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Ten genomic DNA clones encoding the human leukocyte common Ag (LCA, CD45) gene were isolated by screening human genomic DNA libraries with LCA cDNA probes. One genomic DNA clone contains the promoter region and the first two exons, as determined by primer extension analyses and S1 nuclease protection studies as well as nucleotide sequence determination. The first exon does not encode a peptide, while the second exon contains the initiation ATG codon and encodes the signal peptide. The other nine genomic DNA clones, which are separated from the first genomic clone by an unknown distance, are connected and span a total of 73 kb. The nine connected genomic clones encode a total of 31 exons. The 33 exons encoded by these 10 genomic clones account for the entire cDNA sequences including the 5' and 3' untranslated sequences. Exon 3 and exons 7 through 15 encode the extracellular domain sequences that are common to all LCA isoforms. Differential usage of exons 4, 5, and 6, generates at least five distinct LCA isoforms. Exon 16 encodes the transmembrane peptide. The cytoplasmic region of the leukocyte common antigens is composed of two homologous domains. Exons 17 through 24 encode the first domain, and exons 25 through 32 encode the second domain. The comparison of these exons indicated that the homologous domains were generated by duplication of several exons. The most 3' exon (exon 33) encodes the carboxy terminus of the LCA molecules and includes the entire 3' untranslated sequence.  相似文献   
Hepatic stellate cells store the majority of the liver's retinoid (vitamin A) reserves as retinyl esters in stellate cell lipid droplets. A study was conducted to explore the effects of differences in dietary retinoid and triglyceride intake on the composition of the stellate cell lipid droplets. Weanling rats were placed on one of five diets that differed in retinoid or triglyceride contents. The dietary groups were: 1) control (2.4 mg retinol (as retinyl acetate)/kg diet and 20.5% of the calories supplied by triglyceride (as peanut oil]; 2) low retinol (0.6 mg retinol/kg diet and control triglyceride levels); 3) high retinol (24 mg retinol/kg diet and control triglyceride levels); 4) low triglyceride (2.4 mg retinol/kg diet and 5% of the calories supplied by triglyceride); and 5) high triglyceride (2.4 mg retinol/kg diet and 45% of the calories supplied by triglyceride). Stellate cells were isolated using the pronase-collagenase method and stellate cell lipid droplets were isolated by differential centrifugation. The levels of retinoids and other lipids were measured by high performance liquid chromatography. The stellate cells from control rats contained 113 micrograms total lipid/10(6) cells. Control stellate cell lipid droplets had the following mean percent lipid composition: 39.5% retinyl ester; 31.7% triglyceride; 15.4% cholesteryl ester; 4.7% cholesterol; 6.3% phospholipids; and 2.4% free fatty acids. Both the concentration of stellate cell lipids and the composition of stellate cell lipid droplets were markedly altered by changes in dietary retinoid. The low and high retinol groups contained, respectively, 82 and 566 micrograms total lipid/10(6) cells, with retinyl ester representing, respectively, 13.6% and 65.4% of the lipid present in the stellate cell lipid droplets. Low and high triglyceride groups were similar to controls in both stellate cell lipid content and the composition of the stellate cell lipid droplets. These findings indicate that the composition of stellate cell lipid droplets is strongly regulated by dietary retinoid status but not by dietary triglyceride intake.  相似文献   
In vivo administration of a partially purified thymic hormone-containing extract of the thymus gland, TF5, causes an increase in serum glucocorticoids. The lack of a direct effect of TF5 on adrenal corticosterone secretion suggests that it is mediated at the level of the pituitary. Cultured rat pituitary monolayers were used to determine if the effect is mediated by stimulation of ACTH secretion from the pituitary. Two lots of TF5, BPP100 and C114080-01, caused a dose dependent secretion of ACTH from cultured pituitary monolayers. There was a synergistic effect when the cells were treated with both TF5 and corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF). Immunoneutralization studies were done in which the cells were treated with TF5 or CRF and an antibody to CRF. The antibody completely blocked CRF induced ACTH release, but had no effect on TF5 stimulated ACTH release, suggesting that the activity is not due to a CRF-like peptide in TF5. A number of peptides isolated from TF5, and certain other peptides produced by the immune system were evaluated for their ability to stimulate ACTH secretion. These included thymosin (TSN) alpha 1, alpha 11, and beta 4, prothymosin alpha (PT alpha, thymopoeitin 5 (TP5), factuer thymique serique (FTS), interferon alpha (INF alpha), INF gamma, interleukin 1 (IL-1), and interleukin 2 (IL-2). None of these factors had any effect on pituitary ACTH secretion. These results demonstrate that some peptide component of TF5 causes an increase in serum corticosteroids by stimulating pituitary ACTH release.  相似文献   
The induction of mutation by graded doses of monoenergetic neutrons was examined using the human-hamster hybrid cell system. The AL cells, formed by fusion of human fibroblasts with the gly- A mutant of the Chinese hamster ovary cells, contain the standard set of hamster chromosomes plus a single human chromosome, number 11. These cells contain specific human cell surface antigens that render them sensitive to killing by specific antisera in the presence of complement. Mutant AL cells that have lost the surface markers, however, would survive and give rise to scorable colonies. The cells were irradiated with neutrons produced at the Radiological Research Accelerator Facility of Columbia University. Doses corresponding to low, moderate, and high cytotoxicities and in energies ranging from 0.33 to 14 MeV were used. Neutrons induced a dose-dependent cytotoxicity and mutation frequency in the AL cells. Over the range of doses examined, it was found that the mutagenesis induced by neutrons was energy-dependent and the frequencies were a curvilinear function of dose for both the a1 and a2 antigenic loci examined. In comparison to gamma rays, the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) for cell lethality at the 10% survival level ranged from 5.2 for 0.33 MeV to 1.8 for 14 MeV neutrons. The RBE for mutation induction at the a1 locus, however, ranged from 30 for 0.33 MeV to 4.2 for 14 MeV neutrons at or around the lowest levels of effect examined. Results of the present study demonstrated that neutrons, when measured under conditions which permit detection of a spectrum of gene and chromosomal mutations, in fact, are more efficient mutagens than previously thought.  相似文献   
Oncogenic transformation by fractionated doses of neutrons   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Oncogenic transformation was assayed after C3H 10T1/2 cells were irradiated with monoenergetic neutrons; cells were exposed to 0.23-, 0.35-, 0.45-, 5.9-, and 13.7-MeV neutrons given singly or in five equal fractions over 8 h. At the biologically effective neutron energy of 0.45 MeV, enhancement of transformation was evident with some small fractionated doses (below 1 Gy). When transformation was examined as a function of neutron energy at 0.5 Gy, enhancement was seen for cells exposed to three of the five energies (0.35, 0.45, and 5.9 MeV). Enhancement was greatest for cells irradiated with 5.9-MeV neutrons. Of the neutron energies examined, 5.9-MeV neutrons had the lowest dose-averaged lineal energy and linear energy transfer. This suggests that enhancement of transformation by fractionated low doses of neutrons may be radiation-quality dependent.  相似文献   
Pulmonary edema has frequently been associated with air embolization of the lung. In the present study the hemodynamic effects of air emboli (AE) were studied in the isolated mechanically ventilated canine right lower lung lobe (RLL), pump perfused at a constant blood flow. Air was infused via the pulmonary artery (n = 7) at 0.6 ml/min until pulmonary arterial pressure (Pa) rose 250%. While Pa rose from 12.4 +/- 0.6 to 44.6 +/- 2.0 (SE) cmH2O (P less than 0.05), venous occlusion pressure remained constant (7.0 +/- 0.5 to 6.8 +/- 0.6 cmH2O; P greater than 0.05). Lobar vascular resistance (RT) increased from 2.8 +/- 0.3 to 12.1 +/- 0.2 Torr.ml-1.min.10(-2) (P less than 0.05), whereas the venous occlusion technique used to determine the segmental distribution of vascular resistance indicated the increase in RT was confined to vessels upstream to the veins. Control lobes (n = 7) administered saline at a similar rate showed no significant hemodynamic changes. As an index of microvascular injury the pulmonary filtration coefficient (Kf) was obtained by sequential elevations of lobar vascular pressures. The Kf was 0.11 +/- 0.01 and 0.07 +/- 0.01 ml.min-1.Torr-1.100 g RLL-1 in AE and control lobes, respectively (P less than 0.05). Despite a higher Kf in AE lobes, total lobe weight gains did not differ and airway fluid was not seen in the AE group. Although air embolization caused an increase in upstream resistance and vascular permeability, venous occlusion pressure did not increase, and marked edema did not occur.  相似文献   
To elucidate the natural course of the nephropathy associated with penicillamine and thereby facilitate its clinical management 33 patients with rheumatoid arthritis who developed proteinuria during treatment with oral penicillamine were studied in detail throughout their renal illness. Renal biopsies were performed, and creatinine clearance and proteinuria were measured serially for 74 months (range 16-148 months). Fourteen patients developed proteinuria within six months after the start of treatment and 27 within 12 months. When treatment was stopped the proteinuria reached a median peak of 4·2 g/24 h (range 0·3-15·0 g/24 h) at one month (range 0-7 months) before resolving spontaneously by six months (12 patients), 12 months (21), or 18 months (29). In all patients but one, who developed carcinoma of the renal pelvis, proteinuria resolved by 21 months and its median duration was eight months. The median first and last measurements of creatinine clearance showed no appreciable change (80 ml/min and 78 ml/min), and no patient died from or needed treatment for renal failure. The HLA-B8 or HLA-DR3 alloantigen, or both, were identified in 10 patients. Renal biopsy specimens showed membranous glomerulonephritis in 29 patients, minimal change nephropathy in two, and electron dense deposits in the mesangial regions in two.In all the patients whose nephropathy was due solely to treatment with penicillamine the proteinuria resolved completely when the drug was withdrawn; renal function did not deteriorate, and corticosteroids were unnecessary.  相似文献   
Zinc is essential for normal development and function of the CNS although much is to be learned about brain Zn homeostasis. In these experiments adult male Wistar rats within the weight range 500–600 g were used. Ventriculo-cisternal perfusion was performed to allow the measurement of65Zn fluxes between blood and csf across the choroid plexuses. Blood-brain or blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier permeability to65Zn has been determined by graphical analysis in experiments that lasted between 5 and 180 minutes. Cerebral capillary permeability to65Zn was found to be low with a Kin of about 5×10–4ml/min/g. Choroid plexus permeability to65Zn was about 12 fold greater, although Zn influx to brain via this route was <5% that across cerebral capillaries. The autoradiographic distribution of65Zn in brain showed regional variation with lowest levels in white matter and high levels in the dentate gyrus and hippocampus.  相似文献   
The cryptic asc (previous called "SAC") operon of Escherichia coli K12 has been completely sequenced. It encodes a repressor (ascG); a PTS enzyme IIasc for the transport of arbutin, salicin, and cellobiose (ascF); and a phospho-beta-glucosidase that hydrolyzes the sugars which are phosphorylated during transport (ascB). ascG and ascFB are transcribed from divergent promoters. The cryptic operon is activated by the insertion of IS186 into the ascG (repressor) gene. The ascFB genes are paralogous to the cryptic bglFB genes, and ascG is paralogous to galR. The duplications that gave rise to these paralogous genes are estimated to have occurred approximately 320 Mya, a time that predates the divergence of E. coli and Salmonella typhimurium.  相似文献   
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