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IL-12 has been shown to enhance cellular immunity in vitro and in vivo. Recent reports have suggested that combining DNA vaccine approach with immune stimulatory molecules delivered as genes may significantly enhance Ag-specific immune responses in vivo. In particular, IL-12 molecules could constitute an important addition to a herpes vaccine by amplifying specific immune responses. Here we investigate the utility of IL-12 cDNA as an adjuvant for a herpes simplex virus-2 (HSV-2) DNA vaccine in a mouse challenge model. Direct i.m. injection of IL-12 cDNA induced activation of resting immune cells in vivo. Furthermore, coinjection with IL-12 cDNA and gD DNA vaccine inhibited both systemic gD-specific Ab and local Ab levels compared with gD plasmid vaccination alone. In contrast, Th cell proliferative responses and secretion of cytokines (IL-2 and IFN-gamma) and chemokines (RANTES and macrophage inflammatory protein-1alpha) were significantly increased by IL-12 coinjection. However, the production of cytokines (IL-4 and IL-10) and chemokine (MCP-1) was inhibited by IL-12 coinjection. IL-12 coinjection with a gD DNA vaccine showed significantly better protection from lethal HSV-2 challenge compared with gD DNA vaccination alone in both inbred and outbred mice. This enhanced protection appears to be mediated by CD4+ T cells, as determined by in vivo CD4+ T cell deletion. Thus, IL-12 cDNA as a DNA vaccine adjuvant drives Ag-specific Th1 type CD4+ T cell responses that result in reduced HSV-2-derived morbidity as well as mortality.  相似文献   
There is great interest in understanding the role of costimulatory molecules in immune activation. In both the influenza and HIV DNA immunization models, several groups have reported that coimmunization of mice with plasmids encoding immunogen and CD86, but not CD80, effectively boosts Ag-specific T cell activation. This difference in immune priming provided an opportunity to examine the functional importance of different regions of the B.7 molecules in immune activation. To examine this issue, we developed a series of chimeric CD80 and CD86 constructs as well as deletion mutants, and examined their immune activating potential in the DNA vaccine model. We demonstrate that the lack of an Ig constant-like region in the CD80 molecule is critically important to the enhanced immune activation observed. CD80 C-domain deletion mutants induce a highly inflammatory Ag-specific cellular response when administered as part of a plasmid vaccine. The data suggest that the constant-like domains, likely through intermolecular interactions, are critically important for immune regulation during costimulation and that engineered CD80/86 molecules represent more potent costimulatory molecules and may improve vaccine adjuvant efficacy.  相似文献   
Obesity is a multigenic trait that has a substantial genetic component. Animal models confirm a role for gene-gene interactions, and human studies suggest that as much as one-third of the heritable variance may be due to nonadditive gene effects. To evaluate potential epistatic interactions among five regions, on chromosomes 7, 10, and 20, that have previously been linked to obesity phenotypes, we conducted pairwise correlation analyses based on alleles shared identical by descent (IBD) for independent obese affected sibling pairs (ASPs), and we determined family-specific nonparametric linkage (NPL) scores in 244 families. The correlation analyses were also conducted separately, by race, through use of race-specific allele frequencies. Conditional analyses for a qualitative trait (body mass index [BMI] >/=27) and hierarchical models for quantitative traits were used to further refine evidence of gene interaction. Both the ASP-specific IBD-sharing probability and the family-specific NPL score revealed that there were strong positive correlations between 10q (88-97 cM) and 20q (65-83 cM), through single-point and multipoint analyses with three obesity thresholds (BMI >/=27, >/=30, and >/=35) across African American and European American samples. Conditional analyses for BMI >/=27 found that the LOD score at 20q rises from 1.53 in the baseline analysis to 2.80 (empirical P=.012) when families were weighted by evidence for linkage at 10q (D10S1646) through use of zero-one weights (weight(0-1)) and to 3.32 (empirical P<.001) when proportional weights (weight(prop)) were used. For percentage fat mass, variance-component analysis based on a two-locus epistatic model yielded significant evidence for interaction between 20q (75 cM) and the chromosome 10 centromere (LOD = 1.74; P=.024), compared with a two-locus additive model (LOD = 0.90). The results from multiple methods and correlated phenotypes are consistent in suggesting that epistatic interactions between loci in these regions play a role in extreme human obesity.  相似文献   
Oral tolerance is a long recognized method to induce peripheral immune tolerance. Oral tolerance has been used successfully to treat animal models of autoimmune diseases and is being tested in human diseases. Low doses of oral antigen induce active suppression, whereas high doses induce clonal anergy and deletion. Oral antigen preferentially generates a Th2(IL-4/IL-10)- or a Th3(TGF-beta)-type response. Th3-type cells are a unique T-cell subset which primarily secrete TGF-beta, provide help for IgA and have suppressive properties for Th1 and other immune cells. Th3-type cells appear distinct from the Th2 cells as CD4(+) TGF-beta-secreting cells with suppressive properties in the gut have been generated from IL-4-deficient animals. In vitro differentiation of Th3-type cells from Th0 precursors from TCR transgenic mice is enhanced by culture with TGF-beta, IL-4, IL-10 and anti-IL-12. Because regulatory T cells generated by oral antigen are triggered in an antigen-specific fashion but suppress in an antigen-nonspecific fashion, they mediate bystander suppression when they encounter the fed autoantigen at the target organ. Thus, mucosal tolerance can be used to treat inflammatory processes that are not autoimmune in nature. Mucosal antigen has also been used to treat animal models of stroke and of Alzheimer's disease. Induction of low-dose oral tolerance is enhanced by oral administration of IL-4 and IL-10. Coupling antigen to CTB or administration of Flt-3 ligand enhances oral tolerance. Anti-B7.2 but not anti-B7.1 blocks low-dose, but not high-dose oral tolerance. High-dose oral tolerance is blocked by anti-CTLA-4. CD25(+) CD4(+) regulatory T-cell function also appears to be related to TFG-beta.  相似文献   
Rugose phenotypes, such as those observed in Vibrio cholerae, have increased resistance to chlorine, oxidative stress, and complement-mediated killing. In this study we identified and defined a rugose phenotype in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium DT104 and showed induction only on certain media at 25 degrees C after 3 days of incubation. Incubation at 37 degrees C resulted in the appearance of the smooth phenotype. Observation of the ultrastructure of the rugose form and a stable smooth variant (Stv), which was isolated following a series of passages of the rugose cells, revealed extracellular substances only in cells from the rugose colony. Observation of the extracellular substance by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was correlated with the appearance of corrugation during development of rugose colony morphology over a 4-day incubation period at 25 degrees C. In addition, the cells also formed a pellicle in liquid broth, which was associated with the appearance of interlacing slime and fibrillar structures, as observed by SEM. The pellicle-forming cells were completely surrounded by capsular material, which bound cationic ferritin, thus indicating the presence of an extracellular anionic component. The rugose cells, in contrast to Stv, showed resistance to low pH and hydrogen peroxide and an ability to form biofilms. Based on these results and analogy to the rugose phenotype in V. cholerae, we propose a possible role for the rugose phenotype in the survival of S. enterica serovar Typhimurium DT104.  相似文献   
Aldehyde dehydrogenases are isolated as dimers or tetramers but have essentially identical structures. The homotetramer (ALDH1 or ALDH2) is a dimer of dimers (A-B + C-D). In the tetrameric enzyme, Ser500 from subunit "D" interacts with Arg84, a conserved residue, from subunit "A". In the dimeric ALDH3 form, the interaction cannot exist. It has been proposed that the formation of the tetramer is prevented by the presence of a C-terminal tail in ALDH3 that is not present in ALDH1 or 2. To understand the forces that maintain the tetramer, deletion of the tail in ALDH3, addition of different tails in ALDH1, and mutations of different residues located in the dimer-dimer interface were made. Gel filtration of the recombinantly expressed enzymes demonstrated that no change in their oligomerization occurred. Urea denaturation showed a diminution to the stability of the ALDH1 mutants. The K(m) for propionaldehyde was similar to that of the wild-type enzyme, but the K(m) for NAD was altered. A double mutant of D80G and S82A produced an enzyme with the ability to form dimers and tetramers in a protein-concentration-dependent manner. Though stable, this dimeric form was inactive. The tetramer exhibited 10% activity compared with the wild type. Sequence alignment demonstrated that the hydrophobic surface area is increased in the tetrameric enzymes. The hydrophobic surface seems to be the main force that drives the formation of tetramers. The results indicated that residues 80 and 82 are involved in maintaining the tetramer after its assembly but the C-terminal extension contributes to the overall stability of the assembled protein.  相似文献   
Most mitochondrial matrix space proteins are synthesized as a precursor protein, and the N-terminal extension of amino acids that served as the leader sequence is removed after import by the action of a metalloprotease called mitochondrial processing peptidase (MPP). The crystal structure of MPP has been solved very recently, and it has been shown that synthetic leader peptides bind with MPP in an extended conformation. However, it is not known how MPP recognizes hundreds of leader peptides with different primary and secondary structures or when during import the leader is removed. Here we took advantage of the fact that the structure of the leader from rat liver aldehyde dehydrogenase has been determined by 2D-NMR to possess two helical portions separated by a three amino acid (RGP) linker. When the linker was deleted, the leader formed one long continuous helix that can target a protein to the matrix space but is not removed by the action of MPP. Repeats of two and three leaders were fused to the precursor protein to determine the stage of import at which processing occurs, if MPP could function as an endo peptidase, and if it would process if the cleavage site was part of a helix. Native or linker deleted constructs were used. Import into isolated yeast mitochondria or processing with recombinantly expressed MPP was performed. It was concluded that processing did not occur as the precursor was just entering the matrix space, but most likely coincided with the folding of the protein. Further, finding that hydrolysis could not take place if the processing site was part of a stable helix is consistent with the crystal structure of MPP. Lastly, it was found that MPP could function at sites as far as 108 residues from the N terminus of the precursor protein, but its ability to process decreases exponentially as the distance increases.  相似文献   
Tom20 and Tom34 are mammalian liver proteins previously identified by others to be components of the mitochondrial import translocation apparatus. It has been shown that Tom20 interacts with the leader sequence of nuclear coded matrix space precursor proteins. Here we show with recombinantly expressed Tom proteins that Tom34 binds the mature portion of the precursor and not the leader. Both these Tom proteins inhibited the import of newly translated precursor of aldehyde dehydrogenase in an in vitro assay. Only Tom20 inhibited the import of a fusion protein of the leader of aldehyde dehydrogenase attached to dihydrofolate reductase. Antibodies against Tom20 coprecipitated both the precursor of aldehyde dehydrogenase (pALDH) and of dihydrofolate reductase (pA-DHFR). Antibodies against Tom34 interacted only when the mature portion of aldehyde dehydrogenase was present. Similar import inhibition patterns were found when other precursor and chimeric constructs we investigated. When Tom34-green fluorescence protein was transfected to HeLa cells it was observed that Tom34 was found through out the cell. It is concluded from our observation that Tom34 is a cytosolic protein, whose role appeared to be to interact with mature portion of some preproteins and may keep them in an unfolded, import compatible state.  相似文献   
Xiong Y  Li F  Wang J  Weiner AM  Steitz TA 《Molecular cell》2003,12(5):1165-1172
CCA-adding enzymes catalyze the addition of CCA onto the 3' terminus of immature tRNAs without using a nucleic acid template and have been divided into two classes based on their amino acid sequences. We have determined the crystal structures of a class I CCA-adding enzyme from Archeoglobus fulgidus (AfCCA) and its complexes with ATP, CTP, or UTP. Although it and the class II bacterial Bacillus stearothermophilus CCA enzyme (BstCCA) have similar dimensions and domain architectures (head, neck, body, and tail), only the polymerase domain is structurally homologous. Moreover, the relative orientation of the head domain with respect to the body and tail domains, which appear likely to bind tRNA, differs significantly between the two enzyme classes. Unlike the class II BstCCA, this enzyme binds nucleotides nonspecifically in the absence of bound tRNA. The shape and electrostatic charge distribution of the AfCCA enzyme suggests a model for tRNA binding that accounts for the phosphates that are protected from chemical modification by tRNA binding to AfCCA. The structures of the AfCCA enzyme and the eukaryotic poly(A) polymerase are very similar, implying a close evolutionary relationship between them.  相似文献   
Multiple industrial and medical uses of chitin and its derivatives have been developed in recent years. The demand for enzymes with new or desirable properties continues to grow as additional uses of chitin, chitooligosaccharides, and chitosan become apparent. Microorganisms, the primary degraders of chitin in the environment, are a rich source of valuable chitin-modifying enzymes. This review summarizes many methods that can be used to isolate and characterize chitin-modifying enzymes including chitin depolymerases, chitodextrinases, chitin deacetylases, N-acetylglucosaminidases, chitin-binding proteins, and chitosanases. Chitin analogs, zymography, detection of reducing sugars, genomic library screening, chitooligosaccharide electrophoresis, degenerate PCR primer design, thin layer chromatography, and chitin-binding assays are discussed.  相似文献   
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