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The phenolic composition and antioxidant capacity of four Tunisian lichen species, Cladonia rangiformis, Flavoparmelia caperata, Squamarina cartilaginea and Xanthoria parietina, were determined in order to provide a better understanding of their lichenochemical composition. Powdered material of F. caperata was the richest in total phenolic content (956.68 μg GAE g−1 DW) and S. cartilaginea in proanthocyanidin content (77.31 μg CE g−1 DW), while the acetone extract of X. parietina showed the highest flavonoid content (9.56 μg CE g−1 DW). The antioxidant capacity of all lichen extracts and crude material was evaluated by DPPH. scavenging, iron-chelating, and iron-reducing powers. Results showed that methanol extracts of S. cartilaginea had the highest DPPH. antioxidant capacity (IC50=0.9 μg mL−1) and the highest iron-reducing power was attributed to the acetone extract of this species. All extracts of all species were further screened by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and nuclear resonance spectroscopy (NMR); results showed an abundance of phenols, aromatic compounds, and fatty acids. Overall, our results showed that the investigated species are a rich source of potentially bioactive compounds with valuable properties.  相似文献   
The relationship between surface electromyography (SEMG) amplitude and the ventilatory threshold has been extensively studied. However, previous studies of muscle fiber conduction velocity (MFCV) are scarce and present insufficient evidence concerning the relationship between MFCV and metabolic responses during cycling. Based on that fact, the purpose of this study is twofold: (1) to investigate the existence of a MFCV threshold (MFCVT) during cycling and (2) to verify if this possible breakpoint is correlated with the ventilatory threshold (VT) and the SEMG threshold (SEMGT). Eight trained male cyclists (age 36.0 ± 9.7 years) performed an incremental cycling test with initial workload of 150 W gradually incremented by 20 W min?1 until the exhaustion. Gas analyses were conducted using a breath-by-breath open-circuit spirometry and SEMG were registered from vastus lateralis in each pedaling cycle with a linear array of electrodes. A bi-segmental linear regression computer algorithm was used to estimate VT, MFCVT and SEMGT respectively in the carbon dioxide production (VCO2), MFCV and electromyography root mean square (EMG RMS) curves. The one way ANOVA for repeated measures did not reveal any significant difference among VT (77.1 ± 7.5% of VO2max), MFCVT (80.3 ± 10.4% of VO2max) and SEMGT (81.9 ± 11.7% of VO2max). The Bland and Altman procedure confirmed a good concordance between SEMGT and VT (Bias = 5.5 of %VO2max) as well as MFCVT and VT (Bias = 5.2 of %VO2max). The present findings suggest that muscle fiber conduction velocity threshold is a valid and reliable non-invasive tool to obtain information about ventilatory threshold in trained cyclists.  相似文献   
A numerical pressure loss model previously used for adult human airways has been modified to simulate the inhalation pressure distribution in a healthy 9-month-old infant lung morphology model. Pressure distributions are calculated for air as well as helium and xenon mixtures with oxygen to investigate the effects of gas density and viscosity variations for this age group. The results indicate that there are significant pressure losses in infant extrathoracic airways due to inertial effects leading to much higher pressures to drive nominal flows in the infant airway model than for an adult airway model. For example, the pressure drop through the nasopharynx model of the infant is much greater than that for the nasopharynx model of the adult; that is, for the adult-versus-child the pressure differences are 0.08 cm H2O versus 0.4 cm H2O, 0.16 cm H2O versus 1.9 cm H2O and 0.4 cm H2O versus 7.7 cm H2O, breathing helium–oxygen (78/22%), nitrogen–oxygen (78/22%) and xenon–oxygen (60/40%), respectively. Within the healthy lung, viscous losses are of the same order for the three gas mixtures, so the differences in pressure distribution are relatively small.  相似文献   

Objectives: The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the distribution and magnitude of stresses through the bone tissue surrounding Morse taper dental implants at different positioning relative to the bone crest. Materials and Methods: A mandibular bone model was obtained from a computed tomography scan. A three-dimensional (3D) model of Morse taper implant-abutment systems placed at the bone crest (equicrestal) and 2?mm bellow the bone crest (subcrestal) were assessed by finite element analysis (FEA). FEA was carried out on axial and oblique (45°) loading at 150 N relatively to the central axis of the implant. The von Mises stresses were analysed considering magnitude and volume of affected peri-implant bone. Results: On vertical loading, maximum von Mises stresses were recorded at 6-7?MPa for trabecular bone while values ranging from 73 up to 118?MPa were recorded for cortical bone. On oblique loading at the equiquestral or subcrestal positioning, the maximum von Mises stresses ranged from 15 to 21?MPa for trabecular bone while values at 150?MPa were recorded for the cortical bone. On vertical loading, >99.9vol.% cortical bone volume was subjected to a maximum of 2?MPa while von Mises stress values at 15?MPa were recorded for trabecular bone. On oblique loading, >99.9vol.% trabecular bone volume was subjected to maximum stress values at 5?MPa, while von Mises stress values at 35?MPa were recorded for >99.4vol.% cortical bone. Conclusions: Bone volume-based stress analysis revealed that most of the bone volume (>99% by vol) was subjected to significantly lower stress values around Morse taper implants placed at equicrestal or subcrestal positioning. Such analysis is commentary to the ordinary biomechanical assessment of dental implants concerning the stress distribution through peri-implant sites.  相似文献   
Citrullination, a posttranslational modification (PTM) recently discovered on inflammatory chemokines such as interleukin-8 (IL-8/CXCL8) and interferon-γ-inducible protein-10 (IP-10/CXCL10), seriously influences their biological activity. Citrullination or the deimination of arginine to citrulline is dependent on peptidylarginine deiminases (PADs) and has been linked to autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Chemokines are to date the first identified PAD substrates with receptor-mediated biological activity. We investigated whether cytokines that play a crucial role in RA, like interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), may be citrullinated by PAD and whether such a PTM influences the biological activity of these cytokines. IL-1β and TNF-α were first incubated with PAD in vitro and the occurrence of citrullination was examined by Edman degradation and a recently developed detection method for citrullinated proteins. Both techniques confirmed that human TNF-α, but not IL-1β, was citrullinated by PAD. Citrullination of TNF-α reduced its potency to stimulate chemokine production in vitro on human primary fibroblasts. Concentrations of the inflammatory chemokines CXCL8, CXCL10 and monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1/CCL2) were significantly lower in supernatants of fibroblasts induced with citrullinated TNF-α compared to unmodified TNF-α. However, upon citrullination TNF-α retained its capacity to induce apoptosis/necrosis of mononuclear cells, its binding potency to Infliximab and its ability to recruit neutrophils to the peritoneal cavity of mice.  相似文献   
Turbellarians, which typically feed on bacteria, algae, rotifers, oligochaetes, dipteran larvae, microcrustaceans, and other organisms, are abundant in diverse types of wetlands. Despite their importance, abundance, and species richness in freshwater environments, turbellarians are seldom considered in studies on biodiversity. We analyzed the structure of turbellarian communities in shore areas of three categories of permanent wetlands classified according to their perimeter as small, intermediate, and large during an annual cycle. In total, 1847 turbellarians were collected representing 42 species and 15 genera, from the orders Catenulida, Macrostomida, Lecithoepitheliata, Rhabdocoela, and Tricladida. Sixteen species were common to the three categories of wetlands, whereas nineteen species were unique to a particular category. Species composition varied among wetlands of different sizes; small, intermediate, and large wetlands had different dominant species. We found seasonal differences in community composition over the year, but no significant differences in mean values of observed species richness among wetlands with different sizes and among seasonal samples. The estimated species richness was, however, higher in the small wetlands, followed by the large and intermediate wetlands. In the summer, abundance was significantly lower in the small water bodies than in the intermediate and large bodies of water. Our results reinforce the need for conservation of wetlands of different sizes.  相似文献   
The life cycle of vectors and the reservoirs that participate in the chain of infectious diseases have a strong relationship with the environmental dynamics of the ecosystems in which they live. Oscillations in population abundance and seasonality of insects can be explained by factors inherent in each region and time period. Therefore, knowledge of the relationship and influence of environmental factors on the population of Lutzomyia longipalpis is necessary because of the high incidence of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in Brazil. This study evaluates the influence of abiotic variables on the population density and seasonal behavior of L. longipalpis in an urban endemic area of VL in Brazil. The sand fly captures were performed every two months between November, 2009 and November, 2010 in the peridomicile of 13 randomly selected residences. We captured 1,367 specimens of L. longipalpis, and the ratio of male/female flies was 2.86:1. The comparison of the total male specimens in the two seasons showed a statistical difference in the wet season, but there was no significant difference when considering the total females. With respect to climatic variables, a significant negative association was observed only with wind speed. During periods of high wind speeds, the population density of this vector decreased. The presence of L. longipalpis was found in all months of the study with bimodal behavior and population peaks during the wet season.  相似文献   
Fungi of the Colletotrichum genus are among the most prominent phytopathogens that cause diseases with a considerable economic impact, such as anthracnose. The hemibiotrophic fungus Colletotrichum lindemuthianum (teleomorph Glomerella cingulata f. sp. phaseoli) is the causal agent of the anthracnose of the common bean; and similarly to other phytopathogens, it uses multiple strategies to gain access to different carbon sources from its host. In this study, we examine mfs1, a newly identified C. lindemuthianum hexose transporter. The mfs1 gene is expressed only during the necrotrophic phase of the fungus’ interaction within the plant and allows it to utilize the available sugars during this phase. The deletion of mfs1 gene resulted in differential growth of the fungus in a medium that contained glucose, mannose or fructose as the only carbon source. This study is the first to describe a hexose transporter in the hemibiotrophic pathogen C. lindemuthianum and to demonstrate the central role of this protein in capturing carbon sources during the necrotrophic development of the plant/pathogen interaction.  相似文献   
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