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We report here for the first time the large-scale isolation of hypervariable minisatellite DNA sequences from a non-human species, the Indian peafowl (Pavo cristatus). A size-selected genomic DNA fraction, rich in hypervariable minisatellites, was cloned into Charomid 9-36. This library was screened using two multilocus hypervariable probes, 33.6 and 33.15 and also, in a "probe-walking" approach, with five of the peafowl minisatellites initially isolated. Forty-eight positively hybridizing clones were characterized and found to originate from 30 different loci, 18 of which were polymorphic. Five of these variable minisatellite loci were studied further. They all showed Mendelian inheritance. The heterozygosities of these loci were relatively low (range 22-78%) in comparison with those of previously cloned human loci, as expected in view of inbreeding in our semicaptive study population. No new length allele mutations were observed in families and the mean mutation rate per locus is low (less than 0.004, 95% confidence maximum). These loci were also investigated by cross-species hybridization in related taxa. The ability of the probes to detect hypervariable sequences in other species within the same avian family was found to vary, from those probes that are species-specific to those that are apparently general to the family. We also illustrate the potential usefulness of these probes for paternity analysis in a study of sexual selection, and discuss the general application of specific hypervariable probes in behavioral and evolutionary studies.  相似文献   
The passive electrical properties of synthetic strands of cardiac muscle, grown in tissue culture, were studied using two intracellular microelectrodes: one to inject a rectangular pulse of current and the other to record the resultant displacement of membrane potential at various distances from the current source. In all preparations, the potential displacement, instead of approaching a steady value as would be expected for a cell with constant electrical properties, increased slowly with time throughout the current step. In such circumstances, the specific electrical constants for the membrane and cytoplasm must not be obtained by applying the usual methods, which are based on the analytical solution of the partial differential equation describing a one-dimensional cell with constant electrical properties. A satisfactory fit of the potential waveforms was, however, obtained with numerical solutions of a modified form of this equation in which the membrane resistance increased linearly with time. Best fits of the waveforms from 12 preparations gave the following values for the membrane resistance times unit length, membrane capacitance per unit length, and for the myoplasmic resistance: 1.22 plus or minus 0.13 x 10-5 omegacm, 0.224 plus or minus 0.023 uF with cm-minus 1, and 1.37 plus or minus 0.13 x 10-7 omegacm-minus 1, respectively. The value of membrane capacitance per unit length was close to that obtained from the time constant of the foot of the action potential and was in keeping with the generally satisfactory fit of the recorded waveforms with solutions of the cable equation in which the membrane impedance is that of a single capacitor and resistor in parallel. The area of membrane per unit length and the cross-sectional area of myoplasm at any given length of the preparation were determined from light and composite electron micrographs, and these were used to calculate the following values for the specific electrical membrane resistance, membrane capacitance, and the resistivity of the cytoplasm: 20.5 plus or minus 3.0 x 10-3 omegacm-2, l.54 plus or minus 0.24 uFWITHcm-minus 2, and 180 plus or minus 34 omegacm, respectively.  相似文献   
The levels of prostaglandin 15-hydroxy dehydrogenase and reductase have been studied in the lungs of maternal, fetal and neonatal rabbits. Fetal lungs obtained at gestational age of 28–30 days (full term 31 days) had the same levels of prostaglandin dehydrogenase as the adults, while the reductase levels in the fetal lungs were only one fourth that in the adults. The lungs of maternal rabbits at near term possessed very high levels of prostaglandin dehydrogenase — approximately twenty-fold higher than in the adult non-pregnant female controls. The Δ13 reductase appeared slightly elevated during pregnancy. Neonatal animals at different ages showed the same levels of both enzymes as the near term fetus and/or the non-pregnant adults, which suggests that the development of the ability for prostaglandin metabolism is completed at least several days before birth. The high dehydrogenase levels in the near term maternal lungs indicated the requirement for extra protection against prostaglandin release during late pregnancy.  相似文献   
Development and decay of thermotolerance were observed in Chinese hamster HA-1 cells. The thermotolerance kinetics of exponentially growing and fed plateau-phase cells were compared. Following a 10-min heat exposure at 45 degrees C, cells in both growth states had similar rates of development of tolerance to a subsequent 45-min exposure at 45 degrees C. This thermotolerant state started to decay between 12 and 24 hr after the initial heat exposure. The decay appeared to initiate slightly sooner in the exponentially growing cells when compared to the fed plateau-phase cells. During the decay phase, the rate of thermotolerance decay was similar in the two growth conditions. In other experiments, cells were induced to divide at a slower rate by chronic growth (3 months) in a low concentration of fetal calf serum. Under these low serum conditions cells became more sensitive to heat and the rate of decay of thermotolerance remained the same for exponentially growing cells. Plateau-phase cells were also more sensitive, but thermotolerance decayed more rapidly in these cells. Although dramatic cell cycle perturbations were seen in the exponentially growing cells, these changes appeared not to be related to thermotolerance kinetics.  相似文献   
The pressure gradients of the canine coronary circulation were measured in 37 dogs during control and following eight interventions: left stellate ganglion or left vagosympathetic trunk stimulation, as well as isoproterenol, acetylcholine, noradrenaline, adenosine, phenylephrine, or adrenaline infusions. During control, pressure gradients in the epicardial coronary arteries (measured from the aorta to coronary artery branch) were 15.2 +/- 1 mmHg (1 mmHg (1 mmHg = 133.32 Pa) during systole and 10.6 +/- 1.5 mmHg during diastole. Adrenaline increased this systolic gradient, while acetylcholine and phenylephrine decreased it. In contrast, the pressure gradients in the small coronary arteries (from the branch of an epicardial artery to the pressure in an obstructed coronary artery) were 56 +/- 1.3 mmHg during systole and 63.7 +/- 1.3 mmHg during diastole. These gradients were increased by phenylephrine during both systole and diastole, noradrenaline and adrenaline during diastole and decreased by isoproterenol (systolic), left vagosympathetic trunk stimulation (diastolic), acetylcholine (systolic and diastolic), and adenosine (diastolic). The microcirculation and small vein gradients during control were 16.4 +/- 1.2 mmHg during systole and 8.5 +/- 0.8 mmHg during diastole. Decreases in this gradient were produced by isoproterenol, acetylcholine, and adenosine during systole and adenosine during diastole. These observations are consistent with the concept that the coronary circulation has considerable regulatory capacity in all of its component parts. Specifically, epicardial arteries appear to function as both conduits and as resistance vessels, small arteries as major resistance vessels, and the microcirculation and small veins as both capacitors and resistors.  相似文献   
Low levels of adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cyclic AMP) were detected in the cyanobacterium Anabaena variabilis using a protein binding assay and two radioisotopic labelling methods. The basal concentration of intracellular cyclic AMP ranged from 0.27 pmol/mg protein in A. variabilis Kutz grown under heterotrophic conditions to 1.0--2.7 pmol/mg protein in A. variabilis strain 377 grown autotrophically. Extracellular cyclic AMP was found to comprise as much as 90% of the total cyclic AMP in rapidly growing cultures. When A. variabilis strain 377 was starved of nitrogen, a 3--4-fold increase in intracellular cyclic AMP was observed during the 24 h period coincident with early heterocyst development.  相似文献   
Modern medicine faces the challenge of developing safer and more effective therapies to treat human diseases. Many drugs currently in use were discovered without knowledge of their underlying molecular mechanisms. Understanding their biological targets and modes of action will be essential to design improved second-generation compounds. Here, we describe the use of a genome-wide pool of tagged heterozygotes to assess the cellular effects of 78 compounds in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Specifically, lanosterol synthase in the sterol biosynthetic pathway was identified as a target of the antianginal drug molsidomine, which may explain its cholesterol-lowering effects. Further, the rRNA processing exosome was identified as a potential target of the cell growth inhibitor 5-fluorouracil. This genome-wide screen validated previously characterized targets or helped identify potentially new modes of action for over half of the compounds tested, providing proof of this principle for analyzing the modes of action of clinically relevant compounds.  相似文献   
Abstract The biochemical pathway and genetics of autotrophic ammonia oxidation have been studied almost exclusively in Nitrosomonas europaea. Terrestrial autotrophic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AAOs), however, comprise two distinct phylogenetic groups in the beta-Proteobacteria, the Nitrosomonas and Nitrosospira groups. Hybridization patterns were used to assess the potential of functional probes in non-PCR-based molecular analysis of natural AAO populations and their activity. The objective of this study was to obtain an overview of functional gene homologies by hybridizing probes derived from N. europaea gene sequences ranging in size from 0.45 to 4.5 kb, and labeled with 32P to Southern blots containing genomic DNA from four Nitrosospira representatives. Probes were specific for genes encoding ammonia monooxygenase (amoA and amoB), hydroxylamine oxidoreductase (hao), and cytochrome c-554 (hcy). These probes produced hybridization signals, at low stringency (30 degreesC), with DNA from each of the four representatives; signals at higher stringency (42 degreesC) were greatly reduced or absent. The hybridization signals at low stringency ranged from 20 to 76% of the total signal obtained with N. europaea DNA. These results indicate that all four functional genes in the ammonia oxidation pathway have diverged between the Nitrosomonas and Nitrosospira groups. The hao probe produced the most consistent hybridization intensities among the Nitrosospira representatives, suggesting that hao sequences would provide the best probes for non-PCR-based molecular analysis of terrestrial AAOs. Since N. europaea can also denitrify, an additional objective was to hybridize genomic DNA from AAOs with probes for Pseudomonas genes involved in denitrification. These probes were specific for genes encoding heme-type dissimilatory nitrite reductase (dNir), Cu-type dNir, and nitrous oxide reductase (nosz). No hybridization signals were observed from probes for the heme-type dNir or nosz, but Nitrosospira sp. NpAV and Nitrosolobus sp. 24-C hybridized, under low-stringency conditions, with the Cu-type dNir probe. These results indicate that AAOs may also differ in their mechanisms and capacities for denitrification.  相似文献   
Genetic divergence and gene flow among closely related populations are difficult to measure because mutation rates of most nuclear loci are so low that new mutations have not had sufficient time to appear and become fixed. Microsatellite loci are repeat arrays of simple sequences that have high mutation rates and are abundant in the eukaryotic genome. Large population samples can be screened for variation by using the polymerase chain reaction and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to separate alleles. We analyzed 10 microsatellite loci to quantify genetic differentiation and hybridization in three species of North American wolflike canids. We expected to find a pattern of genetic differentiation by distance to exist among wolflike canid populations, because of the finite dispersal distances of individuals. Moreover, we predicted that, because wolflike canids are highly mobile, hybrid zones may be more extensive and show substantial changes in allele frequency, relative to nonhybridizing populations. We demonstrate that wolves and coyotes do not show a pattern of genetic differentiation by distance. Genetic subdivision in coyotes, as measured by theta and Gst, is not significantly different from zero, reflecting persistent gene flow among newly established populations. However, gray wolves show significant subdivision that may be either due to drift in past Ice Age refugia populations or a result of other causes. Finally, in areas where gray wolves and coyotes hybridize, allele frequencies of gray wolves are affected, but those of coyotes are not. Past hybridization between the two species in the south-central United States may account for the origin of the red wolf.   相似文献   
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