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Oncolytic viruses (OVs) represent an exciting new biological approach to cancer therapy. In particular, RNA viruses have emerged as potent agents for oncolytic virotherapy because of their capacity to specifically target and destroy tumour cells while sparing normal cells and tissues. Several barriers remain in the development of OV therapy, including poor penetration into the tumour mass, inefficient virus replication in primary cancers, and tumour-specific resistance to OV-mediated killing. The combination of OVs with cytotoxic agents, such as small molecule inhibitors of signalling or immunomodulators, as well as stealth delivery of therapeutic viruses have shown promise as novel experimental strategies to overcome resistance to viral oncolysis. These agents complement OV therapy by unblocking host pathways, delivering viruses with greater efficiency and/or increasing virus proliferation at the tumour site. In this review, we summarize recent development of these concepts, the potential obstacles, and future prospects for the clinical utilization of RNA OVs in cancer therapy.  相似文献   
Synaptogenesis has been extensively studied along with dendritic spine development in glutamatergic pyramidal neurons, however synapse development in cortical interneurons, which are largely aspiny, is comparatively less well understood. Dact1, one of 3 paralogous Dact (Dapper/Frodo) family members in mammals, is a scaffold protein implicated in both the Wnt/β-catenin and the Wnt/Planar Cell Polarity pathways. We show here that Dact1 is expressed in immature cortical interneurons. Although Dact1 is first expressed in interneuron precursors during proliferative and migratory stages, constitutive Dact1 mutant mice have no major defects in numbers or migration of these neurons. However, cultured cortical interneurons derived from these mice have reduced numbers of excitatory synapses on their dendrites. We selectively eliminated Dact1 from mouse cortical interneurons using a conditional knock-out strategy with a Dlx-I12b enhancer-Cre allele, and thereby demonstrate a cell-autonomous role for Dact1 during postsynaptic development. Confirming this cell-autonomous role, we show that synapse numbers in Dact1 deficient cortical interneurons are rescued by virally-mediated re-expression of Dact1 specifically targeted to these cells. Synapse numbers in these neurons are also rescued by similarly targeted expression of the Dact1 binding partner Dishevelled-1, and partially rescued by expression of Disrupted in Schizophrenia-1, a synaptic protein genetically implicated in susceptibility to several major mental illnesses. In sum, our results support a novel cell-autonomous postsynaptic role for Dact1, in cooperation with Dishevelled-1 and possibly Disrupted in Schizophrenia-1, in the formation of synapses on cortical interneuron dendrites.  相似文献   
Conjugation of ubiquitin regulates multiple pathways, including the signaling cascades leading to antiviral immunity. Similarly, the ubiquitin-like peptide ISG15 mediates the antiviral response to certain viruses. In this issue of Cell Host & Microbe, Frias-Staheli and colleagues demonstrate that research on viral proteases of certain nairoviruses and arteriviruses reveals the presence of ovarian tumor domain-containing sequences that act as general deubiquitinases and deISGylases and increase viral replication by inhibiting the antiviral response mediated by ISG15.  相似文献   
Human T cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is the etiologic agent of Adult T cell Leukemia (ATL) and the neurological disorder HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP). Although the majority of HTLV-1-infected individuals remain asymptomatic carriers (AC) during their lifetime, 2-5% will develop either ATL or HAM/TSP, but never both. To better understand the gene expression changes in HTLV-1-associated diseases, we examined the mRNA profiles of CD4+ T cells isolated from 7 ATL, 12 HAM/TSP, 11 AC and 8 non-infected controls. Using genomic approaches followed by bioinformatic analysis, we identified gene expression pattern characteristic of HTLV-1 infected individuals and particular disease states. Of particular interest, the suppressor of cytokine signaling 1--SOCS1--was upregulated in HAM/TSP and AC patients but not in ATL. Moreover, SOCS1 was positively correlated with the expression of HTLV-1 mRNA in HAM/TSP patient samples. In primary PBMCs transfected with a HTLV-1 proviral clone and in HTLV-1-transformed MT-2 cells, HTLV-1 replication correlated with induction of SOCS1 and inhibition of IFN-α/β and IFN-stimulated gene expression. Targeting SOCS1 with siRNA restored type I IFN production and reduced HTLV-1 replication in MT-2 cells. Conversely, exogenous expression of SOCS1 resulted in enhanced HTLV-1 mRNA synthesis. In addition to inhibiting signaling downstream of the IFN receptor, SOCS1 inhibited IFN-β production by targeting IRF3 for ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation. These observations identify a novel SOCS1 driven mechanism of evasion of the type I IFN antiviral response against HTLV-1.  相似文献   
Molecular studies of parentage have been extremely influential in the study of sexual selection in the last decade, but a consensus statistical method for the characterization of genetic mating systems has not yet emerged. Here we study the utility of alternative mating system measures by experimentally altering the intensity of sexual selection in laboratory-based breeding populations of the rough-skinned newt. Our experiment involved skewed sex ratio (high sexual selection) and even sex ratio (low sexual selection) treatments, and we assessed the mating system by assigning parentage with microsatellite markers. Our results show that mating system measures based on Bateman's principles accurately reflect the intensity of sexual selection. One key component of this way of quantifying mating systems is the Bateman gradient, which is currently underutilized in the study of genetic mating systems. We also compare inferences based on Bateman's principles with those obtained using two other mating system measures that have been advocated recently (Morisita's index and the index of resource monopolization), and our results produce no justification for the use of these alternative measures. Overall, our results show that Bateman's principles provide the best available method for the statistical characterization of mating systems in nature.  相似文献   
Cigarette consumption during pregnancy produces deleterious effects in both, mother and fetus, some of them due to the presence of toxic elements in cigarette smoke, such as cadmium. Placenta constitutes a dual-purpose specimen for evaluating the pollutant burden exerted on the mother as well as on the fetus. The main objective of this study was to establish a correlation between placental concentration and distribution of some metal elements and birth weight of neonates delivered by mothers, who were either moderate smokers or nonsmokers. Forty nonsmoking and moderate smoking pregnant women paired per age, parity, weight, height and body mass index were selected. Smoking was assessed by self-reported cigarette consumption during pregnancy and urine cotinine concentration before delivery. Placental metal concentrations were evaluated by atomic absorption spectrometry (copper and cadmium) and neutron activation analysis (zinc and iron). Newborns from smokers had lower birth weights compared to infants from nonsmokers. Birth weights were correlated with placental cadmium concentrations in both, smokers and nonsmokers. Placental zinc and cadmium of smokers were mainly located at the maternal side and their levels were higher than those found in nonsmokers placentas. In addition, all metal nutrient/pollutant ratios were decreased in the smoker group. In this first study performed in our region, we found that moderate smoking mothers deliver neonates with decreased birth weight and highly correlated to placental cadmium concentration. Decreased metal nutrient/pollutant ratios, a condition here found in smokers, may indicate a placental dysfunction, contributing to impair birth weight.  相似文献   
Interferon regulatory factors (IRFs) are involved in gene regulation in many biological processes including the antiviral, growth regulatory, and immune modulatory functions of the interferon system. Several studies have demonstrated that IRF-3, IRF-5, and IRF-7 specifically contribute to the innate antiviral response to virus infection. It has been reported that virus-specific phosphorylation leads to IRF-5 nuclear localization and up-regulation of interferon, cytokine, and chemokine gene expression. Two nuclear localization signals have been identified in IRF-5, both of which are sufficient for nuclear translocation and retention in virus-infected cells. In the present study, we demonstrate that a CRM1-dependent nuclear export pathway is involved in the regulation of IRF-5 subcellular localization. IRF-5 possesses a functional nuclear export signal (NES) that controls dynamic shuttling between the cytoplasm and the nucleus. The NES element is dominant in unstimulated cells and results in the predominant cytoplasmic localization of IRF-5. Mutation of two leucine residues in the NES motif to alanine, or three adjacent Ser/Thr residues to the phosphomimetic Asp, results in constitutively nuclear IRF-5 and suggests that phosphorylation of adjacent Ser/Thr residues may contribute to IRF-5 nuclear accumulation in virus-induced cells. IKK-related kinases TBK1 and IKKepsilon have been shown to phosphorylate and activate IRF-3 and IRF-7, leading to the production of type 1 interferons and the development of a cellular antiviral state. We examined the phosphorylation and activation of IRF-5 by TBK1 and IKKepsilon kinases. Although IRF-5 is phosphorylated by IKKepsilon and TBK1 in co-transfected cells, the phosphorylation of IRF-5 did not lead to IRF-5 nuclear localization or activation.  相似文献   
Previous studies of repetitive elements (REs) have implicated a mechanistic role in generating new chimerical genes. Such examples are consistent with the classic model for exon shuffling, which relies on non-homologous recombination. However, recent data for chromosomal aberrations in model organisms suggest that ectopic homology-dependent recombination may also be important. Lack of a dataset comprising experimentally verified young duplicates has hampered an effective examination of these models as well as an investigation of sequence features that mediate the rearrangements. Here we use approximately 7,000 cDNA probes (approximately 112,000 primary images) to screen eight species within the Drosophila melanogaster subgroup and identify 17 duplicates that were generated through ectopic recombination within the last 12 mys. Most of these are functional and have evolved divergent expression patterns and novel chimeric structures. Examination of their flanking sequences revealed an excess of repetitive sequences, with the majority belonging to the transposable element DNAREP1 family, associated with the new genes. Our dataset strongly suggests an important role for REs in the generation of chimeric genes within these species.  相似文献   
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