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Melanocortins are known to be involved in the regulation of feeding behavior. These hormones mediate their effects through G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) by stimulating adenylate cyclase. The melanocortin 3 receptor (MC3R) in the melanocortin receptor (MCR) family has been identified as a neural receptor subtype mainly expressed in the brain in mammals. Until now, only one heterozygous mutation (I183N) has been identified in the coding region of this receptor in two obese patients of the same family. In this study, we reported the functional characterization of the I183N mutated MC3R compared with that of the wild-type MC3R after transfection in HEK293 cells. Our results showed that the I183N mutation totally abolished the activity of the mutated receptor to generate intracellular cAMP. Furthermore, confocal microscopy observation revealed that the mutation induced an intracellular retention of the mutated receptor. Moreover, we demonstrated for the first time by co-transfection studies that the mutated receptor could reduce the wild-type receptor activity through a dominant negative effect.  相似文献   


Knowledge of the age-specific prevalence of seroprotection and incidence of seroconversion infection is necessary to complement clinical surveillance data and statistical models. It provides the basis for estimating the future impact of influenza A (H1N1pdm09) and implementing appropriate prevention and response strategies.


Using a cross-sectional design, two-stage stratified sampling and paired plasma samples, we estimated the age-specific prevalence of a protective level of H1N1pdm09 antibodies in the French adult population before and after the 2009/10 pandemic, and the proportion of those susceptible that seroconverted due to infection, from a single sample of 1,936 blood donors aged 20–70 years in mainland France in June 2010. Samples with a haemagglutination inhibition (HI) titre ≥1∶40 were considered seropositive, and seroconversion due to infection was defined as a 4-fold increase in titre in the absence of H1N1pdm09 vaccination or pre-pandemic seropositivity.


Out of the 1,936 donors, 1,708 were included in the analysis. Seroprevalence before the pandemic was 6.7% (95% CI 5.0, 8.9) with no significant differences by age-group (p = 0.3). Seroprevalence afterwards was 23.0% (95% CI 17.7, 29.3) with 20–29 year olds having a higher level than older groups (p<0.001). Seroconversion due to infection was 12.2% (95% CI 6.9, 20.5). Younger age-group, vaccination against H1N1 and being seropositive before the pandemic were strongly associated with post-pandemic seropositivity.


Before the 2009/2010 winter influenza season, only 6.7% of the French mainland population aged 20–70 had a level of antibodies usually considered protective. During the first pandemic wave, 12.2% of the population seroconverted due to infection and the seroprevalence after the wave rose to 23%, either due to prepandemic seropositivity, infection or vaccination. This relatively low latter figure contributed to an extension of target groups for influenza vaccination for the 2010/2011 season.  相似文献   
The initiation of eukaryotic DNA replication is a highly regulated process conserved from yeast to human. The past decade has seen significant advances in understanding how the CMG (Cdc45‐MCM‐GINS) replicative helicase is loaded onto DNA. However, very little was known on how this complex is removed from chromatin at the end of S phase. Two papers in a recent issue of Science 1 2 show that in yeast and in Xenopus, the CMG complex is unloaded at replication termination sites by an active mechanism involving the polyubiquitylation of Mcm7.  相似文献   
This study aimed to understand the response of photosynthesis and growth to e-CO2 conditions (800 vs. 400 μmol mol−1) of rice genotypes differing in source–sink relationships. A proxy trait called local C source–sink ratio was defined as the ratio of flag leaf area to the number of spikelets on the corresponding panicle, and five genotypes differing in this ratio were grown in a controlled greenhouse. Differential CO2 resources were applied either during the 2 weeks following heading (EXP1) or during the whole growth cycle (EXP2). Under e-CO2, low source–sink ratio cultivars (LSS) had greater gains in photosynthesis, and they accumulated less nonstructural carbohydrate in the flag leaf than high source–sink ratio cultivars (HSS). In EXP2, grain yield and biomass gain was also greater in LSS probably caused by their strong sink. Photosynthetic capacity response to e-CO2 was negatively correlated across genotypes with local C source–sink ratio, a trait highly conserved across environments. HSS were sink-limited under e-CO2, probably associated with low triose phosphate utilization (TPU) capacity. We suggest that the local C source–sink ratio is a potential target for selecting more CO2-responsive cultivars, pending validation for a broader genotypic spectrum and for field conditions.  相似文献   
The invasive land snail Cornu aspersum possesses a low ability to supercool (c. -5 degrees C in winter) and survives only minimal ice formation in its body fluids, what may limit its expansion to colder environments. In the present study, we investigated the influence of acclimation and starvation on its supercooling ability. During eight weeks, individuals were maintained at 20 degrees C, fed or starved, or placed at 5 degrees C, directly or with progressive acclimation to cold and shorter photoperiod. Temperature of crystallisation of whole individual (Tc(I)) and hemolymph (Tc(H)), mass data and gut content were recorded every two weeks. Hemolymphatic glucose and glycerol were measured at the end of experiment and occurrence of intestinal ice-nucleating agents (INA) was researched. Acclimation had no effect on Tc(I) but stimulated purging of the gut. Starvation induced a slight decrease of Tc(I) whereas a high quantity of alimentary particles in the digestive tract limited the supercooling ability. Glucose and glycerol were not synthesized in cold conditions. Mean Tc(H) was low (c. -17 degrees C), some INA being present in hemolymph of fed animals. Intestinal content of starved individuals exhibited a mean Tc of c. -6 degrees C, decreasing to c. -12 degrees after heating, suggesting the presence of organic INA.  相似文献   
Carbohydrates are likely to maintain significant conformational flexibility in antibody (Ab):carbohydrate complexes. As demonstrated herein for the protective monoclonal Ab (mAb) F22-4 recognizing the Shigella flexneri 2a O-antigen (O-Ag) and numerous synthetic oligosaccharide fragments thereof, the combination of molecular dynamics simulations and nuclear magnetic resonance saturation transfer difference experiments, supported by physicochemical analysis, allows us to determine the binding epitope and its various contributions to affinity without using any modified oligosaccharides. Moreover, the methods used provide insights into ligand flexibility in the complex, thus enabling a better understanding of the Ab affinities observed for a representative set of synthetic O-Ag fragments. Additionally, these complementary pieces of information give evidence to the ability of the studied mAb to recognize internal as well as terminal epitopes of its cognate polysaccharide antigen. Hence, we show that an appropriate combination of computational and experimental methods provides a basis to explore carbohydrate functional mimicry and receptor binding. The strategy may facilitate the design of either ligands or carbohydrate recognition domains, according to needed improvements of the natural carbohydrate:receptor properties.  相似文献   
The oral bacterium Streptococcus salivarius takes up lactose via a transporter called LacS that shares 95% identity with the LacS from Streptococcus thermophilus, a phylogenetically closely related organism. S. thermophilus releases galactose into the medium during growth on lactose. Expulsion of galactose is mediated via LacS and stimulated by phosphorylation of the transporter by HPr(His approximately P), a phosphocarrier of the phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase transport system (PTS). Unlike S. thermophilus, S. salivarius grew on lactose without expelling galactose and took up galactose and lactose concomitantly when it is grown in a medium containing both sugars. Analysis of the C-terminal end of S. salivarius LacS revealed a IIA-like domain (IIA(LacS)) almost identical to the IIA domain of S. thermophilus LacS. Experiments performed with purified proteins showed that S. salivarius IIA(LacS) was reversibly phosphorylated on a histidine residue at position 552 not only by HPr(His approximately P) but also by HPr(Ser-P)(His approximately P), a doubly phosphorylated form of HPr present in large amounts in rapidly growing S. salivarius cells. Two other major S. salivarius PTS proteins, IIAB(L)(Man) and IIAB(H)(Man), were unable to phosphorylate IIA(LacS). The effect of LacS phosphorylation on growth was studied with strain G71, an S. salivarius enzyme I-negative mutant that cannot synthesize HPr(His approximately P) or HPr(Ser-P)(His approximately P). These results indicated that (i) the wild-type and mutant strains had identical generation times on lactose, (ii) neither strain expelled galactose during growth on lactose, (iii) both strains metabolized lactose and galactose concomitantly when grown in a medium containing both sugars, and (iv) the growth of the mutant was slightly reduced on galactose.  相似文献   
Several studies demonstrated that fermented milks may provide a large number of bioactive peptides into the gastrointestinal tract. We previously showed that beta-casomorphin-7, an opioid-like peptide produced from bovine β-casein, strongly stimulates intestinal mucin production in ex vivo and in vitro models, suggesting the potential benefit of milk bioactive peptides on intestinal protection. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that the total peptide pool (TPP) from a fermented milk (yoghurt) may act on human intestinal mucus-producing cells (HT29-MTX) to induce mucin expression. Our aim was then to identify the peptide(s) carrying the biological activity and to study its impact in vivo on factors involved in gut protection after oral administration to rat pups (once a day, 9 consecutive days). TPP stimulated MUC2 and MUC4 gene expression as well as mucin secretion in HT29-MTX cells. Among the four peptide fractions that were separated by preparative reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography, only the C2 fraction was able to mimic the in vitro effect of TPP. Interestingly, the sequence [94-123] of β-casein, present only in C2 fraction, also regulated mucin production in HT29-MTX cells. Oral administration of this peptide to rat pups enhanced the number of goblet cells and Paneth cells along the small intestine. These effects were associated with a higher expression of intestinal mucins (Muc2 and Muc4) and of antibacterial factors (lysozyme, rdefa5). We conclude that the peptide β-CN(94-123) present in yoghurts may maintain or restore intestinal homeostasis and could play an important role in protection against damaging agents of the intestinal lumen.  相似文献   
Entry of Shigella flexneri into epithelial cells involves secretory proteins, the lpa proteins, and their dedicated secretion apparatus, the Mxi—Spa translocon, which is encoded by the mxi and spa operons. We have characterized the mxiG gene that is located at the proximal part of the mxi operon. Inactivation of mxiG abolished lpa secretion, which indicates that MxiG is an essential component of the Mxi-Spa translocon. Immunoblotting analysis of membrane fractions suggests that the 42 kDa MxiG protein is associated with both the inner and outer membranes. Taking advantage of the complementation of the mxiG mutant by a plasmid carrying a wild-type copy of mxiG (which restored lpa secretion, entry into HeLa cells, and cell-to-cell spread) we mutagenized the mxiG gene carried by the complementing plasmid to replace the RGD motif of MxiG by RAD. This mutation ( mxiG *), which had no effect on the stability of the protein, did not affect lpa secretion in vitro or entry into HeLa cells, but impaired intercellular dissemination. Therefore, MxiG and possibly proteins secreted by the Mxi-Spa translocon are involved not only in entry but also in spread of shigella between epithelial cells.  相似文献   
Summary— Thirty endometrial biopsies were cultured in order to separate stromal and epithelial cells. Using epidermal growth factor (EGF), cortisol, cholera toxin, insulin with 5% horse serum for epithelial cells or a medium with 20% fetal calf serum for stromal cells, we could specifically enrich endometrial culture in epithelial or stromal cells and culture them for 1 or 2 months. These cultures retained the phenotypic characteristics of epithelial (cytokeratins, mucin HMFG 1) and stromal (vimentin, smooth muscle actin, desmin) lineage by immunostaining analysis. Epithelial and stromal cultures from one individual were respectively immortalized by the SV 40 large T antigen. The immortalized cell lines kept the phenotype of the normal cells from which they derived.  相似文献   
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