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Leptin is known to exert cardiodepressive effects and to induce left ventricular (LV) remodelling. Nevertheless, the autocrine and/or paracrine activities of this adipokine in the context of post‐infarct dysfunction and remodelling have not yet been elucidated. Therefore, we have investigated the evolution of myocardial leptin expression following myocardial infarction (MI) and evaluated the consequences of specific cardiac leptin inhibition on subsequent LV dysfunction. Anaesthetized rats were subjected to temporary coronary occlusion. An antisense oligodesoxynucleotide (AS ODN) directed against leptin mRNA was injected intramyocardially along the border of the infarct 5 days after surgery. Cardiac morphometry and function were monitored by echocardiography over 11 weeks following MI. Production of myocardial leptin and pro‐inflammatory cytokines interleukin (IL)‐1β and IL‐6 were assessed by ELISA. Our results show that (1) cardiac leptin level peaks 7 days after reperfused MI; (2) intramyocardial injection of leptin‐AS ODN reduces early IL‐1β and IL‐6 overexpression and markedly protects contractile function. In conclusion, our findings demonstrate that cardiac leptin expression after MI could contribute to the evolution towards heart failure through autocrine and/or paracrine actions. The detrimental effect of leptin could be mediated by pro‐inflammatory cytokines such as IL‐1β and IL‐6. Our data could constitute the basis of new therapeutic approaches aimed to improve post‐MI outcome.  相似文献   
Responses of leaf and shoot hydraulic conductance to light quality were examined on shoots of silver birch (Betula pendula), cut from lower (‘shade position’) and upper thirds of the crowns (‘sun position’) of trees growing in a natural temperate forest stand. Hydraulic conductances of leaf blades (Klb), petioles (KP) and branches (i.e. leafless stem; KB) were determined using a high pressure flow meter in steady state mode. The shoots were exposed to photosynthetic photon flux density of 200–250 µmol m?2 s?1 using white, blue or red light. Klb depended significantly on both light quality and canopy position (P < 0.001), KB on canopy position (P < 0.001) and exposure time (P = 0.014), and none of the three factors had effect on KP. The highest values of Klb were recorded under the blue light (3.63 and 3.13 × 10?4 kg m?2 MPa?1 s?1 for the sun and shade leaves, respectively), intermediate values under white light (3.37 and 2.46 × 10?4 kg m?2 MPa?1 s?1, respectively) and lowest values under red light (2.83 and 2.02 × 10?4 kg m?2 MPa?1 s?1, respectively). Light quality has an important impact on leaf hydraulic properties, independently of light intensity or of total light energy, and the specific light receptors involved in this response require identification. Given that natural canopy shade depletes blue and red light, Klb may be decreased both by reduced fluence and shifts in light spectra, indicating the need for studies of the natural heterogeneity of Klb within and under canopies, and its impacts on gas exchange.  相似文献   
Morphological divergence was evident among three sympatric morphs of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus (L.)) that are ecologically diverged along the shallow‐, deep‐water resource axis in a subarctic postglacial lake (Norway). The two deep‐water (profundal) spawning morphs, a benthivore (PB‐morph) and a piscivore (PP‐morph), have evolved under identical abiotic conditions with constant low light and temperature levels in their deep‐water habitat, and were morphologically most similar. However, they differed in important head traits (e.g., eye and mouth size) related to their different diet specializations. The small‐sized PB‐morph had a paedomorphic appearance with a blunt head shape, large eyes, and a deep body shape adapted to their profundal lifestyle feeding on submerged benthos from soft, deep‐water sediments. The PP‐morph had a robust head, large mouth with numerous teeth, and an elongated body shape strongly related to their piscivorous behavior. The littoral spawning omnivore morph (LO‐morph) predominantly utilizes the shallow benthic–pelagic habitat and food resources. Compared to the deep‐water morphs, the LO‐morph had smaller head relative to body size. The LO‐morph exhibited traits typical for both shallow‐water benthic feeding (e.g., large body depths and small eyes) and planktivorous feeding in the pelagic habitat (e.g., streamlined body shape and small mouth). The development of morphological differences within the same deep‐water habitat for the PB‐ and PP‐morphs highlights the potential of biotic factors and ecological interactions to promote further divergence in the evolution of polymorphism in a tentative incipient speciation process. The diversity of deep‐water charr in this study represents a novelty in the Arctic charr polymorphism as a truly deep‐water piscivore morph has to our knowledge not been described elsewhere.  相似文献   
The innate immune system relies to a great deal on the interaction of pattern recognition receptors with pathogen- or damage-associated molecular pattern molecules. Extracellular histones belong to the latter group and their release has been described to contribute to the induction of systemic inflammatory reactions. However, little is known about their functions in the early immune response to an invading pathogen. Here we show that extracellular histones specifically target monocytes in human blood and this evokes the mobilization of the chemotactic chemokines CXCL9 and CXCL10 from these cells. The chemokine induction involves the toll-like receptor 4/myeloid differentiation factor 2 complex on monocytes, and is under the control of interferon-γ. Consequently, subcutaneous challenge with extracellular histones results in elevated levels of CXCL10 in a murine air pouch model and an influx of leukocytes to the site of injection in a TLR4 dependent manner. When analyzing tissue biopsies from patients with necrotizing fasciitis caused by Streptococcus pyogenes, extracellular histone H4 and CXCL10 are immunostained in necrotic, but not healthy tissue. Collectively, these results show for the first time that extracellular histones have an important function as chemoattractants as their local release triggers the recruitment of immune cells to the site of infection.  相似文献   
ApoE plays an important role in lipoprotein metabolism. This study investigated the effects of adenovirus-mediated human apoE overexpression (AdhApoE3) on sterol metabolism and in vivo reverse cholesterol transport (RCT). In wild-type mice, AdhApoE3 resulted in decreased HDL cholesterol levels and a shift toward larger HDL in plasma, whereas hepatic cholesterol content increased (P < 0.05). These effects were dependent on scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) as confirmed using SR-BI-deficient mice. Kinetic studies demonstrated increased plasma HDL cholesteryl ester catabolic rates (P < 0.05) and higher hepatic selective uptake of HDL cholesteryl esters in AdhApoE3-injected wild-type mice (P < 0.01). However, biliary and fecal sterol output as well as in vivo macrophage-to-feces RCT studied with (3)H-cholesterol-loaded mouse macrophage foam cells remained unchanged upon human apoE overexpression. Similar results were obtained using hApoE3 overexpression in human CETP transgenic mice. However, blocking ABCA1-mediated cholesterol efflux from hepatocytes in AdhApoE3-injected mice using probucol increased biliary cholesterol secretion (P < 0.05), fecal neutral sterol excretion (P < 0.05), and in vivo RCT (P < 0.01), specifically within neutral sterols. These combined data demonstrate that systemic apoE overexpression increases i) SR-BI-mediated selective uptake into the liver and ii) ABCA1-mediated efflux of RCT-relevant cholesterol from hepatocytes back to the plasma compartment, thereby resulting in unchanged fecal mass sterol excretion and overall in vivo RCT.  相似文献   
Protection against microbial pathogens involves the activation of cellular immune responses in eukaryotes, and this cellular immunity likely involves changes in subcellular membrane trafficking. In eukaryotes, members of the Rab GTPase family of small monomeric regulatory GTPases play prominent roles in the regulation of membrane trafficking. We previously showed that RabA4B is recruited to vesicles that emerge from trans-Golgi network (TGN) compartments and regulates polarized membrane trafficking in plant cells. As part of this regulation, RabA4B recruits the closely related phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (PI4K) PI4Kβ1 and PI4Kβ2 lipid kinases. Here, we identify a second Arabidopsis thaliana RabA4B-interacting protein, PLANT U-BOX13 (PUB13), which has recently been identified to play important roles in salicylic acid (SA)-mediated defense signaling. We show that PUB13 interacts with RabA4B through N-terminal domains and with phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI-4P) through a C-terminal armadillo domain. Furthermore, we demonstrate that a functional fluorescent PUB13 fusion protein (YFP-PUB13) localizes to TGN and Golgi compartments and that PUB13, PI4Kβ1, and PI4Kβ2 are negative regulators of SA-mediated induction of pathogenesis-related gene expression. Taken together, these results highlight a role for RabA4B and PI-4P in SA-dependent defense responses.  相似文献   


This study aimed to investigate the relationship between individual natural light exposure, sleep need, and depression at two latitudes, one extreme with a few hours of light per day during winter, and the other with equal hours of light and darkness throughout the year.


This cross-sectional study included a sample of Brazilian workers (Equatorial, n = 488 workers) and a Swedish sample (Arctic, n = 1,273).


The reported mean total natural light exposure per 4-week cycle differed significantly between the Equatorial and Arctic regions. However, shiftworkers from both sites reported similar hours of natural light exposure. Short light exposure was a predictor for insufficient sleep.


Reduced exposure to natural light appears to increase the perception of obtaining insufficient sleep. Arctic workers were more prone to develop depression than Equatorial workers.  相似文献   


Liver fibrosis induced by non-alcoholic fatty liver disease causes peri-interventional complications in morbidly obese patients. We determined the performance of transient elastography (TE), acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) imaging, and enhanced liver fibrosis (ELF) score for fibrosis detection in bariatric patients.

Patients and Methods

41 patients (median BMI 47 kg/m2) underwent 14-day low-energy diets to improve conditions prior to bariatric surgery (day 0). TE (M and XL probe), ARFI, and ELF score were performed on days -15 and -1 and compared with intraoperative liver biopsies (NAS staging).


Valid TE and ARFI results at day -15 and -1 were obtained in 49%/88% and 51%/90% of cases, respectively. High skin-to-liver-capsule distances correlated with invalid TE measurements. Fibrosis of liver biopsies was staged as F1 and F3 in n = 40 and n = 1 individuals. However, variations (median/range at d-15/-1) of TE (4.6/2.6–75 and 6.7/2.9–21.3 kPa) and ARFI (2.1/0.7–3.7 and 2.0/0.7–3.8 m/s) were high and associated with overestimation of fibrosis. The ELF score correctly classified 87.5% of patients.


In bariatric patients, performance of TE and ARFI was poor and did not improve after weight loss. The ELF score correctly classified the majority of cases and should be further evaluated.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of non-protein-coding genes that play a crucial regulatory role in mammalian development and disease. Whereas a large number of miRNAs have been annotated at the structural level during the latest years, functional annotation is sparse. Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (APP) causes serious lung infections in pigs. Severe damage to the lungs, in many cases deadly, is caused by toxins released by the bacterium and to some degree by host mediated tissue damage. However, understanding of the role of microRNAs in the course of this infectious disease in porcine is still very limited. RESULTS: In this study, the RNA extracted from visually unaffected and necrotic tissue from pigs infected with Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae was subjected to small RNA deep sequencing. We identified 169 conserved and 11 candidate novel microRNAs in the pig. Of these, 17 were significantly up-regulated in the necrotic sample and 12 were down-regulated. The expression analysis of a number of candidates revealed microRNAs of potential importance in the innate immune response. MiR-155, a known key player in inflammation, was found expressed in both samples. Moreover, miR-664-5p, miR-451 and miR-15a appear as very promising candidates for microRNAs involved in response to pathogen infection. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study revealing significant differences in composition and expression profiles of miRNAs in lungs infected with a bacterial pathogen. Our results extend annotation of microRNA in pig and provide insight into the role of a number of microRNAs in regulation of bacteria induced immune and inflammatory response in porcine lung.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a leading cause of blinding corneal ulcers worldwide. To determine the role of type III secretion in the pathogenesis of P. aeruginosa keratitis, corneas of C57BL/6 mice were infected with P. aeruginosa strain PAO1 or PAK, which expresses ExoS, ExoT, and ExoY, but not ExoU. PAO1- and PAK-infected corneas developed severe disease with pronounced opacification and rapid bacterial growth. In contrast, corneas infected with ΔpscD or ΔpscJ mutants that cannot assemble a type III secretion system, or with mutants lacking the translocator proteins, do not develop clinical disease, and bacteria are rapidly killed by infiltrating neutrophils. Furthermore, survival of PAO1 and PAK strains in the cornea and development of corneal disease was impaired in ΔexoS, ΔexoT, and ΔexoST mutants of both strains, but not in a ΔexoY mutant. ΔexoST mutants were also rapidly killed in neutrophils in vitro and were impaired in their ability to promote neutrophil apoptosis in vivo compared with PAO1. Point mutations in the ADP ribosyltransferase (ADPR) regions of ExoS or ExoT also impaired proapoptotic activity in infected neutrophils, and exoST(ADPR-) mutants replicated the ΔexoST phenotype in vitro and in vivo, whereas mutations in rho-GTPase-activating protein showed the same phenotype as PAO1. Together, these findings demonstrate that the pathogenesis of P. aeruginosa keratitis in ExoS- and ExoT-producing strains is almost entirely due to their ADPR activities, which subvert the host response by targeting the antibacterial activity of infiltrating neutrophils.  相似文献   
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