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We have investigated the mechanism of frataxin, a conserved mitochondrial protein involved in iron metabolism and neurodegenerative disease. Previous studies revealed that the yeast frataxin homologue (mYfh1p) is activated by Fe(II) in the presence of O2 and assembles stepwise into a 48-subunit multimer (alpha48) that sequesters >2000 atoms of iron in 2-4-nm cores structurally similar to ferritin iron cores. Here we show that mYfh1p assembly is driven by two sequential iron oxidation reactions: A ferroxidase reaction catalyzed by mYfh1p induces the first assembly step (alpha --> alpha3), followed by a slower autoxidation reaction that promotes the assembly of higher order oligomers yielding alpha48. Depending on the ionic environment, stepwise assembly is associated with accumulation of 50-75 Fe(II)/subunit. Initially, this Fe(II) is loosely bound to mYfh1p and can be readily mobilized by chelators or made available to the mitochondrial enzyme ferrochelatase to synthesize heme. Transfer of mYfh1p-bound Fe(II) to ferrochelatase occurs in the presence of citrate, a physiologic ferrous iron chelator, suggesting that the transfer involves an intermolecular interaction. If mYfh1p-bound Fe(II) is not transferred to a ligand, iron oxidation, and mineralization proceed to completion, Fe(III) becomes progressively less accessible, and a stable iron-protein complex is formed. Iron oxidation-driven stepwise assembly is a novel mechanism by which yeast frataxin can function as an iron chaperone or an iron store.  相似文献   
Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is an inherited neurodegenerative disorder and the first genetic cause of death in childhood. SMA is caused by low levels of survival motor neuron (SMN) protein that induce selective loss of α-motor neurons (MNs) in the spinal cord, resulting in progressive muscle atrophy and consequent respiratory failure. To date, no effective treatment is available to counteract the course of the disease. Among the different therapeutic strategies with potential clinical applications, the evaluation of trophic and/or protective agents able to antagonize MNs degeneration represents an attractive opportunity to develop valid therapies. Here we investigated the effects of IPLEX (recombinant human insulinlike growth factor 1 [rhIGF-1] complexed with recombinant human IGF-1 binding protein 3 [rhIGFBP-3]) on a severe mouse model of SMA. Interestingly, molecular and biochemical analyses of IGF-1 carried out in SMA mice before drug administration revealed marked reductions of IGF-1 circulating levels and hepatic mRNA expression. In this study, we found that perinatal administration of IPLEX, even if does not influence survival and body weight of mice, results in reduced degeneration of MNs, increased muscle fiber size and in amelioration of motor functions in SMA mice. Additionally, we show that phenotypic changes observed are not SMN-dependent, since no significant SMN modification was addressed in treated mice. Collectively, our data indicate IPLEX as a good therapeutic candidate to hinder the progression of the neurodegenerative process in SMA.  相似文献   
Calcineurin is a serine/threonine phosphatase involved in a wide range of cellular responses to calcium mobilizing signals. Previous evidence supports the notion of the existence of a redox regulation of this enzyme, which might be relevant for neurodegenerative processes, where an imbalance between generation and removal of reactive oxygen species could occur. In a recent work, we have observed that calcineurin activity is depressed in two models for familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (FALS) associated with mutations of the antioxidant enzyme Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1), namely in neuroblastoma cells expressing either SOD1 mutant G93A or mutant H46R and in brain areas from G93A transgenic mice. In this work we report that while wild-type SOD1 has a protective effect, calcineurin is oxidatively inactivated by mutant SOD1s in vitro; this inactivation is mediated by reactive oxygen species and can be reverted by addition of reducing agents. Furthermore, we show that calcineurin is sensitive to oxidation only when it is in an 'open', calcium-activated conformation, and that G93A-SOD1 must have its redox-active copper site available to substrates in order to exert its pro-oxidant properties on calcineurin. These findings demonstrate that both wild-type and mutant SOD1s can interfere directly with calcineurin activity and further support the possibility of a relevant role for calcineurin-regulated biochemical pathways in the pathogenesis of FALS.  相似文献   
Colorectal cancer (CRC) development is mediated by uncontrolled survival and proliferation of tumor progenitor cells. Using animal models to identify and study host-derived factors that underlie this process can aid interventions in preventing tumor expansion and metastasis. In healthy steady states in humans and mice (e.g. C57BL/6 strain), colonic Chitinase 3-like 1 (CHI3L1) gene expression is undetectable. However, this expression can be induced during intestinal inflammation and tumorigenesis where CHI3L1 plays an important role in tissue restitution and cell proliferation. Here, we show that a wild-derived mouse strain MOLF/EiJ expresses high levels of colonic epithelial CHI3L1 at the steady state due to several nucleotide polymorphisms in the proximal promoter regions of the CHI3L1 gene. Interestingly, these mice spontaneously developed polypoid nodules in the colon with signs of immune cell infiltrations at steady state. The CHI3L1 positive colonic epithelial cells were highly proliferative and exhibited malignant transformation and expansion when exposed in vivo to azoxymethane, one of the well-known colonic carcinogens.  相似文献   
Thrombin stimulation of platelets triggers Tyr phosphorylation of several signaling proteins, most of which remain unidentified. In this study, we demonstrate for the first time that hematopoietic lineage cell-specific protein 1 (HS1) undergoes a transient Tyr phosphorylation in human platelets stimulated with thrombin. The protein is synergistically phosphorylated by Syk and Lyn tyrosine kinases according to a sequential phosphorylation mechanism. By means of specific inhibitors (PP2, SU6656, and piceatannol) and phosphopeptide-specific antibodies, as well as by coimmunoprecipitation and binding competition experiments, we show that Syk acts as the primary kinase that phosphorylates HS1 at Tyr397 and that Syk phosphorylation is required for HS1 interaction with the Lyn SH2 domain. Upon docking to Syk-phosphorylated HS1, Lyn catalyzes the secondary phosphorylation of the protein at Tyr222. Once the secondary Tyr phosphorylation of HS1 is accomplished the protein dissociates from Lyn and undergoes a dephosphorylation process. HS1 Tyr phosphorylation does not occur when thrombin-induced actin assembly is inhibited by cytochalasin D even under conditions in which Syk and Lyn are still active. Immunofluorescence microscopic analysis shows that the agonist promotes HS1 migration to the plasma membrane and that the inhibition of Lyn-mediated secondary phosphorylation of HS1 abrogates the subcellular translocation of the protein. All together these results indicate that HS1 Tyr phosphorylation catalyzed by Syk and Lyn plays a crucial role in the translocation of the protein to the membrane and is involved in the cytoskeleton rearrangement triggered by thrombin in human platelets.  相似文献   
Population estimations are necessary for effective conservation management. In Italy, brown hare populations are commonly censused by spotlighting, but this method does not seem to suit an alpine environment due to its vegetational and orographical complexity. The aim of this study is to evaluate the critical aspects related to spotlight census method in an alpine environment. Spotlight was carried out along two transects of a typical alpine environment. Observed animals were used to define density (number of animal seen/100 ha) and method precision (coefficient of variation (CV) applied to monthly repeated observations). Animal detectability was evaluated using half-normal function with cosine expansion (Distance 5.0®). Animal observability was evaluated by analyzing density estimates related to habitat conformation (unseen areas or full visibility). The exact surface surveyed by spotlighting was evaluated, defining the observation spotlight beam range (OTA) and the land useful sighting (LUS). In the end, LUS was classified in three patches according to hare presence: no hares, occasional hare presence, and constant hare presence. To evaluate habitat influence onto CV, we used a bootstrap simulation. The results show that spotlighting alone is not the most suitable method to apply in the alpine environment because habitat structure highly influences census results. Recommendations to improve spotlight surveys for monitoring European brown hare populations are given.  相似文献   
A previous survey for clinical cases of Buruli ulcer (BU) in the Mapé Basin of Cameroon suggested that, compared to older age groups, very young children may be less exposed to Mycobacterium ulcerans. Here we determined serum IgG titres against the 18 kDa small heat shock protein (shsp) of M. ulcerans in 875 individuals living in the BU endemic river basins of the Mapé in Cameroon and the Densu in Ghana. While none of the sera collected from children below the age of four contained significant amounts of 18 kDa shsp specific antibodies, the majority of sera had high IgG titres against the Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP-1). These data suggest that exposure to M. ulcerans increases at an age which coincides with the children moving further away from their homes and having more intense environmental contact, including exposure to water bodies at the periphery of their villages.  相似文献   
The variability of cranial features of Atlantic and Mediterranean samples of Stenella coeruleoalba was examined using a three‐dimensional geometric morphometric approach. Data were collected on 79 skulls from the upper and middle Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic French coasts, and Scotland. Three‐dimensional x, y, and z coordinates of 27 landmarks were recorded on each left half skull using a Microscribe 3‐D digitizer. All configurations were rotated, centered, and scaled, and residuals from the mean configuration were analyzed through multivariate analyses of variance. Mahalanobis distances among populations were used to evaluate phenetic relationships. Consensus configurations were compared to visualize shape differences among samples. Analyses revealed significant differences among populations, a clear distinction of the Scottish coasts dolphins from the other samples, and a closer relationship of the dolphins from the French coasts to the Mediterranean populations than to the Scottish one. Shape differences are mainly concentrated in the rostral and in the occipital regions of the skull. Phylogenetic and adaptive factors were invoked as possible causes of the variation patterns.  相似文献   
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