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We analysed the relationship between plant species richness and productivity on first-year-old fields at two similar sites in central Europe. At both sites, a wide range of productivity levels was available resulting from different long-term fertilisation. In order to identify underlying mechanisms of the species richness–productivity relationship we included the seasonal dynamics and the number of individuals of each species in our analysis. We sampled 10 and 21 plots, respectively, at the two sites in May, June and July by harvesting all aboveground parts of vascular plants in 0.25 m2 subplots. Species richness, number of individuals of each species and community biomass as a surrogate of productivity were recorded in each sample.At one site, the relationship between species richness and biomass was significantly positive in the May and June harvest. This relationship disappeared in the July harvest due to a reduction in species richness at high productivity levels. The relations between species richness and number of individuals and between number of individuals and biomass paralleled the species richness–productivity relation but the individual number–biomass relationship remained positive until the last harvest. Between-species differences in individual number–community biomass relationships and their seasonal dynamics revealed “interspecific competitive exclusion” even though the species richness–biomass relationships were not negative or hump-shaped. At the second site, species richness was not related to productivity or to number of individuals. Our study demonstrated the importance of temporal dynamics and regional processes in understanding species richness–productivity patterns.  相似文献   
Allometric plasticity in a polyphenic beetle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract 1. Environmental conditions, such as variation in nutrition, commonly contribute to morphological variation among individuals by affecting body size and the expression of certain morphological traits; however the scaling relationship between a morphological trait and body size over a range of body sizes is generally assumed not to change in response to environmental fluctuation (allometric plasticity), but instead to be constant and diagnostic for a particular trait and species or population. The work reported here examined diet‐induced allometric plasticity in the polyphenic beetle Onthophagus taurus Schreber (1759) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). 2. Male O. taurus vary in body size depending on larval nutrition. Only males above a critical body size threshold express fully developed horns; males smaller than this threshold develop only rudimentary horns or no horns at all. 3. Field populations that naturally utilise two different resources for feeding larvae (horse dung vs. cow manure) exhibited significant differences in the average scaling relationship between body size and male horn length over the same range of body sizes. Males collected from cow manure populations expressed consistently longer horns for a given body size than males collected from horse dung populations. 4. Males reared in the laboratory on horse dung or cow manure also exhibited significant differences in the average scaling relationship between body size and horn length. Differences between laboratory populations reared on horse dung or cow manure were of the same kind and magnitude as differences between field populations that utilise these different resources naturally. 5. These findings suggest that between‐population differences in scaling relationships between horn length and body size can be the product of differences in the quality of resources available to developing larvae. Results are discussed in the context of onthophagine mating systems and recent insights in the developmental and endocrine control of horn polyphenisms.  相似文献   
In the recent discussion how biotic systems may react to ocean acidification caused by the rapid rise in carbon dioxide partial pressure (pCO2) in the marine realm, substantial research is devoted to calcifiers such as stony corals. The antagonistic process – biologically induced carbonate dissolution via bioerosion – has largely been neglected. Unlike skeletal growth, we expect bioerosion by chemical means to be facilitated in a high-CO2 world. This study focuses on one of the most detrimental bioeroders, the sponge Cliona orientalis, which attacks and kills live corals on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. Experimental exposure to lowered and elevated levels of pCO2 confirms a significant enforcement of the sponges’ bioerosion capacity with increasing pCO2 under more acidic conditions. Considering the substantial contribution of sponges to carbonate bioerosion, this finding implies that tropical reef ecosystems are facing the combined effects of weakened coral calcification and accelerated bioerosion, resulting in critical pressure on the dynamic balance between biogenic carbonate build-up and degradation.  相似文献   
Uncovering the fundamental laws that govern the complex DNA structural organization remains challenging and is largely based upon reconstructions from the primary nucleotide sequences. Here we investigate the distributions of the internucleotide intervals and their persistence properties in complete genomes of various organisms from Archaea and Bacteria to H. Sapiens aiming to reveal the manifestation of the universal DNA architecture. We find that in all considered organisms the internucleotide interval distributions exhibit the same -exponential form. While in prokaryotes a single -exponential function makes the best fit, in eukaryotes the PDF contains additionally a second -exponential, which in the human genome makes a perfect approximation over nearly 10 decades. We suggest that this functional form is a footprint of the heterogeneous DNA structure, where the first -exponential reflects the universal helical pitch that appears both in pro- and eukaryotic DNA, while the second -exponential is a specific marker of the large-scale eukaryotic DNA organization.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In fünf Montandörfern bei Innsbruck/Tirol und zwei Probeflächen der Stadt wurde der Bestand der Amsel in 2 Winterhalbjahren und 2 bis 6 Brutperioden 1982–1987 untersucht. Die Siedlungsdichte nahm von bäuerlichen Dörfern höherer Montanlagen bis in Stadtbereiche Innsbrucks stark zu und zeigte deutliche Beziehungen zur Länge der Strauchschichtgrenzlinie in den einzelnen Probeflächen. Die Reviere waren sowohl in den städtischen als auch dörflichen Untersuchungsarealen sehr inhomogen verteilt. In den Dörfern wurden ältere Gartensiedlungen deutlich präferiert; zentrale Bauerndorfkerne waren am dünnsten besiedelt. Die Brutbestandsfluktuationen waren in zwei über 6 Jahre kontrollierten Dörfern insgesamt gering (9–15% Variationskoeffizient). Hingegen verdreifachte sich die Zahl der Amselreviere im Teilbereich eines Dorfes im Zuge zunehmender Durchgrünung von 1982 bis 1987. In der Nachbrutzeit gab es grundsätzliche Unterschiede in der Dynamik dörflicher und städtischer Amselpopulationen. Mit zunehmend urbanem Siedlungscharakter nahm offensichtlich nicht nur die Amplitude der saisonalen Bestandsoszillationen ab, sondern auch der Anteil von Standvögeln und insbesondere überwinternder Weibchen zu. Innerhalb der Dorflandschaften wechselte die Nutzungsintensität nahe benachbarter Teilareale kurzfristig und kleinräumig. Vor allem vom Herbst zum Winter waren Präferenzwechsel zwischen randlichen Gartensiedlungen und Obstanlagen und zentraleren, bäuerlichen Dorfbereichen auffällig.
Habitat preferences and seasonal dynamics of space atilization in Blackbirds (Turdus merula) living in villages
Summary Between 1982 and 1987, habitat selection, seasonal changes in population densities and microspace use as well as fluctuations of breeding populations of the Blackbird were investigated in five mountain villages near Innsbruck, Tyrol. Results are compared with data from two city plots. The breeding density of Blackbirds increased dramatically (tenfold) from farmhouse dominated villages to suburbanlike village plots and to urban areas in the city of Innsbruck. There was a distinct relationship between the number of territories and the length of shrub layer boundaries. Remarkable differences in density existed between structurally different parts of the sample plots. These differences also correlated with the amount of vegetation cover available but were also related to other features of village subareas (e.g. density and character of buildings). The fluctuations of population levels within six years were surprisingly low in two villages (coefficients of variation 9 to 15%). In parts of one village, however, the number of blackbird territories tripled with an increase of the vegetation cover at the same time. In postbreeding season fundamental differences in the dynamics of village and suburban to urban populations were noticed. This is true for the amount of the population oszillations (lower with increasing urbanization) as well as for sex ratio in wintering populations (higher proportions of femals in suburban and city plots). Short-term shifts in habitat preferences were obvious within the village plots in the course of the year. Whereas orchards and older residential areas with rich shrub and tree layers at the village edges were heavily utilized by Blackbirds in autumn, the village centres were preferred in winter.
The airway mucosal epithelium is permanently exposed to airborne particles. A network of immune cells patrols at this interface to the environment. The interplay of immune cells is orchestrated by different mediators. In the current study we investigated the impact of neuronal signals on key functions of dendritic cells (DC). Using two-photon microscopic time-lapse analysis of living lung sections from CD11c-EYFP transgenic mice we studied the influence of neuropeptides on airway DC motility. Additionally, using a confocal microscopic approach, the phagocytotic capacity of CD11c+ cells after neuropeptide stimulation was determined. Electrical field stimulation (EFS) leads to an unspecific release of neuropeptides from nerves. After EFS and treatment with the neuropeptides vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) or calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), airway DC in living lung slices showed an altered motility. Furthermore, the EFS-mediated effect could partially be blocked by pre-treatment with the receptor antagonist CGRP8–37. Additionally, the phagocytotic capacity of bone marrow-derived and whole lung CD11c+ cells could be inhibited by neuropeptides CGRP, VIP, and Substance P. We then cross-linked these data with the in vivo situation by analyzing DC motility in two different OVA asthma models. Both in the acute and prolonged OVA asthma model altered neuropeptide amounts and DC motility in the airways could be measured. In summary, our data suggest that neuropeptides modulate key features motility and phagocytosis of mouse airway DC. Therefore altered neuropeptide levels in airways during allergic inflammation have impact on regulation of airway immune mechanisms and therefore might contribute to the pathophysiology of asthma.  相似文献   
Armin Pross 《Zoomorphology》1977,86(2):183-196
Zusammenfassung Die kritischen Untersuchungen von Weygoldt's Untersuchungen über die Kopf-Entwicklung bei Amblypygi erbringen die gleichen Resultate wie die beiPardosa hortensis (Pross, 1966). Es gibt keine neuen Gesichtspunkte, die zu einer besseren Kenntnis des Kopf-Problems führen würden.Auf der Basis zahlreicher Querschnitte wird das Coelom und seine Korrelationen zum Gehirn der Arachnida diskutiert.
Contribution to the discussion of head-segmentation of chelicerta
Summary The critical aspects of Weygoldt's researches about the head development of Amblypygi show the same results like those ofPardosa hortensis (Pross, 1966). There are no new viewpoints, which lead to better knowledge about the headproblems.On the basis of numerous cross-sections the coelomic mesoderme and its connections to the brain of Arachnida is discussed.

Abkürzungen Ch Chelicere - ChC Cheliceren-Coelom - ChG Cheliceren-Ganglion - Chmes Cheliceren-Mesoderm - CLA Cerebral-Lobus-Anlage - CpA Corpora-pedunculata-Anlage - DcC deutocephales Coelom - Dcmes deutocephales Mesoderm - Lab Labrum - Lbmes labrales Mesoderm - 1LV lateraler Teil des Lateral-Vesikels - LV Lateral-Vesikel - LVA Lateral-Vesikel-Anlage - hlfGr halbmondförmige Grube - Mes Mesoderm - mLV medianer Teil des Lateral-Vesikels - Oes Oesophagus - OLiA Überlippen-Anlage - PcC prosocephales Coelom - PcClb labraler Teil des prosocephalen Coeloms - Pcmes prosocephales Mesoderm - Pd Pedipalpen - PdC Pedipalpen-Coelom - PdG Pedipalpen-Ganglion - Pdmes Pedipalpen-Mesoderm - SMA Sehmassen-Anlage - Stom Stomodaeum - ZK Zentralkörper - ZKA Zentralkörper-Anlage  相似文献   
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