelling. Finally, we performed BLAST searches of genome and protein databases to identify genes that may contribute to the protection of nitrogenase against oxygen in the two Frankia strains. Our results show that in Frankia strain ACN14a, the expression patterns of the large (HupL1) and small (HupS1) uptake hydrogenase subunits depend on the abundance of oxygen in the external environment. Structural models of the membrane-bound hydrogenase subunits of ACN14a showed that both subunits resemble the structures of known [NiFe] hydrogenases (Volbeda et al. 1995), but contain fewer cysteine residues than the uptake hydrogenase of the Frankia DC12 and Eu1c strains. Moreover, we show that all of the investigated Frankia strains have two squalene hopane cyclase genes (shc1 and shc2). The only exceptions were CcI3 and the symbiont of Datisca glomerata, which possess shc1 but not shc2. Four truncated haemoglobin genes were identified in Frankia ACN14a and Eu1f, three in CcI3, two in EANpec1 and one in the Datisca glomerata symbiont (Dg).  相似文献   
Hormonally regulated programmed cell death in barley aleurone cells   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
PC Bethke  JE Lonsdale  A Fath    RL Jones 《The Plant cell》1999,11(6):1033-1046
Cell death was studied in barley (cv Himalaya) aleurone cells treated with abscisic acid and gibberellin. Aleurone protoplasts incubated in abscisic acid remained viable in culture for at least 3 weeks, but exposure to gibberellin initiated a series of events that resulted in death. Between 4 and 8 days after incubation in gibberellin, >70% of all protoplasts died. Death, which occurred after cells became highly vacuolated, was manifest by an abrupt loss of plasma membrane integrity followed by rapid shrinkage of the cell corpse. Hydrolysis of DNA began before death and occurred as protoplasts ceased production of alpha-amylase. DNA degradation did not result in the accumulation of discrete low molecular weight fragments. DNA degradation and cell death were prevented by LY83583, an inhibitor of gibberellin signaling in barley aleurone. We conclude that cell death in aleurone cells is hormonally regulated and is the final step of a developmental program that promotes successful seedling establishment.  相似文献   
alpha 1-Proteinase inhibitors (alpha 1-PIs) are members of the serpin superfamily of proteinase inhibitors, and are important in the maintenance of homeostasis in a wide variety of animal taxa. Previous studies have shown that in mice (genus Mus), evolution of alpha 1-PIs is characterized by gene amplification, region-specific concerted evolution, and rapid accumulation of amino acid substitutions. The latter occurs primarily in the reactive center, which is the region of the alpha 1-PI molecule that determines the inhibitor's specificity for target proteinases. The P1 residue within the reactive center, which is methionine in so-called orthodox alpha 1-PIs and an amino acid other than methionine in unorthodox alpha 1-PIs, is a primary determinant of inhibitor specificity. In the present study, we find that the expression of mRNAs encoding unorthodox alpha 1-PIs is polymorphic within Mus species, i.e., among individuals or inbred strains. This is in striking contrast to mRNAs that encode orthodox alpha 1-PIs, whose concentrations are relatively invariant. The intraspecies variations in mRNA expression represent polymorphisms in the structure of the alpha 1- PI gene family. The results, taken together with previously described aspects of alpha 1-PI evolution, indicate that the dissimilar levels of polymorphism exhibited by orthodox and unorthodox alpha 1-PIs, which likely have distinct physiological functions, may reflect different levels of selective constraint. The significance of this finding to the evolution of gene families is discussed.   相似文献   
Internal eliminated sequences (IESs) often interrupt ciliate genes in the silent germline nucleus but are exactly excised and eliminated from the developing somatic nucleus from which genes are then expressed. Some long IESs are transposons, supporting the hypothesis that short IESs are ancient transposon relics. In light of that hypothesis and to explore the evolutionary history of a collection of IESs, we have compared various alleles of a particular locus (the 81 locus) of the ciliated protozoa Oxytricha trifallax and O. fallax. Three short IESs that interrupt two genes of the locus are found in alleles from both species, and thus must be relatively ancient, consistent with the hypothesis that short IESs are transposon relics. In contrast, TBE1 transposon interruptions of the locus are allele-specific and probably the results of recent transpositions. These IESs (and the TBE1s) are precisely excised from the DNA of the developing somatic macronucleus. Each IES interrupts a highly conserved sequence. A few nucleotides at the ends of each IES are also conserved, suggesting that they interact critically with IES excision machinery. However, most IES nucleotide positions have evolved at high rates, showing little or no selective constraint for function. Nonetheless, the length of each IES has been maintained (+/- 3 bp). While one IES is approximately 33 bp long, three other IESs have very similar sizes, approximately 70 bp long. Two IESs are surrounded by direct repeats of the sequence TTCTT. No other sequence similarities were found between any of the four IESs. However, the ends of one IES do match the inverted terminal repeat consensus sequence of the "TA" IESs of Paramecium. Three O. trifallax alleles appear to have been recipients in recent conversion events that could have been provoked by double-strand breaks associated with IES ends subsequent to IES transposition. Our findings support the hypothesis that short IESs evolved from ancient transposons that have lost most of their sequences, except those necessary for precise excision during macronuclear development.   相似文献   


Since Darwin's Origin of Species, reconstructing the Tree of Life has been a goal of evolutionists, and tree-thinking has become a major concept of evolutionary biology. Practically, building the Tree of Life has proven to be tedious. Too few morphological characters are useful for conducting conclusive phylogenetic analyses at the highest taxonomic level. Consequently, molecular sequences (genes, proteins, and genomes) likely constitute the only useful characters for constructing a phylogeny of all life. For this reason, tree-makers expect a lot from gene comparisons. The simultaneous study of the largest number of molecular markers possible is sometimes considered to be one of the best solutions in reconstructing the genealogy of organisms. This conclusion is a direct consequence of tree-thinking: if gene inheritance conforms to a tree-like model of evolution, sampling more of these molecules will provide enough phylogenetic signal to build the Tree of Life. The selection of congruent markers is thus a fundamental step in simultaneous analysis of many genes.  相似文献   
Carbamoylphosphate synthetase (CPS) catalyzes the first committed step in pyrimidine biosynthesis, arginine biosynthesis, or the urea cycle. Organisms may contain either one generalized or two specific CPS enzymes, and these enzymes may be heterodimeric (encoded by linked or unlinked genes), monomeric, or part of a multifunctional protein. In order to help elucidate the evolution of CPS, we have performed a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis using the 21 available complete CPS sequences, including a sequence from Sulfolobus solfataricus P2 which we report in this paper. This is the first report of a complete CPS gene sequence from an archaeon, and sequence analysis suggests that it encodes an enzyme similar to heterodimeric CPSII. We confirm that internal similarity within the synthetase domain of CPS is the result of an ancient gene duplication that preceded the divergence of the Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya, and use this internal duplication in phylogenetic tree construction to root the tree of life. Our analysis indicates with high confidence that this archaeal sequence is more closely related to those of Eukarya than to those of Bacteria. In addition to this ancient duplication which created the synthetase domain, our phylogenetic analysis reveals a complex history of further gene duplications, fusions, and other events which have played an integral part in the evolution of CPS.   相似文献   
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