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Astrocytes and neurons cultured from mouse cerebellum and cerebral cortex were analyzed with respect to content and synthesis of amino acids as well as export of metabolites to the culture medium and the response to fluorocitrate, an, inhibitor of aconitase. The intracellular levels of amino acids were similar in the two astrocytic populations. The release of citrate, lactate and glutamine, however, was markedly higher from cerebellar than from cortical astrocytes. Neurons contained higher levels of glutamate, aspartate and GABA than astrocytic cultures. Cortical neurons were especially high in GABA and aspartate, and the level of aspartate increased specifically when the extracellular level of glutamine was elevated. Fluorocitrate inhibited the TCA cycle in the astrocytes, but was less effective in cerebellar neurons. Whereas neurons responded to fluorocitrate with an increase in the formation of lactate, reflecting, glycolysis, astrocytes decreased the formation of lactate in the presence of fluorocitrate, indicating that astrocytes to a high degree synthesize pyruvate and hence lactate from TCA cycle intermediates.  相似文献   
The synthetic antibody model “M41” was rationally designed with a binding site complementary to chicken egg white cystatin as the prescribed antigen. In order to permit comparison between the computer model and an experimental three-dimensional structure of the artificial protein, its X-ray crystallographic analysis was pursued. For this purpose, M41 was expressed as a recombinant Fab fragment in E. coli by medium cell density fermentation employing the tightly regulated tetracycline promoter. The Fab fragment was efficiently purified via a His-6 tail fused to its heavy chain and immobilized metal affinity chromatography. To raise the chances for the productive formation of crystal packing contacts, three versions of the Fab fragment were generated with differing constant domains. One of these, the variant with murine CK and CH 1γ1 domains, was successfully crystallized by microseeding in a sitting drop. The orthorhombic crystals exhibited symmetry of the space group P212121 with unit cell dimensions a = 104.7 Å, b = 113.9 Å, c = 98.8 Å and diffracted X-rays to a nominal resolution of 2.5 Å. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Methods for estimating the absolute polyphenol content of the brown algae Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jol. and Fucus vesiculosus (L.) have been developed and tested. Polyphenols were extracted almost quantitatively from Ascophyllum nodosum using aqueous acetone, whereas this procedure was somewhat less efficient with Fucus vesiculosus. Colorimetric methods based on the Folin-Denis reagent, Brentamine Fast Red 2G Salt, and vanillin-H2SO4 were applied to acetone-free extracts for determination of polyphenol content relative to suitable reference compounds. Gravimetric methods based on hide powder and on haemoglobin were employed to derive ‘estimation factors’ (EFs) which allow calculation of the absolute polyphenol content from the relative polyphenol content. The values calculated for absolute polyphenol content are considered to be reasonably accurate, despite imprecisions in the methods and despite often large standard deviations, and re-emphasize the potential physiological and ecological significance of brown algal polyphenols. Although the precise EFs calculated here are not valid for other brown algae, the methods are considered to be generally applicable to other Phaeophyceae.  相似文献   
Lactate dehydrogenase activity and isoenzyme distribution was determined in primary cultures of astroblasts as a function of the culture period. The specific activity increased during this period with a peak value (1.91 ± 0.18μmol x min-1 x mg-1 cell protein) after 2 weeks in culture. The isoenzyme pattern changed during 3 weeks in culture towards a higher proportion of the H4 (LDH-1) isoenzyme which is analogous to the in vivo pattern. Omission of serum with or without dBcAMP (0.5 mM) in the culture medium during the third week of culture further enhanced this prominence of the H4 isoenzyme. The specific activity (1.58 × 0.06 μmol x min-1 x mg-1 cell protein) of cultures grown in the presence of 0.5 mM-dBcAMP and absence of serum was close to the activity in the adult brain.  相似文献   
In a previous experiment, rabbits and goats were immunized with boiled and ethanol precipitated (BE) bovine kidney antigen, and the specificity of the antibodies produced was compared (Andersen 1975). The caprine sera were species specific while the rabbit sera, however, cross-reacted with BE antigens from other ruminant species. Sera from 2 rabbit littermates differed somewhat in that 1 serum seemed to be mainly species specific giving only weak reactions against BE antigens from kidney and spleen from other ruminants, whilst the other serum was more organ specific and reacted equally with homologous and heterologous kidney antigens.  相似文献   
Population structure, density and reproductive potential of perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) from 4 acidified lakes in a river system in Southern Norway were investigated. The upper 3 lakes were most affected by acidification and the number of perch caught per unit effort indicate three-fold increase in density from the upper Gjerstadvann to the lower Brøbørvann. Low density of perch in the upper lakes is explained by; 1) Abnormal mortality occurring in episodes due to acidification, probably caused by aluminium toxicity at pH = 5.2–5.4. 2). Acid water (pH ≤ 5.0) during spawning and development of eggs and larvae, resulting in recruitment failure. Juvenile mortality of perch may depend on the density of the parental stock. In the 3 upper lakes, the density of adult perch probably was too low to produce significant juvenile mortality, and in these lakes the recruitment probably depended more on the May water quality. Improved water quality increases egg hatching and survival and also benefits zooplankton production, the main food for perch during the first summer. Low population density has reduced competition for food and thus improved growth of perch in the 3 upper lakes compared to the lower lake. The perch in Brøbørvann mature at higher age and have lower individual fecundity than perch in Gjerstadvann, an effect of both slower growth and lower length specific fecundity in Brøbørvann. In Gjerstadvann, the perch therefore have a higher reproductive potential relative to the stock density, and may, when the water quality is good enough, give rise to strong year-classes and more frequent year-class fluctuations than perch in the less acid Brøbørvann.  相似文献   
The termini of the avian chick embryo lethal orphan (CELO) virus DNA have been sequenced. The results revealed a 63-bp-long inverted terminal repetition (ITR) which shared the sequence ATAATA with all adenovirus termini, thus far analyzed. The CELO virus ITR differed from those of the mammalian adenoviruses in two major aspects: (i) it is not a perfect duplication; (ii) it begins with a 5'-guanylic acid residue instead of the cytidylic acid normally observed in adenoviruses.  相似文献   
Periodate-oxidized ATP (oATP) inactivates the partial reaction of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases in which amino acid is transferred to tRNA without altering the other partial reaction in which ATP is a substrate or a product. The inactivation has been shown to be nonspecific with regard to substituents on the dialdehyde and with regard to the enzymes susceptible to inactivation; oxidized GTP and oxidized uridine react as well as oATP with aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases and all three dialdehydes also inactivate rabbit muscle aldolase.  相似文献   
Larval drift of the trichopteran Rhyacophila nubila (Zett.) was studied in a West Norwegian river. The frequency distribution of different instars in the drift samples was significantly different compared with the benthic samples. The drift, measured as the number which passed a transect of the river, rised markedly in periods of high water discharge. Different instars can be arranged according to the extent in which they are drifting: 2>3>4>1>5. Instar 1 and 2 shared a neutral phototaxis. From the 2nd instar and on, the larvae became increasingly night-active with a culmination in the last instar which was highly night active, also confined by laboratory studies. It is suggested that changes in activity patterns is associated with a shift towards a more carnivorous way of life.  相似文献   
We have examined growth responses of several species of marine phytoplankton, cultured with and without heavy metal stress, to supplements of polymeric polyphenols from the brown algae Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jol. and Fucus vesiculosus L. In the absence of additional heavy metals. supplements of up to 4000 μg. 1 of polyphenols had a small effect on initial growth rates for three of these microalgae and had no effect on maximum cell densities for four species. One very common, heavy metal-sensitive diatom, Skeletonema costatum (Grev.) Cl., showed significantly increasing maximum cell density in the cultures, with increasing addition of polyphenols to the medium. The toxicity of Zn2+ (0.5–2.0 mg·1 1) to cultures of the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin was relieved by supplements (100–200 μg·1 1) of the brown algal polyphenols. Exudation of these polyphenols from brown seaweeds may contribute to the natural chelating capacity of inshore sea water.  相似文献   
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