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(15)N NMR relaxation parameters and amide (1)H/(2)H-exchange rates have been used to characterize the structural flexibility of human growth hormone (rhGH) at neutral and acidic pH. Our results show that the rigidity of the molecule is strongly affected by the solution conditions. At pH 7.0 the backbone dynamics parameters of rhGH are uniform along the polypeptide chain and their values are similar to those of other folded proteins. In contrast, at pH 2.7 the overall backbone flexibility increases substantially compared to neutral pH and the average order parameter approaches the lower limit expected for a folded protein. However, a significant variation of the backbone dynamics through the molecule indicates that under acidic conditions the mobility of the residues becomes more dependent on their location within the secondary structure units. In particular, the order parameters of certain loop regions decrease dramatically and become comparable to those found in unfolded proteins. Furthermore, the HN-exchange rates at low pH reveal that the residues most protected from exchange are clustered at one end of the helical bundle, forming a stable nucleus. We suggest that this nucleus maintains the overall fold of the protein under destabilizing conditions. We therefore conclude that the acid state of rhGH consists of a structurally conserved, but dynamically more flexible helical core surrounded by an aura of highly mobile, unstructured loops. However, in spite of its prominent flexibility the acid state of rhGH cannot be considered a "molten globule" state because of its high stability. It appears from our work that under certain conditions, a protein can tolerate a considerable increase in flexibility of its backbone, along with an increased penetration of water into its core, while still maintaining a stable folded conformation.  相似文献   
Quantitative proteomics has traditionally been performed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, but recently, mass spectrometric methods based on stable isotope quantitation have shown great promise for the simultaneous and automated identification and quantitation of complex protein mixtures. Here we describe a method, termed SILAC, for stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture, for the in vivo incorporation of specific amino acids into all mammalian proteins. Mammalian cell lines are grown in media lacking a standard essential amino acid but supplemented with a non-radioactive, isotopically labeled form of that amino acid, in this case deuterated leucine (Leu-d3). We find that growth of cells maintained in these media is no different from growth in normal media as evidenced by cell morphology, doubling time, and ability to differentiate. Complete incorporation of Leu-d3 occurred after five doublings in the cell lines and proteins studied. Protein populations from experimental and control samples are mixed directly after harvesting, and mass spectrometric identification is straightforward as every leucine-containing peptide incorporates either all normal leucine or all Leu-d3. We have applied this technique to the relative quantitation of changes in protein expression during the process of muscle cell differentiation. Proteins that were found to be up-regulated during this process include glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, fibronectin, and pyruvate kinase M2. SILAC is a simple, inexpensive, and accurate procedure that can be used as a quantitative proteomic approach in any cell culture system.  相似文献   
Agmatine coumaroyltransferase (ACT), which catalyzes the first step in the biosynthesis of antifungal hydroxycinnamoylagmatine derivatives, was purified to apparent homogeneity from 3-day-old etiolated barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) seedlings. The enzyme was highly specific for agmatine as acyl acceptor and had the highest specificity for p-coumaroyl-CoA among various acyl donors with a specific activity of 29.7 nanokatal x mg(-1) protein. Barley ACT was found to be a single polypeptide chain of 48 kDa with a pI of 5.20 as determined by isoelectric focusing. The 15 N-terminal amino acid residues were identified by micro-sequencing of the native protein and were used to clone a full-length barley ACT cDNA that predicted a protein of 439 amino acid residues. The sequence was devoid of N-terminal signal peptide, suggesting a cytosolic localization of barley ACT. Recombinant ACT produced and affinity-purified from Escherichia coli had a specific activity of 189 nanokatal x mg(-1) protein, thus confirming the identity of the purified native protein. A partial cDNA sequence for ACT was obtained from wheat that predicted a protein of 353 amino acid residues and had 95% sequence identity to barley ACT. Two motifs in the amino acid sequence reveal that barley ACT represents a new class of N-hydroxycinnamoyltransferases belonging to the transferase superfamily. The barley ACT is unique in producing the precursor of hordatine, a proven antifungal factor that may be directed toward Blumeria graminis.  相似文献   
Here we present a Zn transporter cDNA named MtZIP2 from the model legume Medicago truncatula. MtZIP2 encodes a putative 37 kDa protein with 8-membrane spanning domains and has moderate amino acid identity with the Arabidopsis thaliana Zn transporter AtZIP2p. MtZIP2 complemented a Zn-uptake mutant of yeast implying that the protein encoded by this gene can transport Zn across the yeast's plasma membrane. The product of a MtZIP2-GFP fusion construct introduced into onion cells by particle bombardment likewise localized to the plasma membrane. The MtZIP2 gene was expressed in roots and stems, but not in leaves of M. truncatula and, in contrast to all other plant Zn transporters characterized thus far, MtZIP2 was up-regulated in roots by Zn fertilization. Expression was highest in roots exposed to a toxic level of Zn. MtZIP2 expression was also examined in the roots of M. truncatula when colonized by the obligate plant symbiont, arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, since AM fungi are renowned for their ability to supply plants with mineral nutrients, including Zn. Expression was down-regulated in the roots of the mycorrhizal plants and was associated with a reduced level of Zn within the host plant tissues.  相似文献   
A high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) assay for the determination of nicotine and cotinine in human milk was developed using an extraction by liquid-liquid partition combined with back extraction into acid, and followed by reverse-phase chromatography with UV detection of analytes. The assay was linear up to 500 microg/l for both nicotine and cotinine. Intra- and inter-day relative standard deviations (R.S.D.) were <10% (25-500 microg/l) for both nicotine and cotinine. Limits of quantitation (LOQ) were 10 and 12 microg/l for nicotine and cotinine, respectively, while the limits of detection (LOD) were 8 and 10 microg/l for nicotine and cotinine, respectively. The mean recoveries were 79-93% (range 25-500 microg/l) for nicotine and 78-89% (range 25-500 microg/l) for cotinine. The amount of fat in the milk did not affect the recovery. We found that this method was sensitive and reliable in measuring nicotine and cotinine concentrations in milk from a nursing mother who participated in a trial of the nicotine patch for smoking cessation.  相似文献   
The leucine/isoleucine/valine-binding protein (LIVBP or LivJ) serves as the primary high-affinity receptor of the Escherichia coli ABC-type transporter for the three aliphatic amino acids. The first structure of LIVBP determined previously without bound ligand showed a molecule comprised of two domains which are far apart and bisected by a wide open, solvent-accessible cleft. Here we report the crystal structures of another ligand-free state and three complexes with the aliphatic amino acids. In the present ligand-free structure, the two domains are farther apart. In the three very similar complex structures, the two domains are in close proximity, and each desolvated ligand is completely engulfed in the cleft and bound by both domains. The two different ligand-free structures, combined with those of the very similar ligand-bound structures, indicate the trajectory and backbone torsion angle changes of the hinges that accompany domain closure and play crucial functional roles. The amino acids are bound by polar and nonpolar interactions, occurring predominantly in one domain. Consistent with the protein specificity, the aliphatic side chains of the ligands lie in a hydrophobic pocket fully formed following domain or cleft closure. Comparison of the structures of LIVBP with several different binding proteins indicates no correlations between the magnitudes of the hinge-bending angles and the protein masses, the ligand sizes, or the number of segments connecting the two domains. Results of normal-mode analysis and molecular dynamics simulations are consistent with the trajectory and intrinsic flexibility of the interdomain hinges and the dominance of one domain in ligand binding in the open state.  相似文献   
Whether endocrine disruption in an individual male is actually translated into reduced reproductive success in a natural competitive environment is extremely difficult to predict. Here, we have used paternity analysis to provide new information on the ability of an endocrine disruptor to deleteriously affect male guppy reproductive fitness by including the effect of intermale competition. Groups of male guppies were exposed to 10.5, 44.4, or 112 ng/L of the synthetic estrogen 17alpha-ethinylestradiol (EE2) from birth to adulthood. Subsequently, an exposed male competed against an unexposed male for the opportunity to fertilize a receptive female. The successful males siring the majority of the offspring in each brood were then identified using microsatellites in genetic paternity analysis. Only the highest dose of EE2 produced harmful effects with a significantly female-biased sex ratio, significant reductions in male sperm count, testis weight, body coloration and courtship behavior, and a significant increase in body size. These feminizing effects were translated into a highly significant reduction in fertility, where only 1 of the 17 exposed males sired offspring in competition with unexposed males. The evidence suggests that EE2-treated males have reduced reproductive fitness compared with untreated males, possibly the result of EE2 effects on multiple fitness traits. To our knowledge, this is the first study providing evidence of endocrine disruption at the population level that has included the ecologically highly relevant effect of sexual competition on male reproductive fitness.  相似文献   
Ribosomes are extremely soluble ribonucleoprotein complexes. Heterologous target proteins were fused to ribosomal protein L23 (rpL23) and expressed in an rpL23 deficient Escherichia coli strain. This enabled the isolation of 70S ribosomes with covalently bound target protein. Isolation of recombinant proteins from 70S ribosomes was achieved by specific proteolytic cleavage followed by efficient removal of ribosomes by centrifugation. By this procedure we isolated active green fluorescent protein, streptavidin (SA), and murine interleukin-6 (mIL-6). Approximately 500microg of each protein was isolated per gram cellular wet weight. By pull-down assays we demonstrate that SA covalently bound to the ribosome binds d-biotin. Ribosomal coupling is therefore suggested as a method for the investigation of protein interactions. The presented strategy is in particular efficient for the expression, purification, and investigation of proteins forming inclusion bodies in the E. coli cytoplasm.  相似文献   
Extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD) is a tetramer composed of either intact (Trp(1)-Ala(222)) or proteolytically cleaved (Trp(1)-Glu(209)) subunits. The latter form is processed intracellularly before secretion and lacks the C-terminal extracellular matrix (ECM)-binding region ((210)RKKRRRESECKAA(222)-COOH). We have previously suggested that the C-terminal processing of EC-SOD is either a one-step mechanism accomplished by a single intracellular endoproteolytic event cleaving the Glu(209)-Arg(210) peptide bond or a two-step mechanism involving two proteinases (Enghild, J. J., Thogersen, I. B., Oury, T. D., Valnickova, Z., Hojrup, P., and Crapo, J. D. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 14818-14822). In the latter case, an initial endoproteinase cleavage occurs somewhere in the region between Glu(209) and Glu(216). A carboxypeptidase specific for basic amino acid residues subsequently trims the remaining basic amino acid residues to Glu(209). A naturally occurring mutation of EC-SOD substituting Arg(213) for Gly enabled us to test these hypotheses. The mutation does not prevent proteolysis of the ECM-binding region but prevents a carboxypeptidase B-like enzyme from trimming residues beyond Gly(213). The R213G mutation is located in the ECM-binding region, and individuals carrying this mutation have an increased concentration of EC-SOD in the circulatory system. In this study, we purified the R213G EC-SOD variant from heterozygous or homozygous individuals and determined the C-terminal residue of the processed subunit to be Gly(213). This finding supports the two-step processing mechanism and indicates that the R213G mutation does not disturb the initial endoproteinase cleavage event but perturbs the subsequent trimming of the C terminus.  相似文献   
A two-dimensional stage-structured population model with nonlinear cannibalism terms is studied. We show that there is a large parameter interval where the nontrivial equilibrium of the model is the only stable attractor, but that there also exist parameter intervals where we find quasiperiodic, periodic and chaotic dynamics. Moreover, in the interplay between increasing the fecundity and increasing the cannibalism pressure, the former turns out to be a destabilizing effect while the latter tends to act in a stabilizing fashion. Finally, we have applied the model to the North Atlantic cod stock using ICES biomass estimates. Our main conclusion from this study is that the combined effect of recruitment and cannibalism may not serve as an explanation of the observed fluctuations in the cod stock.  相似文献   
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