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We have previously shown that the regulatory subunit of PKA, RIalpha, functions as a nuclear transport protein for the second subunit of the replication factor C complex, RFC40, and that this transport appears to be crucial for cell cycle progression from G1 to S phase. In this study, we found that N(6)-monobutyryl cAMP significantly up-regulates the expression of RFC40 mRNA by 1.8-fold and its endogenous protein by 2.3-fold with a subsequent increase in the RIalpha-RFC40 complex formation by 3.2-fold. Additionally, the nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio of RFC40 increased by 26% followed by a parallel increase in the percentage of S phase cells by 33%. However, there was reduction in the percentage of G1 cells by 16% and G2/M cells by 43% with a concurrent accumulation of cells in S phase. Interestingly, the higher percentage of S phase cells did not correlate with a parallel increase in DNA replication. Moreover, although cAMP did not affect the expression of the other RFC subunits, there was a significant decrease in the RFC40-37 complex formation by 81.3%, substantiating the decrease in DNA replication rate. Taken together, these findings suggest that cAMP functions as an upstream modulator that regulates the expression and nuclear translocation of RFC40.  相似文献   
Nucleocytoplasmic trafficking of the Syk protein tyrosine kinase   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The protein tyrosine kinase Syk couples the B-cell receptor (BCR) for antigen to multiple intracellular signaling pathways and also modulates cellular responses to inducers of oxidative stress in a receptor-independent fashion. In B cells, Syk is found in both the nuclear and cytoplasmic compartments but contains no recognizable nuclear localization or export signals. Through the analysis of a series of deletion mutants, we identified the presence of an unconventional shuttling sequence near the junction of the catalytic domain and the linker B region that accounts for Syk's subcellular localization. This localization is altered following prolonged engagement of the BCR, which causes Syk to be excluded from the nucleus. Nuclear exclusion requires the receptor-mediated activation of protein kinase C and new protein synthesis. Both of these processes also potentiate the activation of caspase 3 in cells in response to oxidative stress in a manner that is dependent on the localization of Syk outside of the nucleus. In contrast, restriction of Syk to the nucleus greatly diminishes the stress-induced activation of caspase 3.  相似文献   
Pasteurella multocida is classified into 16 serotypes according to the Heddleston typing scheme. As part of a comprehensive study to define the structural and genetic basis of this scheme, we have determined the structure of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) produced by P. multocida strains M1404 (B:2) and P1702 (E:5), the type strains for serotypes 2 and 5, respectively. The only difference between the LPS structures made by these two strains was the absence of a phosphoethanolamine (PEtn) moiety at the 3 position of the second heptose (Hep II) in M1404. Analysis of the lpt-3 gene, required for the addition of this PEtn residue, revealed that the gene was intact in P1702 but contained a nonsense mutation in M1404. Expression of an intact copy of lpt-3 in M1404 resulted in the attachment of a PEtn residue to the 3 position of the Hep II residue, generating an LPS structure identical to that produced by P1702. We identified and characterized each of the glycosyltransferase genes required for assembly of the serotype 2 and 5 LPS outer core. Monoclonal antibodies raised against serotype 2 LPS recognized the serotype 2/5-specific outer core LPS structure, but recognition of this structure was inhibited by the PEtn residue on Hep II. These data indicate that the serological classification of strains into Heddleston serotypes 2 and 5 is dependent on the presence or absence of PEtn on Hep II.Pasteurella multocida is a gram-negative pathogen that causes serious diseases in animals and humans. It is the causative agent of fowl cholera (7), hemorrhagic septicemia in cattle (9), atrophic rhinitis in pigs (6), and dog and cat bite infections in humans (28).P. multocida isolates may be grouped serologically based on capsular antigens into five serogroups—A, B, D, E, and F—using a passive hemagglutination test with erythrocytes sensitized with capsular antigen. Structural information is available for the capsular polysaccharides synthesized by serogroups A (hyaluronic acid) (22), D (heparin) (10), and F (chondroitin) (10). The genes involved in biosynthesis of the capsules have been identified for all five serogroups (27), and capsule is a critical virulence factor for serogroups A (8) and B (3).Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is also an important virulence factor in P. multocida (13) and can be used for the identification of strains, with two main somatic typing systems reported (14, 17). The Namioka system is based on a tube agglutination test and is able to recognize 11 serotypes (17), whereas the Heddleston system uses a gel diffusion precipitation test and can recognize 16 serotypes; the Heddleston system is currently the preferred method (14). Current classification of P. multocida strains combines capsular typing with Heddleston somatic typing. Strains are given a designation in which the first letter indicates the capsular group and the number designates the Heddleston LPS serotype (e.g., A:1 indicates a strain that is capsular group A and LPS serotype 1). LPS produced by each of the 16 Heddleston serotype strains has been examined previously for sugar content and reactivity with LPS antisera (21). The LPS isolated from serotype 2 and 5 strains was virtually identical in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis migration profile (19), sugar composition, and serological reactivity with anti-LPS antibodies (21). Interestingly, serotypes 2 and 5 were the only serotypes found to elaborate two isomers of heptose in their LPS, namely l-glycero-d-manno-heptose (ld-Hep) and d-glycero-d-manno-heptose (dd-Hep) (21). The aims of this study were to determine whether the LPS molecules made by these two serotypes were structurally distinct and to compare the LPS structures with those previously determined for P. multocida serotypes 1 and 3 (24-26). Furthermore, we identified the transferase genes responsible for the assembly of the outer core LPS structure in each of these strains and characterized the function of each glycosyltransferase.  相似文献   


Decades of research have revealed rich cultural repertoires encompassing multiple traditions in wild great apes, a picture crucially complemented by experimental simulations with captive apes. Studies with wild capuchin monkeys, the most encephalized simian species, have indicated a New World convergence on these cultural phenomena, involving multiple traditions and tool use. However, experimental studies to date are in conflict with such findings in concluding that capuchins, like other monkeys, show minimal capacities for social learning.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here we report a new experimental approach in which the alpha male of each of two groups of capuchins was trained to open an artificial foraging device in a quite different way, using either a slide or lift action, then reunited with his group. In each group a majority of monkeys, 8 of 11 and 13 of 14, subsequently mastered the task. Seventeen of the successful 21 monkeys discovered the alternative action to that seeded in the group, performing it a median of 4 times. Nevertheless, all 21 primarily adopted the technique seeded by their group''s alpha male. Median proportions of slide versus lift were 0.96 for the group seeded with slide versus 0. 01 for the group seeded with lift.


These results suggest a striking effect of social conformity in learned behavioral techniques, consistent with field reports of capuchin traditions and convergent on the only other species in which such cultural phenomena have been reported, chimpanzees and humans.  相似文献   
Common fragile sites (CFS) are chromosomal regions that exhibit instability during DNA replication stress. Although the mechanism of CFS expression has not been fully elucidated, one known feature is a severely delayed S-phase. We used an in vitro primer extension assay to examine the progression of DNA synthesis through various sequences within FRA16D by the replicative human DNA polymerases δ and α, and with human cell-free extracts. We found that specific cis-acting sequence elements perturb DNA elongation, causing inconsistent DNA synthesis rates between regions on the same strand and complementary strands. Pol δ was significantly inhibited in regions containing hairpins and microsatellites, [AT/TA]24 and [A/T]19–28, compared with a control region with minimal secondary structure. Pol δ processivity was enhanced by full length Werner Syndrome protein (WRN) and by WRN fragments containing either the helicase domain or DNA-binding C-terminal domain. In cell-free extracts, stalling was eliminated at smaller hairpins, but persisted in larger hairpins and microsatellites. Our data support a model whereby CFS expression during cellular stress is due to a combination of factors—density of specific DNA secondary-structures within a genomic region and asymmetric rates of strand synthesis.  相似文献   
Synapse malformation underlies numerous neurodevelopmental illnesses, including autism spectrum disorders. Here we identify the lipid raft protein flotillin‐1 as a promoter of glutamatergic synapse formation. We cultured neurons from the hippocampus, a brain region important for learning and memory, and examined them at two weeks in vitro, a time period rich with synapse formation. Double‐label immunocytochemistry of native flot‐1 with glutamatergic and GABAergic synapse markers showed that flot‐1 was preferentially colocalized with the glutamatergic presynaptic marker vesicular glutamate transporter 1 (VGLUT1), compared to the GABAergic presynaptic marker glutamic acid decarboxylase‐65 (GAD‐65). Triple‐label immunocytochemistry of native flot‐1, VGLUT1, and NR1, the obligatory subunit of NMDA receptors, indicates that Flot‐1 was preferentially localized to synaptic rather than extrasynaptic NR1. Furthermore, electrophysiological results using whole‐cell patch clamp showed that Flot‐1 increased the frequency of miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents (mEPSCs) but not miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents (mIPSCs), whereas amplitude and decay kinetics of either type of synaptic current was not affected. Corresponding immunocytochemical data confirmed that the number of glutamatergic synapses increased with flot‐1 overexpression. Overall, our anatomical and physiological results show that flot‐1 enhances the formation of glutamatergic synapses but not GABAergic synapses, suggesting that the role of flot‐1 in neurodevelopmental disorders should be explored. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 70: 875–883, 2010  相似文献   
The contributions of human DNA polymerases (pols) alpha, delta and epsilon during S-phase progression were studied in order to elaborate how these enzymes co-ordinate their functions during nuclear DNA replication. Pol delta was three to four times more intensely UV cross-linked to nascent DNA in late compared with early S phase, whereas the cross-linking of pols alpha and epsilon remained nearly constant throughout the S phase. Consistently, the chromatin-bound fraction of pol delta, unlike pols alpha and epsilon, increased in the late S phase. Moreover, pol delta neutralizing antibodies inhibited replicative DNA synthesis most efficiently in late S-phase nuclei, whereas antibodies against pol epsilon were most potent in early S phase. Ultrastructural localization of the pols by immuno-electron microscopy revealed pol epsilon to localize predominantly to ring-shaped clusters at electron-dense regions of the nucleus, whereas pol delta was mainly dispersed on fibrous structures. Pol alpha and proliferating cell nuclear antigen displayed partial colocalization with pol delta and epsilon, despite the very limited colocalization of the latter two pols. These data are consistent with models where pols delta and epsilon pursue their functions at least partly independently during DNA replication.  相似文献   
AFAP-110 has an intrinsic ability to alter actin filament integrity as an actin filament crosslinking protein. This capability is regulated by a carboxy terminal leucine zipper (Lzip) motif. The Lzip motif facilitates self-association stabilizing the AFAP-110 multimers. Deletion of the Lzip motif (AFAP-110(Deltalzip)) reduces the stability of the AFAP-110 multimer and concomitantly increases its ability to crosslink actin filaments, in vitro, and to activate cSrc and alter actin filament integrity, in vivo. We sought to determine how the Lzip motif regulates AFAP-110 function. Substitution of the c-Fos Lzip motif in place of the AFAP-110 Lzip motif (AFAP-110(fos)) was predicted to preserve the alpha-helical structure while changing the sequence. To alter the structure of the alpha-helix, a leucine to proline mutation was generated in the AFAP-110 alpha-helical Lzip motif (AFAP-110(581P)), which largely preserved the sequence. The helix mutants, AFAP-110(Deltalzip), AFAP-110(fos), and AFAP-110(581P), demonstrated reduced multimer stability with an increased capacity to crosslink actin filaments, in vitro, relative to AFAP-110. An analysis of opposing binding sites indicated that the carboxy terminus/Lzip motif can contact sequences within the amino terminal pleckstrin homology (PH1) domain indicating an auto-inhibitory mechanism for regulating multimer stability and actin filament crosslinking. In vivo, only AFAP-110(Deltalzip) and AFAP-110(581P) were to activate cSrc and to alter cellular actin filament integrity. These data indicate that the intrinsic ability of AFAP-110 to crosslink actin filaments is dependent upon both the sequence and structure of the Lzip motif, while the ability of the Lzip motif to regulate AFAP-110-directed activation of cSrc and changes in actin filament integrity in vivo is dependent upon the structure or presence of the Lzip motif. We hypothesize that the intrinsic ability of AFAP-110 to crosslink actin filaments or activate cSrc are distinct functions.  相似文献   
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