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Platelet activating factor (PAF) is a newly discovered inflammatory chemical mediator, which was reported to play a pivotal role in various types of shock. There is also a great possibility that PAF plays an important role in the shock caused by hepatic inflow occlusion. In the present study, the effect of CV6209, a PAF antagonist, on the shock caused by the occlusion was investigated. Intravenous 3 micrograms/kg of PAF caused hypotension in Wistar rats (n=6), and pretreatment with intravenous 3 mg/kg of CV6209 significantly (p less than 0.01) prevented the hypotension (n=6). Forty-five minutes of hepatic inflow occlusion caused hypotension in rats during the occlusion period, and the hypotension continued even after restoration of blood flow in control group (pretreated with saline i.v. only, n=5). In contrast, this hypotension was significantly (p less than 0.01) reversed in PAF antagonist group (pretreated with 3 mg/kg of CV6209 i.v., n=5). In sham-operated rats (n=6), arterial pressure remained unchanged and not hypotensive during the monitoring period. The survival rate of rats 90 minutes after declamp was 30% in control group (n=20), and that was significantly (p less than 0.05) improved to be 65% in PAF antagonist group (n=20). In conclusion, PAF plays an important role in the shock and death caused by temporary hepatic inflow occlusion, and a PAF antagonist could be a therapeutic drug against temporary hepatic inflow occlusion.  相似文献   
We determined the fruit predators and seed dispersers of two species of durian ( Durio , Bombacaceae), D. graveolens and D. zibethinus , which have contrasting aril color and timing of dehiscence by observing fruiting trees in Deramakot forest reserve. In our observations in the wild, both species were extensively predated by orangutans before fruits matured. Durio graveolens was dispersed by black hornbills and D. zibethinus was dispersed by long-tailed macaques.  相似文献   
An earlier study suggested that soils on the windward slope of Mount Haleakala are excessively waterlogged at low altitudes but become better drained upslope. We analyzed altitudinal changes in soil N turn over, vegetation mass, and foliar chemical composition of the dominant canopy species, Metrosideros polymorpha (Myrtaceae), on this slope. The basal areas and DBH2× height (an index for volume) of woody species ≥2 m in height increased with altitude (as opposed to a general trend elsewhere), peaked at 1800 m elev., and abruptly declined above this altitude. Foliar N and P concentrations of Metrosideros showed a similar altitudinal trend with DBH2× height values. Foliar Fe and Al concentrations steadily increased downslope, but were low again at 450 m, the lowest altitude, contrary to expectation based on waterlogging. Toxic forms of Fe and Al may retard root penetration in waterlogged soils and thus the uptake of these elements. The net N mineralization rate for topsoils incubated in situ was 78.6 μg/g/20d at 1800 m elev., while small amounts of N were immobilized at 450, 1200 and 2200 m elev. The net N mineralization rates of the topsoils, which were air-dried to their permanent wilting points and incubated at 26°C, were greater than those of the wet samples at 26°C, only for the lowest altitude. Conversely, the net N mineralization rates of the topsoils which were kept wet and incubated at the higher temperature of 26°C were greater (P < 0.1) than those of the in situ wet samples only for 1800 m elev. The rates were the same for 450 and 2200 m elev. where the soils were waterlogged and very dry, respectively; thus, N turn over was more strongly limited by moisture than by temperature in these cases. Nutrient availability improved with altitude up to 1800 m elev. in association with the moisture gradient, and appeared to be responsible for the observed pattern in vegetation mass.  相似文献   
Nitrogen (N) enrichment of tropical ecosystems is likely to increase with rapid industrial and agricultural development, but the ecological consequences of N additions in these systems are not well understood. We measured soil N- oxide emissions and N transformations in primary rain forest ecosystems at four elevations and across two substrate types on Mt. Kinabalu, Borneo, before and after short-term experimental N additions. We also measured N pools and fluxes across a land use gradient of primary forest, burned secondary forest, and fertilized agriculture. Background soil N2O and NO emissions in primary forest decreased with elevation, and soils derived from sedimentary substrates had larger pools of inorganic N, rates of nitrification, and N-oxide fluxes than ultrabasic soils when there were significant differences between substrate types. N-oxide emissions after N additions and background rates of nitrification were low in all soils derived from ultrabasic substrates compared to sedimentary substrates, even at lowland sites supporting, diverse Dipterocarp forests growing on morphologically similar Oxisols. Rates of potential nitrification were good predictors of N-oxide emissions after N additions. N2O and NO fluxes were largest at low elevations and on sedimentary-derived soils compared to ultrabasic-derived soils, even at the smallest addition of N, 15kgNha–1. Because current methods of soil classification do not explicitly characterize a number of soil chemical properties important to nutrient cycling, the use of soil maps to extrapolate biogeochemical processes to the region or globe may be limited in its accuracy and usefulness. In agricultural systems, management practices were more important than substrate type in controlling N-oxide emissions and soil N cycling. N-oxide fluxes from agricultural fields were more than an order of magnitude greater than from primary forests on the same substrate type and at the same elevation. As primary forests are cleared for intensive agriculture, soil N2O and NO emissions are likely to far exceed those from the most N-saturated tropical forest ecosystems. This study highlights the inter-dependence of climate, substrate age, N deposition, and land-use practices determining N cycling and N-oxide emissions in humid tropical regions.  相似文献   
Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis) groves have been expanding in Japanese forests, thus an assessment of the rate of bamboo grove expansion is a critical issue. Previous studies used time-series data which span typically more than a few years in order to determine the expansion of bamboo groves. This method cannot be used when time-series data were not available. In this study, we developed and tested a simple indicator based on one-time measurement of spatial distribution of culms to estimate the rate of bamboo grove expansion. Among 19 locations at four sites, the distribution patterns of culms from the pure bamboo stands to the expanding front were highly correlated with the actual edge expansion rate (E) based on the aerial photographs collected over ca. 15- and 30-year periods. In contrast, the culm density in the original stand itself was not correlated with E. These results suggest that one-time measurement of the distribution patterns of living culms (but not stand density) could be a useful indicator for estimating the expansion rates of bamboo groves.  相似文献   
Allograft bone is a widely used as a convenient tool for reconstructing massive bone defects in orthopedic surgery. However, allografts are associated with the risk of viral disease transmission. One of the viruses transmitted in this manner is human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1), which is found worldwide but is unevenly distributed. The southwestern parts of Japan are a highly endemic for HTLV-1. We investigated the HTLV-1 seroprevalence in candidate allograft donors at the regional bone bank in Kagoshima, Japan during its first 5 years of service. Between 2008 and 2012, we collected 282 femoral heads at the Kagoshima regional bone bank from living donors with osteoarthritis of the hip joint. Among the 282 candidate donors, 32 donors (11.3 %) were seropositive for anti-HTLV-1 antibody; notably, this prevalence is higher than that reported for blood donors in this area. Additionally, to determine if HTLV-1 genes are detectable after processing, we examined the bone marrow of the femoral heads from seropositive donors by conducting PCR assays. Our results confirm the existence of viral genes following the heat treatment processing of the femoral heads. Therefore, it is important to inactivate a virus completely by heat-treatment. Together, our findings highlight the importance of HTLV-1 screening at bone banks, particularly in HTLV-1-endemic areas such as southwest Japan.  相似文献   
Summary In a field experiment soil samples buried at the warmer temperature regime nitrified added ammonium faster than soils buried at the cooler temperature regime. Nitrification occurred more rapidly under both regimes in a soil which had developed in a warm climatic zone than in two other soils developed under cooler conditions.The rate of nitrification of added ammonium in soils incubated at 5, 15, 25 and 40°C in the laboratory increased with increase in the temperature up to 25°C in three out of four soils. In the fourth soil nitrification was as active at 40°C as at 25°C. The temperature range for appreciable nitrification to occur in a soil was related to the environmental conditions where the soil was formed.Mineralization of organic nitrogen occurred to a greater extent at 40°C than at three lower incubating temperatures of 5, 15, and 25°C. Rapid and active mineralization was associated with high organic matter and C/N ratio in soils  相似文献   
We investigated if tropical rainforest trees produced more-lignified leaves in less productive environments using forests on Mount Kinabalu, Borneo. Our investigation was based on two earlier suggestions that slower litter decomposition occurs under less productive forests and that trees under resource limitation invest a large amount of carbon as lignin as a defense substance to minimize the loss from herbivores. When nine forests at different altitudes (700–3100 m) and soil conditions (derived from sedimentary or ultrabasic rocks) but with the same gentle relief position were compared, the concentrations of leaf-litter lignin were positively correlated with litterfall rates and leaf-litter nitrogen concentrations. These patterns would be reinforced in intact leaves if the effects of resorption at the time of leaf shedding were taken into account, because greater magnitude of resorption of mobile elements but not of lignin would occur in less productive environments (i.e. dilution of lignin in intact leaves). These results did not support earlier suggestions to explain the variation of leaf-litter lignin. Instead, we suggest that lower lignin contents are adaptive to recycle minerals without retarding decomposition in less productive environments.  相似文献   
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