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Bacteria that inhabit the mucosal surfaces of the respiratory and genitourinary tracts of mammals encounter an iron-deficient environment because of iron sequestration by the host iron-binding proteins transferrin and lactoferrin. Lactoferrin is also present in high concentrations at sites of inflammation where the cationic, antimicrobial peptide lactoferricin is produced by proteolysis of lactoferrin. Several Gram-negative pathogens express a lactoferrin receptor that enables the bacteria to use lactoferrin as an iron source. The receptor is composed of an integral membrane protein, lactoferrin binding protein A (LbpA), and a membrane-bound lipoprotein, lactoferrin binding protein B (LbpB). LbpA is essential for growth with lactoferrin as the sole iron source, whereas the role of LbpB in iron acquisition is not yet known. In this study, we demonstrate that LbpB from 2 different species is capable of providing protection against the killing activity of a human lactoferrin-derived peptide. We investigated the prevalence of lactoferrin receptors in bacteria and examined their sequence diversity. We propose that the protection against the cationic antimicrobial human lactoferrin-derived peptide is associated with clusters of negatively charged amino acids in the C-terminal lobe of LbpB that is a common feature of this protein.  相似文献   
Transmembrane adhesion receptors, such as integrins, mediate cell adhesion by interacting with intracellular proteins that connect to the cytoskeleton. Talin, one such linker protein, is essential to connect extracellular matrix-bound integrins to the cytoskeleton. Talin can connect to the cytoskeleton either directly, through its actin-binding motifs, or indirectly, by recruiting other actin-binding proteins. Talin's carboxy-terminal end contains a well-characterized actin-binding domain (ABD). We tested the role of the C-terminal ABD of talin in integrin function in Drosophila. We found that introduction of mutations that reduced actin binding in vitro into the isolated C-terminal Talin-ABD impaired actin binding in vivo. Moreover, when engineered into full-length talin, these mutations disrupted a subset of integrin-mediated adhesion-dependent developmental events. Specifically, morphogenetic processes that involve dynamic, short-term integrin-mediated adhesion were particularly sensitive to impaired function of the C-terminal Talin-ABD. We propose that during development talin connects integrins to the cytoskeleton in distinct ways in different types of integrin-mediated adhesion: directly in transient adhesions and indirectly in stable long-lasting adhesions. Our results provide insight into how a similar array of molecular components can contribute to diverse adhesive processes throughout development.  相似文献   
Diverse fungal mutualists, pathogens and saprobes colonize plant leaves. These fungi face a complex environment, in which stochastic dispersal interplays with abiotic and biotic filters. However, identification of the specific factors that drive the community assembly seems unattainable. We mined two broad data sets and identified chemical elements, to which dominant molecular operational taxonomic units (OTUs) in the foliage of a native tree respond most extremely. While many associations could be identified, potential complicating issues emerged. Those were related to unevenly distributed OTU frequency data, a large number of potentially explanatory variables and the disproportionate effects of outlier observations.Key words: community assembly, environmental filter, fungi, heavy metal enrichment, nutrient enrichment, oak, Quercus macrocarpaHyperdiverse fungal communities inhabit the foliage of most plants1,2 and these fungal communities have been reported for virtually every plant that has been examined.3 Baas-Becking hypothesis states that environment selects microbial communities from the abundant and possibly globally distributed propagule pools.4 Although the foliage-associated communities—like other microbial communities—are suspected to be sensitive to environmental drivers, determination of the mechanisms that control the assembly of these foliar communities has remained difficult and elusive. Some of the proposed mechanisms include distance limitations to propagule dispersal,57 volume limitations to propagule loads,7 or limitations set by the environmental conditions either on the scale of the site of fungal colonization8 or more broadly on a landscape level.6,9 The forces that may control the fungal community assembly are overlaid by additional biotic controls that include compatibilities between the fungi and host species10,11 or genotypes6,12 and the competitive or facilitative interactions among the component fungal genotypes.6,1013 Although a variety of potential controls for the foliage-associated fungal communities have been speculated, very little consensus exists on the relative importance of the different drivers. For example, while macronutrient and heavy metal enrichment may have an influence on the composition fungal communities14 and populations,15 relative importance of various chemical elements in the foliage remains yet to be investigated.To evaluate the use of multi-element fingerprinting data produced by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) in combination with high throughput 454-pyrosequencing for determining influential chemical elements in structuring of the leaf-associated fungal communities, we mined a recent dataset16 that explored the effects of urbanization on the diversity and composition of the fungal communities associated with a native tree Quercus macrocarpa. From a total list of more than 700 non-singleton fungal OTUs, we selected fifty with highest overall frequency to provide an observationrich dataset for elemental effect assessment; these OTUs accounted for 84.5% of all sequences. Even so, many of these OTUs had a number of zero frequencies (Fig. 1), highlighting one of the difficulties in the use of environmental sequencing data. We omitted one OTU (OTU630 with a likely affinity to Trimmatostroma cordae [Mycosphaerellaceae]) that was strongly affected by the original land use design (urbanization; Wilcoxon rank sum test with a Bonferroni adjustment) and therefore unlikely to be representative for the present analyses of elemental drivers. This OTU was replaced with one with the next highest frequency. The frequencies of these 50 OTUs were investigated in the context of concentrations for 29 elements after the omission of five (Ag, Au, C, δ13C, δ15N) in the final analyses because of their strong association with the land use or the difficulty of finding a biological relevance. Of the remaining elements three (Fe, Cr and Ni) had pairwise correlations exceeding 0.98 between the three pairings; others showed no similar high correlations. To allow comparable evaluation across the broad array of elements, all concentrations were standardized to have a mean equal to zero and a standard deviation equal to one.Open in a separate windowFigure 1Rank-ordered distribution of observed frequencies for those OTU s whose frequency had an extreme slope when associated with the concentrations of one or more chemical elements in the mixed effects model. The asterisk denotes one extreme frequency for OTU 313 with a value 0.8636. Numbers in parentheses indicate the number of observations with a frequency equal to zero. The OTU s were assigned to approximate taxa using BLAST:20 425: Alternaria alternata (Pleosporaceae); 46: Phoma glomerata (Pleosporaceae); 686: Aureobasidium pullulans (Dothioraceae); 520: Davidiella tassiana (Davidiellaceae); 567: Cladosporioum tenuissimum (Davidiellaceae); 313 Oidium heveae (mitosporic Erysiphaceae); 586: Erysiphe hypogena (Erysiphaceae); 671: Mycosphaerella microsora (Mycosphaerellaceae); 555: Pestalotiopsis sp. (Amphisphaeriaceae); 607: Pleiochaeta setosa (incertae sedis).To rank elements according to their magnitude of association with the abundance of each OTU, a total of 1,450 models (50 OTUs times 29 elements) relating element concentration to OTU abundance were fit to the data. For each model, OTU frequency was the dependent variable, element concentration and time (a factor with three levels) were fixed effects, and—to account for the spatial arrangement of the experimental units—random effects associated with tree nested within site were included in the error structure. Time by element interactions were also investigated and tested using a likelihood ratio test. These mixed effect models were fit using R and the package lme4 (www.rproject.org).Statistical “tests of significance” that produce p-values can be sensitive to assumptions or outliers. Because of this and the fact that our analyses evaluated a total of 1,450 models, p-values themselves were not considered a reliable measure of importance when associating elements with OTU frequency. Instead, we emphasized metrics that highlight extraordinary findings rather than rely on tests of statistical significance. This approach facilitates finding few elements that have the strongest effect on OTU frequency. Note that the use of standardized element concentrations (above) provided slope coefficients that are comparable across all models. “Extreme slopes”, i.e., models where the OTU response to element concentration was strongest, were identified as those with estimated slope coefficients in the lower or upper 2.5 percentile, i.e., those farther than 1.8 standard deviations from the mean across all estimated slopes (Fig. 2). Using this approach, we identified a total of 69 models with extreme slopes (Open in a separate windowFigure 2Distribution of estimated slopes (i.e., the slope for element concentration) for a model relating OTU frequency to element concentration, time and a concentration by time interaction, including a tree-nested-within-site random effect. The mean across all 1,450 OTU s is approximately zero; the two vertical lines identify upper and lower 2.5 percentiles, beyond which the slopes were considered extreme (large black symbols). The horizontal line identifies the cut off maximum leverage (0.24), above which the slopes were considered to have observations with high leverage. Models with observations with a high leverage were tested for extreme slopes by refitting without those observations. Models are ranked from bottom to top in order of increasing leverage and the element for which the high-leverage observations and extreme slopes were recorded are identified on the right y-axis.

Table 1

Slopes identified as extreme in our analyses
ElementOTU 425OTU 46OTU 686OTU 520OTU 567OTU 313OTU 586OTU 671OTU 555OTU 607
Open in a separate windowPositive slopes are indicated by +, negative by −. Parentheses indicate where a statistically significant (α = 0.05) interaction was observed (likelihood ratio test). Extreme slopes with observations with high leverage are identified by an asterisk (*) and those where omission of high-leverage observations lead to a non-extreme slopes are identified by two asterisks (**). Note that eight of the ten OTU s in the table had an extreme slope with at least one element concentration after accounting for high leverage and interactions in the model.Unfortunately, the models with extreme slopes were often affected by high leverage observations (outliers in the explanatory variables) that may have exerted substantial influence on the magnitudes of the slopes. We accounted for this by computing leverage values based on the fixed effect model matrix (element concentration and time) for each model. High leverage was defined as those observations with leverage approximately twice the mean leverage over all samples for a particular model as is considered conventional by some authors.17 This value was approximately 0.24 for our models. The models with high leverage and extreme slopes were re-evaluated by refitting the model to the data after omission of the influential observations. Of the 69 models with extreme slopes only 22 were void of influential observations by our metric (Fig. 1). Our analyses included the possibility of identifying those models that were affected by numerous low frequencies and a few high frequency observations. We argue that the few higher frequencies are most likely indicative of those elements that also have extreme concentrations in the same samples; we did not want to miss such findings. Second, no one element controls the occurrence of all or even majority, of the OTUs, but the OTUs appear to respond positively or negatively to different drivers. This is strongly visible even among the eight that remained through our rigorous evaluation of a vast number of models. This can be interpreted in the context of a niche. Foliage represents a complex abiotic physicochemical habitat within which organisms are sorted based by stochastic arrival parameters, but also by either environmental tolerances or nutritional preferences. Those fungi best able to colonize and invade the available substrate under any given combination of the complex physical and chemical environmental matrix will persist and be detected most frequently. Thirdly, even for one OTU, many elements may have strong and occasionally opposing effects. For example, for OTU425, B, Cd, Ce, Cu, Na, had positive effects, whereas N, P, Sc had negative effects (18,19 it is tempting to speculate on species replacement or on tolerance to nutrient enrichment as a result of changes in the abiotic chemical environment. However, one must exercise caution: as we point out above, a number of other alternative factors come to play when a correlative relationship like this is considered across two discrete and complex datasets. Several heavy metal concentrations also showed either positive or negative associations with the fungal OTU frequencies. To exemplify, the frequencies of OTUs 313 and 425 were positively associated with the concentrations of Cd and OTU 46 was positively associated with Zn, whereas OTUs 313 and 586 were negatively associated Hg and Pb concentrations, respectively. Does this mean that these species differ in their sensitivities to these particular heavy metals? Not necessarily, but these observational data provide a starting point for more explicit hypothesis-driven experiments that allow for specific elucidation of the fungal responses to these elements and may guide future experimentation.We conducted a high-dimensional exploratory analysis to evaluate potential effects of element concentration on OTU frequencies. Using a repeated measures mixed effects model, we were able to compile a brief list of chemical elements with the most likely (based on these data) strongest effects on the abundances of the dominant components of the phyllosphere-associated fungal communities. Complicating the use of usual methods of statistical inference (i.e., use of p-values) was the sparseness in the occurrence of many OTUs across samples and outlying observations in the concentration of some elements. We chose the extreme slopes approach that allowed ranking associations between OTU frequency and element concentration with no assumptions regarding normality or equivariance that may be violated using traditional tools of inference (e.g., Analysis of Variance). Still, some of the observed associations may have been affected by extreme leverage points (outliers in the explanatory variables) and these were accounted for in the present analyses by model re-evaluation after omission of the high-leverage observations. While our analyses identified a number of biologically meaningful associations between chemical elements and molecular OTUs, rigorous experimentation is mandatory to establish causative relationships.  相似文献   
To evaluate the potential association between the GSTP1 genotype and the development of breast cancer, a hospital based case-control study was conducted on Korean women. The study population consisted of 171 histologically confirmed incident breast cancer cases and 171 age-matched controls with no present or previous history of cancer. PCR-RFLP was used for the GSTP1 genotyping and statistical evaluations were performed using an unconditional logistic regression model. Postmenopausal women with the GSTP1 Val allele were found to have a reduced risk of breast cancer (OR = 0.3, 95 % CI = 0.10-0.74). A significant interaction was observed between the GSTP1 genotype and alcohol consumption (p for interaction = 0.01); compared with never-drinking women with Ile/Ile genotype, ever-drinking women with the GSTP1 Val allele had almost a three-fold risk of breast cancer (OR = 2.9, 95 % CI = 1.05-7.85), whereas never-drinking women with Val allele had half this risk (OR = 0.5, 95 % CI = 0.27-0.93). Our findings suggest that the GSTP1 polymorphism influences individual susceptibility to breast cancer in the Korean women and this effect may be modified by alcohol consumption.  相似文献   
Calreticulin is a molecular chaperone found in the endoplasmic reticulum in eukaryotes, and its interaction with N-glycosylated polypeptides is mediated by the glycan Glc(1)Man(7-9)GlcNAc(2) present on the target glycoproteins. Here, we report the thermodynamic parameters of its interaction with di-, tri-, and tetrasaccharide, which are truncated versions of the glucosylated arm of Glc(1)Man(7-9)GlcNAc(2), determined by the quantitative technique of isothermal titration calorimetry. This method provides a direct estimate of the binding constants (K(b)) and changes in enthalpy of binding (Delta H(b) degrees ) as well as the stoichiometry of the reaction. Unlike past speculations, these studies demonstrate unambiguously that calreticulin has only one site per molecule for binding its complementary glucosylated ligands. Although the binding of glucose by itself is not detectable, a binding constant of 4.19 x 10(4) m(-1) at 279 K is obtained when glucose occurs in alpha-1,3 linkage to Man alpha Me as in Glc alpha 1-3Man alpha Me. The binding constant increases by 25-fold from di- to trisaccharide and doubles from tri- to tetrasaccharide, demonstrating that the entire Glc alpha 1-3Man alpha 1-2Man alpha 1-2Man alpha Me structure of the oligosaccharide is recognized by calreticulin. The thermodynamic parameters thus obtained were supported by modeling studies, which showed that increased number of hydrogen bonds and van der Waals interactions occur as the size of the oligosaccharide is increased. Also, several novel findings about the recognition of saccharide ligands by calreticulin vis á vis legume lectins, which have the same fold as this chaperone, are discussed.  相似文献   
Acid sphingomyelinase (ASM; sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase, EC is the lysosomal enzyme that hydrolyzes sphingomyelin (SPM) to phosphorylcholine and ceramide. An inherited deficiency of ASM activity results in Types A and B Niemann-Pick disease (NPD). In this study we report a new assay method to detect ASM activity and diagnose NPD using the fluorescent substrate BODIPY C12-SPM and reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The reaction product, BODIPY C12-ceramide (B12Cer), could be clearly and efficiently separated from the substrate within 4 min using a reverse-phase column (Aquasil C18, Keystone Scientific). Femtomole quantities of B12Cer could be detected in as little as 1.0 micro l of human plasma, providing a sensitive measure of ASM activity. The mean ASM activity in human plasma from NPD patients (36 pmol/ml/h) was only 2.7% of that in normal plasma (1334 pmol/ml/h), confirming the specificity and diagnostic value of this new assay method. Importantly, the mean ASM activity in human plasma from NPD carriers (258.3 pmol/ml/h) also was significantly reduced (19.5% of normal). The ranges of ASM plasma activities in NPD patients (N=19), NPD carriers (N=11), and normal subjects (N=15) were 2.5-97.3, 108-551, and 1030-2124 pmol/ml/h, respectively. Based on these results, we suggest that this fluorescence-based HPLC assay method is a reliable, rapid, and highly sensitive technique to determine ASM activity and that plasma is a very reliable and simple source for the accurate diagnosis of NPD patients and carriers based on ASM activity.  相似文献   
Precise subcellular localization is an important factor in regulation of the functions of protein tyrosine phosphatases. The non-receptor form of protein tyrosine phosphatase epsilon (cyt-PTP(epsilon)) can be found in cell nuclei, among other cellular locations, while p67 PTP(epsilon), a naturally occurring isoform which lacks the 27 N terminal residues of cyt-PTP(epsilon), is exclusively cytosolic. Using deletion and scanning mutagenesis we report that the first 10 amino acid residues of cyt-PTP(epsilon), in particular residues R4, K5, and R9, are critical components for its nuclear localization. We also establish that increased oxidative stress enhances accumulation of cyt-PTP(epsilon) in cell nuclei. Of the four known protein forms of PTP(epsilon), cyt-PTP(epsilon) is the only one which includes the extreme N-terminal sequence containing R4, K5, and R9. The role of the unique N terminus of cyt-PTP(epsilon) is therefore to regulate its subcellular localization. The existence of naturally occurring forms of PTP(epsilon) which lack this sequence and which are generated by translational and posttranslational mechanisms, suggests that nuclear localization of cyt-PTP(epsilon) can be actively regulated by cells.  相似文献   
Despite the intense interest in the metabolic regulation and evolution of the ATP-producing pathways, the long standing question of why most multicellular microorganisms metabolize glucose by respiration rather than fermentation remains unanswered. One such microorganism is the cellulolytic fungus Trichoderma reesei (Hypocrea jecorina). Using EST analysis and cDNA microarrays, we find that in T. reesei expression of the genes encoding the enzymes of the tricarboxylic acid cycle and the proteins of the electron transport chain is programmed in a way that favors the oxidation of pyruvate via the tricarboxylic acid cycle rather than its reduction to ethanol by fermentation. Moreover, the results indicate that acetaldehyde may be channeled into acetate rather than ethanol, thus preventing the regeneration of NAD(+), a pivotal product required for anaerobic metabolism. The studies also point out that the regulatory machinery controlled by glucose was most probably the target of evolutionary pressure that directed the flow of metabolites into respiratory metabolism rather than fermentation. This finding has significant implications for the development of metabolically engineered cellulolytic microorganisms for fuel production from cellulose biomass.  相似文献   
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