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The relationship between water chemistry and vegetation was studied in a coastal ombrotrophic mire in northern Hokkaido, Japan. The distributions of Sphagnum and Phragmites communities were separated clearly by the pH and ion concentration of the peat surface-pore water. The drainage ditches along the road across the center of the mire had a high pH and ion concentration, as did the peat water in the western part of the mire. It was found that fields used for livestock farming on a hill to the west of the mire leached materials into the mire through drainage ditches, surface runoff, and probably also through ground water, and thus influenced the water chemistry of the mire. Management of the water, including that in the catchment of the mire, should be introduced before biological buffering capacity against excess nutrient loading caused by human activity is exceeded and the mire loses its ombrotrophic status.  相似文献   
The virulence of F. tularensis is often associated with its ability to grow in macrophages, although recent studies show that Francisella proliferates in multiple host cell types, including pulmonary epithelial cells. Thus far little is known about the requirements for killing of F. tularensis in the non-macrophage host cell types that support replication of this organism. Here we sought to address this question through the use of a murine lung epithelial cell line (TC-1 cells). Our data show that combinations of the cytokines IFN-γ, TNF, and IL-17A activated murine pulmonary epithelial cells to inhibit the intracellular growth of the F. tularensis Live Vaccine Strain (LVS) and the highly virulent F. tularensis Schu S4 strain. Although paired combinations of IFN-γ, TNF, and IL-17A all significantly controlled LVS growth, simultaneous treatment with all three cytokines had the greatest effect on LVS growth inhibition. In contrast, Schu S4 was more resistant to cytokine-induced growth effects, exhibiting significant growth inhibition only in response to all three cytokines. Since one of the main antimicrobial mechanisms of activated macrophages is the release of reactive nitrogen intermediates (RNI) via the activity of iNOS, we investigated the role of RNI and iNOS in Francisella growth control by pulmonary epithelial cells. NOS2 gene expression was significantly up-regulated in infected, cytokine-treated pulmonary epithelial cells in a manner that correlated with LVS and Schu S4 growth control. Treatment of LVS-infected cells with an iNOS inhibitor significantly reversed LVS killing in cytokine-treated cultures. Further, we found that mouse pulmonary epithelial cells produced iNOS during in vivo respiratory LVS infection. Overall, these data demonstrate that lung epithelial cells produce iNOS both in vitro and in vivo, and can inhibit Francisella intracellular growth via reactive nitrogen intermediates.  相似文献   
Maternal homozygosity for three independent mutant hecate alleles results in embryos with reduced expression of dorsal organizer genes and defects in the formation of dorsoanterior structures. A positional cloning approach identified all hecate mutations as stop codons affecting the same gene, revealing that hecate encodes the Glutamate receptor interacting protein 2a (Grip2a), a protein containing multiple PDZ domains known to interact with membrane-associated factors including components of the Wnt signaling pathway. We find that grip2a mRNA is localized to the vegetal pole of the oocyte and early embryo, and that during egg activation this mRNA shifts to an off-center vegetal position corresponding to the previously proposed teleost cortical rotation. hecate mutants show defects in the alignment and bundling of microtubules at the vegetal cortex, which result in defects in the asymmetric movement of wnt8a mRNA as well as anchoring of the kinesin-associated cargo adaptor Syntabulin. We also find that, although short-range shifts in vegetal signals are affected in hecate mutant embryos, these mutants exhibit normal long-range, animally directed translocation of cortically injected dorsal beads that occurs in lateral regions of the yolk cortex. Furthermore, we show that such animally-directed movement along the lateral cortex is not restricted to a single arc corresponding to the prospective dorsal region, but occur in multiple meridional arcs even in opposite regions of the embryo. Together, our results reveal a role for Grip2a function in the reorganization and bundling of microtubules at the vegetal cortex to mediate a symmetry-breaking short-range shift corresponding to the teleost cortical rotation. The slight asymmetry achieved by this directed process is subsequently amplified by a general cortical animally-directed transport mechanism that is neither dependent on hecate function nor restricted to the prospective dorsal axis.  相似文献   
Multimodal activation by various stimuli is a fundamental characteristic of TRP channels. We identified a fungal TRP channel, TRPGz, exhibiting activation by hyperosmolarity, temperature increase, cytosolic Ca2+ elevation, membrane potential, and H2O2 application, and thus it is expected to represent a prototypic multimodal TRP channel. TRPGz possesses a cytosolic C-terminal domain (CTD), primarily composed of intrinsically disordered regions with some regulatory modules, a putative coiled-coil region and a basic residue cluster. The CTD oligomerization mediated by the coiled-coil region is required for the hyperosmotic and temperature increase activations but not for the tetrameric channel formation or other activation modalities. In contrast, the basic cluster is responsible for general channel inhibition, by binding to phosphatidylinositol phosphates. The crystal structure of the presumed coiled-coil region revealed a tetrameric assembly in an offset spiral rather than a canonical coiled-coil. This structure underlies the observed moderate oligomerization affinity enabling the dynamic assembly and disassembly of the CTD during channel functions, which are compatible with the multimodal regulation mediated by each functional module.  相似文献   
Cellular responses to mechanical perturbation are vital to cell physiology. In particular, migrating cells have been shown to sense substrate stiffness and alter cell morphology and speed. Zyxin is a focal adhesion protein that responds to external mechanical forces; however, the mechanisms of zyxin recruitment at force-bearing sites are unknown. Using force-sensing microfabricated substrates, we simultaneously measured traction force and zyxin recruitment at force-bearing sites. GFP-tagged zyxin accumulates at force-bearing sites at the leading edge, but not at the trailing edge, of migrating epithelial cells. Zyxin recruitment at force-bearing sites depends on Rho-kinase and myosin II activation, suggesting that zyxin responds not only to the externally applied force, as previously shown, but also to the internally generated actin-myosin force. Zyxin in turn recruits vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein, a regulator of actin assembly, to force-bearing sites. To dissect the domains of zyxin that are essential for this unique force-dependent accumulation, we generated two zyxin truncation mutants: one lacking the LIM domain (ΔLIM) and one containing only the LIM domain with all three LIM motifs (LIM). GFP-tagged ΔLIM does not localize to the force-bearing sites, but GFP-tagged zyxin LIM-domain is sufficient for the recruitment to and dynamics at force-bearing focal adhesions. Furthermore, one or two LIM motifs are not sufficient for force-dependent accumulation, suggesting that all three LIM motifs are required. Therefore, the LIM domain of zyxin recruits zyxin to force-bearing sites at the leading edge of migrating cells.  相似文献   


Hepatic iron overload (HIO) and iron‐induced oxidative stress have recently emerged as an important factor for the development and progression of insulin resistance. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of tamibarotene, a selective retinoic acid receptor α/β agonist, on hepatic iron metabolism, based on our previous findings that retinoids suppress hepatic iron accumulation by increasing hepatic iron efflux through the regulation of hemojuvelin and ferroportin expression.

Design and Methods:

We quantitated the non‐heme iron content and iron metabolism‐related gene expression in the liver, and serum lipid and blood glucose levels in KK‐Ay mice after dietary administration of tamibarotene.


It was demonstrated that tamibarotene significantly reduced blood glucose and hepatic iron, but not serum lipids, and that hemojuvelin expression significantly decreased while ferroportin increased, as observed previously.


These results suggest that tamibarotene is a promising alternative for the treatment of insulin resistance associated with HIO.  相似文献   
In some animals, females are often compelled to mate with less desirable males due to the males' alternative mating tactics. Male guppies, Poecilia reticulata, exhibit courtship displays and cooperatively copulate with females. However, they also exhibit sneaking behaviors and coercively copulate with females. To examine the consequences of these two mating patterns, we investigated the influence of copulation type, i.e., cooperative or coercive, on parturition and brood size of females. A single female was allowed to freely contact and copulate with a single male only once. Males that cooperatively copulated with females had larger orange spot areas (an important criterion of female mate choice) than males that copulated coercively. Most females that were coerced into copulation did not give birth to offspring within 100 days after mating. The probability of parturition was high when females copulated cooperatively, and when their mates exhibited frequent postcopulatory jerking behavior. However, the results suggest that copulation type did not affect brood size. Brood size was positively influenced by both female body size and male orange spot area. These results suggest that parturient success is low when females are coerced into mating by less desirable males, whereas brood size is independent of copulation type.  相似文献   
Sialic acid represents a critical sugar component located at the outermost position of glycoconjugates, playing important roles in extensive biological processes. To date, however, there have been only few probes which show affinity to α(2,3)-linked sialic acid-containing glycoconjugates. Agrocybe cylindracea galectin is known to have a relatively high affinity towards Neu5Acα(2,3)Galβ(1,4)Glc (3'-sialyl lactose), but it significantly recognizes various β-galactosides, such as Galβ(1,4)GlcNAcβ (LacNAc) and Galβ(1,3)GalNAcα (T-antigen). To eliminate this background specificity, we focused an acidic amino acid residue (Glu86), which interacts with the glucose unit of 3'-sialyl lactose and substituted it with all other amino acids. Carbohydrate-binding specificity of the derived 14 mutants was analysed by surface plasmon resonance, and it was found that E86D mutant (Glu86 substituted with Asp) substantially lost the binding ability to LacNAc and T-antigen, while it retained the high affinity for 3'-sialyl lactose. Further, frontal affinity chromatography analysis using 132 pyridylaminated oligosaccharides confirmed that the E86D mutant had a strong preference for α(2,3)-disialo biantennary N-linked glycan. However, it showed the large decrease in the affinity for any of the asialo complex-type N-glycans and the glycolipid-type glycans. Thus, the developed mutant E86D will be of practical use in various fields relevant to cell biology and glycotechnology.  相似文献   
The protein-disulfide isomerase (PDI) family member anterior gradient 2 (AGR2) is reportedly overexpressed in numerous cancers and plays a role in cancer development. However, to date the molecular functions of AGR2 remain to be characterized. Herein we have identified AGR2 as bound to newly synthesized cargo proteins using a proteomics analysis of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane-bound ribosomes. Nascent protein chains that translocate into the ER associate with specific ER luminal proteins, which in turn ensures proper folding and posttranslational modifications. Using both imaging and biochemical approaches, we confirmed that AGR2 localizes to the lumen of the ER and indirectly associates with ER membrane-bound ribosomes through nascent protein chains. We showed that AGR2 expression is controlled by the unfolded protein response and is in turn is involved in the maintenance of ER homeostasis. Remarkably, we have demonstrated that siRNA-mediated knockdown of AGR2 significantly alters the expression of components of the ER-associated degradation machinery and reduces the ability of cells to cope with acute ER stress, properties that might be relevant to the role of AGR2 in cancer development.  相似文献   
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