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Donnan potentials from A-bands and I-bands were measured as a function of sarcomere length in skinned long-tonic muscle fibers of the crayfish. These measurements were made using standard electrophysiological technique. Simultaneously, the relative cross-sectional area of the fibers was determined. Lattice plane spacings and hence unit-cell volumes were determined by low-angle x-ray diffraction. At a sarcomere length at which the myosin filaments and actin filaments nominally do not overlap, measurements of potential, relative cross-sectional area, and unit-cell volume were used in conjunction with Donnan equilibrium theory to calculate the effective linear charge densities along the myosin filament (6.6 X 10(4) e-/mu) and actin filament (6.8 X 10(3) e-/mu). Using these linear charge densities, unit-cell volumes and Donnan equilibrium theory, an algorithm was developed to predict A-band and I-band potentials at any sarcomere length. Over the range of sarcomere lengths investigated, the predicted values coincide with the experimental data. The ability of the model to predict the data demonstrates the applicability of Donnan equilibrium theory to measurements of electrochemical potential from liquid-crystalline systems.  相似文献   
A novel screening procedure was developed for isolating Chinese hamster ovary cell mutants altered in the early steps of the biosynthesis of asparagine-linked glycoproteins. This procedure identifies cells with low intracellular levels of two lysosomal hydrolases, beta-glucuronidase and alpha-iduronidase. One mutant cell line isolated in this way, CHB 11-1-3, has low intracellular levels of seven lysosomal enzymes as compared to wild-type cells. Although CHB 11-1-3 synthesizes mannosylphosphoryldolichol and [Man]5[NAcG1cNH2]2-P-P-lipid, it fails to utilize these lipid intermediates to make normal amounts of [Glc]3[Man]9[NAcG1cNH2]2P-P-lipid. As a consequence of this glycosylation defect, this mutant transfers oligosaccharides of a different structure than wild type to the lysosomal enzyme beta-hexosaminidase. In addition, it underglycosylates its proteins.  相似文献   
Dysfunction of CFTR in cystic fibrosis (CF) airway epithelium perturbs the normal regulation of ion transport, leading to a reduced volume of airway surface liquid (ASL), mucus dehydration, decreased mucus transport, and mucus plugging of the airways. CFTR is normally expressed in ciliated epithelial cells of the surface and submucosal gland ductal epithelium and submucosal gland acinar cells. Critical questions for the development of gene transfer strategies for CF airway disease are what airway regions require CFTR function and how many epithelial cells require CFTR expression to restore normal ASL volume regulation and mucus transport to CF airway epithelium? An in vitro model of human CF ciliated surface airway epithelium (CF HAE) was used to test whether a human parainfluenza virus (PIV) vector engineered to express CFTR (PIVCFTR) could deliver sufficient CFTR to CF HAE to restore mucus transport, thus correcting the CF phenotype. PIVCFTR delivered CFTR to >60% of airway surface epithelial cells and expressed CFTR protein in CF HAE approximately 100-fold over endogenous levels in non-CF HAE. This efficiency of CFTR delivery fully corrected the basic bioelectric defects of Cl and Na+ epithelial ion transport and restored ASL volume regulation and mucus transport to levels approaching those of non-CF HAE. To determine the numbers of CF HAE surface epithelial cells required to express CFTR for restoration of mucus transport to normal levels, different amounts of PIVCFTR were used to express CFTR in 3%–65% of the surface epithelial cells of CF HAE and correlated to increasing ASL volumes and mucus transport rates. These data demonstrate for the first time, to our knowledge, that restoration of normal mucus transport rates in CF HAE was achieved after CFTR delivery to 25% of surface epithelial cells. In vivo experimentation in appropriate models will be required to determine what level of mucus transport will afford clinical benefit to CF patients, but we predict that a future goal for corrective gene transfer to the CF human airways in vivo would attempt to target at least 25% of surface epithelial cells to achieve mucus transport rates comparable to those in non-CF airways.  相似文献   
Study of physiological angiogenesis and associated signalling mechanisms in adult heart has been limited by the lack of a robust animal model. We investigated thyroid hormone‐induced sprouting angiogenesis and the underlying mechanism. Hypothyroidism was induced in C57BL/6J mice by feeding with propylthiouracil (PTU). One year of PTU treatment induced heart failure. Both 12 weeks‐ (young) and 1 year‐PTU (middle age) treatment caused a remarkable capillary rarefaction observed in capillary density. Three‐day Triiodothyronine (T3) treatment significantly induced cardiac capillary growth in hypothyroid mice. In cultured left ventricle (LV) tissues from PTU‐treated mice, T3 also induced robust sprouting angiogenesis where pericyte‐wrapped endothelial cells formed tubes. The in vitro T3 angiogenic response was similar in mice pre‐treated with PTU for periods ranging from 1.5 to 12 months. Besides bFGF and VEGF164, PDGF‐BB was the most robust angiogenic growth factor, which stimulated notable sprouting angiogenesis in cultured hypothyroid LV tissues with increasing potency, but had little effect on tissues from euthyroid mice. T3 treatment significantly increased PDGF receptor beta (PDGFR‐β) protein levels in hypothyroid heart. PDGFR inhibitors blocked the action of T3 both on sprouting angiogenesis in cultured LV tissue and on capillary growth in vivo. In addition, activation of Akt signalling mediated in T3‐induced angiogenesis was blocked by PDGFR inhibitor and neutralizing antibody. Our results suggest that hypothyroidism leads to cardiac microvascular impairment and rarefaction with increased sensitivity to angiogenic growth factors. T3‐induced cardiac sprouting angiogenesis in adult hypothyroid mice was associated with PDGF‐BB, PDGFR‐β and downstream activation of Akt.  相似文献   
In Drosophila, like in humans, Dystrophin Glycoprotein Complex (DGC) deficiencies cause a life span shortening disease, associated with muscle dysfunction. We performed the first in vivo genetic interaction screen in ageing dystrophic muscles and identified genes that have not been shown before to have a role in the development of muscular dystrophy and interact with dystrophin and/or dystroglycan. Mutations in many of the found interacting genes cause age-dependent morphological and heat-induced physiological defects in muscles, suggesting their importance in the tissue. Majority of them is phylogenetically conserved and implicated in human disorders, mainly tumors and myopathies. Functionally they can be divided into three main categories: proteins involved in communication between muscle and neuron, and interestingly, in mechanical and cellular stress response pathways. Our data show that stress induces muscle degeneration and accelerates age-dependent muscular dystrophy. Dystrophic muscles are already compromised; and as a consequence they are less adaptive and more sensitive to energetic stress and to changes in the ambient temperature. However, only dystroglycan, but not dystrophin deficiency causes extreme myodegeneration induced by energetic stress suggesting that dystroglycan might be a component of the low-energy pathway and act as a transducer of energetic stress in normal and dystrophic muscles.  相似文献   
Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) is mosquito-borne virus that produces fatal encephalitis in humans. We recently conducted a first of its kind study to investigate EEEV clinical disease course following aerosol challenge in a cynomolgus macaque model utilizing the state-of-the-art telemetry to measure critical physiological parameters. Here, we report the results of a comprehensive pathology study of NHP tissues collected at euthanasia to gain insights into EEEV pathogenesis. Viral RNA and proteins as well as microscopic lesions were absent in the visceral organs. In contrast, viral RNA and proteins were readily detected throughout the brain including autonomic nervous system (ANS) control centers and spinal cord. However, despite presence of viral RNA and proteins, majority of the brain and spinal cord tissues exhibited minimal or no microscopic lesions. The virus tropism was restricted primarily to neurons, and virus particles (~61–68 nm) were present within axons of neurons and throughout the extracellular spaces. However, active virus replication was absent or minimal in majority of the brain and was limited to regions proximal to the olfactory tract. These data suggest that EEEV initially replicates in/near the olfactory bulb following aerosol challenge and is rapidly transported to distal regions of the brain by exploiting the neuronal axonal transport system to facilitate neuron-to-neuron spread. Once within the brain, the virus gains access to the ANS control centers likely leading to disruption and/or dysregulation of critical physiological parameters to produce severe disease. Moreover, the absence of microscopic lesions strongly suggests that the underlying mechanism of EEEV pathogenesis is due to neuronal dysfunction rather than neuronal death. This study is the first comprehensive investigation into EEEV pathology in a NHP model and will provide significant insights into the evaluation of countermeasure.  相似文献   
Interactions between anthropogenic disturbances and introduced and native species can shift ecological communities, potentially leading to the successful establishment of additional invaders. Since its discovery in New Jersey in 1988, the Asian shore crab (Hemigrapsus sanguineus) has continued to expand its range, invading estuarine and coastal habitats in eastern North America. In estuarine environments, H. sanguineus occupies similar habitats to native, panopeid mud crabs. These crabs, and a variety of fouling organisms (both NIS and native), often inhabit man-made substrates (like piers and riprap) and anthropogenic debris. In a series of in situ experiments at a closed dock in southwestern Long Island (New York, USA), we documented the impacts of these native and introduced crabs on hard-substrate fouling communities. We found that while the presence of native mud crabs did not significantly influence the succession of fouling communities compared to caged and uncaged controls, the presence of introduced H. sanguineus reduced the biomass of native tunicates (particularly Molgula manhattensis), relative to caged controls. Moreover, the presence of H. sanguineus favored fouling communities dominated by introduced tunicates (especially Botrylloides violaceous and Diplosoma listerianum). Altogether, our results suggest that H. sanguineus could help facilitate introduced fouling tunicates in the region, particularly in locations where additional solid substrates have created novel habitats.  相似文献   
Nuclear morphometry is used to address subtleties of carcinogenesis; it has been proposed for evaluating chemoprevention. An important issue for morphometry concerns control for extraneous sources of variation: fixation, slide cutting and staining. A common strategy has been to standardize the morphometric measures. Morphometric variables--such features as mean nuclear size and staining intensity--are often combined into multivariate indices. In this paper, we consider these variables one by one; any index is to a significant degree dependent on the individual indicators. This paper considers the extent to which statistical adjustment adds to the informational utility of individual indicators. We consider 14 features of 934 prostatic nuclei diagnosed by a single pathologist (Rodolfo Montironi) within a region of either normal tissue or high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN). HGPIN, a precursor to prostate cancer (PC), has been suggested as a target for PC chemoprevention. We consider a range of adjustment methods: transforming variables into deviations from means or from expected values generated by regression analysis. Our major test of standardization utility is the ability of the variables to deemphasize interindividual differences within diagnostic categories but to distinguish between diagnostic categories.  相似文献   
Productivity influences the availability of resources for colonizing species. Biodiversity may also influence invasibility of communities because of more complete use of resource types with increasing species richness. We hypothesized that communities with higher environmental productivity and lower species richness should be more invasible by a competitor than those where productivity is low or where richness is high. We experimentally examined the invasion resistance of herbivorous meiofauna of Jamaican rock pools by a competitor crustacean (Ostracoda: Potamocypris sp. (Brady)) by contrasting three levels of nutrient input and four levels of species richness. Although relative abundance (dominance) of the invasive was largely unaffected by resource availability, increasing resources did increase the success rate of establishment. Effects of species richness on dominance were more pronounced with a trend towards the lowest species richness treatment of 2 resident species being more invasible than those with 4, 6, or 7 species. These results can be attributed to a ‘sampling effect associated with the introduction of Alona davidii (Richard) into the higher biodiversity treatments. Alona dominated the communities where it established and precluded dominance by the introduced ostracod. Our experimental study supports the idea that niche availability and community interactions define community invasibility and does not support the application of a neutral community model for local food web management where predictions of exotic species impacts are needed.  相似文献   
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