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Epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) and pulmonary fibrogenesis require epithelial integrin α3β1-mediated cross-talk between TGFβ1 and Wnt signaling pathways. One hallmark of this cross-talk is pY654-β-catenin accumulation, but whether pY654-β-catenin is a biomarker of fibrogenesis or functionally important is unknown. To clarify further the role of β-catenin in fibrosis, we explored pY654-β-catenin generation and function. α3β1 was required for TGFβ1-mediated activation of Src family kinases, and Src inhibition blocked both pY654 and EMT in primary alveolar epithelial cells (AECs). TGFβ1 stimulated β-catenin/Lef1-dependent promoter activity comparably in immortalized AECs stably expressing WT β-catenin as well as Y654E or Y654F β-catenin point mutants. But EMT was abrogated in the Tyr to Phe mutant. pY654-β-catenin was sensitive to the axin β-catenin turnover pathway as inhibition of tankyrase 1 led to high AEC axin levels, loss of pY654-β-catenin, and inhibition of EMT ex vivo. Mice given a tankyrase inhibitor (50 mg/kg orally) daily for 7 days beginning 10 days after intratracheal bleomycin had improved survival over controls. Treated mice developed raised axin levels in the lung that abrogated pY654-β-catenin and attenuated lung Snail1, Twist1, α-smooth muscle actin, and type I collagen accumulation. Total β-catenin levels were unaltered. These findings identify Src kinase(s) as a mediator of TGFβ1-induced pY654-β-catenin, provide evidence that pY654-β-catenin levels are a critical determinant of EMT and fibrogenesis, and suggest regulation of axin levels as a novel therapeutic approach to fibrotic disorders.  相似文献   
Regulation of pyruvate-formate lyase (PFL) activity in vivo plays a central role in the shift from homolactic to mixed-acid product formation observed during the growth of Lactococcus lactis on glucose and galactose, respectively. Characterisation of L. lactis MG1363 in anaerobic batch cultures showed that the specific in vivo activity (flux) of PFL was 4-fold higher in L. lactis cells grown with galactose, compared with cells grown with glucose. The change in the PFL flux correlated with the observed variation in the PFL enzyme level, i.e. the PFL enzyme level was 3.4-fold higher in L. lactis cells grown on galactose than in those grown on glucose. To investigate whether a variation in the level of PFL was responsible for the shift in pyruvate metabolism, L. lactis strains with altered expression of pfl were constructed. The pfl gene was expressed under the control of different constitutive promoters in L. lactis MG1363 and in the PFL-deficient strain CRM40. Strains with five different PFL levels were obtained. Variation in the PFL level markedly affected the resulting end-product formation in these strains. During growth on galactose, the flux towards mixed-acid products was to a great extent controlled by the PFL level. This demonstrates that a regulated PFL level plays a predominant role in the regulation of the metabolic shift from homolactic to mixed-acid product formation in L. lactis.  相似文献   
Emotional stress affects cellular integrity in many tissues including the heart. Much less is known about the effects of social stress. We studied the effect of emotional (immobilization with or without cold exposure) or social (intermale confrontation) stress in mice. Tissue injury was measured by means of the release of enzyme activities to blood plasma: lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), creatine kinase (CK), aspartate transaminase (AST), and alanine transaminase (ALT). Tape-immobilization increased all these activities in the plasma. AST-ALT ratio was also increased in these animals. Electrophoretic analysis of CK isoenzymes showed the appearance of CK-MB. These results indicate that the heart was injured in immobilized mice. Analysis of LDH isoenzymes and measurement of alpha-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (HBDH) activity suggests that other tissues, in addition to the heart, contribute to the increase in plasma LDH activity. Restraint in small cylinders increased plasma LDH, CK, AST, and ALT activities, but to lower levels than in tape immobilization. Because the decrease in liver glycogen and the increase in plasma epidermal growth factor (EGF) were also smaller in restraint than in the tape-immobilization model of emotional stress, we conclude that the former is a less intense stressor than the latter. Cold exposure during the restraint period altered the early responses to stress (it enhanced liver glycogen decrease, but abolished the increase in plasma EGF concentration). Cold exposure during restraint enhanced heart injury, as revealed by the greater increase in CK and AST activities. Intermale confrontation progressively decreased liver glycogen content. Plasma EGF concentration increased (to near 100 nM from a resting value of 0.1 nM) until 60 minutes, and decreased thereafter. Confrontation also affected cellular integrity in some tissues, as indicated by the rise in plasma LDH activity. However, in this type of stress, the heart appeared to be specifically protected because there was no increase in plasma CK activity, and both AST and ALT increased, but the AST-ALT ratio remained constant. Habituation to restraint (1 h/d, 4 days) made mice resistant to restraint-induced tissue injury as indicated by the lack of an increase in plasma LDH, CK, AST, or ALT activities. Similar general protection against homotypic stress-induced injury was observed in mice habituated to intermale confrontation.  相似文献   
The enzyme pyruvate formate-lyase (PFL) from Lactococcus lactis was produced in Escherichia coli and purified to obtain anti-PFL antibodies that were shown to be specific for L. lactis PFL. It was demonstrated that activated L. lactis PFL was sensitive to oxygen, as in E. coli, resulting in the cleavage of the PFL polypeptide. The PFL protein level and its in vivo activity and regulation were shown by Western blotting, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and metabolite measurement to be dependent on the growth conditions. The PFL level during anaerobic growth on the slowly fermentable sugar galactose was higher than that on glucose. This shows that variation in the PFL protein level may play an important role in the regulation of metabolic shift from homolactic to mixed-acid product formation, observed during growth on glucose and galactose, respectively. During anaerobic growth in defined medium, complete activation of PFL was observed. Strikingly, although no formate was produced during aerobic growth of L. lactis, PFL protein was indeed detected under these conditions, in which the enzyme is dispensable due to the irreversible inactivation of PFL by oxygen. In contrast, no oxygenolytic cleavage was detected during aerobic growth in complex medium. This observation may be the result of either an effective PFL deactivase activity or the lack of PFL activation. In E. coli, the PFL deactivase activity resides in the multifunctional alcohol dehydrogenase ADHE. It was shown that in L. lactis, ADHE does not participate in the protection of PFL against oxygen under the conditions analyzed. Our results provide evidence for major differences in the mechanisms of posttranslational regulation of PFL activity in E. coli and L. lactis.  相似文献   
Iterative cluster analysis of protein interaction data   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
MOTIVATION: Generation of fast tools of hierarchical clustering to be applied when distances among elements of a set are constrained, causing frequent distance ties, as happens in protein interaction data. RESULTS: We present in this work the program UVCLUSTER, that iteratively explores distance datasets using hierarchical clustering. Once the user selects a group of proteins, UVCLUSTER converts the set of primary distances among them (i.e. the minimum number of steps, or interactions, required to connect two proteins) into secondary distances that measure the strength of the connection between each pair of proteins when the interactions for all the proteins in the group are considered. We show that this novel strategy has advantages over conventional clustering methods to explore protein-protein interaction data. UVCLUSTER easily incorporates the information of the largest available interaction datasets to generate comprehensive primary distance tables. The versatility, simplicity of use and high speed of UVCLUSTER on standard personal computers suggest that it can be a benchmark analytical tool for interactome data analysis. AVAILABILITY: The program is available upon request from the authors, free for academic users. Additional information available at http://www.uv.es/genomica/UVCLUSTER.  相似文献   
Climatic shifts may increase the extinction risk of populations, especially when they are already suffering from other anthropogenic impacts. Our ability to predict the consequences of climate change on endangered species is limited by our scarce knowledge of the effects of climate variability on the population dynamics of most organisms and by the uncertainty of climate projections, which depend strongly on the region of the earth being considered. In this study, we analysed a long‐term monitoring programme (1988–2009) of Hermann's tortoise (Testudo hermanni) aimed at evaluating the consequences of the drastic changes in temperature and precipitation patterns predicted for the Mediterranean region on the demography of a long‐lived species with low dispersal capability and already suffering a large number of threats. Capture–recapture modelling of a population in the Ebro Delta (NE Spain) allowed us to assess the effect of climate variability on the survival of tortoises. Winter rainfall was found to be the major driver of juvenile and immature survival, whereas that of adults remained high and constant across the study. Furthermore, local climate series obtained ad hoc from regional climate simulations, for this and 10 additional Mediterranean locations where tortoises occurred, provided us with reliable future climate forecasts, which were used to simulate the fate of these populations under three precipitation scenarios (mean, wet and dry) using stochastic population modelling. We show that a shift to a more arid climate would have negative consequences for population persistence, enhancing juvenile mortality and increasing quasiextinction risk because of a decrease in recruitment. These processes varied depending on the population and the climate scenario we considered, but our results suggest that unless other human‐induced causes of mortality are suppressed (e.g. poaching, fire, habitat fragmentation), climate variability will increase extinction risk within most of the species’ current range.  相似文献   
Carbonic anhydrases (CAs) are ubiquitous metalloenzymes that catalyze the reversible hydration of carbon dioxide to bicarbonate and a proton. CAs are involved in numerous physiological and pathological processes, including acid-base homeostasis, electrolyte balance, oxygen delivery to tissues and nitric oxide generation. Given that these processes are found to be dysregulated during ischemia reperfusion injury (IRI), and taking into account the high vulnerability of steatotic livers to preservation injury, we hypothesized a new role for CA as a pharmacological agent able to protect against ischemic damage. Two different aspects of the role of CA II in fatty liver grafts preservation were evaluated: 1) the effect of its addition to Institut Georges Lopez (IGL-1) storage solution after cold ischemia; 2) and after 24h of cold storage followed by two hours of normothermic ex-vivo perfusion. In all cases, liver injury, CA II protein concentration, CA II mRNA levels and CA II activity were determined. In case of the ex-vivo perfusion, we further assessed liver function (bile production, bromosulfophthalein clearance) and Western blot analysis of phosphorylated adenosine monophosphate activated protein kinase (AMPK), mitogen activated protein kinases family (MAPKs) and endoplasmic reticulum stress (ERS) parameters (GRP78, PERK, IRE, eIF2α and ATF6). We found that CA II was downregulated after cold ischemia. The addition of bovine CA II to IGL-1 preservation solution efficiently protected steatotic liver against cold IRI. In the case of reperfusion, CA II protection was associated with better function, AMPK activation and the prevention of ERS and MAPKs activation. Interestingly, CA II supplementation was not associated with enhanced CO2 hydration. The results suggest that CA II modulation may be a promising target for fatty liver graft preservation.  相似文献   
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