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A number of studies have shown that the production of chemical defences is costly in terrestrial vascular plants. However, these studies do not necessarily reflect the costs of defence production in macroalgae, due to structural and functional differences between vascular plants and macroalgae. Using a specific culturing technique, we experimentally manipulated the defence production in the red alga Bonnemaisonia hamifera to examine if the defence is costly in terms of growth. Furthermore, we tested if the defence provides fitness benefits by reducing harmful bacterial colonisation of the alga. Costly defences should provide benefits to the producer in order to be maintained in natural populations, but such benefits through protection against harmful bacterial colonisation have rarely been documented in macroalgae. We found that algae with experimentally impaired defence production, but with an externally controlled epibacterial load, grew significantly better than algae with normal defence production. We also found that undefended algae exposed to a natural epibacterial load experienced a substantial reduction in growth and a 6-fold increase in cell bleaching, compared to controls. Thus, this study provides experimental evidence that chemical defence production in macroalgae is costly, but that the cost is outweighed by fitness benefits provided through protection against harmful bacterial colonisation.  相似文献   
Arctic fox (Alopex lagopus) numbers vary greatly, with cyclic fluctuations often associated with fluctuations in microtine rodents. However, in areas where small prey mammals are absent, such as Iceland and Svalbard, such cyclic fluctuations are lacking. Annual fluctuations in the density of the arctic fox population on the Brøggerhalvøya peninsula and Kongsfjorden region on Svalbard, Norway, were studied from 1990 to 2001 by using indices of fox abundance. All indices showed similar trends; fox numbers were low in 1990, increased until 1995 whereupon they decreased sharply, before increasing again and levelling off in 2001. Increasing numbers of foxes during the first part of the study paralleled increasing numbers of Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus) carcasses in winter and increasing numbers of nesting barnacle geese (Branta leucopsis) in summer. This study shows that the number of arctic foxes varies greatly even in areas without fluctuating microtine rodents.  相似文献   
In the course of the ongoing global intensification and diversification of human pressures, the study of variation patterns of biological traits along environmental gradients can provide relevant information on the performance of species under shifting conditions. The pronounced salinity gradient, co‐occurrence of multiple stressors, and accelerated rates of change make the Baltic Sea and its transition to North Sea a suitable region for this type of study. Focusing on the bladderwrack Fucus vesiculosus, one of the main foundation species on hard‐bottoms of the Baltic Sea, we analyzed the phenotypic variation among populations occurring along 2,000 km of coasts subjected to salinities from 4 to >30 and a variety of other stressors. Morphological and biochemical traits, including palatability for grazers, were recorded at 20 stations along the Baltic Sea and four stations in the North Sea. We evaluated in a common modeling framework the relative contribution of multiple environmental drivers to the observed trait patterns. Salinity was the main and, in some cases, the only environmental driver of the geographic trait variation in F. vesiculosus. The decrease in salinity from North Sea to Baltic Sea stations was accompanied by a decline in thallus size, photosynthetic pigments, and energy storage compounds, and affected the interaction of the alga with herbivores and epibiota. For some traits, drivers that vary locally such as wave exposure, light availability or nutrient enrichment were also important. The strong genetic population structure in this macroalgae might play a role in the generation and maintenance of phenotypic patterns across geographic scales. In light of our results, the desalination process projected for the Baltic Sea could have detrimental impacts on F. vesiculosus in areas close to its tolerance limit, affecting ecosystem functions such as habitat formation, primary production, and food supply.  相似文献   
Two species of Parvicapsula were found in the kidney tubules and the urinary bladder of 2 pleuronectid fish from the northern Oresund, Denmark. The coelozoic, spherical, disporic trophozoites of both species are 10 to 12 pm in diameter. The myxospores of both species are elongate, asymmetrical and slightly curved, and have spherical polar capsules. Parvicapsula bicornis n. sp. (6-8 x 5-6 microm, polar capsule 2.5 microm in diameter) occurs in Pleuronectes platessa. The polar capsules of P. bicornis are arranged symmetrically on either side of the longitudinal axis and its spores differ from other species of Parvicapsula in having two 2-3 microm long posterior processes of different length. Parvicapsula limandae n. sp. (8-11 x 4-5 pm, polar capsule 1.6 microm in diameter) is found in Limanda limanda. The polar capsules are arranged along the longitudinal axis. It differs from Parvicapsula unicornis Kabata, 1962, recorded from L. limanda, in the arrangement of the polar capsules and in the absence of a posterior horn-like projection. The phylogenetic relationship between P. bicornis n. sp., P. limandae n. sp. and other Parvicapsula spp. was examined with their partial small subunit rDNA (SSU rDNA) sequences. P. limandae n. sp. and P. asymmetrica appear to be closely related, while P. bicornis n. sp. and P. minibicornis are the most divergent members of the genus.  相似文献   
The synchrony of population dynamics in space has important implications for ecological processes, for example affecting the spread of diseases, spatial distributions and risk of extinction. Here, we studied the relationship between spatial scaling in population dynamics and species position along the slow‐fast continuum of life history variation. Specifically, we explored how generation time, growth rate and mortality rate predicted the spatial scaling of abundance and yearly changes in abundance of eight marine fish species. Our results show that population dynamics of species' with ‘slow’ life histories are synchronised over greater distances than those of species with ‘fast’ life histories. These findings provide evidence for a relationship between the position of the species along the life history continuum and population dynamics in space, showing that the spatial distribution of abundance may be related to life history characteristics.  相似文献   
Toxoplasma gondii parasites belonging to endemic genotype II caused fatal infection in three (16%) of 19 Eurasian red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) sent for necropsy in Finland between May 2006 and April 2009. The liver, spleen, and lungs were the organs most affected in all three cases, and high numbers of T. gondii parasites were visualized immunohistochemically in all the tissue samples available from them. The genotyping of the parasite strains was based on the results of analysis of length polymorphism at six microsatellite markers (B18, TUB2, TgM-A, W35, B17, and M33). The length of the PCR product at the additional seventh marker (M48) was 233 base pairs from the first two cases that were found dead together, suggesting a common infection source, and 215 base pairs from the third. Eurasian red squirrels may be exceptionally susceptible to T. gondii infection.  相似文献   
Xaa‐Pro peptidases (XPP) are dinuclear peptidases of MEROPS M24B family that hydrolyze Xaa‐Pro iminopeptide bond with a trans‐proline at the second position of the peptide substrate. XPPs specific towards dipeptides are called prolidases while those that prefer longer oligopeptides are called aminopeptidases P. Though XPPs are strictly conserved in bacterial and archaeal species, the structural and sequence features that distinguish between prolidases and aminopeptidases P are not always clear. Here, we report 1.4 Å resolution crystal structure of a novel XPP from Deinococcus radiodurans (XPPdr). XPPdr forms a novel dimeric structure via unique dimer stabilization loops of N‐terminal domains such that their C‐terminal domains are placed far apart from each other. This novel dimerization is also the consequence of a different orientation of N‐terminal domain in XPPdr monomer than those in other known prolidases. The enzymatic assays show that it is a prolidase with broad substrate specificity. Our structural, mutational, and molecular dynamics simulation analyses show that the conserved Arg46 of N‐terminal domain is important for the dipeptide selectivity. Our BLAST search found XPPdr orthologs with conserved sequence motifs which correspond to unique structural features of XPPdr, thus identify a new subfamily of bacterial prolidases.  相似文献   
1. During the last centuries, the breeding range of the great snipe Gallinago media has declined dramatically in the western part of its distribution. To examine present population dynamics in the Scandinavian mountains, we collected and analysed a 19-year time series of counts of great snipe males at leks in central Norway, 1987-2005. 2. The population showed large annual fluctuations in the number of males displaying at lek sites (range 45-90 males at the peak of the mating season), but no overall trend. 3. We detected presence of direct density-dependent mechanisms regulating this population. Inclusion of the density-dependent term in a Ricker-type model significantly improved the fit with observed data (evaluated with Parametric Bootstrap Likelihood Ratio tests and Akaike's Information Criterion for small sample size). 4. An analysis of (a number of a priori likely) environmental covariates suggests that the population dynamics were affected by conditions influencing reproduction and survival of offspring during the summer, but not by conditions influencing survival at the wintering grounds in Africa. This is in contrast to many altricial birds breeding in the northern hemisphere, and supports the idea that population dynamics of migratory nidifugous birds are more influenced by conditions during reproduction. 5. Inclusion of these external factors into our model improved the detectability of density dependence. This illustrates that allowing for external effects may increase statistical power of density dependence tests and thus be of particular importance in relatively short time series. 6. In our best model of the population dynamics, two likely density-independent offspring survival covariates explained 47.3% of the variance in great snipe numbers (predation pressure estimated by willow grouse reproductive success and food availability estimated by the amount of precipitation in June), whereas density dependence explained 35.5%. Demographic stochasticity and unidentified environmental stochasticity may account for the remaining 17.2%.  相似文献   
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