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Reparative regeneration in different periods following nephrectomy and the application of low-dose radiation has been studied by means of light and electron microscopy. Experimentally induced ischemia resulted in the destruction of renal corpuscles, the perishing of tubular epithelial cells, and the proliferation of connective tissue. Reparative regeneration is based on aseptic inflammation and its phase duration depends on the extent of organ injury. In nephrectomized rats, reparative regeneration is accompanied by necrosis and the deposition of calcium in the cortical substance. Calcium plays an important role in kidney metabolism and its increased content is characteristic of degenerative changes. The experiments showed that the use of low-dose radiation does not accelerate the process of reparative regeneration in rat kidney.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Septic shock is a leading cause of mortality in intensive care units. No new interventions in the last 20 years have made a substantial impact on the outcome of patients with septic shock. Identification of inhibitable pathways that mediate death in shock is an important goal. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two novel caspase inhibitors, (2-indolyl)-carbonyl-Ala-Asp-fluoromethylketone (IDN 1529) and (1-methyl-3-methyl-2-indolyl)-carbonyl-Val-Asp-fluoromethylketone (IDN 1965), were studied in a murine model of endotoxic shock. RESULTS: IDN 1529 prolonged survival when given before or up to 3 hr after high-dose LPS (p < 0.01) and increased by 2.2-fold the number of animals surviving longterm after a lower dose of LPS (p < 0.01). Despite its similar chemical structure, IDN 1965 lacked these protective effects. Both compounds inhibited caspases 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, and 9, and both afforded comparable reduction in Fas- and LPS-induced caspase 3-like activity and apoptosis. Paradoxically, administration of IDN 1529 but not IDN 1965 led to an increase in the LPS-induced elevation of serum cytokines related directly (IL-1beta, IL-18) or indirectly (IL-1alpha, IL-1Ra) to the action of caspase 1. CONCLUSIONS: A process that appears to be distinct from both apoptosis and the release of inflammatory cytokines is a late-acting requirement for lethality in endotoxic shock. Inhibition of this process can rescue mice even when therapy is initiated after LPS has made the mice severely ill.  相似文献   
Anti-angiogenic treatment of glioblastoma with Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF)- or VEGF Receptor 2 (VEGFR2) inhibitors normalizes tumor vessels, resulting in a profound radiologic response and improved quality of life. This approach however does not halt tumor progression by diffuse infiltration, as this phenotype is less angiogenesis dependent. Combined inhibition of angiogenesis and diffuse infiltrative growth would therefore be a more effective treatment approach in these tumors. The HGF/c-MET axis is important in both angiogenesis and cell migration in several tumor types including glioma. We therefore analyzed the effects of the c-MET- and VEGFR2 tyrosine kinase inhibitor cabozantinib (XL184, Exelixis) on c-MET positive orthotopic E98 glioblastoma xenografts, which routinely present with angiogenesis-dependent areas of tumor growth, as well as diffuse infiltrative growth. In in vitro cultures of E98 cells, cabozantinib effectively inhibited c-MET phosphorylation, concomitant with inhibitory effects on AKT and ERK1/2 phosphorylation, and cell proliferation and migration. VEGFR2 activation in endothelial cells was also effectively inhibited in vitro. Treatment of BALB/c nu/nu mice carrying orthotopic E98 xenografts resulted in a significant increase in overall survival. Cabozantinib effectively inhibited angiogenesis, resulting in increased hypoxia in angiogenesis-dependent tumor areas, and induced vessel normalization. Yet, tumors ultimately escaped cabozantinib therapy by diffuse infiltrative outgrowth via vessel co-option. Of importance, in contrast to the results from in vitro experiments, in vivo blockade of c-MET activation was incomplete, possibly due to multiple factors including restoration of the blood-brain barrier resulting from cabozantinib-induced VEGFR2 inhibition. In conclusion, cabozantinib is a promising therapy for c-MET positive glioma, but improving delivery of the drug to the tumor and/or the surrounding tissue may be needed for full activity.  相似文献   
This study was aimed at investigating alternate methods for serodiagnosis of tuberculosis (TB), which are needed because bacteriologic diagnosis of childhood TB is difficult. A selection of 80 serum and saliva samples were tested from Warao indigenous children under 15 years of age; 34 high TB suspects (28 positive and 6 negative for the tuberculin skin test, TST) and 46 healthy contact children (32 positive and 14 negative for the TST). Several enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) serological tests were developed to test for Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific antibodies, including serum IgA, IgG, IgE, and secretory IgA (sIgA) in saliva against 3 specific antigens (PPD, HSP60, 38 kDa). Of these, 2 antigens, PPD and 38 kDa, showed significantly higher reactivity. The sensitivity and specificity of these tests for diagnosis remained limited, between 26.5% and 38.2%, and 77.4% and 97%, respectively. Of all the samples studied and combinations realized between all isotypes and antigens combined with 3 isotypes (anti-PPD IgG, IgE, and anti-38kDa sIgA) managed to detect the largest number of patients, showing an improved sensitivity level of 64.7%, although specificity levels dropped to 81.8%. These results were compared with the Omega diagnostics commercial kit results. The commercial kits showed significantly lower reactivity (sensitivity of 20% and 13.33% to Myco G and Complex Plus, respectively) and a specificity of 100%. This study shows that in indigenous populations of Venezuela, where invasive procedures cannot be used to select samples but evaluation with a chest X-ray for radiological studies is available, the combination of 3 specific isotypes may be a useful tool to increase diagnostic accuracy with pulmonary TB in this population, when used together with clinical and epidemiological criteria.  相似文献   
The quantitative picture analysis of video fluorescein angiograms allows one to evaluate retinal hemodynamics. However, this method does not permit us to quantify the retinal capillary perfusion. Now, for the first time, we are able to quantify capillary bloodflow directly and objectively by means of scanning laser ophthalmoscopy. Even the measurement of the bloodflow velocity in all capillaries is now possible. Using digital frame-to-frame picture analysis of digital recordings, bloodflow velocities can be measured on the basis of the movement of dye boluses.  相似文献   
Recent advances in genomics technologies have greatly accelerated the progress in both fundamental plant science and applied breeding research. Concurrently, high‐throughput plant phenotyping is becoming widely adopted in the plant community, promising to alleviate the phenotypic bottleneck. While these technological breakthroughs are significantly accelerating quantitative trait locus (QTL) and causal gene identification, challenges to enable even more sophisticated analyses remain. In particular, care needs to be taken to standardize, describe and conduct experiments robustly while relying on plant physiology expertise. In this article, we review the state of the art regarding genome assembly and the future potential of pangenomics in plant research. We also describe the necessity of standardizing and describing phenotypic studies using the Minimum Information About a Plant Phenotyping Experiment (MIAPPE) standard to enable the reuse and integration of phenotypic data. In addition, we show how deep phenotypic data might yield novel trait?trait correlations and review how to link phenotypic data to genomic data. Finally, we provide perspectives on the golden future of machine learning and their potential in linking phenotypes to genomic features.  相似文献   
An increased rate of fatty acid transport into skeletal muscle has been has been linked to the accumulation of intramuscular lipids and insulin resistance, and red muscles are more susceptible than white muscles in developing fatty acid-mediated insulin resistance. Therefore, we examined in Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) rats, relative to lean rats, 1) whether rates of fatty acid transport and transporters (FAT/CD36 and FABPpm) were upregulated in skeletal muscle during the transition from insulin resistance (week 6) to type 2 diabetes (weeks 12 and 24), 2) whether such changes occurred primarily in red skeletal muscle, and 3) whether changes in FAT/CD36 and GLUT4 were correlated. In red muscles of ZDF compared with lean rats, the rates of fatty acid transport were upregulated (+66%) early in life (week 6). Compared with the increase in fatty acid transport in lean red muscle from weeks 12-24 (+57%), the increase in fatty acid transport rate in ZDF red muscle was 50% greater during this same period. In contrast, no differences in fatty acid transport rates were observed in the white muscles of lean and ZDF rats at any time (weeks 6-24). In red muscle only, there was an inverse relationship between FAT/CD36 and GLUT4 protein expression as well as their plasmalemmal content. These studies have shown that, 1) before the onset of diabetes, as well as during diabetes, fatty acid transport and FAT/CD36 expression and plasmalemmal content are upregulated in ZDF rats, but importantly, 2) these changes occurred only in red, not white, muscles of ZDF rats.  相似文献   
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