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Despite the introduction of new surgical techniques, the treatment of cartilage defects remains challenging. Delay or complete failure of cartilage healing is associated with problems in biological regeneration. The influence of mechanical conditions on this process, however, remains unevaluated. Osteochondral defects were generated on the left femoral condyle in 18 Yucatan minipigs. After 4, 6 and 12 weeks the defect filling, trabecular orientation and bone density were compared to the intact contralateral side. The mechanical straining during this period was then analyzed using an adaptive finite element technique. Histologically, the osteochondral defects showed bone resorption at the base and bone formation from the circumference. At 12 weeks, the macroscopically healed specimens showed fibrous cartilage formation, a minimally organized trabecular structure and increased trabecular volume fraction compared to the controls (p < 0.002). The amount of cancellous, cartilagineous, and fibrous tissue and the defect size as measured in histomorphometric analysis for the three time points (4, 6 and 12 weeks) was comparable in magnitude to that predicted by finite element analysis. The simulated osteochondral healing process was not fully capable of re-establishing a hyaline-like cartilage layer. The correlation between simulation and histology allows identification of mechanical factors that appear to have a larger impact on the healing of osteochondral defects than previously considered.  相似文献   
The rate of tumour growth is dependent on the balance between proliferation and apoptosis at all stages of carcinogenesis. Apoptosis inhibition, in turn, depends partly on the balance between expression of two cell death regulatory genes, Bcl-2 and Bax. Colon cancer has long been associated with disturbances in apoptosis regulation. The aim of our study was to determine the expression levels of Bcl-2 and Bax mRNAs in 1 microg sample of total RNA obtained from normal colon and colon adenocarcinoma. This study was intended to evaluate possible differences in Bcl-2 and Bax mRNA levels at particular stages of colon adenocarcinoma classified according to Duke's system. The apoptotic frequency (represented by Bax mRNA copy number) was inversely proportional to the decrease of Bcl-2 gene expression. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL) was performed to confirm apoptosis.  相似文献   
Selectin-ligand interactions mediate the tethering and rolling of circulating leukocytes on vascular surfaces during inflammation and immune surveillance. To support rolling, these interactions are thought to have rapid off-rates that increase slowly as wall shear stress increases. However, the increase of off-rate with force, an intuitive characteristic named slip bonds, is at odds with a shear threshold requirement for selectin-mediated cell rolling. As shear drops below the threshold, fewer cells roll and those that do roll less stably and with higher velocity. We recently demonstrated a low force regime where the off-rate of P-selectin interacting with P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1) decreased with increasing force. This counter-intuitive characteristic, named catch bonds, might partially explain the shear threshold phenomenon. Because L-selectin-mediated cell rolling exhibits a much more pronounced shear threshold, we used atomic force microscopy and flow chamber experiments to determine off-rates of L-selectin interacting with their physiological ligands and with an antibody. Catch bonds were observed at low forces for L-selectin-PSGL-1 interactions coinciding with the shear threshold range, whereas slip bonds were observed at higher forces. These catch-slip transitional bonds were also observed for L-selectin interacting with endoglycan, a newly identified PSGL-1-like ligand. By contrast, only slip bonds were observed for L-selectin-antibody interactions. These findings suggest that catch bonds contribute to the shear threshold for rolling and are a common characteristic of selectin-ligand interactions.  相似文献   
Analogous to cellular glycoproteins, viral envelope proteins contain N-terminal signal sequences responsible for targeting them to the secretory pathway. The prototype foamy virus (PFV) envelope (Env) shows a highly unusual biosynthesis. Its precursor protein has a type III membrane topology with both the N and C terminus located in the cytoplasm. Coexpression of FV glycoprotein and interaction of its leader peptide (LP) with the viral capsid is essential for viral particle budding and egress. Processing of PFV Env into the particle-associated LP, surface (SU), and transmembrane (TM) subunits occur posttranslationally during transport to the cell surface by yet-unidentified cellular proteases. Here we provide strong evidence that furin itself or a furin-like protease and not the signal peptidase complex is responsible for both processing events. N-terminal protein sequencing of the SU and TM subunits of purified PFV Env-immunoglobulin G immunoadhesin identified furin consensus sequences upstream of both cleavage sites. Mutagenesis analysis of two overlapping furin consensus sequences at the PFV LP/SU cleavage site in the wild-type protein confirmed the sequencing data and demonstrated utilization of only the first site. Fully processed SU was almost completely absent in viral particles of mutants having conserved arginine residues replaced by alanines in the first furin consensus sequence, but normal processing was observed upon mutation of the second motif. Although these mutants displayed a significant loss in infectivity as a result of reduced particle release, no correlation to processing inhibition was observed, since another mutant having normal LP/SU processing had a similar defect.  相似文献   
L-selectin requires a threshold shear to enable leukocytes to tether to and roll on vascular surfaces. Transport mechanisms govern flow-enhanced tethering, whereas force governs flow-enhanced rolling by prolonging the lifetimes of L-selectin-ligand complexes (catch bonds). Using selectin crystal structures, molecular dynamics simulations, site-directed mutagenesis, single-molecule force and kinetics experiments, Monte Carlo modeling, and flow chamber adhesion studies, we show that eliminating a hydrogen bond to increase the flexibility of an interdomain hinge in L-selectin reduced the shear threshold for adhesion via two mechanisms. One affects the on-rate by increasing tethering through greater rotational diffusion. The other affects the off-rate by strengthening rolling through augmented catch bonds with longer lifetimes at smaller forces. By forcing open the hinge angle, ligand may slide across its interface with L-selectin to promote rebinding, thereby providing a mechanism for catch bonds. Thus, allosteric changes remote from the ligand-binding interface regulate both bond formation and dissociation.  相似文献   
The determination of an accurate centre of rotation (CoR) from segment marker positions is of interest across a wide range of applications, but particularly for clinical gait analysis and for estimating the hip joint centre during surgical intervention of the knee, for limb alignment purposes. For the first time in this survey of formal methods, we classify, analyse and compare different methods (geometric, algebraic, bias compensated algebraic, and Pratt sphere fit methods, as well as the centre transformation technique, the Holzreiter approach, the helical pivot technique, the Schwartz transformation techniques, the minimal amplitude point method and the Stoddart approach) for the determination of spherical joint centres from marker position data. In addition, we propose a new method, the symmetrical CoR estimation or SCoRE, in which the coordinates of the joint centre must only remain constant relative to each segment, thus not requiring the assumption that one segment should remain at rest. For each method, 1000 CoR estimations were analysed with the application of isotropic, independent and identically distributed Gaussian noise (standard deviation 0.1cm) to each of the marker positions, to all markers on the segment simultaneously and the two in combination. For the test conditions used here, most techniques were capable of determining the CoR to within 0.3 cm, as long as the spherical range of motion (RoM) of the joint was 45 degrees or more. Under the most stringent conditions tested, however, the SCoRE was capable of best determining the CoR, to within approximately 1.2mm with a RoM of 20 degrees . The correct selection and application of these methodologies should help improve the accuracy of surgical navigation and clinical kinematic measurement.  相似文献   
Frequenin is a member of the neuronal Ca2+ sensor protein family, implicated in being the modulator of the neurotransmitter release, potassium channels, phosphatidylinositol signaling pathway and the Ca2+-dependent exocytosis of dense-core granules in the PC12 cells. Frequenin exhibits these biological activities through its Ca2+ myristoyl switch, yet the switch is functionally inactive. These structural and functional traits of frequenin have been derived through the use of recombinant frequenin. In the present study, frequenin (BovFrq) native to the bovine hippocampus has been purified, sequenced for its 9 internal fragments, cloned, and studied. The findings show that structure of the BovFrq is identical to its form present in chicken, rat, mouse and human, indicating its evolutionary conservation. Its Ca2+ myristoyl switch is active in the hippocampus. And, BovFrq physically interacts and turns on yet undisclosed ONE-GC-like ROS-GC membrane guanylate cyclase transduction machinery in the hippocampal neurons. This makes BovFrq a new Ca2+-sensor modulator of a novel ROS-GC transduction machinery. The study demonstrates the presence and mechanistic features of this cyclic GMP signaling pathway in the hippocampal neurons, and also provides one more support for the evolving concept where the Ca2+-modulated membrane guanylate cyclase transduction machinery in its variant forms is a central operational component of all neurons.  相似文献   
Bone healing commences with an inflammatory reaction which initiates the regenerative healing process leading in the end to reconstitution of bone. An unbalanced immune reaction during this early bone healing phase is hypothesized to disturb the healing cascade in a way that delays bone healing and jeopardizes the successful healing outcome. The immune cell composition and expression pattern of angiogenic factors were investigated in a sheep bone osteotomy model and compared to a mechanically-induced impaired/delayed bone healing group. In the impaired/delayed healing group, significantly higher T cell percentages were present in the bone hematoma and the bone marrow adjacent to the osteotomy gap when compared to the normal healing group. This was mirrored in the higher cytotoxic T cell percentage detected under delayed bone healing conditions indicating longer pro-inflammatory processes. The highly activated periosteum adjourning the osteotomy gap showed lower expression of hematopoietic stem cell markers and angiogenic factors such as heme oxygenase and vascular endothelial growth factor. This indicates a deferred revascularization of the injured area due to ongoing pro-inflammatory processes in the delayed healing group. Results from this study suggest that there are unfavorable immune cells and factors participating in the initial healing phase. In conclusion, identifying beneficial aspects may lead to promising therapeutical approaches that might benefit further by eliminating the unfavorable factors.  相似文献   
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