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The integrity of biofilms on voice prostheses used to rehabilitate speech in laryngectomized patients causes unwanted increases in airflow resistance, impeding speech. Biofilm integrity is ensured by extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). This study aimed to determine whether synthetic salivary peptides or mucolytics, including N-acetylcysteine and ascorbic acid, influence the integrity of voice prosthetic biofilms. Biofilms were grown on voice prostheses in an artificial throat model and exposed to synthetic salivary peptides, mucolytics and two different antiseptics (chlorhexidine and Triclosan). Synthetic salivary peptides did not reduce the air flow resistance of voice prostheses after biofilm formation. Although both chlorhexidine and Triclosan reduced microbial numbers on the prostheses, only the Triclosan-containing positive control reduced the air flow resistance. Unlike ascorbic acid, the mucolytic N-acetylcysteine removed most EPS from the biofilms and induced a decrease in air flow resistance.  相似文献   
Specific binding of [125I]-(−)-cyanopindolol to human tracheal smooth muscle membranes was saturable, stereo-selective and of high affinity (Kd=5.3±0.9 pmol/l and RT=78±7fmol/g tissue). The β1-selective antagonists atenolol and LK 203-030 inhibited specific [125I]-(−)-cyanopindolol binding according to a one binding site model with low affinity in nearly all subjects, pointing to a homogeneous β2-adrenoceptor population. In one subject using LK 203-030 a small β-adrenoceptor subpopulation could be demonstrated. The beta-mimetics isoprenaline, fenoterol, salbutamol and terbutaline recognized high and low affinity agonist binding sites. Isoprenaline's pKH- and pKL- values for the high and low affinity sites were 8.0±0.2 and 5.9±0.3 respectively. In functional experiments isoprenaline relaxed tracheal smooth muscle strips having intrinsic tone with a pD2-value of 6.63±0.19.  相似文献   
Time-resolved flavin fluorescence anisotropy studies on glutathione reductase (GR) have revealed a remarkable new phenomenon: wild-type GR displays a rapid process of fluorescence depolarization, that is absent in mutant enzymes lacking a nearby tyrosine residue that blocks the NADPH-binding cleft. Fluorescence lifetime data, however, have shown a more rigid active-site structure for wild-type GR than for the tyrosine mutants. These results suggest that the rapid depolarization in wild-type GR originates from an interaction with the flavin-shielding tyrosine, and not from restricted reorientational motion of the flavin. A novel mechanism of fluorescence depolarization is proposed that involves a transient charge-transfer complex between the tyrosine and the light-excited flavin, with a concomitant change in the direction of the emission dipole moment of the flavin. This interaction is likely to result from side-chain relaxation of the tyrosine in the minor fraction of enzyme molecules in which this residue is in an unsuitable position for immediate fluorescence quenching at the moment of excitation. Support for this mechanism is provided by binding studies with NADP+ and 2'P-5'ADP-ribose that can intercalate between the flavin and tyrosine and/or block the latter. Fluorescence depolarization analyses as a function of temperature and viscosity confirm the dynamic nature of the process. A comparison with fluorescence depolarization effects in a related flavoenzyme indicates that this mechanism of flavin fluorescence depolarization is more generally applicable.  相似文献   
Understanding the relationship between form and function is central to our comprehension of how phenotypic diversity evolves. Traits involved in multiple activities, such as social interactions and ecological resource use, are under the influence of different evolutionary forces potentially acting in opposite directions. Such systems provide the opportunity of understanding how potential constraints on morphological variation may influence whole-organism performance. In this study we examined morphology and bite performance in two closely related species of Podarcis wall lizards with divergent microhabitat preferences, to investigate how natural and sexual selection interact to shape the evolution of head traits. Our results show that although head morphology is markedly different between species and sexes, only sexes differ in bite force, indicating that the ecological differentiation between species is reflected in their morphology but does not constrain performance. Rather, the modification of the relative size of head components between species and a shift in the form-function relationship provide a potential explanation of how equal performance is attained by different morphological configurations. Geometric morphometrics provide a clear, biomechanically meaningful image of how this is achieved and show a bisexual pattern of head shape-bite force association in both species. This, together with a strong allometry of head size on body size and head shape on head size, provides indirect morphological evidence for the importance of sexual selection in shaping morphological and functional patterns. Finally, our findings suggest that the differences observed between species and sexes in head traits and bite performance are not reflected in their dietary ecology, implying that if trophic niche segregation between groups occurs, the reasons behind it are not primarily related to head morphology and functional variation.  相似文献   
Phylogenetic relationships of several species within the n-alkane assimilating Candida yeasts were investigated by using characters from the nucleotide sequence of the variable D1/D2 region at the 5' end of a large-subunit (26S) ribosomal DNA (rDNA) gene. First the nucleotide sequences of D1/D2 domain of Candida sp. 1098 (formerly identified as C. tropicalis 1098) and its dicarboxylic acid-producing-mutant strain M1210 were investigated. These two nucleotide sequences were identical and lacked only one base pair compared with that of C. maltosa CBS 5611 (type strain), and they were identified as C. maltosa. We then showed that C. maltosa IFO 1978 (formerly identified as C. cloacae) and C. maltosa IFO 1975 (formerly identified as C. subtropicalis) had the same nucleotide sequence and had only one base pair substitution compared with C. maltosa CBS 5611 (type strain), which is consistent with conventional classification. We also found that another widely studied n-alkane assimilating Candida yeast, C. tropicalis pk233, to be C. viswanathii.  相似文献   
Using a combination of atomic force, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, we found that avian erythrocytes infected with the avian malaria parasite Plasmodium gallinaceum develop 60 nm wide and 430 nm long furrow-like structures on the surface. Furrows begin to appear during the early trophozoite stage of the parasite’s development. They remain constant in size and density during the course of parasite maturation and are uniformly distributed in random orientations over the erythrocyte surface. In addition, the density of furrows is directly proportional to the number of parasites contained within the erythrocyte. These findings suggest that parasite-induced intraerythrocytic processes are involved in modifying the surface of host erythrocytes. These processes may be analogous to those of the human malaria parasite P. falciparum, which induces knob-like protrusions that mediate the pathogenic adherence of parasitized erythrocytes to microvessels. Although P. gallinaceum-infected erythrocytes do not seem to adhere to microvessels in the host chicken, the furrows might be involved in the pathogenesis of P. gallinaceum infections by some other mechanism involving host-pathogen interactions.  相似文献   
The human nasopharynx is the main reservoir for Streptococcus pneumoniae. We applied conventional and molecular methods to determine the prevalence of S. pneumoniae nasopharyngeal colonization in adults. Paired trans-orally and trans-nasally obtained nasopharyngeal samples from 268 parents of 24-month-old children were assessed for pneumococcal presence. Parents were classified as colonized when live pneumococci were recovered from either sample cultured on medium selective for S. pneumoniae. Of the 52 (19%) colonized parents 49 (18%) were culture-positive in trans-nasal and 10 (4%) in trans-oral samples. Bacterial growth was harvested from these cultures, DNA isolated and tested by quantitative-PCR (qPCR) targeting lytA and piaA genes specific for S. pneumoniae. A sample was considered positive if signals for both genes were detected. Altogether 105 (39%) individuals were classified as positive for pneumococcus by qPCR including 50 (19%) in trans-nasal and 94 (35%) in trans-oral settings. Although significantly more trans-nasal compared to trans-oral samples were culture-positive for S. pneumoniae at the primary diagnostic step (p<0.001) the opposite was observed in qPCR results (p<0.001). To confirm the presence of live pneumococcus in samples positive by qPCR but negative at the initial diagnostic step, we serially-diluted cell harvests, re-cultured and carefully examined for S. pneumoniae presence. Live pneumococci were recovered from an additional 43 parents including 42 positive in trans-oral and 4 in trans-nasal samples increasing the number of individuals culture- and qPCR-positive to 93 (35%) and positive by either of two methods to 107 (40%). There were significantly more trans-oral than trans-nasal samples positive for pneumococcus by both culture and qPCR (n = 71; 27%; vs. n = 50; 19%; p<0.05). Our data suggest that pneumococcal colonization is more common in adults than previously estimated and point towards the superiority of a trans-oral over a trans-nasal approach when testing adults for colonization with S. pneumoniae.  相似文献   
The objective of our study was to determine whether the very low concentrations of C-reactive protein (CRP) detected by high-sensitivity CRP (hs-CRP) assays that one encounters from time to time in apparently healthy individual represent a physiological status or are just a reflection of an improved general health profile. The concentration of hs-CRP was determined by using the Behring BN II nephelometer. The arbitrary cut-off point of hs-CRP (≤0.16mgl-1) was determined at the lower detection level of the assay. A total of 6588 apparently healthy individuals were screened following exclusion of recent infection/inflammation by using a detailed questionnaire. One hundred and sixty (2.4%) individuals out of the above-mentioned cohort presented hs-CRP concentrations of ≤0.16mgl-1. They were found to be significantly younger and lean, had an improved lipid profile and an attenuated acute-phase response in terms of lower erythrocyte sedimentation rate and fibrinogen concentration as well as white blood cell count. In addition, these individuals had less atherothrombotic risk factors, except for smoking habits which were as frequent as in those of individuals with a higher hs-CRP concentration. After calculating the concentration of this biomarker following multiple adjustments, the individuals with very low CRP remained with a very low value despite the multiplicity of the adjustments. We raise the possibility that this particular low concentration might represent a physiological status and is not necessarily a result of the improved general health profile per se.  相似文献   
Co3O4 is investigated as a light absorber for all‐oxide thin‐film photovoltaic cells because of its nearly ideal optical bandgap of around 1.5 eV. Thin film TiO2/Co3O4 heterojunctions are produced by spray pyrolysis of TiO2 as a window layer, followed by pulsed laser deposition of Co3O4 as a light absorbing layer. The photovoltaic performance is investigated as a function of the Co3O4 deposition temperature and a direct correlation is found. The deposition temperature seems to affect both the crystallinity and the morphology of the absorber, which affects device performance. A maximum power of 22.7 μW cm?2 is obtained at the highest deposition temperature (600 °C) with an open circuit photovoltage of 430 mV and a short circuit photocurrent density of 0.2 mA cm?2. Performing deposition at 600 °C instead of room temperature improves power by an order of magnitude and reduces the tail states (Urbach edge energy). These phenomena can be explained by larger grains that grows at high temperature, as opposed to many nucleation events that occur at lower temperature.  相似文献   
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