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Multiple older studies report that immunoglobulin directed to rough mutant bacteria, such as E. coli J5, provides broad protection against challenge with heterologous strains of Gram-negative bacteria. This protection was initially believed to occur through binding of immunoglobulin to bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS). However, hundreds of millions of dollars have been invested in attempting to develop clinically-effective anti-LPS monoclonal antibodies without success, and no study has shown that IgG from this antiserum binds LPS. Identification of the protective mechanism would facilitate development of broadly protective human monoclonal antibodies for treating sepsis. IgG from this antiserum binds 2 bacterial outer membrane proteins: murein lipoprotein (MLP) and peptidoglycan-associated lipoprotein (PAL). Both of these outer membrane proteins are highly conserved, have lipid domains that are anchored in the bacterial membrane, are shed from bacteria in blebs together with LPS, and activate cells through Toll-like receptor 2. Our goal in the current work was to determine if passive immunization directed to MLP and PAL protects mice from Gram-negative sepsis. Neither monoclonal nor polyclonal IgG directed to MLP or PAL conferred survival protection in 3 different models of sepsis: cecal ligation and puncture, an infected burn model, and an infected fibrin clot model mimicking peritonitis. Our results are not supportive of the hypothesis that either anti-MLP or anti-PAL IgG are the protective antibodies in the previously described anti-rough mutant bacterial antisera. These studies suggest that a different mechanism of protection is involved.  相似文献   
The capacity of 22 molds for 11β-hydroxylation of cortexolone (Reichstein’s compound S) to hydrocortisone were assessed. The biotransformation capacity was compared for solid-state and submerged monocultures of molds that were otherwise under identical conditions. Thin-layer chromatography and a novel rapid color-development assay were used to qualitatively establish the ability of fungi to convert cortexolone to hydrocortisone. These assays were validated and supplemented with data from high-performance liquid chromatography to obtain quantitative information on biotransformation. Nearly all the fungi consumed a significant fraction of the cortexolone fed, but only four of them (i.e., two isolates of Cunninghamella blakesleeana, C. echinulata, and Curvularia lunata) yielded measurable quantities of hydrocortisone. Submerged cultures generally gave a significantly greater yield of hydrocortisone compared to equivalent solid-state cultures. The text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   
Immune activation is a major characteristic of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection and a strong prognostic factor for HIV-1 disease progression. The underlying mechanisms leading to immune activation in viremic HIV-1 infection, however, are not fully understood. Here we show that, following the initiation of highly active antiretroviral therapy, the immediate decline of immune activation is closely associated with the reduction of HIV-1 viremia, which suggests a direct contribution of HIV-1 itself to immune activation. To propose a mechanism, we demonstrate that the single-stranded RNA of HIV-1 encodes multiple uridine-rich Toll-like receptor 7/8 (TLR7/8) ligands that induce strong MyD88-dependent plasmacytoid dendritic cell and monocyte activation, as well as accessory cell-dependent T-cell activation. HIV-1-encoded TLR ligands may, therefore, directly contribute to the immune activation observed during viremic HIV-1 infection. These data provide an initial rationale for inhibiting the TLR pathway to directly reduce the chronic immune activation induced by HIV-1 and the associated immune pathogenesis.  相似文献   
The DNA fragment coding for kringle 2 plus serine protease domains (K2S) of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) was inserted into a phagemid vector, pComb3HSS. In the recombinant vector, pComb3H-K2S, the K2S gene was fused to gpIII of PhiM13 and linked to the OmpA signal sequence. The resulting gene, rK2S-gpIII, was inducibly expressed in Escherichia coli XL-1 Blue. The protein was presented on the phage particle. To stop the expression of gpIII, a stop codon between K2S and the gpIII gene was inserted by site-directed mutagenesis. This mutated vector, MpComb3H-K2S, was transformed in XL-1 Blue. After induction with IPTG (isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside), rK2S was found both in the periplasm as an inactive form of approximately 32% and in the culture supernatant as an active form of approximately 68%. The secreted form of rK2S was partially purified by ammonium sulfate (55%) precipitation. The periplasmic form was isolated from whole cells by chloroform extraction. The fibrin binding site of kringle 2 was demonstrated in all expressed versions (phage-bound, periplasmic, and secreted forms) using the monoclonal anti-kringle 2 antibody (16/B). Only the secreted form of rK2S revealed a fibrinogen-dependent amidolytic activity with the specific activity of 236 IU/microg. No amidolytic activity of rK2S was observed in either the periplasmic or the phage-bound form. The secretion of rK2S as an active enzyme offers a novel approach for the production of the active-domain deletion mutant tPA, rK2S, without any requirements for bacterial compartment preparation and in vitro refolding processes. This finding is an important technological advance in the development of large-scale, bacterium-based tPA production systems.  相似文献   
The whole seed (W), endosperm (E) and hull (H) of five cultivars of Job’s tears (Coix lachryma-jobi Linn. var. ma-yuen Stapf) including Thai Black Phayao, Thai Black Loei, Laos Black Loei, Laos White Loei and Laos Black Luang Phra Bang were processed before solvent extraction by non-cooking, roasting, boiling and steaming Each part of the Job’s tears was extracted by the cold and hot process by refluxing with methanol and hexane. The total of 330 extracts included 150 methanol extracts and 180 hexane extracts were investigated for anti-proliferative activity on human colon adenocarcinoma cell line (HT-29) by the sulforhodamine B (SRB) assay. The extracts which gave high anti-proliferative activity were tested for apoptotic activity by acridine orange and ethidium bromide double staining and anti-oxidative activities including free radical scavenging and lipid peroxidation inhibition activities. The extract from the hull of Thai Black Loei roasted before extracting by hot methanol (M-HTBL-R2) showed the highest anti-proliferative activity on HT-29 with the IC50 values of 11.61 ± 0.95 μg/ml, while the extract from the non-cooked hull of Thai Black Loei by cold methanol extraction (M-HTBL-N1) gave the highest apoptosis (8.17 ± 1.18%) with no necrosis. In addition, M-HTBL-R2 and M-HTBL-N1 indicated free radical scavenging activity at the SC50 values of 0.48 ± 0.12 and 2.47 ± 1.15 mg/ml, respectively. This study has demonstrated the anti-colorectal cancer potential of the M-HTBL-R2 and M-HTBL-N1 extracts.  相似文献   
The luciferase gene expression of lipoplexes, a liposome containing luciferase plasmid (pCMVLuc), in HeLa cell lines, was investigated. Cationic liposomes were prepared by the chloroform film method with sonication. The lipoplex was formed by loading the liposome with pCMVLuc. The lipoplex with an optimal weight ratio of dimethyl dioctadecyl ammonium bromide (DDAB)/pCMVLuc protected from DNaseI was determined by an agarose gel electrophoresis. The selected lipoplexes were assayed for luciferaase activity by using a luminometer. The effect on cell proliferation was evaluated by WST-1 assay. The highest luciferase activity of 1.5 × 106 RLU was observed in the cholesterol (Chol)/DDAB (2:1 molar ratio) lipoplex at the DDAB/pCMVLuc weight ratio of 10:1 at 48 hours, which was about 10, 100, and 1,000 times higher than the DDAB, L-alpha-dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC)/Chol/DDAB (1:2:1 molar ratio), and DPPC/Chol/DDAB (2:2:1 molar ratio) lipoplexes, respectively. The liposome with the smallest particle size was obtained from the cationic liposome composed of DPPC/Chol/DDAB (7:1:1 molar ratio) with the ζ potential of 7.17 ± 0.73. The optimal weight ratio of DDAB/pCMVLuc that protected pCMVLuc from DNaseI digestion was 4:1 in the DDAB formulation. The Chol/DDAB (2:1 molar ratio) lipoplex with the DDAB/pCMVLuc of 10:1 showed the highest luciferase activity of 1.5 × 106 RLU and the highest cytotoxicity as well. DPPC/Chol/DDAB (1:1:1 molar ratio)-lipoplex (DDAB/pCMVLuc = 14:1), which had the amount of DPPC and cholesterol not exceeding 33 and 50% mol, respectively, gave the lower gene expression of about 4 times, but lower cytoxicity of about 14 times, than the Chol/DDAB lipoplex (2:1 molar ratio) and was considered to be the most suitable formulation. The results from this study can be applied as a model for the development of a gene-therapeutic dosage form.  相似文献   
TLRs sense components of microorganisms and are critical host mediators of inflammation during infection. Different TLR agonists can profoundly alter inflammatory effects of one another, and studies suggest that the sequence of exposure to TLR agonists may importantly impact on responses during infection. We tested the hypothesis that synergy, priming, and tolerance between TLR agonists follow a pattern that can be predicted based on differential engagement of the MyD88-dependent (D) and the MyD88-independent (I) intracellular signaling pathways. Inflammatory effects of combinations of D and I pathway agonists were quantified in vivo and in vitro. Experiments used several D-specific agonists, an I-specific agonist (poly(I:C)), and LPS, which acts through both the D and I pathways. D-specific agonists included: peptidoglycan-associated lipoprotein, Pam3Cys, flagellin, and CpG DNA, which act through TLR2 (peptidoglycan-associated lipoprotein and Pam3Cys), TLR5, and TLR9, respectively. D and I agonists were markedly synergistic in inducing cytokine production in vivo in mice. All of the D-specific agonists were synergistic with poly(I:C) in vitro in inducing TNF and IL-6 production by mouse bone marrow-derived macrophages. Pretreatment of bone marrow-derived macrophages with poly(I:C) led to a primed response to subsequent D-specific agonists and vice versa, as indicated by increased cytokine production, and increased NF-kappaB translocation. Pretreatment with a D-specific agonist augmented LPS-induced IFN-beta production. All D-specific agonists induced tolerance to one another. Thus, under the conditions studied here, simultaneous and sequential activation of both the D and I pathways causes synergy and priming, respectively, and tolerance is induced by agonists that act through the same pathway.  相似文献   
Toll-like receptors (TLRs) mediate inflammation in sepsis, but their role in sepsis-induced respiratory failure is unknown. Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) is a unique vasoconstrictor response that diverts blood flow away from poorly ventilated lung regions. HPV is impaired in sepsis and after challenge with the TLR4 agonist lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Unlike TLR4 agonists, which are present only in Gram-negative bacteria, TLR2 agonists are ubiquitously expressed in all of the major classes of microorganisms that cause sepsis, including both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and fungi. We tested the hypothesis that (S)-[2,3-bis(palmitoyloxy)-(2RS)-propyl]-N-palmitoyl-(R)-Cys-(S)-Ser(S)-Lys(4)-OH, trihydrochloride (Pam3Cys), a TLR2 agonist, impairs HPV and compared selected pulmonary and systemic effects of Pam3Cys vs. LPS. HPV was assessed 22 h after challenge with saline, Pam3Cys, or LPS by measuring the increase in the pulmonary vascular resistance of the left lung before and during left lung alveolar hypoxia produced by left mainstem bronchus occlusion (LMBO). Additional endpoints included arterial blood gases during LMBO, hemodynamic parameters, weight loss, temperature, physical appearance, and several markers of lung inflammation. Compared with saline, challenge with Pam3Cys caused profound impairment of HPV, reduced systemic arterial oxygenation during LMBO, weight loss, leukopenia, and lung inflammation. In addition to these effects, LPS-challenged mice had lower rectal temperatures, metabolic acidosis, and were more ill appearing than Pam3Cys-challenged mice. These data indicate that TLR2 activation impairs HPV and induces deleterious systemic effects in mice and suggest that TLR2 pathways may be important in sepsis-induced respiratory failure.  相似文献   
The enhanced production of androstadienedione (ADD) from progesterone (P) using the hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (HPbetaCD) complexation technique by biotransformation was demonstrated. The microorganisms used were Bacillus sphaericus ATCC 245, B. sphaericus ATCC 7063, B. sphaericus ATCC 13805, Arthrobacter simplex ATCC 6946, B. sphaericus TISTR 670 and those screened from soils in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand which were B. sphaericus SRP I, B. sphaericus SRP II and B. sphaericus SRP III. The complexed (P-complex) and the uncomplexed P at 0.3-1.2mg/ml were investigated. Samples were withdrawn from the bioconversion mixture at various time intervals for 168 h. The ADD and P contents were determined by HPLC. All organisms showed ADD production from either P or P-complex by one-step biotransformation (including side chain cleavage and dehydrogenation). At 0.3mg/ml of P in the systems of B. sphaericus ATCC 13805, A. simplex ATCC 6946 and B. sphaericus ATCC 245, the uncomplexed form showed the highest ADD yield of 2.82, 1.63 and 64.67% at 168, 168 and 144 h, whereas P-complex gave 98.44, 19.58 and 97.10% at 144, 24 and 168 h, respectively. This indicated an increase of ADD production from the P-complex in comparison to P of 35, 12 and 1.5 times, respectively. This study has shown that the complexation of P with HPbetaCD enhanced the ADD production in a novel one-step bioconversion.  相似文献   
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