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We identify two conserved domains in diverse bacterial and archaeal signaling proteins. One of them, the MEDS domain, is typified by the DmcR protein from Methylococcus and the other by the PocR protein of Salmonella typhi. We provide evidence that both these domains are likely to sense simple hydrocarbon derivatives and transduce downstream signals on binding these ligands. The PocR ligand-binding domain is shown to contain a novel variant of the fold found in PAS and GAF domains. The MEDS domain is present in both methylotrophs and complex methanogens, and both the MEDS and PocR domains show a lineage-specific expansion in the latter organisms, suggesting a role in sensing their principle growth substrates. The MEDS domain is also found in the negative regulators of the sigma factor SigB in actinomycetes, including pathogens like Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Hence it is possible that these sigma factors, involved in aerial mycelium development and stress response in the actinomycetes, might be under the regulation of as yet uncharacterized small molecules. CONTACT: aravind@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov.  相似文献   
We have characterized the interaction between the first two short consensus repeats (SCR1-2) of complement receptor type 2 (CR2, CD21) and C3d in solution, by utilising the available crystal structures of free and C3d-bound forms of CR2 to create a series of informative mutations targeting specific areas of the CR2-C3d complex. Wild-type and mutant forms of CR2 were expressed on the surface of K562 erythroleukemia cells and their binding ability assessed using C3dg-biotin tetramers complexed to fluorochrome conjugated streptavidin and measured by flow cytometry. Mutations directed at the SCR2-C3d interface (R83A, R83E, G84Y) were found to strongly disrupt C3dg binding, supporting the conclusion that the SCR2 interface reflected in the crystal structure is correct. Previous epitope and peptide mapping studies have also indicated that the PILN11GR13IS sequence of the first inter-cysteine region of SCR1 is essential for the binding of iC3b. Mutations targeting residues within or in close spatial proximity to this area (N11A, N11E, R13A, R13E, Y16A, S32A, S32E), and a number of other positively charged residues located primarily on a contiguous face of SCR1 (R28A, R28E, R36A, R36E, K41A, K41E, K50A, K50E, K57A, K57E, K67A, K67E), have allowed us to reassess those regions on SCR1 that are essential for CR2-C3d binding. The nature of this interaction and the possibility of a direct SCR1-C3d association are discussed extensively. Finally, a D52N mutant was constructed introducing an N-glycosylation sequence at an area central to the CR2 dimer interface. This mutation was designed to disrupt the CR2-C3d interaction, either directly through steric inhibition, or indirectly through disruption of a physiological dimer. However, no difference in C3dg binding relative to wild-type CR2 could be observed for this mutant, suggesting that the dimer may only be found in the crystal form of CR2.  相似文献   
Aravind L  Koonin EV 《Proteins》2002,46(4):355-367
A comprehensive sequence and structural comparative analysis of the caspase-hemoglobinase protein fold resulted in the delineation of the minimal structural core of the protease domain and the identification of numerous, previously undetected members, including a new protease family typified by the HetF protein from the cyanobacterium Nostoc. The first bacterial homologs of legumains and hemoglobinases were also identified. Most proteins containing this fold are known or predicted to be active proteases, but multiple, independent inactivations were noticed in nearly all lineages. Together with the tendency of caspase-related proteases to form intramolecular or intermolecular dimers, this suggests a widespread regulatory role for the inactive forms. A classification of the caspase-hemoglobinase fold was developed to reflect the inferred evolutionary relationships between the constituent protein families. Proteins containing this domain were so far detected almost exclusively in bacteria and eukaryotes. This analysis indicates that caspase-hemoglobinase-fold proteases and their inactivated derivatives are widespread in diverse bacteria, particularly those with a complex development, such as Streptomyces, Anabaena, Mesorhizobium, and Myxococcus. The eukaryotic separin family was shown to be most closely related to the mainly prokaryotic HetF family. The phyletic patterns and evolutionary relationships between these proteins suggest that they probably were acquired by eukaryotes from bacteria during the primary, promitochondrial endosymbiosis. A similar scenario, supported by phylogenetic analysis, seems to apply to metacaspases and paracaspases, with the latter, perhaps, being acquired in an independent horizontal transfer to the eukaryotes. The acquisition of the caspase-hemoglobinase-fold domains by eukaryotes might have been critical in the evolution of important eukaryotic processes, such as mitosis and programmed cell death.  相似文献   
Drug carriers containing weak acids or bases can promote cytosolic delivery of macromolecules by exploiting the acidic pH of the endosome. We have prepared two pH-sensitive mono-stearoyl derivatives of morpholine, one with a (2-hydroxy) propylene (ML1) linker and the other, an ethylene (ML2) linker. The pK(a) values of lipids ML1 and ML2, when incorporated into liposomes, are 6.12 and 5.91, respectively. Both lipids disrupt human erythrocytes at pH equal to or below their pK(a) but show no such activity at pH 7.4. Confocal microscopy studies suggest partial endosome-to-cytosol transfer of fluorescent dextran (MW 10 kDa) encapsulated in liposomes that contained 20 mol% of morpholine lipids. Interestingly, co-incubation of morpholine lipids in free or micellar form (without liposomal incorporation) with dextran resulted in efficient cytosolic delivery. Upon acidification to the endosomal pH, liposomes containing ML1 revealed: (a). leakage of entrapped solute that is independent of solute size; (b). lack of liposomal collapse into micelles as evidenced by photon correlation spectroscopy and UV light scattering; and (c). minimal inter-bilayer interactions as shown in a fluorescence resonance energy transfer assay. These observations are consistent with progressive intravesicular reorganization of lipids into stable liposomes of smaller size, but of more homogeneous distribution, upon acidification. The results emphasize a need to manipulate liposomal formulations containing ML1 such that ML1 will promote catastrophic collapse of liposomes to mixed micelles upon exposure to acidic pH. It is only then that micelle-mediated permeabilization of the endosomal membrane will lead to efficient cytosolic delivery of macromolecules originally loaded in liposomes.  相似文献   
Origin and evolution of eukaryotic apoptosis: the bacterial connection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The availability of numerous complete genome sequences of prokaryotes and several eukaryotic genome sequences provides for new insights into the origin of unique functional systems of the eukaryotes. Several key enzymes of the apoptotic machinery, including the paracaspase and metacaspase families of the caspase-like protease superfamily, apoptotic ATPases and NACHT family NTPases, and mitochondrial HtrA-like proteases, have diverse homologs in bacteria, but not in archaea. Phylogenetic analysis strongly suggests a mitochondrial origin for metacaspases and the HtrA-like proteases, whereas acquisition from Actinomycetes appears to be the most likely scenario for AP-ATPases. The homologs of apoptotic proteins are particularly abundant and diverse in bacteria that undergo complex development, such as Actinomycetes, Cyanobacteria and alpha-proteobacteria, the latter being progenitors of the mitochondria. In these bacteria, the apoptosis-related domains typically form multidomain proteins, which are known or inferred to participate in signal transduction and regulation of gene expression. Some of these bacterial multidomain proteins contain fusions between apoptosis-related domains, such as AP-ATPase fused with a metacaspase or a TIR domain. Thus, bacterial homologs of eukaryotic apoptotic machinery components might functionally and physically interact with each other as parts of signaling pathways that remain to be investigated. An emerging scenario of the origin of the eukaryotic apoptotic system involves acquisition of several central apoptotic effectors as a consequence of mitochondrial endosymbiosis and probably also as a result of subsequent, additional horizontal gene transfer events, which was followed by recruitment of newly emerging eukaryotic domains as adaptors.  相似文献   
Anantharaman V  Aravind L 《Proteins》2004,56(4):795-807
Using structural comparisons, we identified a novel domain with a simple fold in the bacterial cell division ATPase FtsA, the archaeo-eukaryotic RNA polymerase subunit Rpb7p, the GyrI superfamily, and the uncharacterized MTH1598/Tm1083-like proteins. The fold contains a core of 3 strands, forming a curved sheet, and a single helix in a strand-helix-strand-strand (SHS2) configuration. The SHS2 domain may exist either in single or duplicate copies within the same polypeptide. The single-copy versions of the domain in FtsA and Rbp7p are most closely related, and appear to mediate protein-protein interactions by means of strand 1, and the loop between strand 2 and strand 3 of the domain. We predict that the interactions between FtsA and its functional partners in bacterial cell division are likely to be similar to the interactions of Rbp7p in the archaeo-eukaryotic RNA polymerase complex. The dimeric versions typified by the GyrI superfamily appear to have been adapted for small-molecule binding. Sequence profiles searches helped us to identify several new versions of the GyrI superfamily, including a family of secreted forms that is found only in animals and the bacterial pathogen Leptospira. Through sequence-structure comparisons, we predict the positions that are likely to be important for ligand specificity in the GyrI superfamily. In the MTH1598/Tm1083-like proteins, a SHS2 domain is inserted into the loop between strand 1 and helix 1 of another SHS2 domain. This has resulted in a structure that has convergent similarities with the Hsp33 and green fluorescent protein folds. The sequence conservation pattern and its phyletic profile suggest that it might function as an enzyme in some conserved aspect of nucleic acid metabolism. Thus, the SHS2 domain is an example of a simple module that has been adapted to perform an entire spectrum of functions ranging from protein-protein interactions to small-molecule recognition and catalysis.  相似文献   
A serious limitation that precludes utilization of single-tailed, pH-sensitive detergents for the cytosolic delivery of macromolecules is their low limit of incorporation in stable liposomal formulations. To address this issue, we have prepared two Gemini surfactants or 'bis-detergents' by cross-linking the headgroups of single-tailed, tertiary amine detergents through oxyethylene (BD1) or acid-labile acetal (BD2) moieties. The membrane-bound pK(a) of the twin tertiary amine headgroups was determined to be 6.37 +/- 0.36 using a fluorescence-based assay. As evidenced by thin-layer chromatography, BD2was hydrolyzed under acidic conditions (pH 5.0) with an approximate half-life of 3 h at 37 degrees C, while BD1 remained stable. Low pH-induced collapse of liposomes containing acid-labile BD2 into micelles was more facile than that of BD1. With BD1, the process appeared to be reversible in that aggregation of micelles was observed at basic pH. The irreversible lamellar-to-micellar transition observed with BD2-containing liposomes can possibly be attributed to acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of the acetal cross-linker, which generates two detergent monomers within the bilayer. Liposomes composed of 75 mol % bis-detergent and 25 mol % phosphatidylcholine were readily prepared and could entrap macromolecules such as polyanionic dextran of MW 40 kDa with moderate efficiency. The ability of BD2-containing liposomes to promote efficient cytosolic delivery of antisense oligonucleotides was confirmed by (a) their diffuse intracellular distribution seen in fluorescence micrographs, and (b) the up-regulation of luciferase in an antisense functional assay. The low pH-responsive, bis-detergent constructs described herein are suitable for triggered release strategies targeted to acidic intracellular or interstitial environments.  相似文献   
Epigenetic silencing of Hox cluster genes by Polycomb group (PcG) proteins is thought to involve the formation of a stably inherited repressive chromatin structure. Here we show that the C. elegans-specific PcG protein SOP-2 directly binds to RNA through three nonoverlapping regions, each of which is essential for its localization to characteristic nuclear bodies and for its in vivo function in the repression of Hox genes. Functional studies indicate that the RNA involved in SOP-2 binding is distinct from either siRNA or microRNA. Remarkably, the vertebrate PcG protein Rae28, which is functionally and structurally related to SOP-2, also binds to RNA through an FCS finger domain. Substitution of the Rae28 FCS finger for the essential RNA binding region of SOP-2 partially restores localization to nuclear bodies. These observations suggest that direct binding to RNA is an evolutionarily conserved and potentially important property of PcG proteins.  相似文献   
The impact of comparative genomics on our understanding of evolution   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
Koonin EV  Aravind L  Kondrashov AS 《Cell》2000,101(6):573-576
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