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Reactive oxygen metabolites and oxidized fatty acids are proinflammatory and are involved in the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis. Amlodipine, a unique third-generation dihydropyridine-type calcium channel blocker, seems to exert atheroprotective effects through its antioxidant properties related to its chemical structure and independent of its calcium channel-blocking effect. In this study, the interactions of amlodipine with major cellular antioxidants were investigated in order to elucidate the mechanisms underlying its atheroprotective effects. New Zealand white male rabbits were fed regular chow (group 1), chow with 1% cholesterol (group 2), regular chow plus 5 mg/kg/day amlodipine per os (group 3) and 1% cholesterol plus amlodipine (group 4) for 8 weeks. Total cholesterol, malondialdehyde (MDA) and vitamin E concentrations and catalase and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities were determined in blood drawn before and after the experimental period. Aortic tissue was examined for atherosclerotic changes and aortic total cholesterol, MDA, catalase and SOD were determined. At the end of the 8-week treatment period, serum total cholesterol and plasma MDA were elevated in groups 2 and 4. In group 2, serum vitamin E and plasma SOD diminished (p < 0.05) and catalase increased (p < 0.05). In group 4, SOD activity increased at the end of treatment. MDA levels were lower and plasma SOD activities were higher in group 4 than in group 2. Aortic tissue investigations revealed higher total cholesterol and MDA concentrations and catalase activities in group 2 than in group 4, and the highest tissue SOD activity was recorded in group 4 (p < 0.05 for all comparisons). Morphological examination of aortic tissues exhibited endothelial disarrangement and lipid deposition in group 2. Histopathological alterations related to atherogenesis were less in group 4 than in group 2. Amlodipine seems to exert atheroprotective effects by reducing aortic cholesterol accumulation and blood and aortic lipid peroxidation, enhancing SOD activity both in blood and aortic tissue and suppressing the consumption of vitamin E. On the other hand, the suppression of catalase activity in blood and the aorta interferes with the drug's well-known antioxidant effects.  相似文献   
Unlike other domestic animals, in vitro maturation (IVM) of canine oocytes still has limited success. The present study investigated the effects of estrous cycle stage and transport temperature of ovaries on in vitro maturation of canine oocytes. The donor bitches were categorized into three groups based on stage of estrus cycle: follicular (proestrus or estrous), luteal (diestrus) and anestrus. One ovary of each pair collected from 39 mature bitches was transported in Phosphate Buffer Saline (PBS) at 4 °C while the other was transported at 37 °C. A total of 1138 Grade I COCs obtained from all ovaries were grouped and matured in modified synthetic oviduct fluid (mSOF) supplemented with follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), essential and non-essential amino acids at 38.5 °C in a humidified 5% CO2, 5% O2, and 90% N2 atmosphere for 72 h. The nuclear maturation rates were evaluated by aceto–orcein staining.Oocytes harvested from follicular and luteal ovaries have a significantly higher maturation rates (MI + MII) than the oocytes from anestrual ovaries in the 37 °C group (p < 0.05). However, oocytes harvested from anestrual ovaries transported at 4 °C had the highest maturation (MI + MII) rate, and the difference between anestrual and luteal ovary groups was significant (p < 0.05). The oocytes from anestrual ovaries transported at 4 °C have significantly higher maturation rates than those transported at 37 °C (p < 0.0001). However, the transport temperature (37 or 4 °C) did not significantly affect the maturation (MI + MII) rates of oocytes harvested from the luteal (p = 0.61) and follicular (p = 0.48) stage ovaries.It can be concluded from this study that (1) both transport temperature and transport temperature × estrus cycle stage interaction effected the maturation rates, while estrus cycle stage alone did not, and (2) transporting canine ovaries at 4 °C can improve in vitro maturation rates in oocytes harvested from anestrous ovaries.  相似文献   
Time perception is defined as a subjective judgment on the elapsed time of an event. It can change according to both external and internal factors. There are two main paradigms of time perception; retrospective time perception (RTP) and prospective time perception (PTP). Two paradigms differ from each other according to whether the subject has knowledge on the importance of passage of time in the given task. Since RTP paradigm studies are harder to conduct, studies on RTP paradigm is far fewer than studies on PTP. Thus in the current study, both RTP and PTP paradigms are investigated. Also, time perception is discussed in relation to internal clock model and cognitive load. Emotional motion videos are used to create cognitive load and manipulate internal clock. Results showed the effect of emotion on time perception. Another major finding is that shorter videos are perceived longer whereas longer videos are perceived shorter as in accordance with Vierordt’s Law. However, there was no difference between RTP and PTP paradigms. These results indicate that emotional videos change our internal clock while a number of changes in a motion video create cognitive load causing disturbance of time perception.  相似文献   
Vitamins A and E, and the trace elements selenium (Se) and zinc (Zn) are essential for the health and performance of dairy cows. Their concentrations often decrease around calving and extra supplementation is sometimes recommended at that time. However, the need for this varies, for example depending on quantity and quality of feedstuffs in the diet. The aim of this study was to measure the concentrations of serum vitamin A (S-vit A) and vitamin E (S-vit E), plasma Se (P-Se) and serum Zn (S-Zn) in blood samples taken at several time points from one month before to one month after calving, and to evaluate if a blood sample taken during the mid dry period can accurately predict the blood concentration at calving and early lactation. Dairy cows on 3 different feeding regimens during the dry period were included in the study. A significant decrease in the concentrations of S-vit A and S-vit E, and S-Zn, was observed at calving, and P-Se was significantly lower during the dry period and at calving than in early lactation. The blood concentrations of S-vit E and P-Se in the mid dry period significantly predicted the occurrence of values considered marginal or deficient at the time of calving. The data indicate that a mid dry period concentration of ≥5.4 mg/l of S-vit E and ≥0.09 mg/l of P-Se will result in a 90% chance that the cow stays above marginal levels at calving given that a feed of the same quality is offered.  相似文献   
Seed samples of eighteen taxa from four sections in Linum were examined for diagnostic and taxonomic utility of the surface microstructures. Considerably different patterns were distinguished at specific and infraspecific levels. Similar sculpturings in closely related taxa and some common surface features for sectional groupings were observed. Smooth surface textures in sect. Linastrum, granulate-ruminate in sect. Dasylinum and rugulose structure in sect. Linum were typical characteristics. Sect. Syllinum exhibited miscellaneous patterns. Seed coat sculptures may be utilized as additional consistent parameters in the infrageneric delimitations and taxonomical association of Linum.  相似文献   
Floor dust collected from classrooms of thirty three elementary schools (16 for girls, and 17 for boys) (children aged 6–11), and twenty four preparatory schools (13 for girls, and 11 for boys) (children aged 12–14) was studied for the occurrence of keratinophilic fungi with respect to human presence and age of children. Tichophyton mentagrophytes was present in 15.4% of the preparatory schools for girls, in 12.5% of elementary schools for girls, and in 11.8% of elementary schools for boys. It was not found in preparatory schools for boys. Microsporum gypseum was found in preparatory schools for girls only (7.7%). Trichophyton terrestre was also only isolated from elementary schools for boys (5.9%). Chrysosporium species were present in 30.3% of all elementary schools (10 schools/33), and in 20.8% of all preparatory schools (5 schools/24). Geotrichum candidum was the most frequent and predominant keratinophilic species in all schools. Pathogenic and potentially pathogenic keratinophilic fungi comprised a large proportion of all fungal isolates recovered from all schools ; they comprised 87.2 %–89.5 % of all fungal isolates in the elementary schools, and 90.4%–93.5% of all fungal isolates in preparatory schools.  相似文献   


Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus results from an autoimmune destruction of the pancreatic beta cells, which produce insulin. The lack of insulin leads to chronic hyperglycemia and secondary complications, such as cardiovascular disease. The currently approved clinical treatments for diabetes mellitus often fail to achieve sustained and optimal glycemic control. Therefore, there is a great interest in the development of surrogate beta cells as a treatment for type 1 diabetes. Normally, pancreatic beta cells produce and secrete insulin only in response to increased blood glucose levels. However in many cases, insulin secretion from non-beta cells engineered to produce insulin occurs in a glucose-independent manner. In the present study we engineered liver cells to produce and secrete insulin and insulin secretion can be stimulated via the nitric oxide pathway.  相似文献   
Abstract The ecosystems of coastal and enclosed seas are under increasing anthropogenic pressure worldwide, with Chesapeake Bay, the Gulf of Mexico and the Black and Baltic Seas as well known examples. We use an ecosystem model (Ecopath with Ecosim, EwE) to show that reduced top-down control (seal predation) and increased bottom-up forcing (eutrophication) can largely explain the historical dynamics of the main fish stocks (cod, herring and sprat) in the Baltic Sea between 1900 and 1980. Based on these results and the historical fish stock development we identify two major ecological transitions. A shift from seal to cod domination was caused by a virtual elimination of marine mammals followed by a shift from an oligotrophic to a eutrophic state. A third shift from cod to clupeid domination in the late 1980s has previously been explained by overfishing of cod and climatic changes. We propose that the shift from an oligotrophic to a eutrophic state represents a true regime shift with a stabilizing mechanism for a hysteresis phenomenon. There are also mechanisms that could stabilize the shift from a cod to clupeid dominated ecosystem, but there are no indications that the ecosystem has been pushed that far yet. We argue that the shifts in the Baltic Sea are a consequence of human impacts, although variations in climate may have influenced their timing, magnitude and persistence. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
MEFV which encodes pyrin, cause familial Mediterranean fever (FMF), the most common auto‐inflammatory disease. Pyrin is believed to be a regulator of inflammation, though the nature of this regulatory activity remains to be identified. Prophylactic treatment with colchicine, a microtubule toxin, has had a remarkable effect on disease progression and outcome. It has been thought that, inhibition of microtubule polymerization is the main mechanism of action of colchicine. But, the exact cellular mechanism explaining the efficacy of colchicine in suppressing FMF attacks is still unclear. Given the ability of colchicine treatment to be considered as a differential diagnosis criteria of FMF, we hypothesized that colchicine may have a specific effect on pyrin and pyrin interacting proteins. This study showed that colchicine prevents reticulated fibrils formed by PSTPIP1 filaments and reduces ASC speck rates in transfected cells. We further noted that, colchicine down‐regulates MEFV expression in THP‐1 cells. We also observed that colchicine causes re‐organization of actin cytoskeleton in THP‐1 cells. Pyrin is an actin‐binding protein that specifically localizes with polymerizing actin filaments. Thus, MEFV expression might be affected by re‐organization of actin cytoskeleton. The data presented here reveal an important connection between colchicine and pyrin which might explain the remarkable efficacy of colchicine in preventing FMF attacks. J. Cell. Biochem. 113: 3536–3546, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
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