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Comparative phylogenetic studies offer a powerful approach to study the evolution of complex traits. Although much effort has been devoted to the evolution of the genome and to organismal phenotypes, until now relatively little work has been done on the evolution of the metabolome, despite the fact that it is composed of the basic structural and functional building blocks of all organisms. Here we explore variation in metabolite levels across 50 My of evolution in the genus Drosophila, employing a common garden design to measure the metabolome within and among 11 species of Drosophila. We find that both sex and age have dramatic and evolutionarily conserved effects on the metabolome. We also find substantial evidence that many metabolite pairs covary after phylogenetic correction, and that such metabolome coevolution is modular. Some of these modules are enriched for specific biochemical pathways and show different evolutionary trajectories, with some showing signs of stabilizing selection. Both observations suggest that functional relationships may ultimately cause such modularity. These coevolutionary patterns also differ between sexes and are affected by age. We explore the relevance of modular evolution to fitness by associating modules with lifespan variation measured in the same common garden. We find several modules associated with lifespan, particularly in the metabolome of older flies. Oxaloacetate levels in older females appear to coevolve with lifespan, and a lifespan-associated module in older females suggests that metabolic associations could underlie 50 My of lifespan evolution.  相似文献   
Most of the studies carried out in the past on economically important fish species rely on single species approach. Ecosystem dynamics are characterized by complex interaction among species, sharing common habitat needs and thus forming characteristic assemblages. The analysis of spatio-temporal variability of fish community, coupled to the analysis of spatial indices, provides a synthetic view of the fish community status evidencing, if any, the way a community changes. Such considerations drive also to the development of ecosystem-based fishery management paradigm. In the present study changes in pelagic fish community structure in an upwelling ecosystem of the central Mediterranean Sea during the last 10 years was analysed, by focusing the attention on the five most abundant small pelagic species: Engraulis encrasicolus, Sardina pilchardus, Sardinella aurita, Trachurus trachurus and Boops boops. Our results evidenced a quite stable community structure, characterized by spatial occupation strongly driven by ecosystem characteristics and modulated according to specie-specific behaviour. Obtained results lead us to hypothesize that the observed stability of community could be linked to the presence of different environments leading to efficient space partitioning and resources utilization among species.  相似文献   
The alkaloids of Uncaria tomentosa micropropagated plantlets and root cultures were isolated and identified by NMR and mass spectrometry. Plantlets yielded pteropodine (1), isopteropodine (2), mitraphylline (3), isomitraphylline (4), uncarine F (5), speciophylline (6), rhynchophylline (7) and isorhynchophylline (8). In plantlets growing under continuous light, tetracyclic alkaloids 7 and 8 decreased from 20 ± 1.8 at 2 months to 2.2 ± 0.33 mg/g dry wt at 6 months, while the pentacyclic alkaloids 14 increased from 7.7 ± 1.4 to 15 ± 0.05 mg/g dry wt, supporting their biogenetic conversion. Micropropagated plantlets produced four times more alkaloids (27.6 ± 3.1 mg/g dry wt) than greenhouse plants. Plantlet roots yielded 3, 4, 8 and the glucoindole alkaloids 3α-dihydrocadambine (9) and dolichantoside (10), the last one not previously found in Uncaria.  相似文献   
Mud fiddler crabs, Uca pugnax, have a streak of blue coloration located on the front of the carapace above the mouth and centered between the eyes. We documented that this blue streak is absent in juveniles and develops as crabs become sexually mature. By photographing male crabs under controlled conditions in the laboratory, we demonstrated that the brightness of the blue streak (in comparison with the rest of the carapace) is dynamic, and can dim from bright blue to nearly black in fewer than two minutes. We examined blue streak variability in male crabs in response to physical factors (light and temperature) and social context to begin to understand what causes its dynamic response. The blue streak darkens in response to decreased ambient light, but does not respond to changes in temperature. In the field, it is brighter when crabs are roaming on the mudflat or fighting, but darker when crabs are basking or performing waving displays. The highly visual nature of fiddler crabs and the dynamic character of the blue streak suggest that it may communicate information about the state of a crab or its environment.  相似文献   
We describe a new titanosaurian braincase (MML-194), from the Upper Cretaceous (middle Campanian-lower Maastrichtian) of Río Negro Province, Argentina. Among titanosaurs, this specimen resembles Bonatitan reigi, more than any other member of the clade; the similarity is based on the supraoccipital protuberance bearing a median groove (also present in Saltasaurus and Rapetosaurus), the prominent basal tubera, the exit for the nerve VII located on the prootic crest, the occipital condyle and the foramen magnum almost of the same width. This material allows to observe some internal structures that are not appreciable in other titanosaurs, such as the pituitary cavity, the dorsum sellae and the foramen for the passage of the internal carotids, among other characters. The specimen MML-194 and Bonatitan were exhumed of same geological unit, the Allen Formation, from which have also been collected fossil eggs assignable to sauropods (megalooliths), for what is not unlikely that some of these taxa has been responsible of the laying of those eggs.  相似文献   
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