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The human melanocortin-2 receptor (hMC2R) is mainly present in the adrenal cortex and has been difficult to express in heterologous cells. The hMC2R fused to the EGFP at its C-terminus has been stably transfected in the murine M3 melanoma and HEK293 cells. In the M3 cells, the hMC2R-EGFP was well-addressed to the cell membrane and functional whereas in the HEK293 cells, the hMC2R-EGFP was retained intracellularly. These results suggest that some specific factors, missing in cells, which do not express any melanocortin receptor, are involved in the correct addressing of the hMC2R to the cell membrane.  相似文献   
To rescue stalled ribosomes, eubacteria employ a molecule, transfer messenger RNA (tmRNA), which functions both as a tRNA and as an mRNA. With the help of small protein B (SmpB), tmRNA restarts protein synthesis and adds by the trans-translation mechanism a peptide tag to the stalled protein to target it for destruction by cellular proteases. Here, the cellular location and expression of endogenous SmpB were monitored in vivo. We report that SmpB is associated with 70S ribosomes and not in the soluble fraction, independently of the presence of tmRNA. In vitro, SmpB that is pre-bound to a stalled ribosome can trigger initiation of trans-translation. Our results demonstrate the existence of a novel pathway for the entry of tmRNA to the ribosome and for the trans-transfer of a nascent peptide chain from peptidyl-tRNA to charged tmRNA.  相似文献   


Mammals must sense the amount of sugar available to them and respond appropriately. For many years attention has focused on intracellular glucose sensing derived from glucose metabolism. Here, we studied the detection of extracellular glucose concentrations in vivo by invalidating the transduction pathway downstream from the transporter-detector GLUT2 and measured the physiological impact of this pathway.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We produced mice that ubiquitously express the largest cytoplasmic loop of GLUT2, blocking glucose-mediated gene expression in vitro without affecting glucose metabolism. Impairment of GLUT2-mediated sugar detection transiently protected transgenic mice against starvation and streptozotocin-induced diabetes, suggesting that both low- and high-glucose concentrations were not detected. Transgenic mice favored lipid oxidation, and oral glucose was slowly cleared from blood due to low insulin production, despite massive urinary glucose excretion. Kidney adaptation was characterized by a lower rate of glucose reabsorption, whereas pancreatic adaptation was associated with a larger number of small islets.


Molecular invalidation of sugar sensing in GLUT2-loop transgenic mice changed multiple aspects of glucose homeostasis, highlighting by a top-down approach, the role of membrane glucose receptors as potential therapeutic targets.  相似文献   
Lactic acid bacteria are found in the gastrointestinal tract of mammals and have received tremendous attention due to their health-promoting properties. We report the development of two dual-color luciferase-producing Lactobacillus (Lb.) plantarum and Lactococcus (Lc.) lactis strains for noninvasive simultaneous tracking in the mouse gastrointestinal tract. We previously described the functional expression of the red luciferase mutant (CBRluc) from Pyrophorus plagiophthalamus in Lb. plantarum NCIMB8826 and Lc. lactis MG1363 (C. Daniel, S. Poiret, V. Dennin, D. Boutillier, and B. Pot, Appl Environ Microbiol 79:1086–1094, 2013, http://dx.doi.org/10.1128/AEM.03221-12). In this study, we determined that CBRluc is a better-performing luciferase for in vivo localization of both lactic acid bacteria after oral administration than the green click beetle luciferase mutant construct developed in this study. We further established the possibility to simultaneously detect red- and green-emitting lactic acid bacteria by dual-wavelength bioluminescence imaging in combination with spectral unmixing. The difference in spectra of light emission by the red and green click beetle luciferase mutants and dual bioluminescence detection allowed in vitro and in vivo quantification of the red and green emitted signals; thus, it allowed us to monitor the dynamics and fate of the two bacterial populations simultaneously. Persistence and viability of both strains simultaneously administered to mice in different ratios was studied in vivo in anesthetized mice and ex vivo in mouse feces. The application of dual-luciferase-labeled bacteria has considerable potential to simultaneously study the interactions and potential competitions of different targeted bacteria and their hosts.  相似文献   
Abstract The 42- and 51-kDa protein genes of Bacillus sphaericus 1593 have been subcloned independently downstream from the cytA gene promoter of Bacillus thuringiensis serovar israelensis and introduced into a non-mosquitocidal strain of Bacillus thuringiensis . Consequently, each protein was overproduced and accumulated as inclusion bodies which were purified. For the first time, the 42-kDa protein inclusions alone were found to be toxic to Culex pipiens larvae (LC50 at 48 h 300 ng ml−1); in contrast, the 51-kDa protein inclusions were not. Moreover, a synergistic effect between these two components was observed.  相似文献   
The 2.1‐billion‐year‐old (Ga) Francevillian series in Gabon hosts some of the oldest reported macroscopic fossils of various sizes and shapes, stimulating new debates on the origin, evolution and organization of early complex life. Here, we document ten representative types of exceptionally well‐preserved mat‐related structures, comprising “elephant‐skin” textures, putative macro‐tufted microbial mats, domal buildups, flat pyritized structures, discoidal microbial colonies, horizontal mat growth patterns, wrinkle structures, “kinneyia” structures, linear patterns and nodule‐like structures. A combination of petrographic analyses, scanning electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy and organic elemental analyses of carbon‐rich laminae and microtexture, indicate a biological origin for these structures. The observed microtextures encompass oriented grains, floating silt‐sized quartz grains, concentrated heavy minerals, randomly oriented clays, wavy‐crinkly laminae and pyritized structures. Based on comparisons with modern analogues, as well as an average δ13C organic matter (Corg) composition of ?32.94 ± 1.17‰ (1 standard deviation, SD) with an outlier of ?41.26‰, we argue that the mat‐related structures contain relicts of multiple carbon pathways including heterotrophic recycling of photosynthetically derived Corg. Moreover, the relatively close association of the macroscopic fossil assemblages to the microbial mats may imply that microbial communities acted as potential benthic O2 oases linked to oxyphototrophic cyanobacterial mats and grazing grounds. In addition, the mat's presence likely improved the preservation of the oldest large colonial organisms, as they are known to strongly biostabilize sediments. Our findings highlight the oldest community assemblage of microscopic and macroscopic biota in the aftermath of the “Great Oxidation Event,” widening our understanding of biological organization during Earth's middle age.  相似文献   
To examine directly whether a limited number of naive T cells transferred to lymphopenic hosts can truly fill the peripheral naive T cell pool, we compared the expansion and phenotype of naive T cells transferred to three different hosts, namely recombination-activating gene-deficient mice, CD3epsilon-deficient mice, and irradiated normal mice. In all three recipients, the absolute number of recovered cells was much smaller than in normal mice. In addition, transferred naive T cells acquired a memory-like phenotype that remained stable with time. Finally, injected cells were rapidly replaced by host thymic migrants in irradiated normal mice. Only continuous output of naive T cells by the thymus can generate a full compartment of truly naive T cells. Thus, conversion of naive T cells to a memory-like phenotype in lymphopenic hosts is not related to a homeostatic mechanism that fills the peripheral naive T cell pool.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Most strategies for direct mutagenesis of Helicobacter pylori primarily involve genomic DNA cloning which is a time-consuming and expensive technique. METHODS: To make a gene replacement, we propose a strategy using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplicons to allow a double homologous recombination in the genome of H. pylori. Different strains were used to validate this strategy and we describe how the amplicon insertion was made with accuracy. Moreover, we looked for the shortest homologous sequence needed to allow a specific gene replacement in H. pylori without any deletion, insertion or mutation at the recombination site. All of the experiments were performed at the flaA locus, whose gene encodes the major flagellin. RESULTS: Amplicons bearing 500 or 150 bp flanking regions of flaA on each side (depending on the strain) were sufficient to allow the specific insertion of a 1173 bp chloramphenicol cassette into the genome of H. pylori. The insertion was accurate with no substitutions at the insertion locus. CONCLUSIONS: This information opens the door to other strategies for mutagenesis used for the identification of virulence factors without deleting genes, which would not be based on a negative screening system. For example, they could be useful in performing protein fusion for a better understanding of the virulence factor's mechanism.  相似文献   
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