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The synthesis and potent inhibitory activity of novel 4-[(imidazol-1-yl and triazol-1-yl)(phenyl)methyl]aryl-and heteroaryl amines versus a MCF-7 CYP26A1 cell assay is described. Biaryl imidazole ([4-(imidazol-1-yl-phenyl-methyl)-phenyl]-naphthalen-2-yl-amine (8), IC(50)=0.5 microM; [4-(imidazol-1-yl-phenyl-methyl)-phenyl]-indan-5-yl-amine (9), IC(50)=1.0 microM) and heteroaryl imidazole derivatives ((1H-benzoimidazol-2-yl)-{4-[(5H-imidazol-1-yl)-phenyl-methyl]-phenyl}-amine (15), IC(50)=2.5 microM; benzooxazol-2-yl-{4-[(5H-imidazol-1-yl)-phenyl-methyl]-phenyl}-amine (16), IC(50)=0.9 microM; benzothiazol-2-yl-{4-[(5H-imidazol-1-yl)-phenyl-methyl]-phenyl}-amine (17), IC(50)=1.5 microM) were the most potent CYP26 inhibitors. Using a CYP26A1 homology model differences in activity were investigated. Incubation of SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells with the imidazole aryl derivative 8, and the imidazole heteroaryl derivatives 16 and 17 potentiated the atRA-induced expression of CYP26B1. These data suggest that further structure-function studies leading to clinical development are warranted.  相似文献   
Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM), a severe form of middle ear infection, affects most Australian Aboriginal children with up to 50% in some communities suffering hearing loss as a consequence. To date, there is no information on whether repeated exposure to the pathogens that characterize CSOM and that are present in the upper respiratory airway affect olfactory function. Accordingly, this study aimed to determine whether 1) there was a high prevalence of olfactory loss in Aboriginal children and 2) hearing loss is a predictor of olfactory loss. Two hundred and sixty one 9- to 12-year-old Aboriginal children from 16 rural communities reported to have high prevalences of CSOM and hearing loss were assessed for olfactory loss using a 16-odor identification test and hearing loss. One child was found to be anosmic, 4 were slightly hyposmic, and 42 had hearing loss. No relationship was found between olfactory loss and hearing loss. The test-retest reliability of the 16-odor identification test was 0.98. It was concluded that CSOM does not appear to affect olfactory function in the long term and that hearing loss in Aboriginal children is not a predictor of olfactory loss.  相似文献   
Molecular docking and ANS-displacement experiments indicated that 8-anilinonaphthalene sulfonate (ANS) binds the hydrophobic site (H-site) in the active site of dimeric class Mu rGST M1-1. The naphthalene moiety provides most of the van der Waals contacts at the ANS-binding interface while the anilino group is able to sample different rotamers. The energetics of ANS binding were studied by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) over the temperature range of 5-30 degrees C. Binding is both enthalpically and entropically driven and displays a stoichiometry of one ANS molecule per subunit (or H-site). ANS binding is linked to the uptake of 0.5 protons at pH 6.5. Enthalpy of binding depends linearly upon temperature yielding a DeltaC(p) of -80+/-4 cal K(-1) mol(-1) indicating the burial of solvent-exposed nonpolar surface area upon ANS-protein complex formation. While ion-pair interactions between the sulfonate moiety of ANS and protein cationic groups may be significant for other ANS-binding proteins, the binding of ANS to rGST M1-1 is primarily hydrophobic in origin. The binding properties are compared with those of other GSTs and ANS-binding proteins.  相似文献   
The NMR spectra of nucleic acids suffer from severe peak overlap, which complicates resonance assignments. 4D NMR experiments can overcome much of the degeneracy in 2D and 3D spectra; however, the linear increase in acquisition time with each new dimension makes it impractical to acquire high-resolution 4D spectra using standard Fourier transform (FT) techniques. The filter diagonalization method (FDM) is a numerically efficient algorithm that fits the entire multi-dimensional time-domain data to a set of multi-dimensional oscillators. Selective 4D constant-time HCCH-COSY experiments that correlate the H5-C5-C6-H6 base spin systems of pyrimidines or the H1'-C1'-C2'-H2' spin systems of ribose sugars were acquired on the (13)C-labeled iron responsive element (IRE) RNA. FDM-processing of these 4D experiments recorded with only 8 complex points in the indirect dimensions showed superior spectral resolution than FT-processed spectra. Practical aspects of obtaining optimal FDM-processed spectra are discussed. The results here demonstrate that FDM-processing can be used to obtain high-resolution 4D spectra on a medium sized RNA in a fraction of the acquisition time normally required for high-resolution, high-dimensional spectra.  相似文献   
Polygodial (1) and its derivatives acetal 2 (propylene) and 3 (ethylene) were prepared and their antifeedant activity and toxic effects evaluated on several insect species with different feeding ecologies (Spodoptera littoralis, Leptinotarsa decemlineata, Myzus persicae and Rhopalosiphum padi) along with that of polygonone (4). We also tested their selective cytotoxic effects on insect-derived (Spodoptera frugiperda ovarian Sf9 cells) and mammalian Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. The antifeedant activity of these compounds was consistent with the proposed mode of action for antifeedant drimanes, i. e. adduct formation with amino groups for M. persicae and R. padi (dialdehyde > ketoaldehyde > aldehydeacetal). This was not the case for L. decemlineata, and the cytotoxic effects on insect-derived Sf9 and mammalian CHO cells (aldehydeacetal > dialdehyde > ketoaldehyde).  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Uptake of genetic testing remains low, even in families with known BRCA1 and BRCA2 (BRCA1/2) mutations, despite effective interventions to reduce risk. We report disclosure and uptake patterns by BRCA1/2-positive individuals to at-risk relatives, in the setting of no-cost genetic counseling and testing. METHODS: Relatives of BRCA1/2-positive individuals were offered cost-free and confidential genetic counseling and testing. If positive for a BRCA1/2 mutation, participants were eligible to complete a survey about their disclosure of mutation status and the subsequent uptake of genetic testing by at-risk family members. RESULTS: One hundred and fifteen of 142 eligible individuals responded to the survey (81%). Eighty-eight (77%) of those surveyed disclosed results to all at-risk relatives. Disclosure to first-degree relatives (FDRs) was higher than to second-degree relatives (SDRs) and third-degree relatives (TDR) (95% vs. 78%; p < 0.01). Disclosure rates to male versus female relatives were similar, but reported completion of genetic testing was higher among female versus male FDRs (73% vs. 49%; p < 0.01) and SDRs (68% vs. 43%; p < 0.01), and among members of maternal versus paternal lineages (63% vs. 0%; p < 0.01). Men were more likely than women to express general difficulty discussing positive BCRA1/2 results with at-risk family members (90% vs. 70%; p = 0.03), while women reported more emotional distress associated with disclosure than men (48% vs. 13%; p < 0.01). DISCUSSION: We report a very high rate of disclosure of genetic testing information to at-risk relatives. However, uptake of genetic testing among at-risk individuals was low despite cost-free testing services, particularly in men, SDRs, and members of paternal lineages. The complete lack of testing among paternally related at-risk individuals and the lower testing uptake among men signify a significant barrier to testing and a challenge for genetic counselors and physicians working with high-risk groups. Further research is necessary to ensure that family members understand their risk and the potential benefits of genetic counseling.  相似文献   
The recent origin of sex chromosomes in plant species provides an opportunity to study the early stages of sex chromosome evolution. This review focuses on the cytogenetic aspects of the analysis of sex chromosome evolution in plants and in particular, on the best-studied case, the sex chromosomes in Silene latifolia. We discuss the emerging picture of sex chromosome evolution in plants and the further work that is required to gain better understanding of the similarities and differences between the trends in animal and plant sex chromosome evolution. Similar to mammals, suppression of recombination between the X and Y in S. latifolia species has occurred in several steps, however there is little evidence that inversions on the S. latifolia Y chromosome have played a role in cessation of X/Y recombination. Secondly, in S. latifolia there is a lack of evidence for genetic degeneration of the Y chromosome, unlike the events documented in mammalian sex chromosomes. The insufficient number of genes isolated from this and other plant sex chromosomes does not allow us to generalize whether the trends revealed on S. latifolia Y chromosome are general for other dioecious plants. Isolation of more plant sex-linked genes and their cytogenetic mapping with fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) will ultimately lead to a much better understanding of the processes driving sex chromosome evolution in plants.  相似文献   
Synthetic N -acetyllactosamine (LacNAc) glycoside sequences coupled to BSA competitively inhibit enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) localized adherence (LA) to human intestinal biopsy specimens and tissue culture cell monolayers. The LacNAc-specific adhesin appears to be associated with the bundle-forming pili (BFP) expressed by EPEC during the early stages of colonization. Herein, we report that recombinant bundlin inhibits EPEC LA to HEp-2 cells and binds to HEp-2 cells. Recombinant bundlin also binds, with millimolar association constants ( K assoc), to synthetic LacNAc-Benzene and LacNAc-O(CH2)8CONH2 glycosides as assessed in the gas phase by nanoelectrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Furthermore, LacNAc-BSA inhibits LA only of EPEC strains that express α bundlin alleles, suggesting putative locations for the LacNAc-binding pocket in the α bundlin monomer. Collectively, these results suggest that α bundlin possesses lectin-like properties that are responsible for LacNAc-specific initial adherence of α bundlin-expressing EPEC strains to host intestinal epithelial cells.  相似文献   
The splitting of muscle phosphocreatine (PCr) plays an integral role in the regulation of muscle O2 utilization during a "step" change in metabolic rate. This study tested the hypothesis that the kinetics of muscle PCr would be faster in children compared with adults both at the onset and offset of moderate-intensity exercise, in concert with the previous demonstration of faster phase II pulmonary O2 uptake kinetics in children. Eighteen peri-pubertal children (8 boys, 10 girls) and 16 adults (8 men, 8 women) completed repeated constant work-rate exercise transitions corresponding to 80% of the Pi/PCr intracellular threshold. The changes in quadriceps [PCr], [Pi], [ADP], and pH were determined every 6 s using 31P-magnetic resonance spectroscopy. No significant (P>0.05) age- or sex-related differences were found in the PCr kinetic time constant at the onset (boys, 21+/-4 s; girls, 24+/-5 s; men, 26+/-9 s; women, 24+/-7 s) or offset (boys, 26+/-5 s; girls, 29+/-7 s; men, 23+/-9 s; women 29+/-7 s) of exercise. Likewise, the estimated theoretical maximal rate of oxidative phosphorylation (Qmax) was independent of age and sex (boys, 1.39+/-0.20 mM/s; girls, 1.32+/-0.32 mM/s; men, 2.36+/-1.18 mM/s; women, 1.51+/-0.53 mM/s). These results are consistent with the notion that the putative phosphate-linked regulation of muscle O2 utilization is fully mature in peri-pubertal children, which may be attributable to a comparable capacity for mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation in child and adult muscle.  相似文献   
Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) of DNA is a novel technique that rapidly amplifies target DNA under isothermal conditions. In the present study, a LAMP test was designed from the serum resistance-associated (SRA) gene of Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense, the cause of the acute form of African sleeping sickness, and used to detect parasite DNA from processed and heat-treated infected blood samples. The SRA gene is specific to T. b. rhodesiense and has been shown to confer resistance to lysis by normal human serum. The assay was performed at 62°C for 1 h, using six primers that recognised eight targets. The template was varying concentrations of trypanosome DNA and supernatant from heat-treated infected blood samples. The resulting amplicons were detected using SYTO-9 fluorescence dye in a real-time thermocycler, visual observation after the addition of SYBR Green I, and gel electrophoresis. DNA amplification was detected within 35 min. The SRA LAMP test had an unequivocal detection limit of one pg of purified DNA (equivalent to 10 trypanosomes/ml) and 0.1 pg (1 trypanosome/ml) using heat-treated buffy coat, while the detection limit for conventional SRA PCR was ∼1,000 trypanosomes/ml. The expected LAMP amplicon was confirmed through restriction enzyme RsaI digestion, identical melt curves, and sequence analysis. The reproducibility of the SRA LAMP assay using water bath and heat-processed template, and the ease in results readout show great potential for the diagnosis of T. b. rhodesiense in endemic regions.  相似文献   
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