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Rats were exposed to a two-layer drug discrimination procedure using the benzodiazepine (BZ) receptor inverse agonists N′-methyl-β-carboline-3-carboxamide (FG 7142) or methyl-6,7-dimethoxy-4-ethyl-β-carboline-3-carboxylate (DMCM). FG 7142 (30 mg/kg) failed to acquire discriminative stimulus control, although it did suppress responding. The same group of animals was trained successfully to discriminate diazepam (DZP, 2.5 mg/kg) from vehicle. The DZP cue was potentiated by the GABA agonist 4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-isoxazolo [5, 4-c] pyridin-3-ol (THIP, 1–3 mg/kg); THIP alone produced vehicle-appropriate responding. In addition, clonazepam (0.2 mg/kg) and chlordiazepoxide (5 mg/kg) substituted for DZP (with potencies of 7.5 and 0.25 times that of DZP, respectively). In antagonism tests, FG 7142 (5–17.5 mg/kg), methyl-β-carboline-3-carboxylate (β-CCM, 2.5 mg/kg), nicotine (0.3 mg/kg), harmaline (5 mg/kg) and naltrexone (10 mg/kg) did not effect, bicuculine (2 mg/kg) and DMCM (1 mg/kg) partially blocked, and the BZ receptor antagonist Ro 15–1788 (40 mg/kg) completely blocked the discriminative stimulus effects of DZP. In animals trained to discriminate DMCM (0.2 mg/kg) from vehicle, 95% substitution occured with bicuculline (2 mg/kg); DZP (1–5 mg/kg) completely antagonized DMCM. These results indicate that the DZP cue is mediated by GABA-coupled BZ receptors and that GABA may modulate the efficacy of a BZ at its receptor site. However, since inverse BZ receptor agonists (FG 7142, DMCM and β-CCM) were, at best, only marginally effective in antagonizing DZP, the DZP cue may be mediated by a distinct subclass of BZ receptors.  相似文献   
Biochemical studies of synapses in vitro. I. Protein synthesis   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Ruminate endosperm is characterized by its uneven and enlarged surface. A list of 58 angiosperm families in which this trait is known to occur is presented. The simultaneous presence of different rumination types in angiosperms and even within single families leads to the conclusion that ruminate endosperm has originated several times in parallel. Therefore, the mere occurrence of rumination does not provide evidence for phylogenetic hypotheses. Nevertheless, rumination features can provide valuable characters for taxonomic purposes, if structural and ontogenetic evidence is considered.  相似文献   
Sindbis virus (SV) is an alphavirus used as a model for studying the pathogenesis of viral encephalitis. In this study we examined the effects and the mechanisms involved in the apoptosis induced by SV in PC-12 cells, and the role of a vFLIP in this process. Infection of PC-12 cells with a neurovirulent strain of SV, SVNI, induced cell apoptosis. Overexpression of vFLIP encoded by the HHV-8 or treatment with a caspase-8 inhibitor inhibited cell apoptosis. SVNI induced an increase in the expression of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), and pre-treatment of the cells with an anti-TNF-alpha blocking antibody or with soluble TNF-alpha receptor abrogated the apoptotic effect of SVNI. Moreover, TNF-alpha R1 knockout mice were more resistant to the cytopathic effects of the virus as compared to control animals. Our results indicate that the apoptosis induced by SVNI is mediated by activation of caspase-8, and that TNF-alpha plays an important role in the apoptotic response.  相似文献   
By substituting iso-osmotic Ficoll-sucrose for hyperosmotic sucrose between the densities of 1.043 and 1.088 in sucrose density gradients in the B-XV rotor of an Anderson-NIH-AEC zonal centrifuge system, it was possible to stabilize the zonal centrifuge absorbancy profiles of adult rat brain homogenates. The reason for the instability in ordinary sucrose gradients was found to be the interaction of myelin with other brain structures in hyperosmotic sucrose. No such interaction occurred in isoosmotic sucrose (0.32 M) with or without Ficoll. In Ficoll-sucrose, myelin was separated at three reproducible densities of 1.054, 1.060, and 1.066 gm/ml. No myelin appeared at a density if 1.094 gm/ml, which represented the main collection point in ordinary sucrose. Synaptosomes were separated at peak densities of 1.072 and 1.152 gm/ml. Mitochondria were obtained at a density of 1.176 gm/ml. Areas under zonal centrifuge absorbancy profiles of rat brain homogenates were found to be constant regardless of the values of ω2t that were reached.  相似文献   
Hexose monophosphate pathway in synapses   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
Abstract— Synaptosomes isolated from rat cerebral cortex converted [l-14C]glucose more rapidly than [6-24C]glucose to ,14CO2. The ratio of C-l: C-6 in 14CO2 was 3-9, thus suggesting that the hexose monophosphate shunt (HMP) pathway was functional in synapses in vitro. When changes in the ratio of C-l: C-6 in 14CO2 were used as an index of shunt activity, glucose oxidation by this route was stimulated by electron acceptors as well as by neurohormones, including norepinephrine, acetylcholine and serotonin. Brain mince also exhibited a C-l: C-6 ratio of 3-2 when short (15 min) incubations were employed. Negative results previously reported are attributable to prolonged incubation during which depletion of NADP or randomization of the labelled carbons in radioactive glucose could have occurred. Our experiments excluded the incorporation of glucose into macromolecules as a specific role for the hexose monophosphate pathway. The generation of NADPH for numerous metabolic reactions including the maintenance of membrane SH groups and the oxidation and hydroxylation reactions may represent the functions of the hexose monophosphate in synaptosomes and account for its stimulation by neurohormones.  相似文献   
In the 5-day-old chick, radioactive leucine was incorporated into proteins of synaptosomal and subsynaptosomal fractions both by fast axoplasmic flow and synthesis within the optic tectum. The distribution of radioactivity in subsynaptosomal fractions suggested that both pathways contribute to the protein constituents of each fraction. The relative contributions to each fraction were similar except for the supernatant proteins, for which fast axoplasmic flow contributed less than the synthesis within the optic tectum. The qualitative contribution of fast flow and synthesis within the optic tectum to the synaptic membrane fraction was distinctive. Fast axoplasmic flow preferentially labelled the high molecular weight proteins, whereas synthesis within the optic tectum labelled a larger percentage of smaller molecular weight proteins.  相似文献   
The coup de grâce for the nested clade phylogeographic analysis?   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
Nested clade phylogeographic analysis (NCPA) has become a popular method for reconstructing the history of populations across species ranges. Ever since its invention in 1995, criticisms have been formulated, but the method, which has been regularly updated, continues to attract investigators. Molecular Ecology has published a large fraction of the literature on the topic — both pro and con. A recent study by Panchal and Beaumont (2007) finally allows a precise evaluation of the method by developing software that automates the somewhat complicated NCPA procedure. Using simulations of random-mating populations, Panchal and Beaumont find a high frequency of false-positives with their automated NCPA procedure (over 75%). These findings, which echo and amplify earlier warnings, appear serious enough to suggest to researchers to await further evaluation of the method. Although no other all-encompassing method such as the NCAP currently exists to evaluate phylogeographic data sets, researchers have many alternative methods to test ever more refined hypotheses.  相似文献   
The beneficial effects of probiotic Enterococcus spp. in different hosts, such as mice and humans, have previously been reported in several studies. However, studies of large domestic animals, as well as challenge studies with pathogenic microorganisms, are very rare. Here, we investigated the influence of oral treatment of pigs with the probiotic bacterium Enterococcus faecium NCIMB 10415 on Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium DT104 infections in weaning piglets. Clinical symptoms, fecal excretion, the organ distribution of Salmonella, and the humoral immune response (immunoglobulin G [IgG], IgM, and IgA levels) in serum were examined. A pool of 89 piglets was randomly divided into probiotic and control groups. The probiotic group received a feed supplement containing E. faecium starting on day 14 postpartum prior to challenge with Salmonella serovar Typhimurium DT104 at 28 days postpartum. After challenge with Salmonella serovar Typhimurium DT104, piglets in both groups showed no severe clinical signs of salmonellosis. However, fecal excretion and colonization of Salmonella in organs were significantly greater in piglets fed E. faecium. Likewise, the humoral immune response against Salmonella (serum IgM and IgA levels) was significantly greater in the probiotic group animals than in control animals. The results of this study suggest that E. faecium NCIMB 10415 treatment enhanced the course of infection in weaning piglets challenged with Salmonella serovar Typhimurium DT104. However, the probiotic treatment also appeared to result in greater production of specific antibodies against Salmonella serovar Typhimurium DT104.The problem of increasing microbial resistance to antibiotics resulting from years of overuse and the resulting ban on the use of antibiotics in animal production have led to increased interest in alternatives to antibiotics in animal production. In recent years, probiotic bacteria have been considered as an alternative means of reducing pathogen loads in animal breeding and production units. However, while a number of studies have focused on the mode of action of probiotics, the mode of action these bacteria is not fully understood yet.A recent interdisciplinary research study of the modes of action of probiotics in swine showed that Enterococcus faecium NCIMB 10415 reduced the pathogenic bacterial load of healthy piglets (20, 26, 30, 36). In vitro studies further demonstrated that this E. faecium probiotic strain decreased the rate of invasion of a porcine intestinal epithelial cell line by Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. To determine whether probiotics also provide a measure of protection during infections, experimental challenge studies with pathogenic bacteria at a defined infectious dose and under comparable conditions seem to be necessary. Field studies could be more representative of the real situation; however, the infection pressure is too low and difficult to define, and systematic sampling cannot be done.Studies of larger domestic and production animals are rare. Most such studies deal with the mode of action of probiotics in the healthy host, and only a few studies have investigated the mode of action in the context of infections with pathogenic bacteria, such as Salmonella.In a related study, weaned piglets were fed a mixture of five probiotic strains (one Pediococcus strain and four Lactobacillus strains) and challenged with Salmonella serovar Typhimurium (7). In that study, reduced incidence, severity, and duration of diarrhea and a reduced microbiological load of Salmonella were observed. Fedorka-Cray et al. (11) observed reduced numbers of Salmonella bacteria in cecal contents and at the ileocolic junction in S. enterica serovar Choleraesuis-challenged weaning piglets fed a competitive exclusion culture. In vitro investigations showed that Enterococcus strains have inhibitory effects on the growth of S. enterica serovar Enteritidis, and these effects were explained by both enterotoxin and nonenterotoxin factors (37). Other studies showed that E. faecium may be beneficial to the adhesion and colonization of Clostridium jejuni in the canine intestine (29) and reduced the rate of carryover infections with obligate intracellular pathogens from infected sows in piglets (26). E. faecium has also been shown to influence the composition of the bacterial community in the avian, swine, and canine gastrointestinal tracts (25, 29, 36).Infections with S. enterica are some of the most important sources of human gastroenteritis (39). In Germany, 52,563 human salmonellosis cases were reported in 2006 (http://www3.rki.de/SurvStat). The consumption of contaminated pork and pork products was found to be associated with 20% of human salmonellosis cases in Germany (33), indicating the importance of meat or meat products as a potential source of infection for consumers. Salmonella serovar Typhimurium, especially phage type DT104, is the Salmonella serotype most frequently isolated from pork (27), and it is of particular concern because of its acquisition of multiple antibiotic resistance (1, 38).In this study, we investigated the effect of E. faecium NCIMB 10415 on the infection dynamics of Salmonella serovar Typhimurium DT104, fecal shedding, and the patterns of Salmonella distribution in internal organs, as well as on the humoral immune response to Salmonella in weaning piglets. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first experimental study of the mode of action of a probiotic strain of E. faecium in which dissemination to different internal organs was investigated using weaned piglets experimentally infected with Salmonella.  相似文献   
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