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Spatial dynamics of adaptive sex ratios   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
According to Fisherian sex allocation theory, parents that can adjust their offspring sex ratio in response to skews in population sex ratio will maximize their fitness over parents lacking this ability. There is good evidence that adaptive sex ratio adjustment occurs in many natural populations, but deviations from theoretical predictions have also been observed. These anomalies may be more apparent than real. When the spatial dimension of sex ratio variation is ignored, then a mismatch between empirical data and theoretical predictions based on panmictic mating is to be expected. We illustrate this with data on human sex ratio variation in 21 preindustrial populations, and with a cellular automaton model built to obey Fisherian sex allocation rules. The results from the model generally match with the data. When information about the ambient sex ratio is limited, then the sex allocation decisions may appear locally maladaptive. In general, the results indicate that Fisher's sex-ratio theory may have greater explanatory power than previously thought.  相似文献   
Fluorescence spectral signatures from 28 algal cultures aredescribed.The cultures are split into four groups accordingto their accessory pigments. Phycocyanin and phycoerythrin,characteristic pigments of cyanobacteria, form groups I andII. The characteristic pigment found in group III is chlorophyllb (green and rasinophyte algae) and in group IV it is chlorophyllc (diatoms, dinophytes and some other algae).This preliminarycatalogue of spectral signatures was used to characterize fivenatural phytoplankton communities from brackish water environmentsas a comparison with phytoplankton species found in the samples.Accessory pigments such as phycocyanin and phycoerythrin, characterizinggroups I and II, can be used for identification without confusion.Distinguishing between groups III and IV is more complicated,because their accessory pigments do not have their own fluorescence.These groups can be characterized by increased fluorescenceof chlorophyll a induced by energy excited through chlorophyllb and c. The possibilities of applying the spectral fluorescencesignatures approach to the characterization of natural communitiesare discussed.  相似文献   
A new strain of Agrobacterium tumefaciens (BST05) was found to grow on polyacrylonitrile (PAN; 13C labelled) converting the polymer to polyacrylic acid as shown by solid state NMR. When cultivated in a medium containing acetonitrile the bacterium produced nitrile hydratase and amidase activity. Activity recovery after lyophilisation and enzyme stability was significantly enhanced in the presence of 5% sorbitol leading to half life times of 12, 72 and 154 days at 25°C, 4°C and –20°C. The enzymes were able to convert 1.1% of the nitrile groups of PAN-powder to the corresponding acids. PAN fabrics were mainly converted to the amides as shown by an 80% increase of the O/C ratio in ESCA analysis. These data were confirmed by cationic dyeing and FTIR-ATR analysis.  相似文献   
In the search for suitable cellulase combinations for industrial biofinishing of cotton, five different types of Trichoderma reesei strains were constructed for elevated cellobiohydrolase production: CBHI overproducers with and without endoglucanase I (EGI), CBHII overproducers with and without endoglucanase II (EGII) and strains overproducing both CBHI and CBHII without the major endoglucanases I and II. One additional copy of cbh1 gene increased production of CBHI protein 1.3-fold, and two copies 1.5-fold according to ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay). The level of total secreted proteins was increased in CBHI transformants as compared to the host strain. One copy of the cbh2 expression cassette in which the cbh2 was expressed from the cbh1 promoter increased production of CBHII protein three- to four-fold when compared to the host strain. T. reesei strains producing elevated amounts of both CBHI and CBHII without EGI and EGII were constructed by replacing the egl1 locus with the coding region of the cbh1 gene and the egl2 locus with the coding region of cbh2. The cbh1 was expressed from its own promoter and the cbh2 gene using either the cbh1 or cbh2 promoter. Production of CBHI by the CBH-transformants was increased up to 1.6-fold and production of CBHII up to 3.4-fold as compared with the host strain. Approximately similar amounts of CBHII protein were produced by using cbh1 or cbh2 promoters. When the enzyme preparation with elevated CBHII content was used in biofinishing of cotton, better depilling and visual appearance were achieved than with the wild type preparation; however, the improvement was not as pronounced as with preparations with elevated levels of endoglucanases (EG).  相似文献   
Spatially synchronous population dynamics have been documented in many taxa. The prevailing view is that the most plausible candidates to explain this pattern are extrinsic disturbances (the Moran effect) and dispersal. In most cases disentangling these factors is difficult. Theoretical studies have shown that dispersal between subpopulations is more likely to produce a negative relationship between population synchrony and distance between the patches than perturbations. As analyses of empirical data frequently show this negative relationship between the level of synchrony and distance between populations, this has emphasized the importance of dispersal as a synchronizing agent. However, several weather patterns show spatial autocorrelation, which could potentially produce patterns in population synchrony similar to those caused by dispersal. By using spatially extended versions of several population dynamic models, we show that this is indeed the case. Our results show that, especially when both factors (spatially autocorrelated perturbations and distance-dependent dispersal) act together, there may exist groups of local populations in synchrony together but fluctuating asynchronously with some other groups of local populations. We also show, by analysing 56 long-term population data sets, that patterns of population synchrony similar to those found in our simulations are found in natural populations as well. This finding highlights the subtlety in the interactions of dispersal and noise in organizing spatial patterns in population fluctuations.  相似文献   
We investigated changes in the reproductive output and the effect of female phenotype on reproductive parameters in a shield bug Elasmostethus interstinctus (L.) (Heteroptera: Acanthosomatidae) over the whole reproductive period. At the beginning and the middle of the reproductive period eggs were smaller than at the end of the period. Clutch mass and number of eggs per clutch decreased in laying sequence, first clutches being much larger than any of the later ones. Lifetime fecundity correlated positively with female size: large females produced more eggs and lived longer than small ones. Egg size did not vary with female size. Offspring survival until adulthood increased with egg weight. Individuals overwinter before reproduction, and because the nymphs from later-laid eggs have the least time to gather resources before overwintering, it may be important for later-laid eggs to be of high quality. Reproductive allocation varies during the reproductive period; females allocate resources relatively more to offspring number at the beginning of the reproductive period and more to offspring quality at the end of their life.  相似文献   
We study the evolution of polymorphic life histories in anadromous semelparous salmon and the effects of harvesting. We derive dynamic phenotypic and genetic ESS models for describing the evolutionary dynamics. We show in our deterministic analysis that polymorphisms are not possible in a panmictic random mating population. Instead, genetic or behavioral polymorphisms may be observed in populations with assortative mating systems. Positive assortative mating may be supported and generated by behavioral and phenotypic traits like male mate choice, spawning ground selection by phenotype, or within-river homing-migration-distance by size. In the case of an evolutionarily stable dimorphism, the ESS is characterized by a reproductive ideal free distribution such that at an equilibrium the individuals are indifferent from the fitness point of view between the two life histories of early and late reproduction. Different strategy models - that is, phenotypic and genetic ESS models - yield identical behavioral predictions and, consequently, genetics does not seem to play an important role in the present model. An evolutionary response to increased fishing mortality is obvious and may have resource management implications. High sea fishing mortalities drive the populations toward early spawning. Thus it is possible that unselective harvesting at sea may eliminate, depending on the biological system, behavioral polymorphisms or genetic heterozygozity and drive the population to a monomorphic one. If within-river homing migration distances depend on the size of fish, unselective harvesting at sea, or selective harvesting of spawning runs in rivers, may reduce local population sizes on spawning grounds high up rivers. Finally, harvesting in a population may cause a switch in a dominant life-history strategy in a population so that anticipated sustainable yields cannot be realized in practice.  相似文献   

Aims and background

Acid sulphate (AS) soils require careful management to prevent the environmental hazards that result from the oxidation of sulphide-bearing deep soil layers and the consequent acidification of soil and waters. Management with a high water table precludes many food crops, so their suitability for perennial energy cropping was investigated in a 3-year study using reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea L., RCG).


Monolithic lysimeters made of undisturbed AS soil and equipped with ground-water level control and measurement instruments were planted with 1- year-old RCG turfs taken from a non-AS field. Two water tables were imposed, high (HWT, 20 cm below soil surface) and low (LWT, 70 cm below soil surface, considered normal for agriculturally managed AS soils) for a 3 year period. Growth and physiological characters of RCG were determined and its ash content and the elemental composition of its dry biomass (Ca, Cl, K, Mg, and S) were analysed.


The level of the water table had significant effects on crop growth and quality. Shoots were 25 to 29 % taller, consequently yielding more dry matter in HWT than in LWT lysimeters. Concentrations of K, Mg and S that can affect the combustion process were higher in biomass harvested from LWT lysimeters than from the HWT plants. At the end of the experiment, the spatial distribution of roots within the soil profile differed between treatments. Roots penetrated to the bottom of LWT lysimeters with total root dry mass nearly twice that in HWT.


RCG intended for burning grows and performs well in acid sulphate soils managed with a raised water table. This management option minimizes the risk of acid flows from oxidized soils, and allows farmers to harvest a non-food crop from soils that would have to be drained to provide a food or feed crop.  相似文献   
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